
Name: Kingston LimutauPeriod: 1ADate: May 7, 2014Deadly & Common DiseasesDiseases are affecting friends and families all across the globe and some maybe short term or long term or minor or deadly, but there are diseases that are very common to occur but deadly in a manner. There are four common diseases that have been causing problems to people and they are Deadly Diarrhea, Diabetes and Heart Disease, Iron Overload, and Severe Sepsis. These do not sound as serious when compared to cancer or a coma but they are just as serious as any serious disease and they should not be taken lightly. Reason for these to be known is to be aware and cautious for the people around you.Deadly Diarrhea can be fairly innocuous or can be a symptom of potentially lethal infection, as is the case with a Clostridium difficile infection. Infection with Clostridium difficile is common during hospitalizations and is sometimes fatal. This disease affects the intestine and may cause weight loss, fever, abdominal cramping. There are more but I don’t want to gross you out to much but it all just depends on how serious the infection is. This can be treated by taking antibiotics for about 1 an a half to two weeks. (According to Headly, Carol Motes from the Nephrology Nursing Journal)Diabetes doesn’t sound too deadly but add heart disease to diabetes and then you got a deadly duo. More than 65% of deaths in people with diabetes are attributed to heart and vascular disease. Both diseases share some of the same risk factors, such as: Obesity high blood pressure high cholesterol Smoking Inactivity high alcohol consumption It is still a mystery on what causes these diseases but a family history of them is often common but, more importantly, it's our lifestyle choices such as the type and amount of food we eat and the amount of exercise we participate in. (According to the Academic Premier)Severe Sepsis is simply the combination of suspected or proven infection and the presence of at least two SIRS signs. (SIRS means systemic inflammatory response syndrome.) In clinical trials, patients present with similar patterns of infection and initial organ dysfunction. Some symptoms include:Respiratory dysfunction is the most common presenting symptom, followed by shock and renal system dysfunction. The most common site of infection is the lung, followed by intra-abdominal and urological sources. There is a treatment recommendation and it’s called SSC which stands for The Surviving Sepsis Campaign and what’s so special about this campaign for this disease is that they completed a systematic review of the evidence available for therapies commonly applied to treat severe sepsis. (Given by Schlichting, Douglas, and Jill Shwed from the Southern Medical Journal) Iron Overload is a disease that can and may be inherited from an abnormal recessive gene from each parent. Iron Overload is commonly known in white people and is less common among blacks and practically nonexistent among Asians. The disease rarely shows up before people are in their 40s and 50s and men are 24 times more likely to have complications from it than women. Some symptoms of this dangerous disease are:A family history of hemochromatosis.A close family member with “nonalcoholic” cirrhosis of the liver, cardiomyopathy, or primary liver cancer.Unexplained abnormal liver-function tests.(Given by the Academic Premeir)Concluding to this speech, these diseases should be known because they are common and they are deadly. They can also be painful so it’s helpful to know what the symptoms are and how you can treat this horrific disease. Take this time to learn about these diseases so you can protect the people around you. Thank you for taking this time to listen to me. Bibliography"Diabetes And Heart Disease: A Deadly Duo." Australian Nursing Journal 13.10 (2006): 39. Academic Search Premier. Web. 25 Apr. 2014.Headley, Carol Motes. "Deadly Diarrhea: Clostridium Difficile Infection." Nephrology Nursing Journal 39.6 (2012): 459-468. Academic Search Premier. Web. 25 Apr. 2014.Lipman, Marvin M. "Iron Overload Is Common And Deadly." Consumer Reports On Health 25.6 (2013): 11. Academic Search Premier. Web. 25 Apr. 2014Schlichting, Douglas, and Jill Shwed. "Recognizing And Managing Severe Sepsis: A Common And Deadly Threat." Southern Medical Journal 100.6 (2007): 594-600. Academic Search Premier. Web. 25 Apr. 2014 ................

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