
CLP 2140: Abnormal Psychology Spring 2021Welcome to Abnormal Psychology!I am looking very forward to a wonderful semester as we explore abnormal psychology! Please know I am here to help every step of the way. Your success is a priority.? I look very forward to working with you this semester!View the Syllabus Addendum, which?provides relevant information regarding COVID-19 procedures, student responsibilities, and the academic calendar.INSTRUCTOR INFOMRATIONSara GomezOffice: Virtual Only Office: 727-712-5455College Email: Gomez.Sara@spcollege.edu Office Hours: Please see my instructor page below for available hours to schedule a phone call or Zoom appointment. If those days and times do not fit with your schedule, please let me know, so we can find a day and time that fits with both of our schedules.Instructor Page: ?? _____________________________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTIONPrerequisite: PSY 1012 or PSY 1020H. This course is an examination of the major categories of psychological disorders. Diagnostic criteria and treatment methods applicable to psychological disorders are studied. This course has a substantial writing requirement. 47 contact hours.Course Objectives Stated in Performance Terms:1.The student will demonstrate knowledge of behavioral terminology associated with psychological disorders by defining terms such as:1)symptom2)syndrome3)etiology4)prognosis5)diagnosis6)other relevant terms used in assessment and treatment of psychological disorders.2.The student will demonstrate understanding of diagnostic methods by:a.differentiating among the major techniques used in the psychodiagnostic process.b.classifying psychological tests used in the diagnostic process.3. The student will understand major therapeutic approaches in the treatment of psychological disorders by:a.examining the psychoanalytic, humanistic, behavioristic, and somatic models of therapy.b.recognizing a treatment modality effective with a specific category of psychological disorder.c.explaining the difference between an institution and a therapeutic community.4.The student will demonstrate knowledge of major categories of mental disorders based upon criteria established by the American Psychiatric Association and other national professional organizations by identifying the following major categories of mental disorders based upon etiology, symptoms, syndromes, and treatment approaches:1)disorders of infancy, childhood, adolescence2)anxiety, somatoform, dissociative disorders3)schizophenia and psychotic disorders 4)substance related disorders5)organic mental disorders6)personality disorders7)mood disorders8)sexual and gender identity disordersCriteria Performance Standard:Upon successful completion of the course the student will, with a minimum of 60% accuracy, demonstrate mastery of each of the above stated objectives through classroom measures developed by individual course instructors and also by:1.Multiple choice objective and/or short answer essay tests, and2. A written project, achieved through individual and/or group work, designed to enable the student to explore psychological disorders in greater depth._____________________________________________________________________________________REQUIRED MATERIAL and Supports Comer, R. J. & Comer, J. S. (2019). Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology (9th ed.). Worth Publishers, Macmillan Learning. You will need to purchase an access code for LaunchPad, which includes access to the ebook, practice activities, videos, assignments, and chapter quizzes. Please see the purchasing options through the SPC bookstore link: LaunchPad Access Code: By clicking any of the LaunchPad links under MyCourses Course Content tab, you will be prompted to enter your access code information. Once your information is entered, you will have access to all of the LaunchPad activities and ebook through the MyCourses Course Content tab. Availability of Course Content: The MyCourses Calendar Tab provides students with a semester-wide overview of the due dates for the entire semester.? The News Tab provides students with a week-by-week narrative of the assignments due each week. Students interested in working ahead can do so by one module unless otherwise notified by the instructor.Late Work: Late work and make up quizzes/exams will not be accepted without documentation of extenuating circumstances. It is very important that you pay close attention to the MyCourses Calendar and the News area to make sure you are completing all of the required assignments each week. Learner Support: The?Office of Accessibility Services?is available to assist you if you have a documented disability or think that you may have a disability. Please make an appointment with the Learning Specialists on your campus or online. Registering with Accessibility Services is especially important if you are on campus and need assistance during an emergency classroom evacuation. For contact information, please see the Accessibility Services website at the following link: Accessibility Services.SPC offers a full-range of support services. SPC offers *free* tutoring to all degree-seeking students to help review core concepts, tackle tough homework assignments, and prepare for tests. From one-on-one tutoring to online resources, SPC offers tools to help you succeed.? For more information or to schedule an appointment, please see the following link: Learning Resources Tutoring Information._____________________________________________________________________________________IMPORTANT DATESCourse Dates: February 8, 2021 – May 7, 2021Drop Date: February 12, 2021 Withdrawal Date: April 4, 2021This is a 12-week course. We will cover the same amount of material that is covered in a 16-week course. Therefore, please be aware that there are four weeks where you will be expected to complete two chpaters. I have tried to make the workload comparable each week; however, there may be weeks with more work than others. It is important that you manage your time well and complete a few assignments each day. Do not wait until the day the module is due to start working on the assignments as many will take time to complete, requiring you to plan and work ahead of the due date. For Financial Aid Dates, please view the?Financial Aid site, and for additional information, please view the?Academic Calendar?site._____________________________________________________________________________________ATTENDANCEInstructor will verify that students are in attendance once each week throughout the semester. Students classified as "No Show" for both of the first two weeks will be administratively withdrawn. Immediately following the 60 percent point in the term, the instructor will verify which students are actively participating. Active participation is defined as completing the weekly attendance activity or activities assigned each week. The attendance activity or activities may be an online discussion, written assignment, quiz, and/or test. If you do not complete the attendance activity or activities by the weekly due date, you will be counted as absent. Two or more consecutive absences results in inactive participation. Students classified with inactive participation may be administratively withdrawn with a "WF." If illness or other emergencies prevent your active participation, please notify the instructor immediately to determine an academic plan. Students will be able to withdraw themselves at any time during the semester. However, requests submitted after the 60 percent deadline will result in a "WF." Students and the instructor will automatically receive an email notification to SPC email whenever a withdrawal occurs.Excused absences that have been communicated with the instructor and documented accordingly will not count against you.? Frequent communication with the instructor is highly recommended.For additional information, please view the college-wide attendance policy in the Syllabus Addendum._____________________________________________________________________________________ASSIGNMENTSLaunchPad Activities and Quizzes – Various point values (see schedule below)LaunchPad access can be purchased through the SPC bookstore. This allows you access to the ebook as well as activities and chapter quizzes. These assignments are integrated into the MyCourses class and can be accessed in each of the chapter modules. The links will open in a new window allowing you to complete the work. Do not use any other links that what is provided in the MyCourses modules. You will have a combination of review activities, video activities, research activities, practice case studies, and chapter quizzes in each of the chapters. Please see the schedule below as well as the list of graded items at the beginning of each module to verify the graded items in each chapter. All of the graded activities, except the chapter quizzes are worth five points each. The point value and time allotment for the quizzes vary depending on the number of questions on the quiz. Please pay close attention to the description instructions for each quiz, before attempting the quiz. You will have one attempt at the chapter quizzes and will not have enough time to look up each question. Therefore, it is important that you have prepared for the quizzes ahead of time. Discussions and Written Assignments – 30 points eachThis course has a large writing requirement in the course description. Therefore, weekly discussions and written assignments will meet the writing requirement for the course. It is very important that you take time completing these assignments to fully demonstrate your understanding of the course material. A good approach when writing for academics is to take the perspective that you are writing the information for someone who is unfamiliar with the topic. This may help you to make sure you are fully explaining your understanding and rationale. Discussions do require you to reply to another post. Failure to do so will result in the loss of points on the assignment. Extra Credit - 15 points possible. Chapters 6, 8, and 10 each have a five-point extra credit assignment that is available to you. These are short activities that allow you to explore topics within those chapters in more depth. _____________________________________________________________________________________Syllabus Extra Credit: To indicate you have read the syllabus, please email me a meme on how you are feeling at this point the semester. GRADESThe student's final grade in this course is determined on the basis of accumulated points as follows:A = 788 - 875 points (90 - 100%)B = 700 - 787 points (80 - 89.9%)C = 613 - 699 points (70 - 79.9%)D = 525 - 612 points (60 - 69.9%)F = 0 - 524 points (0 - 59.9%)The instructor will not "bump up" grades at the end of the semester.? Instead, students are encouraged to work with the instructor throughout the semester and to carefully review written assignment/discussion forum feedback to implement strategies for improvement throughout the semester.SPC Titans Care As a SPC student its vital that you know Titans Care.? You can access resources through SPC’s Student Assistance Program (SAP), a collaborative resource for students with mental health or general life issues.? SAP provides help and education in suicide prevention, mental health, substance abuse awareness and more.? It is SPC’s belief that supporting mental wellness is everyone’s charge, and that one loss as a result of substance abuse, mental illness, or suicide is one too many. If you or a loved one are considering suicide, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.Student Survey of Instruction The Student Survey of Instruction is administered in courses each semester. It is designed to improve the quality of instruction at St. Petersburg College. All student responses are confidential and anonymous and will be used solely for the purpose of performance improvement.Schedule with Graded AssignmentsChapter 1. Abnormal Psychology: Past and Present?- Due February 14 by 11:59pm LearningCurve 1a. What Is Psychological Abnormality?; What Is Treatment? - 5 pointsVideo Activities: Telemental Health, Crisis Care, and Insurance - 5 PointsLearningCurve 1b. How Was Abnormality Viewed and Treated in the Past?; Recent Decades - 5 PointsLearningCurve 1c. What Do Clinical Researchers Do?; Moving Forward - 5 PointsChapter 1 Quiz - 20 PointsChapter 1 Discussion – 30 PointsChapter 2. Models of Abnormality?- Due February 21 by 11:59pm??? LearningCurve 2a. The Biological Model; The Psychodynamic Model - 5 pointsLearningCurve 2b. Cognitive-Behavioral; Humanistic; and Sociocultural Models; Integrating the Models - 5 pointsResearch Exercise Chapter 2: The Importance of Multicultural Treatment Modalities - 5 pointsChapter 2 Quiz - 20 pointsChapter 2 Discussion – 30 pointsChapter 3. Clinical Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment?- Due February 28 by 11:59pm??? LearningCurve 3a. Clinical Assessment - 5 pointsResearch Exercise Chapter 3: DSM-5 Controversy - 5 pointsLearningCurve 3b. Diagnosis; Treatment; and What Lies Ahead - 5 pointsChapter 3 Quiz - 15 pointsChapter 3 Written Assignment – 30 pointsChapter 16. Law, Society, and the Mental Health Profession?- Due February 28 by 11:59pm??? LearningCurve 16a. Law and Mental Health; Ethical Principles Guide Mental Health Professionals - 5 pointsVideo Activities: Training Police for Mental Health Interventions - 5 pointsResearch Exercise Chapter 16: Assessing Criminal Competence - 5 pointsLearningCurve 16b. Society and the Mental Health Profession - 5 pointsChapter 16 Quiz - 15 pointsChapter 4. Anxiety, Obsessive-Compulsive, and Related Disorders - Due March 7 by 11:59pm???? LearningCurve 4a. Generalized Anxiety Disorder; Phobias - 5 pointsLearningCurve 4b. Social Anxiety; Panic; and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders; Integrating the Models - 5 pointsClinical Choices: Priya's Case: "Everyone Has Some Anxiety, Right?" - 5 pointsChapter 4 Quiz - 15 pointsChapter 5. Disorders of Trauma and Stress?- Due March 7 by 11:59pm??? LearningCurve 5a. Stress and Arousal: The Fight-or-Flight Response – 5 pointsLearningCurve 5b. Stress Disorders; Dissociative Disorders – 5 pointsClinical Choices: Michelle's Case: "My Doctor Must Think I'm Losing My Mind" – 5 pointsChapter 5 Quiz – 15 pointsChapters 4 & 5 Discussion – 30 pointsChapter 6. Depressive and Bipolar Disorders - Due March 21 by 11:59pm???? Video Activities: Social Media and Negative Emotions - Extra Credit 5 pointsResearch Exercise Chapter 6: Behavioral Activation for Treatment of Depression - 5 pointsLearningCurve 6a. Unipolar Depression: The Depressive Disorders - 5 pointsLearningCurve 6b. Bipolar Disorders; Making Sense of All That Is Known - 5 pointsClinical Choices: John's Case: Acing Tests and Buying Guitars - 5 pointsChapter 6 Quiz - 10 pointsChapter 6 Written Assignment – 30 pointsChapter 7. Suicide?- Due March 21 by 11:59pm??? Research Exercise Chapter 7: Suicide in the United States - 5 pointsLearningCurve 7a. What Is Suicide; What Triggers a Suicide? - 5 points LearningCurve 7b. Underlying Causes of Suicide?; Suicide Linked to Age?; Treatment and Suicide - 5 pointsChapter 7 Quiz - 10 pointsChapter 8. Disorders Featuring Somatic Symptoms - Due March 28 by 11:59pm???? Research Exercise Chapter 8: Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy - Extra Credit 5 pointsLearningCurve 8a. Factitious Disorder; Conversion Disorder and Somatic Symptom Disorder - 5 pointsLearningCurve 8b. Illness Anxiety Disorder; Psychophysiological Disorders; Psychological Treatments - 5 pointsClinical Choices: Joanne's Case: "I Can't Even Get a Diagnosis" - 5 pointsChapter 8 Quiz - 20 pointsChapter 8 Discussion – 30 pointsChapter 9. Eating Disorders?- Due April 4 by 11:59pm??? Video Activities: Anorexia Nervosa and the Internet - 5 pointsLearningCurve 9a. Anorexia Nervosa; Bulimia Nervosa; and Binge-Eating Disorder - 5 pointsLearningCurve 9b. What Causes Eating Disorders?; How Are Eating Disorders Treated? - 5 pointsClinical Choices: Jenny's Case: "They're Just Jealous" - 5 pointsChapter 9 Quiz - 20 pointsChapter 11. Sexual Disorders and Gender Variations?- Due April 4 by 11:59pm??? LearningCurve 11a. Sexual Dysfunctions; Treatments for Sexual Dysfunctions - 5 pointsLearningCurve 11b. Paraphilic Disorders; Gender Dysphoria - 5 pointsClinical Choices: Cheryl's Case: "This Is Who I Am" - 5 pointsChapter 11 Quiz - 10 pointsChapter 11 Discussion – 30 points Chapter 10. Substance Use and Addictive Disorders - Due April 11 by 11:59pm???? LearningCurve 10a. Depressants; Stimulants - 5 pointsLearningCurve 10b. Hallucinogens, Cannabis, Combinations of Substances; What Causes Substance Use… - 5 pointsVideo Activities: Smartphone Addiction - Extra Credit 5 pointsLearningCurve 10c. How Are Substance Use Disorders Treated?; Other Addictive Disorders - 5 pointsClinical Choices: Jorge's Case: "Can I Get a Refund if I Don't Need to Be Here?" - 5 pointsChapter 10 Quiz - 20 pointsChapter 10 Discussion – 30 pointsChapter 12. Schizophrenia and Related Disorders - Due April 18 by 11:59pm???? LearningCurve 12a. The Clinical Picture of Schizophrenia - 5 pointsLearningCurve 12b. How Do Theorists Explain Schizophrenia? - 5 pointsVideo Activities: Housing and Residential Programs for People with Severe Mental Disorders - 5 pointsLearningCurve 12c. How Are Schizophrenia and Other Severe Mental Disorders Treated?; An Important… - 5 pointsClinical Choices: Randy's Case: "They Stole My Brain and I Want it Back" - 5 pointsChapter 12 Quiz - 10 pointsChapter 13. Personality Disorders?- Due April 18 by 11:59pm??? LearningCurve 13a. "Odd" Personality Disorders; "Dramatic" Personality Disorders - 5 pointsLearningCurve 13b. "Anxious" Personality Disorders; Multicultural Factors; Better Ways to Classify - 5 pointsClinical Choices: Alicia's Case: Email Tirades and Four Stepfathers - 5 pointsChapter 13 Quiz - 15 pointsChapter 13 Written Assignment – 30 pointsChapter 14. Disorders Common Among Children and Adolescents - Due April 25 by 11:59pm??? Video Activities: "Child Bipolar Disorder" Versus "Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder" - 5 pointsLearningCurve 14a. Childhood and Adolescence; Childhood Anxiety Disorders; Depressive, Bipolar Di… - 5 pointsLearningCurve 14b. Oppositional Defiant and Conduct; Elimination; and Neurodevelopmental Disorders - 5 pointsClinical Choices: Gabriel's Case: Spoiled or Troubled? - 5 pointsChapter 14 Quiz - 20 pointsChapter 14 Discussion – 30 points Chapter 15. Disorders of Aging and Cognition?- Due May 2 by 11:59pm??? LearningCurve 15a.Old Age and Stress; Depression in Later Life; and Anxiety Disorders in Later Life - 5 pointsLearningCurve 15b. Substance Misuse in Later Life; Psychotic Disorders in Later Life - 5 pointsVideo Activities: Aging and Memory: Studying Alzheimer’s Disease - 5 pointsLearningCurve 15c. Disorders of Cognition; Issues Affecting the Mental Health of the Elderly - 5 pointsClinical Choices: Fred's Case: Tragic Misdiagnosis - 5 pointsChapter 15 Quiz - 20 pointsChapter 15 Written Assignment – 30 points ................

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