WOD: First Nine Weeks 2019-2020-403225289115Week 1:setting- nounSynonym: when and whereDefinition: The time and place of a story.Word in context: The setting of the first story is in the jungle ravine.-463137157925ravine- nounSynonym: a canyon or ditchDefinition: a deep, narrow valley made by running waterWord in context: The boys dropped down into the ravine and entered a jungle thick and tangled with trees.-439387157926mood- nounSynonym: the atmosphereDefinition: The overall feeling created by a piece of writing.Word in context: The mood of The Ravine was ominous.-415034160969dialect- nounSynonym: slangDefinition: A form of language spoken in a specific place by a certain group of people.Word in context: Words like y’all and ain’t are part of the Southern dialect.-403761184587decomposing- verbSynonym: to crumbleDefinition: Starting to decay and fall apart.Word in context: When the dead body was found, it had already started decomposing.-415991260704Week 2:protagonist- nounSynonym: the hero or heroineDefinition: The leading character.Word in context: Vinny is the protagonist in The Ravine.-49876416997400antagonist- nounSynonym: the villainDefinition: An opponent or enemy to the leading character.Word in context: The antagonist in The Ravine is Vinny’s inner conflict.-463493196463conflict- nounSynonym: a problemDefinition: A struggle between opposing forces.Word in context: Vinny is fighting the external conflict of his friends and the inner conflict of fear.-439387157290traits- nounSynonym: characteristicsDefinition: The qualities that make one person or thing different from another.Word in context: Some traits to describe Vinny include anxious and afraid.-439387210209rivulet- nounSynonym: a brookDefinition: A small stream.Word in context: It was wet from little rivulets of water that bled from the side of the cliff.-51124128448000Week 3:protagonist- nounSynonym: the hero or heroineDefinition: The leading character.Word in context: Vinny is the protagonist in The Ravine.-403761156053cascade- verbSynonym: to flood.Definition: To fall or pour.Word in context: The waterfall was cascading over the ledge.-403761184587precipice- nounSynonym: an overhanging of rockDefinition: An extremely steep area of rock.Word in context: The Vinny was on the ledge and the tips of his toes were one small movement from the precipice.-344368156845motivation- nounSynonym: why someone acts a certain way.Definition: The reason why characters do things in a story.Word in context: Joe Boy’s motivation was to get Vinny to jump into the ravine.-368489167928plot- nounSynonym: the storylineDefinition: The order of events in a story.Word in context: The climax is the most important point in the plot.-43923928340000Week 4:technician- nounSynonym: skilled workerDefinition: A person who does skilled work using specific equipment.Word in context: The MRI technician asked her to lay very still.-391886166090reminisce- verbSynonym: to remindDefinition: To remember past experiences.Word in context: Allison reminisced about the fun summers she always had.-380010161472emphatic- adjectiveSynonym: confident or powerfulDefinition: Something expressed in a foreful way.Word in context: She sounded emphatic when she said, “I have never done drugs!”-391886185223conscientious- adjectiveSynonym: diligent or completeDefinition: Careful and thoroughWord in context: Bailey is such a conscientious student.-380010157925climax- nounSynonym: the highpointDefinition: The most exciting part of a story.Word in context: The climax in The Wizard of Oz is when Dorothy throws water on the Wicked Witch of the West.-368135290146Week 5:exposition- nounSynonym: the beginning of a storyDefinition: The first stage of the story that introduces the setting and characters.Word in context: The exposition sets the mood of the story.-403481160655suspense- nounSynonym: anxietyDefinition: A feeling of anxious uncertainty.Word in context: A movie filled with suspense will keep you on the edge of your seat.-47446916032500plot- nounSynonym: the storylineDefinition: The order of events in a story.Word in context: The climax is the most important point in the plot.-380752196462theme- nounSynonym: the lesson learnedDefinition: The central idea (main idea) of a story.Word in context: The theme of a story can sometimes be inferred.-380010169166dialogue- nounSynonym: conversationDefinition: The conversation between characters.Word in context: Many times an author will use quotation marks to indicate dialogue.Week 6:-380398185222foreshadowing- verbSynonym: to suggestDefinition: An author’s use of hints to tell what might happen next.Word in context: The foreshadowing in the story keeps the reader engaged.-403736169545activate- verbSynonym: to turn onDefinition: To cause it to start working.Word in context: When we sense danger, the brain reacts instantly, sending signals that activate the nervous system.-417615149926turbulence- nounSynonym: disturbanceDefinition: When a plane sways in a rough way.Word in context: People who fly often become used to unfamiliar sensations like take off or turbulence.-379928157480immaturity- nounSynonym: adolescenceDefinition: The state of not being fully developed.Word in context: Having a phobia isn’t a sign of weakness or immaturity.-380398157926ambush- verbSynonym: lying in waitDefinition: To attack.Word in context: Some animals ambush their prey by hiding and then attacking.Week 7: -368490220213aggression- nounSynonym: angerDefinition: violent behaviorWord in context: Throughout the animal world, staring at someone is a signal of aggression.-391671164465confidence- nounSynonym: determinationDefinition: belief in oneselfWord in context: A person who has confidence, believes in his or her own abilities-368490157125distract- verbSynonym: to bewilderDefinition: To confuse.Word in context: If you concentrate on your lines, it will help distract you from the many watching eyes.-368135160671infer – verbSynonym: to interpretDefinition: To figure out using clues.Word in context: Sometimes you have to infer the theme of the story.-368135157291symbol- nounSynonym: emblemDefinition: Something that stands for or represents something else.Word in context: The American Flag is a symbol for freedom. ................

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