Word Knowledge V. 002 - FCRR


Word Knowledge

Synonym Dominoes


The student will identify synonyms.

V. 002


Synonym domino cards


Students identify synonyms by playing a domino game. 1. Scatter synonym domino cards face up on a flat surface. 2. Taking turns, student one places the START domino on the table, and reads the word on the

other end of the domino (i.e., small). 3. Looks for a domino with a synonym (i.e., little). Connects it to the domino. 4. Student two reads the word on the other side of the domino (i.e., end) and finds the domino

with a matching synonym and reads word. Connects it to the domino. 5. Continue until all the dominoes are connected. 6. Peer evaluation


Extensions and Adaptations

Use antonym dominoes.

?2005 The Florida Center for Reading Research and Florida Department of Education (Revised, 2021)

2-3 Student Center Activities:Vocabulary

V. 002


Synonym Dominoes

leave high finish large

little end

big close START small



START/small, little/end, finish/large, big/close, shut/go, leave/high

2-3 Student Center Activities:Vocabulary

?2005 The Florida Center for Reading Research and Florida Department of Education (Revised, 2021)


Synonym Dominoes

V. 002



quick look build every

tall make


under fast


tall/make, build/every, all/below, under/fast, quick/look, see/STOP

?2005 The Florida Center for Reading Research and Florida Department of Education (Revised, 2021)

2-3 Student Center Activities:Vocabulary

V. 002


Synonym Dominoes

left close START after open day before small night same big right

START/after, before/small, big/right, left/close, open/day, night/same

2-3 Student Center Activities:Vocabulary

?2005 The Florida Center for Reading Research and Florida Department of Education (Revised, 2021)


Synonym Dominoes

V. 002

large over di erent up under play down last

work STOP first small

di erent/up, down/last, first/small, large/over, under/play, work/STOP

?2005 The Florida Center for Reading Research and Florida Department of Education (Revised, 2021)

2-3 Student Center Activities:Vocabulary


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