Norwegian Market

Guidelines for implementing Dealing messages in Norway - DRAFT

Based on SWIFTNet Funds 4.0

Norwegian Fund Market Practice Group


Version 0.4

Revision history

|Ver |Date |Author |Comments |

|0.1 |2007-09-19 |Group Meeting |Subscription message |

|0.2 |2007-10-17 |Group Meeting |Subscription Confirmation added |

|0.3 |2007-11-14 |Group Meeting |Redemption and Switch messages added |

|0.4 |2008-02-13 |Arild T. Aukrust |Use Cases added |

|0.5 |2008-02-20 |Group Meeting |Holding related messages added |

| | | | |

| | | | |

Group Members

• Fredrik Wiencke, TietoEnator

Godtfred Berge, VPS

Herman Låhne Andersen, EDB

John Christiansen, EDB

Even Flugstad, VPS

Arild T. Aukrust, VPS (Chairman)

Table of Contents

1. Introduction 5

2. General Market Practices in Norway 5

Market practice for subscription 6

Market practice for redemption 7

Market practice for switches 8

3. Price report 9

MX reda.001.001.03 PriceReportV03 9

4. Common order related messages 9

MX setr.016.001.03 OrderInstructionStatusReportV03 9

Related reference 9

Order Details Report / SwitchOrderDetailsReport 9

MX setr.018.001.03 RequestForOrderStatusReportV03 9

OrderReference 9

MX setr.017.001.03 OrderCancellationStatusReportV03 9

Related reference 9

5. Subscription related messages 10

MX setr.010.001.03 SubscriptionOrderV03 10

OrderDateTime 10

OrderType 10

FinancialInstrumentDetails 10

Gross Amount/Settlement Amount 10

CashSettlementDetails/BulkCashSettlementDetails 10

CashSettlementDate 10

MX setr.012.001.03 SubscriptionOrderConfirmationV03 10

Related reference 10

DealingPriceDetails 10

ChargeGeneralDetails 10

MX setr.011.001.03 SubscriptionOrderCancellationRequestV03 11

6. Redemption related messages 11

MX setr.004.001.03 RedemptionOrderV03 11

OrderDateTime 11

FinancialInstrumentDetails 11

CashSettlementDetails/BulkCashSettlementDetails 11

MX setr.006.001.03 RedemptionOrderConfirmationV03 11

Related reference 11

DealingPriceDetails 11

ChargeGeneralDetails 11

MX setr.005.001.03 RedemptionOrderCancellationRequestV03 11

7. Switch Related Messages 11

MX setr.013.001.03 SwitchOrderV03 11

MX setr.015.001.03 SwitchOrderConfirmationV03 12

Related reference 12

PriceDetails 12

ChargeGeneralDetails 12

MX setr.014.001.03 SwitchOrderCancellationRequestV03 12

8. Transfer related messages 12

MX sese.001.001.02 TransferOutInstructionV02 12

MX sese.005.001.02 TransferInInstructionV02 12

9. Holding related messages 12

MX semt.003.001.02 AccountingStatementOfHoldingsV02 12

StatementBasis 12

AuditedIndicator 13

FungibleIndicator 13

BalanceForAccount/AggregateQuantity 13

MX semt.006.001.02 StatementOfInvestmentFundTransactionsV02 13

10. Description of the Norwegian Participants 14


This document describes the usage of Dealing messages in the Norwegian market. We refer to the different building blocks and elements in each message. We have concentrated on describing the minimum of required data within each message type. In some areas where there is a “choice amongst” option we have pinpointed which choice is preferred in the Norwegian market.

This document covers the specific detail elements related to the message, thus leaving out description of general building blocks (i.e. MessageIdentification).

Areas not commented follow default description and rule handling. However the different service providers may not cover all possibilities enabled in the message structure.

This type of document replaces the earlier excel versions used for describing market practices related to the messages.

General Market Practices in Norway

Settlement of the financial instrument and cash takes place in a delivery versus payment (DVP) environment.

Known customer/shareholder – customer already identified by SSN or organization number. Account number/account identifier (AccountIdentification) must be provided.

Market practice for subscription


Market practice for redemption


Market practice for switches


Price report

MX reda.001.001.03 PriceReportV03

Price report is primarily used to provide the net asset value and price information for financial instruments on specific trade dates (PriceValuationDetails).

Historic price information (ValuationStatistics) and fund performance information (PerformanceDetails) has not been reviewed.

Common order related messages

MX setr.016.001.03 OrderInstructionStatusReportV03

Related reference

Related reference is considered mandatory as a reference to the message this confirmation refers to. Reference refers to MessageIdentification, Identification.

Order Details Report / SwitchOrderDetailsReport

The following are to be used (choice amongst)

Status – PACK (Accepted) or COSE (Already executed)



MX setr.018.001.03 RequestForOrderStatusReportV03

Requests a MX setr.016.001.03 OrderInstructionStatusReportV03.

OrderReference must be specified.

MX setr.017.001.03 OrderCancellationStatusReportV03

Should be sent as a response to all cancellation messages.

Related reference

Related reference is considered mandatory as a reference to the message this confirmation refers to. Reference refers to MessageIdentification, Identification.

Subscription related messages

MX setr.010.001.03 SubscriptionOrderV03


If supplied, the specified “OrderDateTime” may be evaluated against cut-off rules to determine the correct price datetime. However, time of actual cash settlement may overrule this according to agreed processing rules.


If the order is related to a regular savings plan, it is recommended that “RegularSavingsPlan” is specified to identify the type of order.


ISIN is always used as Identification.

Gross Amount/Settlement Amount

Gross Amount should always be specified. If Settlement Amount is not specified, it will be set equal to Gross Amount.


CreditTransferDetails or DirectDebitDetails should be used to specify cash settlement.

For automatic matching of incoming cash settlements, “reference” within CreditTransferDetails will be used.


CashSettlementDate is mandatory in case of DirectDebit settlement.

MX setr.012.001.03 SubscriptionOrderConfirmationV03

Related reference

Related reference is considered mandatory as a reference to the subscription message this confirmation refers to. Reference refers to SubscriptionOrder, MessageIdentification, Identification.


Type should always be ACTU (Actual Price).


If charge details are supplied, type UCIC (UCITSCommission) should be specified for “ordinary” subscription and redemption charges.

MX setr.011.001.03 SubscriptionOrderCancellationRequestV03

CancellationByReference - OrderReference must be specified.

Redemption related messages

MX setr.004.001.03 RedemptionOrderV03


If supplied, the specified “OrderDateTime” may be evaluated against cut-off rules to determine the correct price datetime.


ISIN is always used as Identification.


CreditTransferDetails may be used to specify cash settlement. If not supplied, SSI (Standing Settlement Instruction) from investors account will be used.

MX setr.006.001.03 RedemptionOrderConfirmationV03

Related reference

Related reference is considered mandatory as a reference to the redemption message this confirmation refers to. Reference refers to RedemptionOrder, MessageIdentification, Identification.


Type should always be ACTU (Actual Price).


If charge details are supplied, type UCIC (UCITSCommission) should be specified for “ordinary” subscription and redemption charges.

MX setr.005.001.03 RedemptionOrderCancellationRequestV03

CancellationByReference - OrderReference must be specified.

Switch Related Messages

MX setr.013.001.03 SwitchOrderV03

Sell-driven switches are used in the Norwegian market.

InvestmentAccountDetails in the SwitchOrderDetails section must be used.

RedemptionLegDetails / FinancialInstrumentQuantityChoice

UnitsNumber, NetAmount, GrossAmount or HoldingsRedemptionRate should be used.

SubscriptionLegDetails / FinancialInstrumentQuantityChoice

PercentageOfTotalRedemptionAmount must be used. Total of percentages specified must be 100.

CashSettlementDetails is not supported in the Norwegian market.

MX setr.015.001.03 SwitchOrderConfirmationV03

Confirmation is sent when the total switch order is executed, not partially for each leg.

Related reference

Related reference is considered mandatory as a reference to the switch message this confirmation refers to. Reference refers to SwitchOrder, MessageIdentification, Identification.

InvestmentAccountDetails in the SwitchOrderDetails section will be used.


Type should always be ACTU (Actual Price).


If charge details are supplied, type SWIT (Switch) should be specified for switch charges.

MX setr.014.001.03 SwitchOrderCancellationRequestV03

CancellationByReference - OrderReference must be specified.

Transfer related messages

MX sese.001.001.02 TransferOutInstructionV02

MX sese.005.001.02 TransferInInstructionV02

Holding related messages

Sub Account reporting is not supported in the Norwegian market.

MX semt.003.001.02 AccountingStatementOfHoldingsV02


StatementBasisAsCode, TRAD is used. (The statement is based on trade date positions.)


The indicator is set to NO. There has been no manual auditing activities involved.


To be determined – probably NO?


Quantity is represented as Unit.

MX semt.006.001.02 StatementOfInvestmentFundTransactionsV02

No further comments related to this message.

Description of the Norwegian Participants

The objectives are to describe the participants, what they do and if possible to give an ISO 20022 synonym.

|Participant |Description |Function & name within Norwegian market |

|Regulator |The regulator is the state authority which lays down the|The Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway |

| |rules for the market participants. |(Kredittilsynet) |

| |It is also responsible for controlling the compliance | |

| |and the respect of the rules defined by the Asset | |

| |manager in accordance with the prospectus | |

|Investor |The party whose money is invested and who benefits from |Final beneficiary (investor, andelseier (shareholder))|

| |the performance of such investment. It can either be an | |

| |individual or an institutional investor. | |

|Fund company |The company that launches the fund, determines the |Fund company (forvaltningsselskap) |

| |investment strategy, appoints the service providers, and| |

| |makes all major decisions for and on behalf of the fund.| |

| |It is responsible for distribution and marketing of the | |

| |fund. | |

|Asset manager |It executes the investment strategy, selects the assets |Asset manager (Fondsforvalter) |

| |of the portfolio in accordance with the fund objectives,|This role is, with few exceptions taken care of by the|

| |as reflected in the fund prospectus. It places order on |Fund company. |

| |financial instruments in accordance with the fund's net | |

| |inflows and outflows. | |

|Fund accountant |It records the fund's assets and liabilities, calculates|This role is, with few exceptions taken care of by the|

| |the fund's net asset value (NAV). |Fund company. |

|CSD |It is not mandatory to register Funds within the CSD. |CSD |

| |The Central Securities Depository (CSD) provides its |(VPS – Verdipapirsentralen |

| |members with an efficient and secure method for fast and|(Norwegian Central Securities Depository)) |

| |safe settlement. It has processing capacities for |Most issuers of fund in the Norwegian market are using|

| |payment and settlement. It holds and controls securities|CSD services. |

| |holdings including fund units. The CSD also provides |Exceptions are DnBNOR and Nordea. |

| |distributors with solutions for entering orders, which | |

| |are handled automatically. There are also features for | |

| |the end-investor for order entry, including | |

| |subscription, redemption, switches and saving plans. In | |

| |addition the investor can keep track of all transactions| |

| |and holdings. Tax issues are also handled by the CSD, | |

| |both for investors and issuers. | |

|Custodian |The bank who processes the bank accounts on behalf of |Custodian bank |

| |the Funds. |(depotbank) |

|Transfer agent |This role is taken care of by the CSD as well as the |CSD and Fund Company |

| |Fund Companies | |

|Distributor |The distributor is the party contracting with the Fund |Distributor (distributør) |

| |Company in order to sell the fund to investors. |This role is held by Banks, independent distributors |

| |The contract includes specific financial conditions to |as well as the Fund Companies |

| |distribute the fund | |

|Hub |It manages and centralizes orders communication, |CSD (VPS) |

| |settlement and coordination among the various parties. | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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