Name: __________________________________________________________ Core: ___________________________


Assigned: Monday, May 2nd

Due: Wednesday, May 25th

Directions: Using the word bank, notes and textbooks to help you fill in the vocabulary words for each unit. You will have some class time and wheel time to work on this, however, this will require work outside of class! You will have weekly quizzes, so studying these words will also be required! It is essential that you know these words to get a Level 3, 4, or 5 on the EOG!

Science Skills (Blue textbook pages 6 – 11)

1. ______________________: Possible explanation based on what you know and what you observe

2. ______________________: Factor that can change with an experiment

3. ______________________: The facts, figures, and other evidence gathered through observations

4. ______________________: A summary of what you have learned from the experiment

5. ______________________: A well-tested explanation for a wide rage of observations or experimental results

6. ______________________: A statement that describes what scientists expect to happen every tie under a particular set of conditions; describes an observed pattern in nature without attempting to explain it

7. ______________________: Scientific equipment that uses one or more lenses to magnify objects

• Data

• Compound microscope

• Conclusion

• Hypothesis

• Scientific law

• Scientific theory

• Variable

Energy (Coach book pages 42 – 54)

8. ______________________: The ability to make things move or change

9. ______________________: Energy stored in the nucleus of an atom

10. ______________________: Energy that travels in the form of waves, through matter or through space

11. ______________________: Energy of moving electric charges

12. ______________________: Energy that is stored in the bonds that hold atoms together

13. ______________________: The energy of moving objects

14. ______________________: A source of energy that is used much faster than it can be replaced

15. ______________________: A source of energy that can be replaced as it is used or that cannot be used up

16. ______________________: A source of energy that formed from the remains of organisms that lived millions of years ago

17. ______________________: The energy of moving water

18. ______________________: Energy from the sun

19. ______________________: A device that can change light energy into electricity; also called a solar cell

20. ______________________: The energy of moving air

• Chemical energy

• Electric energy

• Electromagnetic energy

• Energy

• Fossil fuel

• Hydropower

• Mechanical energy

• Nonrenewable resource

• Nuclear energy

• Photovoltaic cell

• Renewable resource

• Solar energy

• Wind energy

Ecosystems (Coach book pages 102 – 121)

21. ______________________: All the living and nonliving parts of an environment as well as the interactions among them

22. ______________________: Groups of populations that interact with each other in a given area

23. ______________________: A group of organisms of the same species living in the same place

24. ______________________: A group of organisms that share most characteristics and can interbreed to produce fertile offspring

25. ______________________: Nonliving parts of an ecosystem (light, temperature, water, wind)

26. ______________________: The living parts of an ecosystem (plants and animals)

27. ______________________: An organism that gets energy by breaking down dead organisms and the wastes of living things

28. ______________________: The process of breaking down dead organisms

29. ______________________: An organism that must eat other organisms for energy

30. ______________________: An organism that can make it’s own food

31. ______________________: Synonym of “consumer”

32. ______________________: Synonym of “producer “

33. ______________________: Process in which organisms use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to make food and oxygen

34. ______________________: The place where an organism lives

35. ______________________: Network of interconnected food chains

36. ______________________: Each feeding level in an ecosystem

37. ______________________: An organism’s role or job in it’s habitat

38. ______________________: An interaction that occurs when organisms try to get the same resources

39. ______________________: To live in the same habitat without competing

40. ______________________: Animals that hunt, kill, and eat other animals

41. ______________________: Animals that are killed and eaten by predators

42. ______________________: A symbiotic relationship in which one organism benefits and the other neither benefits nor is harmed

43. ______________________: A symbiotic relationship in which one organism benefits and the other is harmed

44. ______________________: An organism that lives in or on another organism and benefits are the other organism’s expense

45. ______________________: An organism that a parasite lives on

46. ______________________: A symbiotic relationship between two organisms in which both organisms benefit

47. ______________________: Introduction of harmful waste products, chemicals, not native to environment

48. ______________________: Careful use and management of natural resources

• Abiotic factors

• Autotroph

• Biotic factors

• Coexist

• Commensalism

• Community

• Competition

• Conservation

• Consumer

• Decomposer

• Decomposition

• Ecosystem

• Food web

• Habitat

• Heterotroph

• Host

• Mutualism

• Niche

• Parasite

• Parasitism

• Photosynthesis

• Pollution

• Population

• Predators

• Prey

• Producer

• Species

• Trophic level

Earth Systems (Coach book pages 128 – 147)

49. ______________________: Part of biosphere that includes lakes, streams, oceans, atmospheric water, groundwater

50. ______________________: A scientist who studies water

51. ______________________: Water that is not salty

52. ______________________: Water that is underground in layers of rock and sediment

53. ______________________: Water that collects above ground

54. ______________________: An area of land that drains into a stream, river, lake, or other body of water

55. ______________________: A small body of flowing freshwater

56. ______________________: A large body of flowing freshwater

57. ______________________: Water that flows over the land without sinking into the ground

58. ______________________: A covering of ice over a large area; where most of Earth’s freshwater is frozen

59. ______________________: A rock layer that collects and stores water

60. ______________________: A place where freshwater from a river meets and mixes with salt water from the ocean

61. ______________________: An area that stays wet for the entire year

62. ______________________: Part of the Earth’s surface that is covered by ocean water

63. ______________________: Measure of how salty the water is

64. ______________________: Synonym of “ocean”

65. ______________________: The movement of cold, nutrient-rich water from deep layers of the ocean up to the surface

66. ______________________: The process by which some organisms use the energy stored in chemical bonds to make their own food

67. ______________________: Feature on the ocean floor that organisms use for chemosynthesis

68. ______________________: Any substance that can harm the environment

69. ______________________: Pollution that enters water from a wide area such as lawns, fields, roads, etc.

70. ______________________: Pollution that enters water from a specific location

71. ______________________: The level of nitrogen that is present in water

72. ______________________: Cause of increased levels of nitrates

73. ______________________: A measure of how acidic or basic a liquid is

74. ______________________: The level of oxygen present in water

75. ______________________: Cycle that includes precipitation, runoff, evaporation, condensation

76. ______________________: An extremely rapid growth of algae caused by too many nitrates or phosphates in the water

77. ______________________: A measure of how clear water is

78. ______________________: An organism used to monitor the health of an ecosystem

79. ______________________: The variety of life in a particular habitat

80. ______________________: Excessive richness of nutrients in a body of water, due to the fertilizer runoff of the land

81. ______________________: Tiny organisms that float in ocean currents; most are unicellular and perform photosynthesis

• Algae bloom

• Aquifer

• Biodiversity

• Bioindicator

• Chemosynthesis

• Dissolved oxygen

• Estuary

• Eutrophication

• Fertilizer

• Freshwater

• Groundwater

• Hydrologist

• Hydrosphere

• Hydrothermal vent

• Marine

• Nitrates

• Nonpoint-source pollution

• Ocean basin

• pH

• Phytoplankton

• Point-source pollution

• Polar ice caps and glaciers

• Pollutant

• River

• Runoff

• Salinity

• Stream

• Surface water

• Turbidity

• Upwelling

• Water cycle

• Watershed

• Wetland

Earth History (Coach book pages 159 – 174)

82. ______________________: The outer part of the Earth, made of solid rock

83. ______________________: Broken up sections of the lithosphere

84. ______________________: The region where two tectonic plates meet

85. ______________________: Process in which rock layers are squeezed together and pushed upwards to form mountains

86. ______________________: melted rock beneath the Earth’s surface

87. ______________________: an opening the Earth’s surface through which magma is releases

88. ______________________: Melted rock that reaches Earth’s surface

89. ______________________: The break or crack in Earth’s surface

90. ______________________: Type of plate boundary where two plates divide

91. ______________________: Type of plate boundary where two plates collide

92. ______________________: Type of plate boundary where two plates slide

93. ______________________: The formation of new ocean floor from melted rock that seeps up from the mantle and flows into the space between plates that are diverging

94. ______________________: Long chains of underwater mountains

95. ______________________: The study of the Earth’s history, processes, and structures

96. ______________________: Tiny pieces of broken rock

97. ______________________: The process that breaks rock down into smaller pieces

98. ______________________: The continual change of rock from one kind to another

99. ______________________: The process by which weathered rock is picked up and moved to new places

100. ______________________: The dropping of pieces of weathered rock carried by water, wind, or ice

101. ______________________: Type of rock that is formed by the compaction and cementation of sediments

102. ______________________: Type of rock that is formed from melted rock or magma or lava

103. ______________________: The permanent dying out of a species or larger group of organisms

104. ______________________: Remains, imprints, or traces of past organisms

105. ______________________: A timeline that organizes major events in Earth’s history

106. ______________________: The age of a rock or fossil described in comparison to that of another rock or fossil

107. ______________________: States that in undisturbed rock, the oldest layers are on the bottom

108. ______________________: A fossil that is useful for dating geological layers because the organism only lived for a short period of time

109. ______________________: Organism with a three-lobed exoskeleton that was abundant in Paleozoic oceans and is considered to be an index fossil

110. ______________________: The actual age in years of a rock or fossil, or how long ago it formed

111. ______________________: A means of measuring the age of a material by comparing the amount of radioactive form of an element with the amount of its decay product; two methods involve Carbon-14 and Uranium

112. ______________________: Large, ancient landmass that was composed of all the continents joined together separated by continental draft

113. ______________________: A cylinder of ice removed from an ice sheet that helps scientists learn about climate change

• Absolute age

• Convergent

• Deposition

• Divergent

• Erosion

• Extinction

• Fault

• Folding

• Fossils

• Geologic time scale

• Geology

• Ice Core

• Igneous rock

• Index fossil

• Lava

• Law of superposition

• Lithosphere

• Magma

• Mid-ocean ridges

• Pangaea

• Plate boundary

• Radioactive dating

• Relative age

• Rock cycle

• Sea-floor spreading

• Sediment

• Sedimentary rock

• Tectonic plate

• Transform

• Trilobite

• Volcano

• Weathering

Evolution and Genetics (Coach book pages 175 – 188)

114. ______________________: Scientist who proposed natural selection to explain change in species

115. ______________________: This process is the gradual change in organisms over time due to environmental influence or competition

116. ______________________: The process by which organisms best suited to their environments survive and produce the most offspring

117. ______________________: Differences that exist naturally among members of a population or species

118. ______________________: A trait that helps an organism survive in a particular environment

119. ______________________: A change in the genetic material of an organism

120. ______________________: An early stage in the development of an organism

121. ______________________: Body parts of different organisms that have a similar structure but not necessarily a similar function

122. ______________________: Body parts that have a similar function but not a similar structure

123. ______________________: Body part that does not seem to play a role in the body functions of an organism

• Adaptation

• Analogous structures

• Charles Darwin

• Embryo

• Evolution

• Homologous structures

• Mutation

• Natural selection

• Variation

• Vestigial structure

Chemistry (Coach book pages 10 – 37)

124. ______________________: Anything that has mass and takes up space

125. ______________________: A characteristic of a substance that cannot be observed without changing the identity of the substance; examples would include the ability to burn or rust and reaction to light

126. ______________________: Describes how well an object can burn

127. ______________________: The ability to form rust

128. ______________________: Dullness of color or loss of brightness

129. ______________________: The ability to react with oxygen (Statue of Liberty)

130. ______________________: Deterioration (falling apart) of metal

131. ______________________: The ability to combine or react

132. ______________________: Characteristic of a material that can be observed or measured without changing the identity of the material

133. ______________________: The temperature at which a substance changes from a liquid to a gas

134. ______________________: The temperature at which a substance changes from a solid to a liquid

135. ______________________: The temperature at which a substance changes from a liquid to a solid

136. ______________________: The ability to dissolve

137. ______________________: The ability to be stretched into a thin wire

138. ______________________: The ability to attract another object

139. ______________________: How much space an object takes up

140. ______________________: The ability to be hammered into a thin sheet

141. ______________________: The ratio of mass to volume of a substance (mass/volume); a physical property

142. ______________________: A change in substance that does not change the chemical makeup of the substance; an example would be ripping a piece of paper or breaking a stick in half

143. ______________________: A change that results in the formation of a new substance or substances; examples would be wood burning into ash or a nail rusting

144. ______________________: The scientific principle that matter is neither created nor destroyed during a chemical change

145. ______________________: A process by which elements and compounds combine to form new substances

146. ______________________: Substances that exist before a chemical reaction 6CO2 + 6H2O ------> C6H12O6 + 6O2

147. ______________________: Substances that exist after the reaction 6CO2 + 6H2O ------> C6H12O6 + 6O2

148. ______________________: Arranges and displays all known elements in an orderly way

149. ______________________: One of the basic substances that combine to form all other substance; a substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by ordinary chemical means; these make up the Periodic Table

150. ______________________: A vertical column in the periodic table; also called a chemical family

151. ______________________: Row of elements

152. ______________________: Elements that have a shiny or metallic luster, are good conductors of heat and electricity, and are malleable and ductile

153. ______________________: An element that has some properties of some metals and nonmetals

154. ______________________: Nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon are essential to life and are what type of elements?

155. ______________________: Tells you the number of protons in the nucleus of each atom of that element

156. ______________________: A measure of an atom’s mass that is equal to the number of protons and neutrons in the atom’s nucleus

157. ______________________: The basic building block of most of the matter around us; the smallest particle of an element that has all the properties of that element

158. ______________________: Positively charged particle present in the nucleus of atoms

159. ______________________: Neutral charged particle present in the nucleus of atoms

160. ______________________: Negatively charged particles that move about the nucleus in an electron cloud

161. ______________________: More than one kind of element bonded together; H20 or CO2

162. ______________________: Molecule that includes two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom

163. ______________________: Matter that has the same chemical composition throughout and cannot be separated into its parts by physical means

164. ______________________: The process in which some isotopes are unstable and decay into other isotopes; measured in half-life

165. ______________________: Matter made up of two or more substances that are combined physically; example is trail mix

166. ______________________: A mixture in which substances are not distributed evenly; an example is trail mix

167. ______________________: A mixture in which substances are evenly distributed; an example is dish soap

168. ______________________: A solid that forms during a chemical reaction that takes place in a solution

• Atom

• Atomic mass

• Atomic number

• Boiling point

• Chemical change

• Chemical property

• Chemical reaction

• Compound

• Corrosion

• Density

• Ductility

• Electron

• Element

• Flammability

• Freezing point

• Group

• Heterogeneous mixture

• Homogeneous mixture

• Law of Conservation of Mass

• Magnetism

• Malleability

• Matter

• Melting point

• Metalloids

• Metals

• Mixture

• Neutron

• Nonmetal

• Oxidation

• Period

• Periodic Table

• Physical change

• Physical property

• Precipitate

• Products

• Proton

• Pure substance

• Radioactive decay

• Reactants

• Reactivity

• Rusting

• Solubility

• Tarnish

• Volume

• Water

Stytructures and Functions of Living Organisms (Coach book pages 82 – 95)

169. ______________________: The human body system that includes the brain and sense organs; gather and responds to information about the environment

170. ______________________: The human body system that includes the mouth and stomach; takes in food in and breaks it down into smaller molecules that can be used only by cells

171. ______________________: The human body system that carries oxygen and food to cells and carries carbon dioxide and wastes away from cells

172. ______________________: The human body system that takes in oxygen from the air and passes it to the circulatory system, and releases carbon dioxide and water vapor into the air

173. ______________________: Complex group of defenses that protects the body against pathogens – includes the skin and respiratory, digestive, and circulatory systems

174. ______________________: Immunity that occurs when a person’s own immune system produces antibodies in response to the presence of a pathogen

175. ______________________: Harmful to the body

176. ______________________: A physical dependence on a substance

177. ______________________: A living thing that cannot be seen without a microscope

178. ______________________: Any microorganism that causes disease

179. ______________________: a pathogen that consists of a microscopic core of genetic material surrounded by a protein coating

180. ______________________: A weakened or dead form of a virus that causes an organism to develop immunity against that virus

181. ______________________: Single-celled organisms that lack a nucleus; prokaryotes

182. ______________________: A drug that kills bacteria or slows the growth

183. ______________________: A one-celled or many celled-organism such as a mushroom, yeast, or mold

184. ______________________: The organism on which parasites live

185. ______________________: An organism that lives on or in another organism

186. ______________________: An outbreak of a disease that affects many people in an area

187. ______________________: An epidemic that spreads over a large area, or throughout the world

188. ______________________: An organism whose cells contain a nucleus and organelles enclosed by membranes

189. ______________________: An organism whose cells lack a nucleus and organelles enclosed by membranes; example: bacteria

190. ______________________: A disease that can be passed from one organism to another; ex. Strep throat

191. ______________________: A disease that cannot be passed from one organism to another; ex. Cancer

192. ______________________: An organism that transmits or spreads a disease

193. ______________________: The manipulation of living things to make useful products; this includes making medicine in large quantities and human insulin for the treatment of diabetes, combating crime through forensic science and DNA testing, and improving the quality of agricultural and livestock products

194. ______________________: A technique that produces an organisms based on shared characteristics

• Active immunity

• Addiction

• Antibiotic

• Bacteria

• Biotechnology

• Circulatory system

• Cloning

• Digestive system

• Epidemic

• Eukaryote

• Fungi

• Host

• Immune system

• Infectious disease

• Microorganism

• Nervous system

• Noninfectious disease

• Pandemic

• Parasite

• Pathogen

• Prokaryote

• Respiratory system

• Toxic

• Vaccine

• Vector

• ViruS

Molecular Biology (Coach book 60 – 69)

195. ______________________: All organisms are made of one or more cells, the cell is the basic unit of organization, and all cells come from other cells

196. ______________________: The basic unit and structure and function in all living things

197. ______________________: A structure inside a cell that performs a specific function

198. ______________________: Rigid structure that encloses, supports, and protects the cells of plants, algae, fungi, bacteria

199. ______________________: Organelle in plant cells used to perform photosynthesis

200. ______________________: A large structure in a cell that controls many of its functions and contains its genetic material

201. ______________________: Organelle in animal and plant and animal cells used to process energy

202. ______________________: Selectively permeable part of the cell that controls what enters and exits the cell

203. ______________________: Hereditary materials in the nucleus that controls cell functions

204. ______________________: The process by which cells break down sugar to release stored energy

205. ______________________: A substance that an organism needs to carry out life functions

• Cell

• Cell membrane

• Cell theory

• Cell wall

• Cellular respiration

• Chloroplasts


• Mitochondria

• Nucleus

• Nutrient

• Organelle


Science Skills and Energy Vocabulary: Friday May 6th Score: ________

Ecosystems and Earth Systems Vocabulary: Wednesday May 11th Score: ________

Earth History and Evolution/Genetics Vocabulary: Tuesday May 17th Score: ________

Chemistry Vocabulary: Friday May 20th Score: _______

Structures/Functions of Living Organisms and Molecular Biology Vocabulary: Tuesday May 25th Score: ______


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