The Misfits Vocabulary words 1-10

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The Misfits ? Vocabulary words 1-10

English 7

1. Adamant 2. Admonish 3. Bigot 4. Coincide 5. Compelling 6. Contend 7. Cynic

8. Deprived 9. Divulge 10. Exalted

(adj.) Refusing to change your mind about something ? Synonym ? stubborn ? Antonym ? willing, flexible

(v.) To scold, give a friendly warning ? Synonym ? reprimand ? Antonym ? allow, compliment

(n.) a prejudiced person ? Synonym ? fanatic, racist ? Antonym- tolerant person, humanitarian

(v.) happen at the same time ? Synonym ? concur ? Antonym ? differ, disagree

(adj.) attracting interest in an irresistible way ? Synonym- spellbinding, fascinating ? Antonym- boring, uninteresting

(v.) assert, argue that something is true ? Synonym- debate ? Antonym- agree with

(n.) a person who believes that people are selfish and only do things that help themselves

? Synonym- pessimist ? Antonym- optimist

(adj.) without what's important for life ? Synonym ? needy, underprivileged ? Antonym ? wealthy, privileged

(v.) to reveal something private ? Synonym- blab, disclose ? Antonym- hide, cover up

(adj.) in high rank or character, noble ? Synonym- important, honored ? Antonym ? unimportant

Name: ___________________________

English 7

The Misfits ? Vocabulary words 11-20

11. Implication 12. Impulsive 13. Intuitive 14. Liability 15. Meticulously 16. Oppressed 17. Plummet 18. Redundant 19. Subversive 20. Totalitarian

(n.) something that is inferred, not expressly stated ? Synonym ? deduction, meaning ? Antonym ? explicit

(adj.) to act without thinking ? Synonym ? spontaneous, hasty ? Antonym ? calm, planned

(adj.) insightful, instinctive ? Synonym ? perceptive, emotional ? Antonym- reasoned

(n.) a disadvantage, something that holds you back ? Synonym ? drawback, handicap ? Antonym ? benefit

(adv.) Precise, thorough, taking great care ? Synonym- carefully, painstakingly ? Antonym- incompletely, carelessly

(v.) burdened unfairly ? Synonym- abused, exploited ? Antonym- comfort, encourage

(v.) to drop down quickly ? Synonym- crash, fall ? Antonym- lift

(adj.) unnecessary repetition ? Synonym ? excess ? Antonym ? necessary

(adj.) in opposition to authority ? Synonym- destructive ? Antonym- loyal

(adj.) absolute control by a person or group ? Synonym- dictatorial, tyrannical ? Antonym ? democratic


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