Synonyms and Antonyms Lesson Plan - Weebly

[Pages:32]Synonyms and Antonyms Lesson Plan

Morgan Hash Subject Area: Language Arts Grade Level: 3rd Grade

Lesson Plan Elements Objectives:

? The student will be able to understand the meaning of synonym and antonym.

? The student will be able to choose synonyms or antonyms for a given word that was found in a text or determine if a pair of words are synonyms or antonyms.

VA SOL'S: ? SOL 3.4 ? The student will expand vocabulary when reading (b) use knowledge of roots, affixes, synonyms, and antonyms.

ACEI Standards Addressed and Demonstrated Through Lesson Artifacts: ? ACEI 1.0 Development, Learning, and Motivation - Candidates know, understand, and use the major concepts, principles, theories, and research related to development of children and young adolescents to construct learning opportunities that support individual students' development, acquisition of knowledge, and motivation: o With the activities I incorporated into my synonyms and antonyms formal lesson plan, I was able to meet the criteria of ACEI 1.0. I started the lesson with a game where students switched from one side of the carpet to the other based on what statement they agreed with. The statements used were opposite statements, such as "I have a pet" or "I do not have a pet." With this activity I was able to activate students prior knowledge of the words "same" and "opposite" and compare them to the meaning of "synonym" and "antonym." Students were able to relate two things being the same to synonyms having the same meaning. They were also able to relate two things being opposite to antonyms having opposite meaning. Another way I met this standard was using a pre-assessment as a way to plan instruction that met each learner's needs. After conducting the preassessment, I formed a lesson based on the data. Finally, with the games and activities I incorporated in this lesson I was able to demonstrate my knowledge of the characteristics of the age groups of the students in my class. I chose the activities based on my knowledge of what would engage the students. ? ACEI 2.1 Reading, Writing, and Oral Language - Candidates demonstrate a high level of competence in use of English language arts and they know, understand, and use concepts from reading, language and child development, to teach reading, writing , speaking, viewing, listening, and thinking skills and to help students successfully apply their developing skills to many different situations, materials and ideas:

o Throughout this lesson plan, I met the criteria of ACEI 2.1 in multiple ways. To start with, I referenced the grade level standards of learning to design my objectives. In this lesson plan, I first introduced the concepts of synonyms and antonyms to students. To introduce the two concepts I used a side switching activity, which allowed me to encourage active engagement in literacy instruction. We then read a small paragraph so that we could use words from our reading to expand our vocabulary. I was able to incorporate the act of reading within this lesson with the use of the passage the students used to identify words. This also helped to integrate reading with the instruction of language arts. After reading the paragraph, I used webs to have them find synonyms of three words and antonyms of three words that were seen in our passage. The use of these webs was adapted from the concept of said webs. This was another way in which I met this standard, because I used the strategy to engage students in learning.

? ACEI 3.1 Integrating and Applying Knowledge for Instruction -

Candidates plan and implement instruction based on knowledge of

students, learning theory, subject matter, curricular goals, and

community: o I was able to meet the standards in ACEI 3.1 through the way I developed and implemented this lesson. First I began with the Virginia Standards of Learning, which I used to determine the skills that needed to be taught. I also used this knowledge to make objectives for my students that were cohesive to the standards, as well as appropriate for my students. This lesson plan was done in a sequential and logical order, to ensure that students were able to follow the instruction. I first started with synonyms and did a model, guided practice, and an independent practice activity. Then I followed this same order with antonyms. I ensured that each of these was connected directly to the objectives to ensure that students were able to meet the objectives. Overall, I feel I met this standard with this artifact because I planned and conducted a lesson that was very conducive to learning. The students were able to display their knowledge of synonyms and antonyms through their independent work on word webs and during the cooperative learning activity. I have evidence of this, because my students scored much higher on the post-assessment than the pre-assessment. Aside from the scores I recorded, the observations made during the lesson also displayed that the students were making improvements.

? ACEI 3.5 Communication to Foster Collaboration - Candidates use their

knowledge and understanding of effective verbal, nonverbal, and media

communication techniques to foster active inquiry, collaboration, and

supportive interaction in the elementary classroom: o With the activities I used in the synonyms and antonyms lesson plan I conducted with a third grade class, I was able to meet the standards of

ACEI 3.5. During this lesson, I used multiple activities that fostered verbal communication between the students and I. For example, at the beginning of the lesson the students played a game to learn about synonyms and antonyms. This game encouraged positive communication between the students and the teacher to help improve the students' learning. Students had to communicate with the teacher and other students to grasp the concepts. Students also had the opportunity to participate in a cooperative learning activity. This was another way for the students to use verbal communication to improve their learning. During this activity, students had to collaborate through communicating to finish the activity. I was also able to foster an environment where students could experience supportive interactions with their classmates. Students worked together to reach a common goal.

? ACEI 4 Assessment for Instruction - Candidates know, understand, and

use formal and informal assessment strategies to plan, evaluate and

strengthen instruction that will promote continuous intellectual, social,

emotional, and physical development of each elementary student: o With this lesson, I first began to meet the standards of ACEI 4 with my pre-assessment. A week before teaching the lesson, I gave my students a pre-assessment on synonyms and antonyms to collect data on my students' knowledge about these concepts. I then used the data collected from the pre-assessment to plan my instruction and develop the expectations I wanted my students to meet. Next I used strategies to help my students meet the objectives listed in my lesson, which helped to prepare them to for the SOLs. After teaching the lesson, I gave a post-assessment to my students to assess whether or not they had met the objective. The post-assessment was a reflection of the content my students had studied within the lesson. The postassessment was also based on my objectives and could be easily compared to the pre-assessment. After collecting all of the students' work, I recorded the scores to show my students' achievement on the post-assessment. Finally, I compared the scores from the preassessment my students took before this lesson, to the postassessment they took at the conclusion of the lesson. By comparing this data, I was able to document the learning gains that my students made throughout the lesson. This also allowed me to see which students needed remediation on the concepts, which could guide future instruction.

Materials: ? White board ? Dry-erase markers

Artifacts: ? Appendix A: Pre-assessment ? Appendix B: Paragraph

? Appendix C: Independent Practice for Synonyms and Antonyms ? Appendix D: "I have... Who has" Game ? Appendix E: Checklist for Game ? Appendix F: "Batty for Synonyms and Antonyms" Worksheet ? Appendix G: Synonym Word Web Examples ? Appendix H: Antonym Word Web Examples ? Appendix I: Checklist ? Appendix J: Pictures from Lesson

Lesson Plan and Analysis:

Pre-Assessment: Students were given the pre-assessment worksheet (appendix A). The

worksheet asked the students to pick out the synonym for a set of words, pick out an antonym for a set of words, and finally determine whether each pair of words were a synonym or antonym. To be able to obtain the correct answer, students had to be aware of the meaning of synonym and antonym. The first two sections of the worksheet were matching. The second section simply had students put an A in the blank for antonyms and an S in the blank for synonyms. Students received one point for each answer they got correct for a possible total of 16 points.

Number of Correct Ansers (Out of 16)




















Number of Students with Each Score

After collecting the data from the pre-assessment, I made this chart to show the number of students with each score. Some students did well on this preassessment, but about half of the students that turned the pre-assessment in scored below 70%. With only three students getting all the questions correct, I feel that even the students that scored higher on the pre-assessment still need a review. When giving the assessment, I also encountered many students asking me what a

synonym or what an antonym was. Then without me telling them, they were able to get most of the answers correct. This leads me to believe that even the highest students may have made correct guesses.

Narrative Description: (45 minutes total) Introduction: Class Discussion (10 ? 15 minutes)

The students and teacher will have a discussion about what synonyms and antonyms are. To begin, the students will do an activity on things they like and go to either side of the classroom based on their answer to the question. The teacher will then compare the two sides of the carpet.

Teacher: Today we are going to start with a game. For this game to work I need everyone to stay at a level 1. First, I will ask a question. Based on your answer to the question you will go to either side of the carpet. For example, I may say I like ice cream or I don't like ice cream. If you like ice cream you will go to the right side of the carpet and if you don't like ice cream you will go to the other side. So, everybody stand up! If you like to do homework go to the right side of the carpet and if you don't like to do homework go to the left side of the carpet. Remember to stay at a level 1! *Wait for students to choose their side* Teacher: Okay, so if I am over on this side of the carpet and know all these friends like to do homework, I know they are all the same. So what if I come to the other side of the carpet and all my friends don't like to do homework? Are these friends the same or different from the other side of the carpet? Student A: They are different. Teacher: Great! Let's try another one. If you like reading aloud go to the right side or if you like reading silently go to the left side of the carpet. Now if I come over to my friends who like reading aloud, I know they are all going to be the same right? So they are my synonyms. Then if I compare them to my friends who like to read silently, I know they are my antonyms. These friends picked the OPPOSITE choice from those who chose that they like to read aloud! So now we are going to do another and see if you guys can tell me who are my SYNONYMS and who are my ANTONYMS. So, if you have a pet go to the right side of the carpet and if you don't have a pet, go to the left side. *Allow students time to move to their side of the carpet* Teacher: Okay so if I come over to the right side where everyone has a pet, these are my what? Student: Synonyms!! Teacher: How do we know they are my synonyms? Student: Because they are the same. Teacher: Exactly! We know that synonyms are the same! What about my friends over on the other side of the carpet, what are they when compared with the synonyms? Student: Antonyms!

Teacher: Yes! And how do we know that these are the antonyms? Student: Because they are opposite! Teacher: Great Job, synonyms are words that mean the same and antonyms are words that have opposite meanings.

Instruction and Activities: (30 minutes)

Synonyms Mini-Lesson (10 minutes) Teacher should have students find a seat on the carpet before beginning a

lesson on synonyms. Teacher: Now we are going to talk a little bit about synonyms. What are synonyms? Student: Synonym means the same! Teacher: Right, so if I said two words were synonyms, what would I mean by that? Student: That the two words are the same. Teacher: Close, when we are talking about synonyms, we are talking about two words that mean the same thing or close to the same thing. *Teacher should write this definition on the board* Students will be given the following paragraph. "Johnny got a puppy for his birthday last year. This present made Johnny so happy, because when Johnny asked where his presents were, his mom said there were none. Johnny's mom said that he only got a puppy because he had been so nice. When he got his puppy, it was very small. Now that his puppy is older, his puppy has gotten big and his barks have gotten quite loud." The paragraph will be given to the students (Appendix B) as well as written on the board.

? Model: After the paragraph has been read aloud, the teacher will point out the word small. Teacher: In the paragraph about Johnny's puppy, I read that the puppy was very small. When we read it is important to know other words that also mean small. We said that synonyms are words that mean the same or have similar meanings. So, if I want to find words that mean the same thing as small I will be looking for the synonyms. The teacher will write the word small on the board and discuss the possible synonyms for the word. This format will be done as a web. So, small will be in the middle and the synonyms will be draw from the middle. Teacher: I have the word small and I am trying to use some synonyms of this word. So I am looking for words that mean the same thing. I know that tiny has a similar meaning to small. I also know the words little and teeny have a similar meaning so I will write all of these words up coming off of my original word.

? Guided Practice: Next the teacher will write up another word from the paragraph and have students give synonyms for the word. The teacher will write up happy.

Teacher: Now I am going to go back to my paragraph. I see the word

happy. I am wondering what other words I could use instead of happy

that will still mean the same thing. If I have the word happy and I am

looking for synonyms of the word, I am looking for words that are the

same or different? Students: The same!

Teacher: Yes! So what are some synonyms or words that have same or

similar meaning to the word happy. Student A: Glad! Student B: Joyful! Student C: Excited!

Teacher: Excited does not necessarily mean the same thing as happy,

but the words do have similar meanings so we can use it! *If students cannot think of words on their own, the teacher will say various words and ask if they are synonyms. So the teacher may say words such as tall, none, mad, joyful, excited and glad. Students will have to determine that only the last three are synonyms.* ? Independent Practice: For independent practice, students will be given a worksheet with a word in the middle. The word will be from the paragraph they read. On the worksheet they will also have a word bank of words they can use to fill in the bubbles. These words will include synonyms, antonyms, and random words. Students will be instructed to find the synonyms of the word in the middle to fill in the web. Students will also be given a choice to add bubbles and words that they come up with on their own to the synonym web if they finish early. The teacher will hand out these papers and give students the instructions.

Teacher: I need you to complete this worksheet like the ones that we

just did together. As you see, the word in the middle is nice. This is

another word from our paragraph that I want to find synonyms for. You

have a word bank to choose your words from, if you finish early and

would like you may add more bubbles with words you come up with on

your own.

Antonyms Mini-Lesson (10 minutes): After the students have completed the worksheet on synonyms they will turn

their attention back towards the board for a lesson on antonyms. This mini-lesson will go very similar to the one on synonyms. Synonyms and antonyms have been split into two mini-lessons in hope that students will better be able to differentiate between the two.

Teacher: After everyone is done with their activity, I need everyone's

attention back up at the board. I need you all to think back to our

activity we did earlier. Who can tell me what we decided and antonym

was? Student: Something that is different.

Teacher: Yes, if we say that two words are antonyms we know their

meanings are different; they are actually opposites.

*Teacher will write up the definition of antonym on the board*

? Model: The teacher will write the word small on the board and discuss the possible antonyms for the word. This format will be done as a web. So, small will be in the middle and the antonyms will be draw from the middle. Teacher: I want to go back to my paragraph now. I see the word small again, but this time I am wondering what words mean the opposite of small. So now I am looking for antonyms. Words like big or large. *Teacher will write those words coming from the web.

? Guided Practice: The teacher will now write up the word loud and let the students suggests antonyms. Teacher: Another word I saw in my paragraph was the word loud. Johnny really wished that his puppy was not so loud. What could we say Johnny wished his puppy was? So, now we are going to look at the word loud. I want to find some antonyms for this word, so that I can figure out how Johnny wished his puppy was. Who can remind me what I am looking for when I say that I am looking for an antonym? Student: You are looking for a word that means the opposite of loud. Teacher: Exactly. So what is an antonym, or a word that means the opposite, of loud? Student: Silent! Student: Quiet! Student: Level One! Teacher: *writes each up on the board* *If students cannot think of words on their own, the teacher will say various words and ask if they are antonyms. So the teacher may say words such as quiet, none, yell, silent, level one. Students will have to determine which are antonyms.*

? Independent Practice: For independent practice, students will be given a worksheet with a word in the middle. On the worksheet they will also have a word bank of words they can use to fill in the bubbles. These words will include synonyms, antonyms, and random words. Students will be instructed to find the antonyms of the word in the middle. Students will also be given a choice to add bubbles and words that they come up with on their own to the antonym web if they finish early. The teacher will hand out these papers and give students the instructions. Teacher: I need you to complete this worksheet like the ones that we just did together. In this worksheet you will see another word from our paragraph. This time you are looking at the word none and trying to find antonyms. You have a word bank to choose your words from, if you finish early and would like, you may add more bubbles with words you came up with on your own.

Closure: Cooperative Learning Activity (10 minutes)


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