Third Grade Lesson Plans - Anderson School District Five

| |Third Grade Lesson Plans |

| |Subject: Word |

| |March 11 – March 15, 2013 |

| |3.L-2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. |

| |3.L-4b Determine the meaning of the new word formed when a known affix is added to a known word (e.g., agreeable/disagreeable, |

| |comfortable/uncomfortable, care/careless, heat/preheat). |

| |3.L-4c Use a known root word as a clue to the meaning of an unknown word with the same room (e.g., company, companion). |

| |3.L-4d Use glossaries or beginning dictionaries, both print and digital, to determine or clarify the precise meaning of key words and phrases. |

| |3.L-5 Demonstrate understanding of word relationships and nuances in word meanings. |

| |*SC: 3-3.3 Interpret the meaning of idioms encountered in texts. |

| |3.L-5a Distinguish the literal and nonliteral meanings of words and phrases in context (e.g., take steps). |

| | |

| |3.RF-3 Know and apply grade level-phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. |

| |*SC: 3-3.1 Generate the meaning of unfamiliar and multiple-meaning words by using context clues. |

| |*SC: 3-3.4 Read high-frequency words in texts. |

| |RF.3.4b Read grade-level prose and poetry orally with accuracy, appropriate rate and expression. |

| |3.RF-3c Decode multisyllable words. |

| |3.L-2f Use spelling patterns and generalizations (e.g., word families, position-based spellings, syllable patterns, ending rules, meaningful word |

| |parts) in writing words. |

| |*SC: 3-3.6 Spell high-frequency words. |

| |*SC: 3-3.7 Spell correctly |

| |• words that have blends, |

| |• contractions, |

| |• compound words, |

| |• orthographic patterns (for example, qu, consonant doubling, changing the ending of a word |

| |from -y to -ies when forming the plural), and common homonyms |

| |3.L-4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning word and phrases based on grade 3 reading and content, choosing flexibly from |

| |a range of strategies. |

| |*SC: 3-3.2 Use base words and affixes to determine the meanings of words. |

| |*SC: 3-3.5 Use context clues to determine the relationship between two or more words (including synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms). |

| |L.3.3a Use words and phrases for effect. |

| |L.3.4a Use sentence-level context as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase. |

| |L.3.4b Determine the meaning of the new word formed when a known affix is added to a known word. |

| |L.3.4d Use glossaries or beginning dictionaries, both print and digital, to determine or clarify the precise meaning of key words and phrases. |

| |L.3.5b Identify real-life connections between words and their use |

| | |

| |Spelling |MATERIALS |

|Monday |Procedures: |Spelling list |

| |Spelling pre-test |Handwriting practice: pages 69 |

| |Teacher will have students put the words in ABC order. |Month by Month phonics (new book) page |

| |Students will cheer the word wall words. |117-118 |

| |Word Wall Words activity—write a riddle with 10 word wall words. |Journals |

| |Cursive handwriting practice: Students will do pages 69. —Please remind students of spacing, legibility |PB 71 (Volume 2) |

| |and sizing. Students will be working a review of the uppercase letters N, M, K, and H. |Unit 5 Teacher edition |

| |The teacher will do “What Looks Right?” with the students. The pattern for this lesson is eal/eel. For | |

| |procedures to do this activity, the teacher will use MBMP book page 117 (chart is on page 118). | |

| |Daily Phonics: words with –ed and –ing. Teacher will use T18-19 for this lesson and workbook page 71 as an| |

| |assessment. | |

| |Homework: Write each word 5 times each in ABC order. | |

| |Assessment: handwriting practice; group discussion, practice page | |

|Tuesday |Procedures: |Spelling list |

| |Word Wall Words activity—cheer the words A through M. |Handwriting practice: pages 70-71 |

| |Cursive handwriting practice: Students will do pages 70-71. —Please remind students of spacing, legibility|Journals |

| |and sizing. Students will write palindromes in their best cursive handwriting and work on the uppercase U.|Dictionaries |

| |The teacher will do a “Rivet” lesson using Month by Month Phonics book page 114-116. The purpose of this |Month by Month Phonics (new book) page |

| |activity is to help students with words they don’t know. It will connect Reading to Word. |114-116 |

| |Daily Phonics: words with –ed and –ing. Teacher will use T23 for this lesson. Remind students how the |Unit 5 Teacher edition |

| |endings make the words either present or past tense. | |

| |Homework: Write each word in a sentence. | |

| |Assessment: handwriting practice; group discussion, worksheet | |

|Wednesday|Procedures: | |

| |Review Spelling homework. |Spelling list |

| |Word Wall Words activity—spellercise the words N-Z. |Handwriting practice: page 72-73 |

| |Cursive handwriting practice: pages 72-73—Please remind students of spacing, legibility and sizing. |materials for game |

| |Students will work on uppercase letters Y and Z. |Month by Month Phonics (new book) page |

| |The teacher will do a “Making Words” activity with the students. The secret word is batteries. The |122 |

| |letters for the baggies are a, e, e, i, b, r, s, t, t. See page 122 in the new book for words to make and |Letter baggies |

| |for the steps in the lesson. (pages 28-29 shows a sample lesson if unsure) |Unit 5 Teacher edition |

| |The teacher will give students 5 minutes to play around with the letters to see how many words they can | |

| |come up with. | |

| |The teacher will have the students manipulate the letters to make the words called out. The teacher will | |

| |have the students sort the words by related words, y to i add es, and rhyming words. | |

| |Daily Phonics: words with –ed and –ing. Teacher will use T43 for this lesson. Draw a two-column chart and| |

| |write the endings at the top of each column. Students will copy the charts in their journals. Students | |

| |will read words written on the board and then place them under the correct heading. | |

| |The teacher will have students read the words aloud to the class and use them in sentences to check for | |

| |comprehension. | |

| |Homework: Practice test MBS; test tomorrow. | |

| |Assessment: handwriting practice; group discussion; teacher observation; making words; journal entries | |

|Thursday | | |

| |Procedures: | |

| |Review Spelling homework. | |

| |Word Wall Words activity—write 10 words in your best cursive handwriting. |Spelling list |

| |Cursive handwriting practice: pages 74—Please remind students of spacing, legibility and sizing. Students |Handwriting practice: page 74 |

| |will review uppercase letters U, Y and Z. |materials for game |

| |The teacher will lead students in a review game for tomorrow’s test. Some options include: Sparkle, Timer |Unit 5 Teacher edition |

| |game, Word Race, Around the World, etc. |Practice book page 81 (volume 2) |

| |Daily Phonics: words with –ed and –ing. Teacher will use T48, 56 and 62 for this lesson. There is a | |

| |worksheet that can be used for an assessment in the practice book online page 81. | |

| |Homework: Practice test MBS; test tomorrow. | |

| |Assessment: handwriting practice; group discussion; teacher observation; worksheet | |

|Friday | | |

| |Procedures: | |

| |Review spelling words. |Spelling post-test |

| |Students will take the spelling test. | |

| |Students will write the dictation sentences read aloud by the teacher. | |

| |Homework: No homework will be given. Have a great weekend! | |


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