
Tone Word: Controlled Definition: remain calm and reasonable despite posed: having one's feelings and expression under control; calm.Contained: have or hold (someone or something) within.Disciplined: the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior, using punishment to correct disobedience.Guarded: cautious and having possible reservations.Restrained: characterized by reserve or moderation; unemotional or dispassionate.Calm: not showing or feeling nervousness, anger, or other emotions.Cool: calmness; composure.Inhibited: unable to act in a relaxed and natural way because of self-consciousness or mental restraint.Self-controlled: the ability to regulate one's emotions, thoughts, and behavior in the face of temptations and impulses.Tone WordCynical Definition: believing that people are motivated by self-interest; distrustful of human society sincerely or integrity Synonyms: 1.skeptical-not easily convinced; having doubts or reservations2. Distrustful- feeling or showing distrust of someone or something3.doubtful- feeling or showing distrust of someone or something4.) suspicious- having or showing a cautious distrust of someone or something.5.)disbelieving- be unable to believe (someone or something)6.)pessimistic-tending to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen7.) world-weary- feeling or indicating feelings of weariness, boredom, or cynicism as a result of long experience of life.8.)sardonic-grimly mocking or cynical.9.)disenchanted- disappointed by someone or something previously respected or admired; Tone Word: DerogatoryDefinition: showing a critical or disrespectful attitude.Synonyms: 1. Belittling - make (someone or something) seem unimportant.2. Demeaning - causing someone to lose their dignity and the respect of others.3. Unflattering - expressing disparagement : disparaging, depreciatory. 4. Slanderous - (of a spoken statement) false and malicious5. Disrespectful - showing a lack of respect or courtesy; impolite.6. Disdainful - showing contempt or lack of respect.7. Critical - expressing adverse or disapproving comments or judgments.8. Scornful - feeling or expressing contempt or derision.9. Degreading - causing a loss of self-respect; RY: reflective1.Thoughtful; absorbed in or involving thought2.Cogitative; the capacity to think or reflect3.Meditative; of, involving, or absorbed in meditation or considered thought.4.Pensive; engaged in, involving, or reflecting deep or serious thought.5.Musing; a period of reflection or thought.6.Deliberate; engage in long and careful consideration.7.Ruminant; a contemplative person; a person given to meditation.8.Broody; given or conducive to introspection9.Contemplative; expressing or involving prolonged thought.10.Reflective; relating to or characterized by deep thoughtCATEGORY: RestrainedDefinitions:1. Restrained- characterized by reserve or moderation; unemotional or dispassionate2. Controlled- held in check; curbed3. Subdued- reduced in fullness tone, as tone, as a color or voice4. Reserved- refrain from using or disposing of (something)5. Reticent- not revealing one's thoughts or feelings readily6. Muted- being mute; toned down7. Discreet- careful and circumspect in one's speech or actions, especially in order to avoid causing offense or to gain an advantage8. Repressed- kept suppressed and inhibited9. Unobtrusive- not obtrusive10. Mild- amiably gentle or temperate in feeling or behavior toward others.Sardonic* Sardonic- characterized by bitter or scornful derision* Mocking- to ridicule by mimicry of action or speech \* Bitter- angry, hurt, resentful, because of ones bad experience or a sense of unjust treatment* Arrogant- having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one’s own importance or abilities* Cynical- concerned only with one's own interests and typically disregarding accepted or appropriate standards in order to achieve them* Evil- morally wrong or bad* Mordant- having or showing a sharp or critical quality; biting* Derisive- expressing contempt or ridicule* Scornful- feeling or expressing contempt or derision* Taunting- provoke or challenge (someone) with insulting remarksCATEGORY: sentimentalDefinition:1.Affectionate: .readily feeling or showing fondness or tenderness.2.Sentimental: of or prompted by feelings of tenderness, sadness, or nostalgia3.Nostalgic: characterized by or exhibiting feelings of nostalgia.4.Passionate: showing or caused by strong feelings or a strong belief.5.Idealistic: characterized by idealism; unrealistically aiming for perfection.6.Touching: arousing strong feelings of sympathy, appreciation, or gratitude.7.Tender: showing gentleness and concern or sympathy.8.Overemotional: (of a person) having feelings that are too easily excited and displayed.9.Demonstrative: (of a person) tending to show feelings, especially of affection, openly10.Soft-Hearted: kind and compassionate.[Impartial] 1. Impassive -- not feeling or showing emotion 2. Neutral -- not helping or supporting either side in a conflict, disagreement 3. Uninvolved -- not connected or concerned with someone or something, especially on an emotional level 4. Open-minded -- having or showing a mind receptive to new ideas or arguments 5. Unslanted -- to not have or be influenced by a subjective point of view, bias, personal feeling or inclination, etc. 6. Candid -- free from reservation, disguise, or subterfuge; straightforward 7. Objective -- (of a person or their judgment) not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts 8. Nondiscriminatory -- not making an unfair or prejudicial distinction between different categories of people or things 9. Nonpartisan -- not supporting or controlled by a political party, special interest group, or the like 10. Equitable -- characterized by equity or fairness; just and right; fair; reasonable Alan Halaly, Lauren Luczek, Kolton Cramer, Sarah Mellinger 10/29/18 Period 5 [Impressionable] 1. Pliable - easily bent; flexible. 2. Suggestible - open to suggestion; easily swayed. 3. Susceptible - likely or liable to be influenced or harmed by a particular thing. 4. Persuadable - easily persuaded; amenable. 5. Impressionable - easily influenced because of a lack of critical ability. 6. Trusting - showing or tending to have a belief in a person's honesty or sincerity; not suspicious. 7. Malleable - easily influenced; pliable. 8. Gullible - easily persuaded to believe something 9. Credulous - having or showing too great a readiness to believe things. 10. Naive - showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment [Bitter] 1. Sour - feeling or expressing resentment, disappointment, or anger. 2. Harsh - unpleasantly rough or jarring to the senses. 3. Spiteful - showing or caused by malice. 4. Hostile - unfriendly; antagonistic. 5. Resentful - feeling or expressing bitterness or indignation at having been treated unfairly. 6. Contempt - the feeling that a person or a thing is beneath consideration, worthless, or deserving scorn 7. Antagonistic - showing or feeling active opposition or hostility toward someone or something. 8. Animosity - strong hostility. 9. Rancorous - characterized by bitterness or resentment. 10. Acrimonious - (typically of speech or a debate) angry and bitter. [Authoritative] 1. Faithful: loyal, constant, steadfast 1. Sound: based on reason, sense, or judgement 2. Righteous: morally right or justifiable 3. Scholarly: involving or relating to serious academic study 4. Trustworthy: able to be relied on as honest 5. Assured: confident 6. Confident: feeling or showing certainty about something 7. Assertive: having or showing a confident or forceful personality8. Authoritative: able to be trusted as accurate or true 9. Definitive: done or researched decisively and with authority Joke: something said or done to provoke laughter or cause amusement Jesting: a joke or witty remarkJocular: said or done as a jokeAmusing: pleasantly entertaining or diverting Comical: amusingJoshing: to chaff; banter in a teasing wayClever: mentally quick and resourcefulWitty: marked by or full of clever humor or witDroll: curious or unusual in a way that provokes dry amusement Disdainful: showing contempt or lack of respect Derisive: expressing contempt or ridiculeAloof: not friendly or forthcoming; cool and distantSupercilious: behaving or looking as though one thinks one is superior to othersCondescending: having or showing a feeling of patronizing superiority Degrade: to lower to an inferior or less effective levelDisparaging: meant to belittle the value or importance of someone or somethingDenigrate: to attack the reputation of something (Defame): to deny the importance or validity of something (Belittle)Contemptuous: manifesting, feeling, or expressing deep hatred or disapproval Decry: to depreciate (something, such as a coin) officially or publiclyAmusing: Causing laughter or providing entertainment.Unusual: Not habitually or commonly occurring or done.Erratic: Not even or regular in pattern or movement.Playful: Fond of games and amusement: lighthearted.Chancy: Subject to unpredictable changes and circumstances.Eccentric: (Of a person or their behavior) Unconventional and slightly strange.Droll: Curious or unusual in a way that proves dry amusement.Fanciful: (of a person or their thoughts and ideas) Over Imaginative and unrealistic.Whimsical: Playfully quaint or fanciful, especially in an appealing and amusing way.Chimerical: Existing only as the product of unchecked imagination; Fantastically visionaryCalm: Without emotionComposed: Having one’s feelings under controlUnemotional: Not having or showing strong feelingsDisciplined: Having or exhibiting disciplineContained: Showing restraint or calmnessControlled: Not overly angryObsessed: Having a complete preoccupation with something elseRegimented: Very strictly organizedRestrained: Characterized by reserve or moderation; unemotional or dispassionateInhibited: Overly restrainedDominated: Ruled over; completely controlled1) Derogatory: detracting from the character or standing of something —often used with to, towards, or of 2) Disparaging: meant to belittle the value or importance of someone or something : serving or intended to disparage someone or something 3) Disrespect: to lack special regard or respect for 4) Demeaning: to lower in character, status, or reputation 5) Insulting: to treat with insolence, indignity, or contempt. Also to affect offensively or damagingly 6) Slanderous: the utterance of false charges or misrepresentations which defame and damage another's reputation 7) Offensive: giving painful or unpleasant sensations 8) Nasty: lacking in courtesy or sportsmanship or causing severe pain or suffering 9) Belittling: a disparaging statement or expressing disparagement 10) Scornful: open dislike and disrespect or derision often mixed with indignation 1. Didactic: intended to teach, particularly in having moral instruction as an ulterior motive. 2. Instructional: intended or used for teaching; educational. 3. Edifying: providing moral or intellectual instruction. 4. Moralistic: overfond of making moral judgements about others' behavior; too ready to moralize. 5. Pedagogic: relating to teaching. 6. Scholastic: of or concerning schools and education. 7. Educational: relating to the provision of education.8. Advisory: authorized to recommend 9. Consultative: intended to give professional advice or recommendations. 10. Exhortative: Acting or intended to encourage, incite, or advise. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.Cynical: concerned only with one's own interests and typically disregarding accepted or appropriate standards in order to achieve them. 2. Contemptuous: manifesting, feeling, or expressing deep hatred or disapproval : feeling or showing contempt. 3. Derisive: expressing contempt or ridicule. 4. Ironic: using words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning; containing or exemplifying 5. Misanthropic: disliking humankind and avoiding human society. 6. Mocking: to attack or treat with ridicule, contempt, or derision. 7. Pessimistic: tending to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen. 8. Sarcastic: marked by or given 9. Sardonic: grimly mocking 10. Wry: using or expressing dry, especially mocking, humor. 1. Facetious: treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor. 2. Satirical: (?of a person or their behavior) sarcastic, critical, and mocking another's weaknesses. 3. Blithe: showing a casual and cheerful indifference considered to be callous or improper. 4. Sarcastic: marked by or given to using irony in order to mock or convey contempt. 5. Ridiculous: deserving or inviting derision or mockery; absurd. 6. Whimsical: playfully quaint or fanciful, especially in an appealing and7. Waggish: humorous in a playful, mischievous, or facetious manner. 8. Ludicrous: so foolish, unreasonable, or out of place as to be amusing; ridiculous. 9. Clever: quick to understand, learn, and devise or apply ideas; intelligent. 10. Amusing: causing laughter or providing entertainment-Irreverent- Showing lack of respect for people or things that are generally taken seriously.* Profane- A person or their behavior that is not respectful of orthodox religious practice.* Sacrilegious- Having or showing a lack of proper respect for a sacred person, place, or object.* Flippant- Lacking proper respect or seriousness* Blasphemous- Impiously irreverent* Saucy- Impertinently bold and impudent* Disrespectful- To lack special regard or respect for* Cheeky- Boldly rude, impudent, or disrespectful in usually a playful or appealing way.* Mocking- To treat with contempt or ridicule.* Tongue-in-cheek- With ironic or flippant intent.-Insolent- showing a rude and arrogant lack of respect* Impertinent- not showing proper respect* Impudent- not showing due respect for another person* Cheeky-irreverent, typically in an endearing or amusing way* Impolite-not showing good manners* Disrespectful- showing lack of respect or courtesy* Rude- offensively impolite* Unmannerly-not having or showing good manners* Contemptuous -showing contempt* Contumelious -scornful and insultingCongenial-Agreeable, suitable, or pleasing in nature or character.* Affable - pleasantly easy to approach and to talk to; friendly* Cordial- courteous and gracious; friendly; warm* Favorable-characterized by approval or support; positive* Pleasing - giving pleasure; agreeable; gratifying* Harmonious- marked by agreement in feeling, attitude, or action* Compatible - capable of existing or living together in harmony* Sympathetic marked by a kindly or pleased appreciation* Hospitable- friendly and welcoming to strangers or guests* Kindred- of a similar nature or character: likeIngenuous- showing innocent or childlike simplicity and candidness* Innocent- free from guilt or sin especially through lack of knowledge of evil* Naive- marked by unaffected simplicity* Trusting- assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone* Open- a willingness to try and listen to new things and revealing about yourself* Sincere- free from pretense or deceit; honest* Genuine- sincere and honest* Guileless- innocent and without deception* Candid- truthful and straightforward* Artless- lacking in superficiality or deceiCATEGORY : ContemptuousDefinition: manifesting, feeling, or expressing deep hatred or disapproval : feeling or showing contempt.Intensity List1. Uncomplimentary (Negative or insulting)2. Disdainful (Showing contempt or lack of respect)3. Pejorative (Expressing contempt or disapproval)4. Demeaning (Causing someone to lose their dignity and the respect of others)5. Derogatory (Showing a critical or disrespectful attitude)6. Contemptuous7. Scornful (Feeling or expressing contempt or derision)8. Degrading (Treat or regard someone with contempt or disrespect)9. Repulsive (Arousing intense distaste or disgust)10. Abhorrent (Inspiring disgust or loathing)Category: Witty (Least to Most)1) Facetious: Treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor; flippant2) Keen: Intellectually alert; having or characteristic of a quick penetrating mind3) Witty: A showing or characterized by quick and inventive verbal humor4) Droll: Curious in an universal way that provokes dry amusement5) Slapstick: Comedy based on intentionally clumsy actions and humorously embarrassing events6) Joshing: To tease or joke with someone in a playful way7) Jocose: Given to or characterized by joking/playful/humorous/jesting8) Piquant: Pleasantly stimulating or exciting to the mind9) Epigrammatic: The nature of or in the style of an epigram; concise, clever, and amusing10) Scintillating: Brilliantly and excitingly clever or skillfullCategory: Whimsical1. Quaint (attractively unusual or old fashioned)2. Curious (strange; unusual)3. Playful (fond of games and amusement; lighthearted)4. Quirky (characterized by peculiar or unexpected traits)5. Waggish (humorous in a playful, mischievous, or facetious manner)6. Fanciful ( of a person or their thoughts and ideas, over imaginative and unrealistic)7. Eccentric ( of a person or their behavior, unconventional and slightly strange)8. Whimsical ( playfully quaint or fanciful, especially in an appealing and amusing way)9. Mischievous ( of a person, animal, or their behaviour, causing or showing a fondness for causing trouble in a playful way)10. Idiosyncratic ( relating to idiosyncratic; peculiar or individual)Category: SardonicExample: the comedian mocked a certain individual and bringing that individual’s spirit down.Definition: disdainfully or skeptically humorous: derisively mocking.Intensity list:1). Taunting (to reproach or challenge in a mocking or insulting manner)2). Scornful (feeling or expressing contempt derision)3). Offensive (causing someone to feel deeply hurt, upset, or angry)4). Irascible (having or showing a tendency to be easily angered)5). Cynical (believing that people are motivated by self-interest; distrustful of human sincerity)6). Arrogant (having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one’s own importance or abilities)7). Mordant (having or showing a sharp or critical quality; biting)8). Mocking (making fun of someone or something in a cruel way)9). Caustic (sarcastic in a scathing and bitter way)10). Acerbic (sharply or bitingly critical, sarcastic, or ironic in temper, mood, or tone.Insolent- Showing a rude and arrogant lack of respect.Impolite- Not having or showing good manners.Disrespectful- Showing a lack of respectDiscourteous- Showing rudeness and a lack of consideration for other people.Rude- Offensively impolite or ill-manneredArrogant- Having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilitiesUncivil- Lacking in courteuosy, not civilizedAbusive- Harsh and insultingObtrusive- Forward in manner or conductContemptous- Manifesting, feeling, or expressing deep hatred or disapprovalCongenial:Happy- feeling or showing pleasure or contentmentKindly- having or showing a friendly, generous, and considerate natureAgreeable- enjoyable and pleasurable; pleasantFavorable- expressing approvalCordial- warm and friendly Delightful- causing delight; charmingPleasant- giving a sense of happy satisfaction or enjoymentAffable- friendly, good-natured, or easy to talk toAmicable- having a spirit of friendliness; without serious disagreement or rancorIrreverent: Showing a lack of respect for people or things that are generally taken seriouslySaucy- To be rude in a lively or playful wayCheeky- Endearing or playful meannessFlippant- Not showing a serious or respect attitudeRude- Offensively impolite or ill-manneredDisrespectful-Showing a lack of courtesyImpudent- Cocky or shameless lack of respectInsolent- An insultingly bold or arrogant display of rudenessScornful- Showing open dislike and disrespectContemptuous- Manifesting, feeling, or expressing deep hatred or disapprovalIngenuous: innocent and unsuspecting.guileless: devoid of guile; innocent and without deception.Naive: natural and unaffected; innocent.Unsophisticated: : not changed or corrupted; genuine Artless: without effort or pretentiousness; natural and simple.Straightforward: free from crookedness or deceitSincere: saying what they genuinely feel or believe; not dishonest or hypocritical.Unaffected: without artificiality or insincerity.Direct: in a particular direction or at a particular person.Frank: open, sincere, or undisguised in manner or appearance.Sentimental: Of or prompted by feelings of tenderness, sadness, nostalgiaSaccharine: excessively sweet or sentimentalNostalgic: characterized by or exhibiting feelings of nostalgiaAffectionate: Readily feeling or showing fondness or tendernessEmotional: Characterized by intense feeling and inner emotionsTenderhearted: Having a kind and gentle natureSappy: Excessively sentimental and caringSoft-hearted: Likely to care and obtaining a benevolent and merciful natureCompassionate: Feeling or showing sympathy or concern for othersTouching: Arousing strong feelings of emotion and appreciationReflective: relating to or characterized by deep thought; thoughtful. (Michael)8. Pondering: think about (something) carefully, especially before making a decision or reaching a conclusion7. Contemplative: expressing or involving prolonged thought9. Pensive: engaged in, involving, or reflecting deep or serious thought1. Meditative: of, involving, or absorbed in meditation or considered thought2. Studious: showing great care or attention, thought4. Broody: thoughtful and unhappy6. Thoughtful: absorbed in or involving thought3. Musing: A period of reflection or thought5. Ruminative: To think deeplySardonic: grimly mocking or cynical.Mocking: making fun of someone or something in a cruel way; derisive.Sarcastic: marked by or given to using irony in order to mock or convey contempt.Satirical: believing that people are motivated by self-interest; distrustful of human sincerity or integrity.Cynical: believing that people are motivated by self-interest; distrustful of human sincerity or integrity.Sneering: smile or speak in a contemptuous or mocking manner.Contemptuous: showing contempt; scornful.Trenchant: vigorous or incisive in expression or style.Scornful: feeling or expressing contempt or derision.Scathing: witheringly scornful; severely critical.Restrained - characterized by reserve or moderation; unemotional or dispassionate.Repressed - subjected or marked by repressionUnpretentious - not attempting to impress others with an appearance of greater importance, talent, or culture than is actually possessed.Subdued- (of a person or their manner) quiet and rather reflective or depressedDiscete - individually separate and distinctSober- showing no excessive or extreme qualities of fancy, emotion, or prejudice Unflasy- not bright, ostentatious, or showy : not flashyLow-key -having or producing dark tones only with little contrastcontrolled - regulated by law with regard to possession and useToned-down- reduced or softened in intensity, forcefulneConfident feeling or showing confidence in oneself, self-assured, certain 1. Hopeful: feeling or inspiring optimism about a future event 2. Upbeat: increase in prosperity 3. Sure: marked by or given to feelings of confident certainty, characterized by a lack of wavering or hesitation 4. Convinced: to have been brought to a belief through persuasion 5. Positive: formally laid down or imposed, assured 6. Bold: fearless before danger, confident, assured 7. Self-assured: sure of oneself 8. Fearless: free from fear, brave 9. Courageous: having a mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty Impartial Treating all rivals or disputants equally; fair and just 1-disinterested- not influenced by considerations of personal advantage 2-open- minded-willing to consider new ideas 3-nonpartisan- not biased or partisan, especially toward any particular political group 4-detached- aloof and objective 5-equitable- fair and impartial 6-nondiscriminatory- not making and unfair or prejudicial distinction between different categories of people or things 7-neutral- not helping or supporting either side in a conflict, disagreement, etc. 8-unprejudiced- not having or showing a dislike or distrust based on fixed or preconceived ideas 9-unbiased- showing no prejudice for or against something Compassionate feeling or showing sympathy for others. The little girl was when she helped the old lady bring her groceries to her car. 1. Kind- a sympathetic or helpful nature 2. Understanding- sympathetically aware of another person’s feeling; forgiving 3. Warm-Hearted- sympathetic and kind 4. Charitable- devoted to assistance 5. Merciful- being gracious or showing an act of mercy 6. Empathetic- the ability to understand another person’s feelings; putting yourself into another person’s shoes. 7. Benevolent- disposed to doing good, suggestive of goodwill 8. Humane- marked by compassion, sympathy, or consideration for humans or animals 9. Solicitous- manifesting or expressing anxiety and concern Clinical Extremely objective and realistic; dispassionately analytic; unemotionally critical 1-Cold- lacking affection or warmth of feeling; unemotional denial would be a self-contradiction 2-Antiseptic- scrupulously clean or pure, especially so as to be bland or characterless 3-Impersonal- not influenced by, showing, or involving personal feelings; not existing as a person; having no personality 4-Scientific- having or feeling no interest in something 5-Disinterested- not influenced by considerations of personal advantage; having or feeling no interest in something 6-Unemotional- not having or showing strong feelings 7-Emotionless- not showing any emotion; unemotional 8-Objective- not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts. 9-Analytic- true by virtue of the meaning of the words or concepts used to express it, so that its Clever Quick to understand, learn and devise or apply ideas The girl was clever at scamming other people. 1. Bright- intelligent and quick-witted. 2. Ingenious- characterized by cleverness or originality of invention or construction 3. Savvy- experienced, knowledgable, and well-informed; shrewd (often used in combination) 4. Sharp- having or showing speed of perception, comprehension, or response. 5. Brilliant - exceptionally clever or talented. 6. Intelligent- having good understanding or a high mental capacity; quick to comprehend 7. Discerning- showing good or outstanding judgment and understanding 8. Sagacious - having or showing acute mental discernment and keen practical sense; shrewd: 9. Gifted - having exceptionally high intelligence[Impartial] 1. Impassive??not?feeling?or?showing?emotion 2. Neutral??not?helping?or?supporting?either?side?in?a?conflict,?disagreement 3. Uninvolved??not?connected?or?concerned?with?someone?or?something,?especially?on?an emotional?level4. Openminded??having?or?showing?a?mind?receptive?to?new?ideas?or?arguments 5. Unslanted??to?not?have?or?be?influenced?by?a?subjective?point?of?view,?bias,?personal feeling?or?inclination,?etc. 6. Candid??free?from?reservation,?disguise,?or?subterfuge??straightforward 7. Objective??(of?a?person?or?their?judgment)?not?influenced?by?personal?feelings?or opinions?in?considering?and?representing?facts 8. Nondiscriminatory??not?making?an?unfair?or?prejudicial?distinction?between?different categories?of?people?or?things 9. Nonpartisan??not?supporting?or?controlled?by?a?political?party,?special?interest?group,?or the?like 10. Equitable??characterized?by?equity?or?fairness??just?and?right??fair??reasonable[Impressionable] 1. Pliable???easily?bent??flexible. 2. Suggestible???open?to?suggestion??easily?swayed. 3. Susceptible???likely?or?liable?to?be?influenced?or?harmed?by?a?particular?thing. 4. Persuadable???easily?persuaded??amenable. 5. Impressionable???easily?influenced?because?of?a?lack?of?critical?ability. 6. Trusting???showing?or?tending?to?have?a?belief?in?a?person's?honesty?or?sincerity??not suspicious. 7. Malleable???easily?influenced??pliable. 8. Gullible???easily?persuaded?to?believe?something 9. Credulous???having?or?showing?too?great?a?readiness?to?believe?things. 10. Naive???showing?a?lack?of?experience,?wisdom,?or?judgment[Bitter] 1. Sour??feeling?or?expressing?resentment,?disappointment,?or?anger. 2. Harsh??unpleasantly?rough?or?jarring?to?the?senses. 3. Spiteful??showing?or?caused?by?malice. 4. Hostile??unfriendly??antagonistic. 5. Resentful???feeling or expressing bitterness or indignation at having been treated unfairly. 6. Contempt???the feeling that a person or a thing is beneath consideration, worthless, or deserving scorn 7. Antagonistic - showing or feeling active opposition or hostility toward someone or something. 8. Animosity - strong hostility. 9. Rancorous - characterized by bitterness or resentment. 10. Acrimonious - (typically of speech or a debate) angry and bitter.[Authoritative] 1. Faithful?:?loyal,?constant,?steadfast 1. Sound?:?based?on?reason,?sense,?or?judgement 2. Righteous?:?morally?right?or?justifiable 3. Scholarly?:?involving?or?relating?to?serious?academic?study 4. Trustworthy?:?able?to?be?relied?on?as?honest 5. Assured?:?confident 6. Confident?:?feeling?or?showing?certainty?about?something 7. Assertive?:?having?or?showing?a?confident?or?forceful?personality 8. Authoritative?:?able?to?be?trusted?as?accurate?or?true 9. Definitive?:?done?or?researched?decisively?and?with?authority ................

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