| |Learning Objectives |Whole class work |Group/Independent work |Plenary |

| | |Text Level |Word/Sentence level |LAPs |

| | |Text Level |Word/Sentence level |LAPs |AAPs |

|Tu |Term 2: T6 To identify and|The focus of the next two lessons will be |Explain that we are going to think of as |Children will be |returning to their |

| |describe characters, |on the mouse – from the point of view of |many words as possible to describe how we |tell each other |about their |

| |expressing own views and |the Gruffalo. This will enable the whole |are feeling and to describe the mouse. | | |

| |using words and phrases |class to get into the role of a character.|Explain this is called a synonym etc.If we|Working with TA, children to start role playing this scenario. Ensure |Same activity but working |

| |from the text. |Begin to talk about how the Gruffalo must |were telling somebody about it, what |children can see the lists of words created as a class. TA to also act in |without adult support. |

| | |feel about the mouse. How would you feel |interesting words could we use? Eg: |role and contribute. Eg: ‘That’s nothing, the mouse I saw had enormous ears |Encourage this group to use|

| |W10 To use synonyms and |if you were the Gruffalo? Scared? Why? |Instead of ‘I was scared’ could have |and a tail so incredibly long and powerful it could kill you with one swipe.|words they perhaps had not |

| |other alternative | |frightened, terrified, petrified etc. | |heard before. Use hand |

| |words/phrases that express| |Teacher to scribe while children | |gestures, facial |

| |same or similar meanings. | |contribute ideas. Explain and briefly | |expressions etc. |

| |To collect, discuss | |model what the children will be doing – | | |

| |similarities and shades of| |making descriptions get more and more | | |

| |meaning and use to extend | |outrageous etc. | | |

| |and enhance writing. | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Th |T4 To compare books by |Remind children of yesterdays lesson and |As the children are reading the story, the|Children to work in 2 mixed ability groups – friendship groups would work |No plenary in the morning –|

| |same author: settings, |how we tried to imagine how the Gruffalo |children can do some work on recapping |well. Their challenge is to create a ‘musical soundtrack’ for the section of|longer literacy/music |

| |characters, themes; to |might feel when he went back home – what |syllables from previous term. For example,|the story where the Gruffalo’s child first sees the mouse, catches him, |plenary in the afternoon |

| |evaluate and and form |might he say to his children etc. Well, |when stopping to talk about each page, ask|thinks there is a big one after her, runs back home and the finally goes to |when the children will |

| |preferences, giving |there has actually been a story written |the children to find a word on the page |sleep with her dad. The children will need to re-read this section of the |perform their pieces to the|

| |reasons. |about the Gruffalo’s child – would they |with 3 syllables etc. |text again together and talk about how the Gruffalo’s child is feeling at |other half of the class and|

| | |like to look at it? What do they think | |each stage. What type of music reflects this? For example, if she is scared |explain why they chose to |

| | |might happen? Read the story together but | |should the music be fast/slow? |do what they did. |

| |W2 To reinforce work on |pause at the point where the Gruffalo’s | | | |

| |discriminating syllables |child has caught the mouse and the mouse | |This lesson will be continued into the afternoon as the music lesson as | |

| |in reading and spelling |says he will call his ‘friend’. | |well. Children will focus more closely on the instruments etc they want to | |

| |from previous term. |Ask the children to talk to the person | |achieve different effects in the latter half as well as how to perform it. | |

| | |next to them what they think might happen | | | |

| | |next – get some ideas from the class | |There will be an adult working with each group throughout both lessons. | |

| | |before completing the story. How is this | | | |

| | |story similar to the Gruffalo? Which | | | |

| | |elements are the same? (Eg: highlighting | | | |

| | |different elements of the Gruffalo/mouse, | | | |

| | |meeting the fox, owl, snake). | | | |

|F |T5 To read about authors |Before beginning to read the story ‘The |Read the story as a class, encourage the |Differentiation is by outcome for this activity. Children will be placed |Longer plenary, teacher to |

| |from information on book |smartest Giant’, take time to look at the |children to join in when the giant ‘sings |into small groups and given a scene from the book that they will need to |read back through the story|

| |covers eg: other books |covers – author and illustrator, ‘By the |his song’. How should we be singing the |create a freeze-frame for. Allocate the scenes and then give the children |slowly and at appropriate |

| |written, whether author is|creators of Gruffalo’ sticker, reviews, |song? Does the giant seem happy or sad at |time in their groups to decide who will play each character, what they will |points, children to perform|

| |alive or dead, publisher; |publisher etc. What information does this |this point? How do we know? |do for each freeze frame etc. To make recognition easier, allow access to |their freeze frame. TA to |

| |to become aware of |already tell us about the book? Do we | |several props that will denote each character. Eg: simple masks for the |take photograph with |

| |authorship and publication|think we are going to like it? Why is | |animals, the items of clothing that the Giant gives away (will probably need|digital camera. These will |

| | |that? Return to the publisher – what is a | |to be shared during practice part). Adults to be on hand to support each of |be used for the sequencing |

| |S1 To read text aloud with|publisher – what do they do? | |the groups. |activity in the next |

| |intonation and expression | | | |lesson. |

| |appropriate to the grammar| | | | |

| |and punctuation. | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Learning Objectives |Whole class work |Group/Independent work |Plenary |

| | |Text Level |Word/Sentence level |LAPs |

|W |T4 To compare books by |Ask children to talk to the person next to them about the stories we have read over |Tell the children that over the next few days they will have an opportunity |Children to use |

| |same author: settings, |the past few weeks. Do they like the stories? Which one was their favourite and why?|to tell others about their favourite book and why it was so good. They will |and create word |

| |characters, themes; to |Ask for some contributions to tell the whole class. |be able to write a book review for others to read. Before they do, as them |days. |

| |evaluate and and form | |to consider this: They need to make the book they are writing about sound | |

| |preferences, giving |As a class, talk about some of the books that the children mention. What |like the best one so that the person reading the review will want to go and |The teacher will be working|

| |reasons |similarities or differences can they see in the books? Look at the characters in |fond the book for themselves. However, if everybody says that the book they |with this group. Begin by |

| | |more detail – particularly the main characters. (A witch, a ‘beast’, a giant). What |have chosen is ‘good’ the person reading the reviews will be unable to |looking at the word good, |

| |W9 New words from reading |are the characters like in these books? What are they usually like in stories? Do |decide. What synonyms/better words could they use? |children to work in pairs |

| |linked to particular |they like this fact about Julia Donaldson’s books? | |and find it in the |

| |topics, to build | |Say that you know it can be difficult to think of some which is why we have |thesaurus. Each pair to |

| |individual collections of | |a special book to help us. Show the class a thesaurus (childrens version) |contribute a word they like|

| |personal interest or | |and model how to use it. |from the list and teacher |

| |significant words. | | |to scribe on A3/A2 paper. |

| | | | |Many of the words will be |

| |Y3 Term 1: W16 To | | |unknown so encourage |

| |understand the purpose and| | |sounding out – phonics etc.|

| |organisation of the | | | |

| |thesaurus, and to make use| | |Once completed, think of |

| |of it to find synonyms | | |another word they may want |

| | | | |to use in their review and |

| | | | |that we could look up as a |

| | | | |group. Eg: Funny, silly |

| | | | |etc. |


Possible opportunities for assessment:

Week 1:

• Story plates offer an opportunity to assess childrens understanding of the sequence of the story ‘Room on the Broom’

• The oral re-tellings of the story can be taped when performed in the small groups which allows teacher to assess not only the performance aspect but linked with observations, whether they know the differences between written and oral versions. It can also begin to contribute to assessment of childrens abilities to use synonyms (see week 3)

Week 2:

• The role on the wall, hot-seating and role-play in groups assesses whether children are able to identify with characters from the stories – most of this assessment will need to be through observation although the whole-class role on the wall could be used as written evidence.

• Wanted posters offer written evidence for whether the children are able to identify with characters. As the focus is on using descriptive words, this poster also good opportunities to assess this.

• Musical soundtrack assesses childrens also assesses childrens understanding of characters feelings and also offers assessment opportunities for music.

Week 3:

• Photograph story map allows opportunities to assess understanding of sequence as in week 1. This time it is of the story ‘The smartest Giant’

• The word banks the children create allows assessment of the childrens ability to understand the purpose of a thesaurus as well as their skills in using it. This needs to be combined with observations to make sure that it isn’t just childrens inability to write that is holding them back etc.

• The book review is the final piece of work to be created from this scheme and in one sense is the main piece. Not only does it allow the teacher to assess their understanding of a particular book but also their writing skills. Children have had time to focus on their writing and redrafting for this piece of work and so it will offer a god indication of their current writing ability.


Children will also have opportunities to listen to stories by Julia Donaldson when the teacher reads aloud to the children. Some examples might include picture books such: The Snail and the Whale, A squash and a squeeze and Charlie Cook’s favourite book. However, it would probably also include one of her longer pieces of fiction which can be read from on a daily basis. For example: The Giants and the Joneses which is in the process of being made into a film. Children may also want to have opportunities to read some of poetry and sing some of her songs (many of her well known stories have an accompanying song).


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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