PDF It's Not What You Think - It's What You Do - Bereans Online

 It's Not What You Think It's What You Do

Copyright ? 2003, 2008 Sh'ma! Chazak! Portions by Don Blanzy All Rights Reserved

Scripture portions from New King James Version

Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publisher

It's Not What You Think It's What You Do

Table of Contents

Introduction............................................................................................. 3 Lesson One - Fear ................................................................................... 7 Lesson Two ? Hear, Obey .................................................................... 13 Lesson Three ? Love ..............................................................................17 Lesson Four ? Treasure, Keep ...............................................................23 Lesson Five ? Teach.............................................................................. 27 Lesson Six ? Repent ..............................................................................35 Lesson Seven ? Give ............................................................................ 39 Lesson Eight ? Worship ....................................................................... 45 Lesson Nine ? Pray ...............................................................................51 Lesson Ten ? Fast ................................................................................. 61 Lesson Eleven ? Serve........................................................................... 67 Lesson Twelve ? Build...........................................................................73 Lesson Thirteen ? Work ....................................................................... 79 Lesson Fourteen ? Rest ........................................................................ 85 Lesson Fifteen ? Believe ....................................................................... 93

It's Not What You Think It's What You Do

Copyright ? 2003, 2008 Sh'ma! Chazak! Portions by Don Blanzy All Rights Reserved

Scripture portions from New King James Version

Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publisher

It's Not What You Think

It's What You Do

"Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, For this is man's all.

For God will bring every work into judgment, Including every secret thing, Whether good or evil." Ecclesiastes 12:13-14


Many have embraced the word "Faith" and its synonyms as foundations to their relationship with God. The word "Believe" is the foremost verb in doctrinal statements in most conservative denominations. "Faith" and "Believe" are words that are so powerful, they appear to make the Epistle of James oddly out of place in the "New Testament Gospel." Pious men and women have struggled with the apparent contradiction of the "Salvation by Grace" with James' statement, "Faith without works is dead."1 Beloved, we have a problem. Some have equated believing with thinking. They have assumed that if they agree with the right "doctrine" then all is well. Because of the confusion between thinking and believing, many hold to a teaching of easy-believe-ism. Many are confused why some who have "walked an aisle" or "raised a hand" have not exhibited a changed life. Are there only some who become "radically saved"? Is believing the same as thinking? Are "doing" and "believing" the same thing ? or are they opposites? Does an emphasis on "doing" equate to legalism?

1 James 2:16


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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