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Study Questions on The Feminine Mystique, “Pathedy of Manners,” and The Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Instructions: Respond to the following questions based upon your close and careful reading of the three selections. All answers must be well-developed and written in complete sentences.

Questions about The Feminine Mystique

1. According to Friedan, how did society pressure women into accepting the role of “housewife” in the years following World War II?      

2. Describe “the problem that has no name.”      

3. Quote at least three words or phrases from the selection with strong denotative or connotative meanings that Friedan includes to support her idea that women need more in their lives than being wives and mothers and explain why you find the quotes you chose to be especially powerful.      

4. Is the average marriage age for American women in today’s society higher or lower than it was when Friedan wrote The Feminine Mystique? (You can refer to this U.S. Census Release to find out the average age.) Explain the differences you see and why you think the differences are positive or negative. Provide specific supporting evidence for your opinion.      

5. Name some of the physical and emotional problems common to women that Friedan mentions towards the end of the article that she now connects to “the problem that has no name.”      

“Pathedy of Manners”

6. After reading the poem, summarize the story it tells about one woman’s life.      

7. Discuss the multiple denotative and connotative meanings attached to “brilliant” (Lines 1 and 28).      

8. Explain why Kay’s words are more effective than other possible synonyms. For example, how might the meaning of the poem change if “captured” (2) were replaced with “learned” or if “espouse” (13) were replaced with “marry”?

9. Think about the diction Kay uses along with your overall understanding of the story the poem tells about one woman’s life. Overall, is Kay’s portrayal of the women’s life positive or negative? Support your response with evidence from the poem.      

10. Consider “Pathedy of Manners” along with the Friedan selection you read, and state the poem’s theme.      

The Civil Rights Act of 1964

11. Notice the way the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is divided into five sections, or “Titles,” and briefly explain what each section does.      

12. As you skim the document, notice the meaning of key words and phrases. Quote at least two words or phrases that you think are particularly powerful and explain their significance.      

13. Explain the significance of the 1964 Civil Rights Act to American life in the decade of the 1960s.      

14. Consider the 1964 Civil Rights Act as a whole, and discuss at least two things about life in America today that would be different if this legislation had not been enacted.      

15. Reflecting on your life as a citizen of the United States, which one of your civil rights do you value the most? Provide specific supporting reasons for your opinion.      


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