
Home learning grid for school closure P5 and P5/6.Week 3: 20th April 2020Writing ReadingNumberAdjectives are describing words. Write a description of the room you’re in using as many adjectives as possible e.g. enormous, cosy, cluttered, pristine. Write a minimum of 5 sentences with full stops and capital letters.? your library book or a book of your own and try to read for 20 – 30 mins each day. Find 5 (mild,) 10 (spicy,) or 20 (hot) interesting or new adjectives, adverbs and nouns in your reading book. Can you find synonyms for these words in a thesaurus? (Try an online thesaurus if you can.) Can you then identify antonyms to match these? Can you use these new words in a meaningful sentence? Create a quiz for a chapter in your book using a variety of question types: 1. What, When, Where, Who and Why? 2. True/False statements 3. Opinion questions 4. How would you change the plot/characters? etc.Practice your division facts for your 3, 4, 6 and 8 times tables e.g. 3÷0=03÷3=16÷3=2Log into Sumdog and complete your challenges. SpellingTalking & ListeningMaths/NumeracyLog into Sumdog and complete your spelling challenges.Write spelling sentences for each of your words.Mild: 1 opener + 1 spelling word per sentence.Spicy: 1 opener, 1 connective and 1 spelling word.Hot: 1 opener, 1 connective, 1 interesting piece of punctuation and 1 spelling word.Look, say, cover, write, check for your tricky words. Take a test with a grown-up – if you get 12 or more let your teacher know for your next block of words.Speak to an older member of your family. Find out the following things and compare them to your childhood.?What was school like??What was their favourite toy??How many people were in their family??Where did they live??What was one big piece of news when they were young? E.g. politics, war.?Use your knowledge of volume and weight to help your adults cook the dinner. Can you accurately measure out in ml and g? Can you add two amounts together???Support: Ask an adult to help you to work out the scale on the jug/scales. Does it skip in 10ml? 50ml??Challenge: Can you double/half a recipe? How much would you need if 5 people were eating?Something fun!Problem to solve!IDL Theme/ProjectBuild a den in your house. Make sure to ask adults what resources you can use!???Top tip: Clean bedding hung over chairs is a good place to start your structure.?? How many different combinations of clothes can you make for Bobby Bear? Try out?here.?Research a famous astronaut and present/record a biography about them. Send it to your teacher via email.?Steps to success:?Title?Past Tense and third person?Catchy introduction (Who, where, what, why, when).?Life events in chronological order?Time openers and connectives (First....then, Shortly after... when …)?Conclusion – how will they be remembered.?Religious & Moral EducationModern LanguagesArt/Music/Drama/PEReligions all have a core?morality?(understanding of what is right and wrong). Research the main ‘rules’ (e.g. 10 commandments, 5 pillars) of 3 religions and compare them. What rules do they have in common? Which rules are different?? use the language activities to practice your?Spanish (P5) or French (P5/6).???Maybe you could start to learn a new language!?Learn?a?Step dance – then try to create your own! Find an example?here.??Steps to success:?Keep the rhythm.?Make clear beats with your body parts.?Perform it smoothly 3x in a row.?Health & WellbeingSciences/TechnologiesQuestionsConsider internet safety. What are the dangers to watch out for? How can children keep themselves safe? What do adults need to do to support them??Create an informative poster or leaflet to share this knowledge.?Steps to success:?Headings and subheadings?3 golden rules?Catchy motto (e.g. click clever, click safe)?Earth Hour was on 28 March at 8:30pm when we try to turn off as many electrical appliances as possible.? Make a list of/draw everything in your house that uses electricity.? What could you switch off that you don’t need?? Why is it important to cut down the electricity we use???admin@sighthill.edin.sch.uk? ................

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