
Use Synonyms to Make Your Writing Vivid (Bright, Glowing, Vibrant, Colorful, Flamboyant)Activity 1: Find multiple synonymsComplete each sentence below with a word and three of its synonyms. When you need help, use the Microsoft Student 2008 Thesaurus. For help using the Microsoft Student Thesaurus, read the document How to Find a Word in the Microsoft Student Thesaurus that your teacher has saved to your classroom computer.Example: The noise in the school cafeteria is loud (deafening, earsplitting, piercing).A Word of Caution When Using a Thesaurus: Many (numerous, multiple) English words have more than one meaning, and this can get you into trouble when you use synonyms. For example, carry means to transmit, but it also means to have in stock.I carry my books in a backpack.The bookstore carries backpacks of all kinds.If you randomly pick a synonym without paying attention to the usage of the word that you want to replace, you could make a humorous error.I stock my books in a backpack. (Huh? Sounds like it came straight out of a thesaurus.)The bookstore lugs backpacks of all kinds. (It does?)I lug my books in a backpack, and, the bookstore stocks backpacks of all kinds. (Sounds like nice writing.) Student HandoutA presidential candidate must be _____________________________.Sharee’s room is ______________________________________Ben ______________________________________________through the house.John _______________________________________________ the table. Bobby walked toward the river________________________________________.Activity 2: Find a good synonymIn the following three sentences, replace the words highlighted in bold with a synonym. -666750332105Baseball?legend?Jackie Robinson became the first African-American person to play on a U.S. major league baseball team in the 20th century. As the only ___________ African-American player in an all-white league, Robinson had it tough ____________.Branch Rickey, the Major League Baseball executive who signed Robinson,?warned?Robinson that he would face _________ abuse ____________ from fans and players and that he would have to stay quiet ______________. Robinson showed _____________all Americans that it’s how you play on the field, not the color of your skin, that matters __________________________.Activity 3: Find the right synonymWhat’s my synonym? In the sentences below, there is one word that needs to be replaced with a synonym so that the sentence makes more sense. Underline the word in the sentence that you want to replace with a synonym, and write the synonym on the line provided.You can read an article about this American hero in Encarta.This room is closed; I can’t confess you. ____________________I like just a sprint of salt on my salad. ______________________She was loyal to prison for three years. _____________________I want to pressure how important it is that you wear your seat belt.The lower departments of the tree were trimmed since it was getting too heavy. __________________The policeman handed her a quotation for speeding. _____________________Activity 4: Use an incorrect synonymNow write four sentences of your own. In each sentence, replace a word with a synonym that is incorrect, that is, a synonym that has different usage or meaning of the word. In your sentence, underline the word that you are replacing with the incorrect synonym and write the incorrect synonym at the end of the sentence.Example: You have to pay a toll to cross that bridge. (penalty)Hint: Find words in the thesaurus that have more than one usage. Use a synonym incorrectly with the wrong usage. Creativity counts!-638174-786254-60960068580_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ................

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