Chapter 9 Chemical Reactions

Chapter 9 Chemical Reactions—Review Problems Name _______________________

1. Write an equation for each of the following descriptions of chemical reactions.

a. Solid lithium reacts with chlorine gas to produce solid lithium chloride.

b. Nitrogen gas reacts with oxygen gas to produce nitrogen dioxide gas.

c. Solid iron reacts with aqueous copper(II) nitrate to produce solid copper and aqueous iron(II) nitrate.

d. Solid sulfur combines with oxygen gas to produce sulfur trioxide gas.

2. Write a balanced chemical equation for the following reactions, making sure coefficients are in their lowest possible ratio.

a. Solid potassium reacts with liquid water to produce hydrogen gas and a water solution of potassium hydroxide.

b. Calcium chloride and sodium carbonate in water solution produce solid calcium carbonate and a water solution of sodium chloride.

c. Liquid bromine and solid lithium iodide react to form solid lithium bromide and solid iodine.

d. The elements potassium and bromine to form potassium bromide.

3. Identify each of the following equations as representing a synthesis reaction, a combustion reaction, both synthesis and combustion, or decomposition reaction. Balance each equation if necessary.

a. N2(g) + H2(g) ( NH3(g)

b. CaCO3(s) ( CaO(s) + O2(g)

c. Se(s) + O2(g) ( SeO3(g)

d. C2H4(g) + O2(g) ( CO2(g) + H2O(g)

4. Predict whether a single-replacement reaction will occur between the following pairs of possible reactants. If so, write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction.

a. chlorine gas and aqueous potassium iodide

b. magnesium metal and aqueous copper(II) sulfate

c. copper metal and iron(III) chloride in water solution

d. lead metal and aqueous silver nitrate

e. aluminum metal and lead(II) nitrate in a water solution

5. Write a balanced chemical equation for each of the following double-replacement reactions.

a. A water solution of zinc bromide and a water solution of potassium hydroxide (

b. A water solution of copper(II) sulfate and a water solution of barium chloride (

c. When a water solution of iron(III) nitrate and a water solution of sodium carbonate are mixed (

6. Write balanced chemical equations for each of the following reactions. Be sure to include ALL products.

a. Aqueous solutions of lead(II) nitrate and ammonium chloride are mixed, forming a precipitate of lead(II) chloride.

b. Aqueous solutions of aluminum chloride and sodium carbonate are combined, producing solid aluminum carbonate.

7. Write balanced chemical equations for the reactions between the following substances.

a. nitric acid and aqueous barium hydroxide

b. sulfuric acid and aqueous sodium hydroxide

c. phosphoric acid and aqueous lithium hydroxide

8. Write balanced chemical equations for the reactions between the following substances.

a. hydrochloric acid and aqueous sodium cyanide, with production of hydrogen cyanide gas (HCN)

b. sulfuric acid and aqueous rubidium sulfide, with production of hydrogen sulfide gas

Chapter 9 Review

9. Define chemical reaction. Where are the reactants and products shown in an equation for a chemical reaction, and how are the physical states indicated?


11. Briefly list the steps used in balancing a chemical equation.

12. Contrast synthesis, combustion, and decomposition reactions.

13. Contrast single-replacement and double-replacement reactions.

14. Define aqueous solution. What name is given to a solid that forms when two aqueous solutions are mixed?


16. Name three typical types of products that may be formed in double-replacement reactions. See your answers to #6-8 for a hint.


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