Since 1994: The Original Magazine of the Linux Community ...

[Pages:121]OpenLDAP | Pacemaker | Watson | Puppet | EFI | APIs




Since 1994: The Original Magazine of the Linux Community



APRIL 2012 | ISSUE 216 |




Advanced Configuration


The Classic Troubleshooting Tool


Engineer an OpenLDAP Directory


the Pacemaker High-Availability Stack


an EFI Installation


the ASUS Transformer Prime

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Silicon Mechanics and Silicon Mechanics logo are registered trademarks of Silicon Mechanics, Inc. Intel, the Intel logo, Xeon, and Xeon Inside, are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation in the US and other countries.




66 System Administration of the IBM Watson Supercomputer

Get behind the scenes with an IBM Watson sysadmin. Aleksey Tsalolikhin

74 OpenLDAP Everywhere

Reloaded, Part I

With current software and a modern approach to server design, the aim is to reduce the number of single points of failure for the directory. Stewart Walters

86 Puppet and Nagios: a Roadmap

to Advanced Configuration

Achieving a highly optimized and flexible approach to managing Nagios via Puppet. Adam Kosmin

98 Ahead of the Pack: the Pacemaker High-Availability Stack

It automatically recovers applications and services in the face of software and hardware issues, and it ensures service availability and uptime. Florian Haas

COVER IMAGE: ? Can Stock Photo Inc. / solarseven

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30 Reuven M. Lerner's At the Forge


38 Dave Taylor's Work the Shell

A Word Finder for Words With Friends--Continued

42 Kyle Rankin's Hack and /

The Sysadmin's Toolbox: sar

46 Shawn Powers' The Open-Source Classroom

LTSP, Part II: Tweaking the Beast

118 Doc Searls' EOF

Looking Past Search


108 Using Linux with EFI, Part IV: Managing an EFI Installation

Tips for making the transition from a BIOS-based computer to one built around EFI. Roderick W. Smith


56 ASUS Transformer Prime

Aaron Peters


8 Current_Issue.tar.gz 10 Letters 20 UPFRONT 52 New Products 119 Advertisers Index



ON THE COVER ? Using APIs for Web Apps, p. 30 ? The Sysadmin behind the Watson Supercomputer, p. 66 ? Puppet and Nagios--Advanced Configuration, p. 86 ? sar: the Classic Troubleshooting Tool, p. 42 ? How-To: Engineer an OpenLDAP Directory, p. 74 ? Exploring the Pacemaker High-Availability Stack, p. 98 ? Managing an EFI Installation, p. 108 ? Reviewed: the ASUS Transformer Prime, p. 56

LINUX JOURNAL (ISSN 1075-3583) is published monthly by Belltown Media, Inc., 2121 Sage Road, Ste. 310, Houston, TX 77056 USA. Subscription rate is $29.50/year. Subscriptions start with the next issue.

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Executive Editor Senior Editor

Associate Editor Art Director

Products Editor Editor Emeritus Technical Editor Senior Columnist Security Editor

Hack Editor Virtual Editor

Jill Franklin jill@ Doc Searls doc@ Shawn Powers shawn@ Garrick Antikajian garrick@ James Gray newproducts@ Don Marti dmarti@ Michael Baxter mab@ Reuven Lerner Mick Bauer mick@ Kyle Rankin lj@ Bill Childers bill.childers@

Contributing Editors Ibrahim Haddad ? Robert Love ? Zack Brown ? Dave Phillips ? Marco Fioretti ? Ludovic Marcotte

Paul Barry ? Paul McKenney ? Dave Taylor ? Dirk Elmendorf ? Justin Ryan

Proofreader Geri Gale

Publisher Carlie Fairchild publisher@

Advertising Sales Manager Rebecca Cassity rebecca@

Associate Publisher Mark Irgang mark@

Webmistress Katherine Druckman webmistress@

Accountant Candy Beauchamp acct@

Linux Journal is published by, and is a registered trade name of, Belltown Media, Inc.

PO Box 980985, Houston, TX 77098 USA

Editorial Advisory Panel Brad Abram Baillio ? Nick Baronian ? Hari Boukis ? Steve Case Kalyana Krishna Chadalavada ? Brian Conner ? Caleb S. Cullen ? Keir Davis Michael Eager ? Nick Faltys ? Dennis Franklin Frey ? Alicia Gibb Victor Gregorio ? Philip Jacob ? Jay Kruizenga ? David A. Lane Steve Marquez ? Dave McAllister ? Carson McDonald ? Craig Oda Jeffrey D. Parent ? Charnell Pugsley ? Thomas Quinlan ? Mike Roberts Kristin Shoemaker ? Chris D. Stark ? Patrick Swartz ? James Walker

Advertising E-MAIL: ads@ URL: advertising PHONE: +1 713-344-1956 ext. 2

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LINUX is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.

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Ain't No Fools

T his year, April 1st lands on a Sunday. I always enjoy it when April Fools' Day lands on a weekend, because otherwise I get about a dozen phone calls that go something like this [our stage is set with Shawn casually sipping his coffee, when suddenly the phone rings]:

Me: Hello, technology department, Shawn speaking.

Frantic User: Shawn! My computer was acting slow, then the Internet quit, and now I think I smell smoke!

Me: I see. Have you tried turning it off and back on?

Frantic User: HA HA HA HA HA! April Fools! I so got you, oh you should have heard yourself, classic Shawn. You were so worried, oh man, that was great. I can't believe you fell for it!

After the 3rd or 4th burning computer, smoking printer or melted projector, I start to wish April 1st was a national holiday so my users could all just go

home. This year, we can all sit back and enjoy the day off, thankful that the April issue of Linux Journal is focused on us, the sysadmins.

Reuven M. Lerner starts off with some great information on APIs. If you want to interact with other Web sites, programs or even some devices, the API system is how to do so. Reuven shows what that means when it comes to inclusion in your own programs. If your interests are more along the lines of scripting, Dave Taylor likely will pique your interest as he continues his series on how to be a darn dirty cheater in Scrabble. Of course, I'm teasing, but Dave does explain how to use the power of scripting to come up with some pretty amazing moves. I'll leave it up to you to determine whether it's cheating or not.

Kyle Rankin and I are most comfortable this month, as system administration is right up our alley. Kyle gives a walk-through on using sar, a tool for logging system load. Sure there are other tools for monitoring system load, but sar does a great job of keeping historical records. I have a

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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