MIDBatch 42 SEQ?? inflammation exudate (???????? ???)??? free radicalMutation definition? and type(single gene ,medeline discus with example)Enumerate 4 cell injury causesmorphology of irreversible and reversible cell injureEnumerate 5 health educationDefinition of edpimology and. Health care system5 differences between rural and urbanDiscuss fat necrosisInflammatory exudate component function etc ( ?? ??????? )discuses fat necrosismention types of adaptationmention types of granulomas and mention one mechanismMention 4 diseases causing ability flora? (when flora outside its anatomical place cause disease)????? ?????? ????? ??? ????? ????? ?? ?????? ??????????? ?????? ?????? ???? ?? ?????? ??? ???? ????Batch 41Seq 1-Elements of primary health care2-mechanism & morphology of irreversible cell injury3-discuss classical pathway of chronic inflammation4-systemic manifestation of inflammation and mention their mediators 5-Define granulomatous inflammation6-compare btw epidemiology and clinical medicine7- compare btw gram-positive and gram-negative8- whats plasmids ? And write 2 deference btw plasmids and chromosome9- state Robert Koch postulates10- define stasis and list outcomes or results.11- content and components and factors of exudate12-define fatty change ( steatosis) and mechanism and morphology of liver13- discus acts of siderophore and advantages?14-discus morphology of fibrinous inflammation and ulcer inflammation 15- list 5 goals of 203016-define point mutations and discuss types17- types of prevention and discuss each level Mcq 1- A 5-year-old boy suffers blunt trauma to the leg in an automobile accident. Six months later, bone trabecular have formed within the striated skeletal muscle at the site of tissue injury. This pathologic condition is an example of which of the fol- lowing morphologic adaptations to injury? Metaplasia 2-A 56-year-old woman with a history of hyperlipidemia and hypertension develops progressive, right renal artery stenosis. Over time, this patient's right kidney is likely to demonstrate which of the following morphologic adaptations to partial ischemia? Atrophy 3-donor give a patient part of his liver after months, noted that the liver of both donor and patient enlarged. What type of cell adaptation? hyperplasia 4-component of the cell wall of the gram-negative bacteria? Lipopolysaccharide5-which of the following are best describe disease control? Reduce the incidence of disease6-which one of the following best describes the action of a surveillance system? Early warning about threats of health 7-what is the function of pili? adhesion8-case of girl that has blond hair. This most likely because of the deficiency of tyrosine due to? Absence of phenylalanine hydroxylase 9-12 One month after an appendectomy, a 25-year-old woman palpates a small nodule beneath the skin at the site of the healed right lower quadrant incision. The nodule is excised, and microscopic examination shows macrophages, collagen, a few small lymphocytes, and multinucleated giant cells. Polarizable, refractile material is seen in the nodule. Which of the following complications of the surgery best accounts for these findings? Suture granuloma10- case of a patient that has wound in his hand, after days he noted that the skin around the wound becomes yellow-brown in color. This is most likely due to? Hemosiderin11-case of a patient suffering from MI, he took thrombolysis but dies. This most likely because of reperfusion injury due to? reactive oxygen drive FR12-one of the basic concept of demographic cycle is? Increase or decrease population size13-microorganism that characterized by presence of one chromosome, 70s ribosomes, un a proper nucleus. This is most likely described which of the following? Bacteria14-bacteria in ordinary tap water? Neutrophils15-Which of the following preformed substances is released from mast cells and platelets, resulting in increased vascular permeability in the lungs of the patient described? Histamine16-A A 5-year-old boy punctures his thumb with a rusty nail. Four hours later, the thumb appears red and swollen. Initial swelling of the boy's thumb is primarily due to which of the following mechanisms? Increased capillary permeability17-which of the following organisms is the MCC of Pseudomembranous colitis or antibiotic associated diarrhea ? Clostridium difficile 18-normal flora of dental plaques? Strep mutans 19-where sex pili of prokaryotic? Plasmids 20-the best of principles of health care that training of local community ? Community participation 21-minerals accumulation in prokaryotic? Iron or calcium22-transmission due to medical procedures? iatrogenic transmission23-home deliveries versus hospital deliveries? spurious association24-development of arthropods on the body ? infestation25-insertion or deletion of a nucleotide? frameshift26-patient has jaundice bla bla bla whats the pigment ? Bilirubin 27-oxygen-derived accumulation ..... Free radical what the pigment? Lipofuscin 28-case bla bla bla what's irreversible mechanism ....? Influx of Ca and Na29-case includes saponification and calcification? Fat necrosis30-case he has a myocardial infarction, ischemia? membrane31- apoptosis? TNF and FAS32-inheritance autosomal recessive between two siblings? 25% 33-A patient with an Fracture to his hand and Fracture splinting for 6 weeks has led to a small size What adaptation does he have?disuse atrophy34- pyrexia unknown origin test? Blood test Maybe not all answers are correctBatch 40Seq:1-define health education : 2-4 contents of health education 3- basic steps of case control study 4-Elments of primary health care 5-Structure and composition of gram-negative cell wall6-define the following terms: i. obligative aerobic ii. Obligative anaerobic. iii. Facultative anaerobic iv. Microaenoropophili 7- beneficial role of normal flora8- Compare between necrosis and apoptosis 9- granuloma types base on pathogenesis 10- define pathologic calcification ant it’s types 11- mechanism & morphology of irreversible cell injury 12- discuss classical pathway of chronic inflammation 13- enumerate major types of genetic disorders 14 –common characteristic features of inborn error metabolism disorder15- signs of inflammation and their causes16- systemic manifestation of inflammation and mention their mediators 17- discuss change in blood flow + stasis outcomes or results.18-Define health promotion19-Contents of health education. 20- Define family and list four types of family21- Four differences between rural and urban communities 22- Indicators of healthMcq Q/Patient done appendectomy, comes later with abdominal pain? A/Suture inflammationQ What is torcheing screening. A/ verticalQ/what cause mousey odor in newborn. A/phenyelAlanine metabolitesBatch 37different between necrosis and apoptosis?define granulomaTypes of chronic granulomatous inflammationdifferent between gram + and gram – ?definition of adverse drug reaction (ADR) ?types of hospitals ?ELEMENTS OF PRIMARY HEALTH CAREdiscuss and explain of repair fibrosis ?different between transudate and exudate?explain and mechanism of pharmacokinetics and what's process?explain and mechanism of pharmacodynmics and what's process ?who is Robert Koch and what's he did ??????? ??? ??????? ????? ?????? ???? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ???? Batch 35common features of IEM ?steps for case control study?define - obligate aerobe , anaerobes, facultative anaerobes.. with examples ?mechanism of irreversible cell injuryand morphological features of it ?acute phase response ?vascular events ( especially increase vascular permeability)structure of bacteria?And Composition of itnecrosis - apoptosis ?Q/Patient done appendectomy, comes later with abdominal pain?A/Suture inflammationSEQ/What is Medical Education? And contents?What Enzyme deficien causes PKU?Define health education.Contents of health education. write the classic mechnism of chronic inflammation?The basic 4 role of genetic disorder?seq/ Enumerat four health elementsSeq/ What are the features of erros in metabolism in newbornMCQ/ What is torcheing screeningA/ verticalMCQ/what cause mousey odor in newbornA/phenyelAlanine metabolitesLadder pattern of DNAFinalBatch 42SEQ’s1- mechanism of X-linked agammaglobulinaemia & DiGeorge's syndrome2-list 4 causes of secondary immunodeficiency3-list the local effect of the tumour with ex4- what’s the classification of acquired immunity with example for each5- enlist 4 serological tests with examples6- factors impair healing7- 2 MOA of drug resistance with ex8- compare between the types of tumour in a table9- 3advantages of serology test than cultural test10- what’s immune tolerance and its mechanism11- types of edema12- 2 causes of lymphatic obstruction13- describe briefly virchwe tride14-HIV treatment15-example of envelope and naked virus16-what is complement that make chmotaxisis for white blood cells17- predispose factor of fungal infectionMCQ’s1-Is Agar used for growing bacteria? Nutrient Agar2- what can cause Lung cancer of indoor pollutant ? Radon?3- 74-year-old woman presents with acute chest pain and shortness of breath. Lab- oratory studies and ECG are consistent with acute myocardial infarction. Which of the following is the most likely patho- logic finding in the affected heart muscle 4 weeks later? Collagen-rich scar tissue4- 68-year-old man with ischemic heart disease and a history of smoking complains of increasing shortness of breath. On physical examination, the patient has swollen legs, an enlarged liver, and fluid in the pleural spaces (bubbly rales are heard on oscultation). Which of the following hemodynamic disorders explains the pathogenesis of hepatomegaly in this patient?Chronic passive congestion5- 5 year-old boy trips at school and scrapes the palms of his hands. The wounds are cleaned and covered with ster- ile gauze. Which of the following terms best characterizes the healing of these superficial abrasions? Regeneration6- A 20-year-old man is brought to the emergency room after rupturing his spleen in a motorcycle accident. His blood pres- sure on admission is 80/60 mm Hg. Analysis of arterial blood gasses demonstrates metabolic acidosis. This patient is most likely suffering from which of the following conditions? Hypovolemic shock7- ....... (long scenarios) decreased oncotic pressure = hyperuremia8-A 35-year-old gentle man who is on ketoconazole for fungal infection develops gynecomastia after a few weeks. Which of the following is most likely mechanism to explain this side effect? Inhibition of CYP 450 enzymes9-A 36-year-old lady was suffering from giardiasis. She was prescribed a drug after which she developed metallic taste. Which of the following is a likely drug to cause this adverse effect? Metronidazole10- methicillin staphylococcus? Vancomycin11- fibrosis .....? Hemosidrein deposition12- ???? ??????? ??? ??? ?? ?????? ????? ????? ???? ?????????? ??? ?? ???? ?hematoma12- both DNA and RNA and cell wall made of chitin ? Fungs13-? phagocytosis? C3b14- extracellular matrix ? Laminin?15-31-year-old man with AIDS complains of difficulty swallow- ing. Examination of his oral cavity demonstrates whitish mem- branes covering much of his tongue and palate. Endoscopy also reveals several whitish, ulcerated lesions in the esopha- gus. These pathologic findings are fundamentally caused by loss of which of the following immune cells in this patient? Helper T lymphocytes16- 20-year-old woman with a history of asthma and aller- gies undergoes skin testing to identify potential allergens in her environment. A positive skin reaction to ragweed in this patient would be mediated by which of the following classes of immunoglobulin? IgE17- 12-month-old infant with a history of recurrent infections, eczema, generalized edema, and easy bruising is diagnosed with an X-linked, recessive, congenital immunodeficiency. The CBC shows thrombocytopenia. What is the most likely diagnosis? Wiskott-Aldrichsyndrome18- stimulate angiogenesis? Fibroblast growth factor19- 20-year-old woman has an ovarian tumor removed. The surgical specimen is 10 cm in diameter and cystic. The cystic cavity is found to contain black hair and sebaceous material. Histologic examination of the cyst wall reveals a variety of benign differentiated tissues, including skin, cartilage, brain, and mucinous glandular epithelium. What is the diagnosis? Teratoma20- septic shock ? Lipopolysaccharide21- A clinical study is performed to determine the incidence of cancers in different countries. The data show that persons born in Japan and continuing to reside there have an increased risk for cancer. Which of the following cancers is most likely seen with increased frequency in this population?1- Stomach 2-colon 3- lung 3- breast22- A 20-year-old man is brought to the emergency room after rupturing his spleen in a motorcycle accident. His blood pres- sure on admission is 80/60 mm Hg. Analysis of arterial blood gasses demonstrates metabolic acidosis. This patient is most likely suffering from which of the following conditions? Hypovolemic shock23- Plasmodium falciparum? malaria24- carcinoma in the liver metastasis to (...), metastasis by? Hematogenous spread25- a nurse applied alcohol or something on the skin of a patient before giving him an injection? Disinfection or antisepsis?26 - A 22-year-old construction worker falls 30 ft and fractures several bones, including his femoral shafts. Six hours later, the patient develops shortness of breath and cyanosis. Which of the following hemodynamic disorder? best explains the pathogenesis of shock in this patient? Fat embolism27-? long scenario (Trophozoite) ? 1- worm 2- Protozoa 3- flukes 4- ?28-? immunoglobulin that has 4 binding sites ? igA29-types of parasite ? Metazoa and Protozoa30-? Sjogren Syndrome ? 1- Ro & Ra 2- ?? 3- ?? 4-??31- taeniasis ? Niclosamide32- metronidazole? Metallic taste33- neuraminidase inhibitor = zanamivir34-which of the following has the least effect = pencilin G35- ??? ???? ????? ???? ???? ?? ??? ?? ????????? = protozoa36- which of the following organ most likely to has hemorrhagic infarct? Lungs37- An 8-month-old boy with a history of recurrent pneumonia is found to have almost no circulating IgG. Cellular immunity is normal. His brother had this same disease and died of echo- virus encephalitis. His parents and sisters have normal serum levels of IgG. What is the appropriate diagnosis? X-linked agammaglobulinemia of Bruton?Batch 41SeqsFinal - path 2019 - 14411- whats shock and discuss septic shock mechanism 2- 3 ways to prevent turbulence and stenosis3- predispose factors of fungal infection4- discuss MHC class 1 pathway5- enlist steps of viral replication in order6- mechanism of Graves’ disease and myasthenia gravis7- what immunodeficiency and classification and talk about one type of T cell deficiency 8- 5 differences btw first and second healing9- whats anaplasia and list histo-morphological features10- what MOA and 2 ADR of mebendazole11- whats antigene and how different with hapten12- define disinfection and antisepsis and one example of agent13- list 3 cancer metastasis by blood firstly14- 4 examples of acquired conditions associated with chronic inflammtion15- what tolerance and discuss mechanism16- 3 advantages of serology test than cultural test17- 4 features of amniotic fluid embolism18- whats complement system and give 2 biological effect19- whats cancer cachexia and mechanism and effects?Mcq 1- 74-year-old woman presents with acute chest pain and shortness of breath. Cardiac catheterization demonstrates occlusion of the left anterior descending coronary artery. Lab- oratory studies and ECG are consistent with acute myocardial infarction. Which of the following is the most likely patho- logic finding in the affected heart muscle 4 weeks later? Collagen-rich scar tissue2- year-old boy trips at school and scrapes the palms of his hands. The wounds are cleaned and covered with ster- ile gauze. Which of the following terms best characterizes the healing of these superficial abrasions? Regeneration3- A 30-year-old firefighter suffers extensive third-degree burns over his arms and hands. This patient is at high risk for developing which of the following complications of wound healing? Contracture4- An 8-year-old boy presents with periorbital edema and throbbing headaches. His parents report that the boy had a “strep throat” 2 weeks ago. Urinalysis shows 3+ hematuria. A renal biopsy shows hypercellular glomeruli, and electron microscopic examination of glomeruli discloses subepithelial “humps.” Which of the following best explains the pathogenesis of glomerulonephritis in this patient? Deposition of circulating immune complexes5- 20-year-old gardener presents to his family physician for treatment of what he describes as “poison ivy.” The patient’s hands and arms appear red and are covered with oozing blis- ters and crusts. Which of the following best describes the pathogenesis of these skin lesions? Delayed-type hypersensitivity6- A 22-year-old construction worker falls 30 ft and fractures several bones, including his femoral shafts. Six hours later, the patient develops shortness of breath and cyanosis. Which of the following hemodynamic disorders best explains the pathogenesis of shock in this patient? Fat embolism7- A 68-year-old man with ischemic heart disease and a history of smoking complains of increasing shortness of breath. On physical examination, the patient has swollen legs, an enlarged liver, and fluid in the pleural spaces (bubbly rales are heard on oscultation). Which of the following hemodynamic disorders explains the pathogenesis of hepatomegaly in this patient?Chronic passive congestion 8- A 20-year-old man is brought to the emergency room after rupturing his spleen in a motorcycle accident. His blood pres- sure on admission is 80/60 mm Hg. Analysis of arterial blood gasses demonstrates metabolic acidosis. This patient is most likely suffering from which of the following conditions? Hypovolemic shock9- A 50-year-old woman appears at your office. She was sub- jected to radical mastectomy and axillary node dissection for breast cancer a year ago. She now notices that her arm becomes swollen by the end of the day. What is the appropri- ate name for this fluid accumulation? Lymphedema10- A 9-month-old infant is brought to the emergency room with a 3-hour history of intense abdominal pain and bloody diar- rhea. Physical examination reveals a tender abdomen without ascites. The child dies 24 hours later, and torsion (volvulus) of the small bowel is discovered at autopsy. The small bowel appears dilated and hemorrhagic). Which of the following best describes these pathologic findings? Infract11- systemic thromboembolism mostly originate from? Left ventricle wall12- ented to surgical department with a lump (tumor) on her right arm since 2 months. complaining of weight loss. Biopsy of the lump was advised and result showed soft tissue sarcoma. CT scan showed metastatic deposits in the liver. This tumor is most likely spread through which of the following routes?13- cause of cerebral malaria?14- A 60-year-old male presented to cardiology department with recent onset of dyspnea and generalized edema. X-Ray and revealed cardiomegaly. After an extensive clinical examination the diagnosis of congestive heart failure was made. Which of the following mechanism is responsible for of edema in this patient? Increased hydrostatic pressure15-Biopsy from a small nodular lesion in the stomach reveals an area of normal appearing pancreatic tissue. This is an example of which of the following lesions?Choristoma16- Which of the following is an antiretroviral agent? Lamivudine17-A 35-year-old gentle man who is on ketoconazole for fungal infection develops gynecomastia after a few weeks. Which of the following is most likely mechanism to explain this side effect? Inhibition of CYP 450 enzymes18- A 36-year-old lady was suffering from giardiasis. She was prescribed a drug after which she developed metallic taste. Which of the following is a likely drug to cause this adverse effect? Metronidazole19-Viruses cannot be stained and visualized using Gram staining. Which of the following is the correct reason for the failure of viruses to stain by Gram technique? Viruses lack a cell wall20- Which of the following immune cells/molecules are most effective at destroying intracellular pathogens? T helper cells21- Reaction between Antigen Antibody is affected by which of the followings?van der waal’s bonds22-When a B lymphocyte presents an antigen on its surface for transformation into plasma cell and secretion of immunoglobulins, which of the following cells will it interact for the immune stimulation?Helper T cell23- sterilization of glassware? Hot air oven24- tears....? IgA25- metallic taste ?26- methicillin staphylococcus?27-over growth of mature hepatocytes ?28- Which one of the following cell is a feature of adaptive immunity?Memory cells29- fibrosis .....?30- increased igm ?31- Rheumatoid Arthritis ?1-Hepatitis c2-Influenza3-........ Hematogenous spread Plasmodium falciparum Metronidazole Vancomycin Hepatoma Hemosiderin deposition Cd40 cdL40 abnormalities 32- Functional inactivation of lymphocytes induced by antigens Activation of T cells requires two signals (e.g.,viaB7molecules) lead to loss of receptors? Anergy33-anti-rabies ....... soap water what will affect ?1- nucleic acid2- envelope34- drug resistance transfer factor in bacteria?1-plasmid2- chromosome3-....35- PCR test bitter than CONVENTIONAL because?36- different of septic shock to other shocks?37- different of benign to malignant tumor ?38-complement activation coagulation by?39- Burkitt’s lymphoma due to EBV and Kapok’s sarcoma due to herpes simplex virus ? Africa 40-Which of the following cells in human body harbor MHC Class II protein on their surface? Macrophages41- cerebral hemorrhage? ecchymoses42- stool examinations, parasite infection? Wet film stain43-An 8-month-old boy with a history of recurrent pneumonia is found to have almost no circulating IgG. Cellular immunity is normal. His brother had this same disease and died of echo- virus encephalitis. His parents and sisters have normal serum levels of IgG. What is the appropriate diagnosis? X-linked recessive44- granulation formation? EGF45- DNA transcription in which stage ?1-G22- mitosis3- s phase4- G146- help to aid wound ? Presence suture47- both DNA and RNA and cell wall made of chitin ? Fungs48- rheumatoid arthritis ?49-Ultraviolet radiations ?50- vaccination ?51- phagocytosis? C3b52- giardiasis ? Metronidazole53- mass in epithelial cells .......? Papilloma54- stage of parasite react with environmental factor ....................? 1- spore2- trophozoite3- ova4- scolexesMaybe not all answers are correct?Batch 40?MCQ:1-systemic?thromboembolism?mostly originate?from? Left?ventricle wall2-most important event in primary hemostasis??Platelet aggregation?3-most important event in?secondary?hemostasis???tissue factor4-Which of the disease?“organ-specific,?Mediated by T Cells?“??Type 1 diabetes mellitus5-A 31-year-old man with AIDS complains of difficulty swallow- ing. Examination of his oral cavity demonstrates whitish mem- branes covering much of his tongue and palate. Endoscopy also reveals several whitish, ulcerated lesions in the esopha- gus. These pathologic findings are fundamentally caused by loss of which of the following immune cells in this patient? Helper T lymphocytes6-virus cause cervical?cancer??Human papillomavirus virus?(HPV)7-case of a man has accident and undergo loss of blood which type of shock will this patient have??hypovolemic shock8-which of the following inactivate virus? Antibiotic9-case?for patient not accepted a blood?given?to?him, what?is the possible cause??IgA deficiency10-carcinoma in the liver metastasis to?(...),?metastasis?by?Hematogenous spread11-which of the following organ most likely to has hemorrhagic infarct? Lungs12-which of the following drug?inhibit DNA?gyrase??Fluoroquinolones13-?A 20-year-old woman with a history of asthma and aller- gies undergoes skin testing to identify potential allergens in her environment. A positive skin reaction to ragweed in this patient would be mediated by which of the following classes of immunoglobulin? IgE?14-?A 45-year-old woman complains of severe headaches and difficulty swallowing. Over the past 6 months, she has noticed small, red lesions around her mouth as well as thickening of her skin. The patient has “stone facies” on physical examination. Which of the following antigens is the most common and most specific target of autoantibody in patients with this disease? Scl-70?15-?A 65-year-old man complains of muscle weakness and a dry cough for 4 months. He has smoked two packs of cigarettes daily for 45 years. A chest X-ray shows a 4-cm central, left lung mass. Laboratory studies reveal hyperglycemia and hypertension. A transbronchial biopsy is diagnosed as small cell carcinoma. Metastases to the liver are detected by CT scan. Which of the following might account for the development of hyperglycemia and hypertension in this patient? ?Paraneoplastic syndrome16-?A 60-year-old man who worked for 30 years in a chemi- cal factory complains of blood in his urine. Urine cytology discloses dysplastic cells. A bladder biopsy demonstrates transitional cell carcinoma. Which of the following carcino- gens was most likely involved in the pathogenesis of bladder cancer in this patient??Aniline?dyes?17-?An 8-month-old boy with a history of recurrent pneumonia is found to have almost no circulating IgG. Cellular immunity is normal. His brother had this same disease and died of echo- virus encephalitis. His parents and sisters have normal serum levels of IgG. What is the appropriate diagnosis? X-linked agammaglobulinemia of Bruton?18-?A 68-year-old man with ischemic heart disease and a history of smoking complains of increasing shortness of breath. On physical examination, the patient has swollen legs, an enlarged liver, and fluid in the pleural spaces (bubbly rales are heard on oscultation). Which of the following hemodynamic disorders explains the pathogenesis of hepatomegaly in this patient??Chronic passive congestion?19-?Minute(1-2mm) petechiae associated with??increased intravascular pressure.20-?Neisseria?caused by deficiency of which the following?complements??C821-which of the following type of fungi grow at?different?temperature?Dimorphic22-?Tuberculin?test (long?case ....),?which type of hypersensitivity? type IV23-?Which of the following is an example of type III hypersensitivity? serum sickness24-which of the following mode of administration that the drug will?be absorbed?100%? intra?venous25-patient undergo chemotherapy and developed PUO what is the possible?cause??immunodeficient26-cook developed?enteric?fever what is the best treatment? Gallbladder removal27-number of deaths, incidence and?accidents?related to? Health data28-A nurse cleaned the surgical instrument with water and soap before putting it in autoclave what is the name of the procedure? Cleaning29-cause of cerebral?malaria? Plasmodium falciparum30-which of the following cause vasodilation? C5aMay not all answers?are?correctSEQ:- factors impair healing?- complication of wound healing- General effect of infraction?- mechanism of hypersensitive?type III?with?2?examples- Mechanism of?“central?+ peripheral” tolerance-Causes of?secondary?immunodeficiency-main?features of Lines of Zahn- mechanism of septic shock-define?Pharmacokinetics and?mention?2 processes- role of infection in autoimmune disorders-General effects of infarction-what is is?hamartoma?&choristoma, give an example for each one?-define?Paraneoplastic?syndrome with examples-Division of?origin?for neoplasia with examples-enlist 4 serological?tests?with examples-discusses?“fungal“?diagnosis?tests-Enlist 4 factors predispose to fungal infection-MOA of penicillin-?Define ADR??????? ??? ??? ??? ?????Batch 39What are the factors?INFLUENCING?wound healing2.?state the complications of repair with an example for each one3.?write the steps of primary intention?in order4.?Classification of?the antibacterials5.?Define the Adverse Drug Reaction , and mention TWO ADRs6.?what is the pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic, absorption, ?distribution and metabolism??7.?what is the sterilization and how the autoclaving act8.?what are the?Validations?OF STERILIZATION, with an example for each?9.?what is the teratoma and hamarotoma, give an example for each one10.?mention SIX mechanisms of drug action with giving an example for each one11.?What is Edema .12.?give TOW differences between Exudate and Transudate.13.?the cause of acsites ( inceased hydrostatic pressure)?14.?the cause of Elephantiasis ( lymphatic obstruction)15.?What is the Embolism?16.?the cause of pulmonary thromboembolism?and its effect17.?Describe briefly the Amniotic Fluid Embolism.18.?Minute (1- to 2-mm) hemorrhages?called petechiae.?19.?what is the association disorders with Purpura hemorrhage?20.?What are the differences between Hyperemia and Congestion21.?what is the infarction?22.?Discuss briefly the types of infarct depending on the color.?23.?mention THREE local effects of infarction24.?viroid and prion25.?physical & chemical agents on virus?26.?Classify antiviral agents27.?Give TOW important side effect of Acyclovir(anti-herpes viral), and TWO uses for this drug?28.?mention TWO DNA and RNA viruses29.?Loss of hair a side effect for which of these drugs?30.?Neviribine can prevent mother to baby transmission of HIV virus , and it is a direct inhibitor of reverse transcriptase without intercellular phosphorylation31.?How can we treat the HIV infection.32.?Interferon alpha?has flue like symptoms?33.?Mechanism of Amantadine drug action34.?Concept of life cycle of a parasite35.?Role of vectors in causing disease36.?the 5 types of shock with their clinical examples and mechanism37.?what are the stages of shock38.?environmental and?Geographic?factors of neoplasia?39.?What is the antibody and antigene40.?Describe Briefly the structure of monomer antibody.41.?Give FOUR features of IgM (all ?ANTIBODY ISOTYPES?are Important)42.?Explain briefly the basis of immunoserological reactions?43.?Mention FOUR types of ?immunoserological tests44.?Western blot test is Used in the diagnosis of HIV45.?Flow cytometry Counting?the?CD4 cells in HIV patients46.?The three lines of defenses in immunity?47.?Secondary antibody response is due to formation of memory B cells during first time exposure48.?Define complement and give its clinical importance.?49.?Give FOUR?biological effects of complement.50.?Define the immunity??Body’s ability to resist or eliminate potentially harmful foreign materials or abnormal cells.?51.?CLASSIFICATION and sub classification OF IMMUNITY INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/mm/mml8gzs9601g24hy2nvnfjj80000gn/T/" \* MERGEFORMATINET 52.?HLA Classes??–?Class I MHC: HLA-A, B & C–?Class II MHC: HLA-D (DP, DQ & DR)–?Class III MHC: Complements (C2, C3), TNF & Lymphotoxin (LT TNF-b)??53.?Define and classify the hypersensitivity?????Is an exaggerated immune response that leads to tissue damage??Four types:?? ? ? ? ? ?- Type I? ? ? ? ? ?- Type II? ? ? ? ? ?- Type III?? ? ? ? ? ?- Type IV??54.?Discuss briefly the mechanism of type I hypersensitivity and its phases?Type I: immediate hypersensitivity ?(IgE- mediated)?- is the tissue reaction that occurs after interaction of antigen (allergen) with IgE?.Mechanism:1- introduction of allergen by: ?? ? ? ? ?inhalation, ingestion, injection?2- deposition of allergen on mucous membranes3- presentation to TH2?subtype of CD4 + T helper,?? ?which provides signals to B cells to produce IgE?4- sensitization of mast cells by IgE?(binding IgE to mast cells receptor)?5- when sensitized individual exposed?? to the same allergen, the allergen binds ??? to specific IgE on mast cells leading to??activation of mast cells which release mediators?Mediators: ?- three groups of mediators:1- granules content:?? ?a- histamine:- released within seconds or minutes? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? - causes: vasodilation, increased vascular?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?permeability, smooth muscle contraction,?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?increased mucus secretion? ? b- adenosine: ? bronchoconstriction? ? c- neutral proteases: ?tissue damage? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?2- newly formed lipid mediators:?? ? ? a- prostaglandin D2: bronchospasm, increase mucus secretion? ? ? b- leukotrienes C4, D4: smooth muscle spasm, vasodilation, increase ?permeability?3- cytokines:?? ? - TNF, chemokines: ?recruits and activates inflammatory cells???55.?Discuss the mechanism of type IV hypersensitivity(Delayed-type hypersensitivity)?Type IV: T cell-mediated hypersensitivity- Is tissue reaction that mediated by T-cellsMechanism:?A- Delayed-type hypersensitivity:??1- Activation of CD4+ T cell by exposure?? to antigen presented by macrophages??2- Differentiation into TH1 effector cells?3- secretion of cytokines on subsequent? ?contact with antigen??4- ?Recruitment and activation of macrophages?? ? and neutrophils?5- Inflammation and tissue damage?- example: tuberculin test, contact dermatitis??- takes more than 12 h to developB- T cell mediated cytotoxicity:??1- CD8+ cytotoxic T cell specific for an antigen??2- they recognize cells expressing target antigen??3- kill these cells??- example: transplant rejection?56.?Define and classify autoimmunity?Autoimmunity:?defined as Immune reactions (response) directed against self antigens (one particular organ or cell type or numerous self antigens), result in:o?Localized tissue damage.o?Multisystem diseases.[multiple autoantibodies or T cell–mediated reactions]???Organ- Specific–?Diseases Mediated by Antibodies?–?Diseases Mediated by T Cells–?Disease Postulated to be Autoimmune origin??Systemic–?Diseases Mediated by Antibodies?–?Diseases Mediated by T Cells–?Disease Postulated to be Autoimmune origin?57.?Explain Immunological tolerance?Definition:???It is the unresponsiveness to an antigen that is induced by exposure of specific lymphocytes to that antigen.??These mechanisms are broadly divided into two groups:???Central tolerance [Thymus: T cells and BM: B cells].??Peripheral tolerance [Secondary lymphoid tissue, sites of inflammation]??58.?Define the Immunodeficiency disease?Immunodeficiency disease, IDD: results from a genetic or developmental defect or acquired factors in the immune system, and is a syndrome mostly characterized by infection in clinic?59.?Classify the primary Immunodeficiency diseases?1、IDD characterized by humoral immunity deficiency2、IDD characterized by cellular immunity deficiency3、?Combined immunodeficiency diseases?4、?Nonspecific immunodeficiency diseases?60.?Define the AIDS?Acquired?immune?deficiency?syndrome?(AIDS)?is an?infectious?disease?caused?by?the?humanimmunodeficiency?virus?(HIV).?There?are?twovariants?of?the?HIV?virus,?HIV-1?and?HIV-2,?both?of?which?ultimately?cause?AIDS.?Known batchesThe Capsule is made up of sugar poly saccarid????? ????? ??? ???? seq ??? ????? ??? gram+ ? gram-Define necrosisDefinition, principles and elements of primary health careClassification of bacteria?? ???? ??? ????? ????????Seq1- enumerate Chemotaxis 2- systemic manifestations of inflammationIndicators of healthComplications of repairRolls of macrophages in choronic inflammation?Define granuloma ,granulomatous inflammation ?Enlist examples of granulomatous diseases?Causes of cell injury ?Define pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics ?Major machinism of action antimicrobials?Write two example of caseating and non-caseating granulomaes?Promotion of health ?Diseases transmitted by sandfly: visceral leishmanisis kalaazarOutcome of chronic inflammationRole of infection in autoimmunityDefine edema and list its causes ?List types of shock and give examples ?What is virchwe tride ?Define hypersensitivity and its types ? Discuse the mechanism of type I ?Pathways for malignant tumorsMajor mec of antimicrobial ?? ???? ???? Inhibit cell wall synthasis e.g. penicillin ,cephalosporinMechanism of hypersensitivity type ( | ) , ( ||| )Penicillin G cause skin sensitivityChlorampenicol cause gray baby syndromTetracyclin erythromycinCompare between adaptive and innateHow is a virus different from viroid and prionCompare between primary and secondary antibody responsePrimary 1-first time exposure to antigen2-antibody produced after 7-10 days3-less amount of antibody is produced 4-antibody concetration peak then declineSecondary1-second time exposure to antigen2-antibody produced 3-5days3-more antibody production 4-stay for longer timeinhibit protein synthasisCompare between primary and secondary antibody responsePrimary 1-first time exposure to antigen2-antibody produced after 7-10 days3-less amount of antibody is produced 4-antibody concetration peak then declineSecondary1-second time exposure to antigen2-antibody produced 3-5days3-more antibody production 4-stay for longer timeHow is a virus different from viroid and prionDefine edema and list its causes ?List types of shock and give examples ?What is virchwe tride ?Define hypersensitivity and its types ? Discuse the mechanism of type I ?Role of infection in autoimmunity ................

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