myProject ™ Guide


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|This document is not an official user guide for myProject. It does not describe every myProject function. I compiled this list of |

|tips and instructions to help users of myProject until IEEE-SA completes an online guide. I hope you find it useful. |

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|Joan Woolery |

|Senior Program Manager, IEEE-SA |

|j.woolery@ |

Last Updated: 22 March 2011

Table of Contents

1 All Users 3

1.1 Create IEEE Web Account 3

1.2 Change Web Account Username, Password, E-mail Address 3

1.3 Join the IEEE and the IEEE-SA 3

1.4 Accessing myProject™ for the first time. 3

1.5 Join an Activity (Sponsor, Working Group, Project) 4

1.6 Join a Ballot (Individual Balloting) 4

1.7 Pay to Join a Single Ballot (Individual Balloting) 5

1.8 Join a Ballot (Entity Balloting) 5

1.9 Remove Yourself From a Ballot 6

1.10 Vote or Comment on a Ballot 7

1.11 View Comments on a Ballot 7

1.12 Change Your Voter Classification 7

1.13 Update Affiliation Information 8

1.14 View the Status of a Ballot 8

2 Sponsor Chair, Working Group Chair, Std Representative 9

2.1 Upload Sponsor P&P 9

2.2 Assign/Change Sponsor Officers 9

2.3 Assign/Change Working Group Officers 9

2.4 Assign/Change a Sponsor Ballot Designee 10

2.5 Accept an Assigned Role 10

2.6 Add a Working Group 11

2.7 Submit a New PAR 11

2.8 Submit Corrigendum PAR 12

2.9 Submit a Revision PAR 12

2.10 Modify an Approved PAR 13

2.11 Extend an existing PAR 14

2.12 Respond to NesCom Comments About a PAR. 14

2.13 Submit Draft for MEC 15

2.14 Initiate Ballot Invitation 15

2.15 Initiate Ballot (Reaffirmation) 15

2.16 Reopen/Extend Ballot Invitation 17

2.17 Initiate Ballot 17

2.18 Respond To Ballot Comments 17

2.19 Resolution Status Definitions 18

2.20 Upload Comments Resolution File 18

2.21 Initiate Recirculation 18

2.22 Submit Draft to RevCom 19

2.23 Retrieve/Edit RevCom Submittal Form: 20

2.24 Involvement Level Definitions: 20

All Users

1 Create IEEE Web Account


• Anyone can create an IEEE Web Account.

• You must create an IEEE Web Account to join the IEEE or IEEE-SA.


1. Go to (If link doesn’t work, press Ctrl and click the link.)

2. Select Create an IEEE Web Account.

3. Select Create an IEEE Account on the login page to start the process. Make sure to write down the username and password in a safe place.

2 Change Web Account Username, Password, E-mail Address


1. Login with your IEEE Web Account username and password here:

2. Click the My Account tab on top.

3. Under What Do You Want To Do? on the right , click the function you want:

o To change your username, click Change Username

o To change your password, click Change Password

o To change your e-mail address, click Change Email Address

o Make your changes then click Save

3 Join the IEEE and the IEEE-SA


• Information on IEEE-SA Individual and Corporate (Entity) membership is available here:


1. Go to (If link doesn’t work, press Ctrl and click the link.)

2. Select Log in to My Account and login with the IEEE Web Account username and password you created above. This takes you to the My Account page.

3. Select Join IEEE or IEEE Society on the right of the page under the heading, What do You Want to Do?

4. Click Add to Cart next to each membership you wish to purchase.

5. Select View Cart/Proceed to Checkout.

6. Review the Shopping Cart and follow the on screen instructions to enter payment.

7. Print the receipt for your record.

4 Accessing myProject™ for the first time.


• See affiliation guidelines at


1. Go to

2. Login with your IEEE Web Account username and password.

3. The Affiliation page will open, requesting information. This is required, and only asked once.

o Select/enter Employer/Affiliation information. ()

o Enter Address

o Enter Telephone

o Enter Secondary Email if any. (If provided, a copy of messages will be sent here.)

5 Join an Activity (Sponsor, Working Group, Project)


• Joining an activity allows you to receive ballot invitations, be selected as Working Group chair, get access to the group’s Mentor area, etc)

• IEEE-SA Basic Corporate membership or above is required to observe an entity project.

• Only IEEE-SA Advanced Corporate Members can contribute and hold voting privileges in entity working groups.


1. From eTools Home page (), login using your IEEE Web Account User Name and Password

2. From the myProject Homepage, select the Manage Activity Profile link

3. On the Manage Activity Profile Page, scroll down to the Society or SCC you are interested in and expand the tree by clicking the "+" sign to view Sponsors, Working Groups, and Projects.

4. Check the box next to the activity you are interested in (Sponsor, Working Group, or Project).

o Example:

▪ Expand the tree by clicking the "+" sign next to the IEEE Computer Society

▪ Check the box next to Design Automation (Sponsor level) to observe or participate and receive info on all working groups and projects associated with this Sponsor, or click the "+" sign next to Design Automation to see its working groups, then;

▪ Check the box next to the System Verilog Working Group to observe or participate and receive info on all projects within that working group; or click the “+” sign next to System Verilog Working Group to see its projects, then

▪ Check the box next to a project and

▪ Select Continue

5. Confirm the Interest area.

o Select/enter Employer/Affiliation information.

o Select Continue

6 Join a Ballot (Individual Balloting)


• You are required to be an IEEE-SA member or pay a per-ballot fee to join an IEEE-SA ballot.

• Joining a ballot allows you to vote and submit comments when the project opens for balloting.

• You can also easily remove yourself from a balloting group but only while the balloting group is forming. Your participation is fixed after the ballot invitation close date/time.


1. From eTools Home page (), login using your IEEE Web Account User Name and Password and click the Balloting tab.

2. If you have sponsor authority (for example, sponsor chair, working group chair, sponsor ballot designee), select myBallot Home (Voter); otherwise go to step 3.

3. Select Show/Join Open Ballot Invitations link.

o The initial invitations displayed are the open ballot invitations that are tied to your selection(s) under Manage Activity Profile.

o Check the box next to Show all open ballot invitations to see all ballot invitations you are eligible to join.

4. Find the project you would like to join. Scroll to the right and click join under the Actions column.

5. Specify your affiliation and your voter classification for this ballot.

6. Click OK.

7 Pay to Join a Single Ballot (Individual Balloting)


• You are required to be an IEEE-SA member or pay a per-ballot fee to join an IEEE-SA ballot.

• While you do not have to be an IEEE member or IEEE Society member to join the SA, it is far more cost effective to do both:

o IEEE-SA membership entitles you to unlimited individual balloting

o Adding IEEE-SA membership to your IEEE membership or IEEE Society membership was $47 for calendar year 2011.

o Joining the IEEE-SA alone was $219 for calendar year 2011.

o Per ballot fee is the most costly option. It was $275 for one individual sponsor ballot (including any recirculations) in 2011.

• Joining a ballot allows you to vote and submit comments when the project opens for balloting.

• You can also easily remove yourself from a balloting group but only while the balloting group is forming. Your participation is fixed after the ballot invitation close date/time.


1. From eTools Home page (), login using your IEEE Web Account User Name and Password and click the Balloting tab.

2. Click Join Single Ballot and complete the on-screen form

3. Click OK when done. The form will be automatically sent to the IEEE-SA Balloting Center which will process your request for the per ballot fee. Please allow 5 business days for processing

4. If you have any questions or require assistance, please send an email to: sa-ballot@

8 Join a Ballot (Entity Balloting)


• Performed by the primary or alternate voting representative of an IEEE-SA Advanced Corporate member.

• You are required to be an IEEE-SA Corporate member to join an IEEE-SA Entity ballot.

• Joining a ballot allows you to vote and submit comments when the project opens for balloting.

• You can also easily remove yourself from a balloting group but only while the balloting group is forming. Your participation is fixed after the ballot invitation close date/time.

• Each entity shall name one primary voting representative and, optionally, one alternate voting representative. Only a ballot from one of these representatives shall be accepted. If ballots are received from other parties, they shall not be counted. if ballots are received from both the primary voting representative and the alternate voting representative, only the vote from the primary voting representative shall be counted.

• Each primary and alternate voting representative can ballot for only one entity; no one representative can represent the interests of more than one entity.


1. From eTools Home page (), login using your IEEE Web Account User Name and Password and join the project as instructed under “Join an Activity” above.

2. Click the Entity tab

3. Click Entity Project Enrollment

4. Check the Join/Remove Interest Area box to the left of the project(s) you are enrolling; select your affiliation for that project from the Affiliation drop down box on right.

o Your affiliation must be an entity member. Entity members have the string “(Entity Member)” at the end of their names in the drop down box.

o Entities can be represented in a ballot group by a maximum of two individuals: a primary member and an alternate member. If your affiliate is already represented in the ballot group in those two roles, you will be asked if you wish to join a wait list.

5. Click OK

6. Review the next screen then click OK.

7. Click the Entity tab.

8. Click Show/Join Open Ballot Invitations.

9. Find the project you would like to join. Scroll to the right and click join.

o If you don’t see the ballot you would like to join, check the box next to “Show all open ballot invitations”

9 Remove Yourself From a Ballot


• You can also easily remove yourself from a balloting group but only while the balloting group is forming. Your participation is fixed after the ballot invitation close date/time.


1. From eTools Home page (), login using your IEEE Web Account User Name and Password and click the Balloting tab.

2. If you have sponsor authority (for example, sponsor chair, working group chair, sponsor ballot designee), select myBallot Home (Voter); otherwise go to step 3.

3. Select Show/Join Open Ballot Invitations link.

o The initial invitations displayed are the open ballot invitations that are tied to your selection(s) under Manage Activity Profile.

o Check the box next to Show all open ballot invitations to see all ballot invitations you are eligible to join.

4. Find the project you wish to remove yourself from. Scroll to the right and click remove.

5. Click OK.

10 Vote or Comment on a Ballot


1. From eTools Home page (), login using your IEEE Web Account User Name and Password and click the Balloting tab.

2. If you have sponsor authority (for example, sponsor chair, working group chair, sponsor ballot designee), select myBallot Home (Voter); otherwise go to step 3.

3. Click Manage myBallot Activity.

4. Search for the project number.

5. Click the draft name and review the draft.

6. Scroll to the right and select your vote in the drop down box.

7. Scroll to the right and click the “Comment” button.

8. To submit a single comment:

– Click Single Comment Submittal

– Complete the comment form then click “OK”

9. To submit multiple comments at one time:

– Click Offline Comment Submittal

– Select the file format you want to use.

– Go back to the Offline Comment Submittal page and enter the file location in the input box. (Click the Browse button to find the file you saved)

– Click “OK”

11 View Comments on a Ballot


1. From eTools Home page (), login using your IEEE Web Account User Name and Password and click the Balloting tab.

2. If you have sponsor authority (for example, sponsor chair, working group chair, sponsor ballot designee), select myBallot Home (Voter); otherwise go to step 3.

3. Click Manage myBallot Activity.

4. Search for the project number.

5. To view ballot comments and responses from prior circulations of the ballot (e.g., Initial Ballot, Recirculation 1, Recirculation 2, etc.), click the corresponding link in the box at the top of the page.

o Ensure that you scroll over to the right of the screen to view all fields.

o If comments are truncated, click "Show All" on the comments screen.

12 Change Your Voter Classification


• To change your voter classification on a specific ballot.


1. From eTools Home page (), login using your IEEE Web Account User Name and Password and click the Balloting tab

2. If you have sponsor authority (for example, sponsor chair, working group chair, sponsor ballot designee), select myBallot Home (Voter); otherwise go to step 3.

3. Click Show/Join Open Ballot Invitations.

4. Locate the project and click update under the Actions column

5. Select the new classification under the Classification column.

6. Click OK

13 Update Affiliation Information


• Use this function to manage your affiliation for each project/PAR. A person could be affiliated with different entities on different PARs. See affiliation guidelines at


1. From eTools Home page (), login using your IEEE Web Account User Name and Password and click the Account link in the upper right.

2. From the myProject Homepage, select the Manage Activity Profile link

3. Click the Affiliation Information link and update your affiliation for each project listed. (The PARs listed are the projects you have enrolled in)

14 View the Status of a Ballot


1. From eTools Home page (), login using your IEEE Web Account User Name and Password and click the Balloting tab

2. If you have sponsor authority (for example, sponsor chair, working group chair, sponsor ballot designee), select myBallot Home (Voter); otherwise go to step 3.

3. Click Manage myBallot Activity

4. Search for the project number

Sponsor Chair, Working Group Chair, Std Representative

1 Upload Sponsor P&P


• Performed by Sponsor Chair or Std Representative


1. From eTools Home page (), login using your IEEE Web Account User Name and Password.

2. Click Manage Committees

3. Under Sponsor Committees (highlighted in yellow), click Manage under the Actions column.

4. Select Manage Sponsor P&P

5. Click the Browse button to locate the file.

o Select the P&P file and click OK

o Click OK when you are prompted by “Are you sure?” .

6. The uploaded P&P is now submitted to AudCom

2 Assign/Change Sponsor Officers


• Performed by Sponsor Chair

• Do this to assign roles in the Sponsor. For example standards representative, secretary, vice-chair (s), co-chair, treasurer.

• The person you are about to assign this role must sign up in this activity area first and be an IEEE and IEEE-SA member.

• The person must accept this assignment the next time he/she logs into myProject.


1. From eTools Home page (), login using your IEEE Web Account User Name and Password.

2. On the myProject™ Home screen, select Manage Committee link

3. Find the Sponsor under Sponsor Committees (highlighted in yellow) and select the Manage link on the right-hand side.

4. On the next screen, select Manage Roster link.

5. Select Manage Officer Roster

6. Enter the myProject username of the individual(s) you would like to assign to the roles displayed.

7. Select OK

3 Assign/Change Working Group Officers


• Performed by Sponsor Chair or Standard Representative

• Do this to assign roles in a working group (WG). For example, working group chair, secretary, vice-chair(s), co-chair, treasurer. The person must accept this assignment the next time he/she logs into myProject.

• The person you are about to assign this role must sign up in this activity area first and be an IEEE and IEEE-SA member.

• Officers of working groups developing under the entity method must be representatives of Advanced Entity Members.

• The current Sponsor Chair is automatically assigned as the Working Group chair when one is not explicitly assigned. Once a working group chair is assigned he/she has all capabilities to manage the WG actions in myProject, including: manage committee, assign WG Officers, manage the WG Voting Member roster, initiate ballot invitations, start sponsor ballots, and more.

• A working group can manage more than one PAR/project. The working group chair may solicit help from the WG to manage the Sponsor ballots for the PARs. The person assigned to manage a Sponsor ballot for a specific PAR is called the Sponsor Ballot Designee. If a sponsor ballot designee is not assigned the responsibility falls on the WG chair.


1. From eTools Home page (), login using your IEEE Web Account User Name and Password.

2. On the myProject™ Home screen, select Manage Committee link

3. Find the working group under Working Group Committees (highlighted in yellow), and select the Manage link on the right-hand side.

4. On the next screen, select Manage Roster link.

5. Select Manage Officer Roster

6. Enter the myProject username of the individual(s) you would like to assign to the roles displayed.

7. Select OK to complete

4 Assign/Change a Sponsor Ballot Designee


• Performed by Sponsor Chair, Standard Representative, or Working Group Chair

• A working group can manage more than one PAR/project. The working group chair may solicit help from the working group to manage the Sponsor ballots for the PARs. The person assigned to manage a Sponsor ballot for a specific PAR is called the Sponsor Ballot Designee. If a sponsor ballot designee is not assigned the responsibility falls on the working group chair.

• The person you are about to assign this role must sign up in this activity area first and be an IEEE and IEEE-SA member.

• The Designee for an entity project must be representatives of Advanced Entity Members.

• The person must accept this assignment the next time he/she logs into myProject.


1. From eTools Home page (), login using your IEEE Web Account User Name and Password

2. On the myProject™ Home screen, select Manage Committee link

3. Find the project under Projects (highlighted in yellow), and select the Manage link on the right-hand side.

4. On the next screen, select Manage Roster link.

5. Select Manage Officer Roster

6. Enter the myProject username of the individual you would like to assign the role of Sponsor Ballot Designee.

7. Select OK to complete

5 Accept an Assigned Role


• Do this to accept an assigned role such as working group chair


1. From eTools Home page (), login using your IEEE Web Account User Name and Password

2. You will be prompted with a message informing you that you have been selected to serve as .

3. Select Accept

6 Add a Working Group


• Performed by Sponsor Chair or Standard Representative


7. From eTools Home page (), login using your IEEE Web Account User Name and Password

8. Select the Manage Committee link.

9. Find the Sponsor under Sponsor Committees (highlighted in yellow), and select Manage link on the right-hand side.

10. On the next screen select Add a Working Group link.

11. End the working group information.

o Name - (For example, “Nanomaterials Characterization and Use in Large Scale Electronics Manufacturing”)

o Short name - (This is 23 characters or less. The short name shows up in the tree and should be consistent within the sponsor and working group. The format is “Society acronym/sponsor acronym/working group acronym”. For example, NTC/SC/NTC_WG)

o Website (optional)

12. Select OK

7 Submit a New PAR


• Performed by Sponsor Chair, Standard Representative , or Working Group chair

• The Sponsor must have an approved P&P before it can submit a PAR.

• If the Sponsor’s P&P is expired, the P&P must be reapproved before submitting a PAR.


1. On myProject™ Home page, select Submit a PAR.

2. Select PAR for a New Standard under PAR Requests then click NEXT.

3. Click the “+” sign next to the Society this PAR belongs to.

4. Click the “+” sign next to the Sponsor (standards committee) under the chosen Society.

5. If the PAR is for a new working group that you need to create:

o On the blue Sponsor row, under Actions, select Request New Working Group

o Enter the working group short name and long name, then click NEXT

o Review the information displayed and click NEXT

o Go to step 7

6. If the PAR is for an existing working group,

o Ffind the working group in the green area and click Select under Actions

o Review the information displayed then click NEXT

7. Complete the PAR information on the pages displayed. Click NEXT to move through the pages.

8. When you get to the last page, review the PAR and click “Submit to NesCom Administrator”

o NOTE: Once you approve and submit the information, changes may only be made through the NesCom Administrator.

To stop and continue later from any page:

1. Click SAVE AND COME BACK LATER on any page

2. When you are ready to resume, go to the myProject Home page and select Manage My PARs

3. Locate the PAR, and click edit under the Actions column.

4. Continue editing the PAR as instructed above.

8 Submit Corrigendum PAR


• Performed by Sponsor Chair, Standard Representative , or Working Group chair


1. On myProject™ Home page, select Submit a PAR.

2. Select PAR for a Corrigendum to an existing Standard under PAR Requests then click NEXT.

3. Enter in the standard number and click Search

4. Under Action on the right, click Select.

5. Review the information on the next page.

o If you want to assign the PAR to a different working group:

▪ Click Reassign the Working Group

▪ Enter the information for the new working group

▪ Click NEXT

6. Click NEXT

7. Review the information displayed on each subsequent page, modify as needed, then click NEXT to move to the next page

8. When you get to the last page, review the PAR and click “Submit to NesCom Administrator”

o NOTE: Once you approve and submit the information, changes may only be made through the NesCom Administrator.

To stop and continue later from any page:

1. Click SAVE AND COME BACK LATER on any page

2. When you are ready to resume, go to the myProject Home page and select Manage My PARs

3. Locate the PAR, and click edit under the Actions column.

4. Continue editing the PAR as instructed above.

9 Submit a Revision PAR


• Performed by Sponsor Chair, Standard Representative , or Working Group chair


1. On myProject™ Home page, select Submit a PAR.

2. Select PAR for a Revision to an existing Standard under PAR Requests then click NEXT

3. Enter Standard Number and click Search.

4. Under Action on the right, click Select.

9. Review the information on the next page.

o If you want to assign the PAR to a different working group:

▪ Click Reassign the Working Group

▪ Enter the information for the new working group

▪ Click NEXT

10. Click NEXT

11. Review the information displayed on each subsequent page, modify as needed, then click NEXT to move to the next page.

12. When you get to the last page, review the PAR and click “Submit to NesCom Administrator”

o NOTE: Once you approve and submit the information, changes may only be made through the NesCom Administrator.

To stop and continue later from any page:

1. Click SAVE AND COME BACK LATER on any page

2. When you are ready to resume, go to the myProject Home page and select Manage My PARs

3. Locate the PAR, and click edit under the Actions column.

4. Continue editing the PAR as instructed above.

10 Modify an Approved PAR


• Performed by Sponsor Chair, Standard Representative , or Working Group chair


1. On myProject™ Home page, select Submit a PAR.

2. Select Modify an existing Approved PAR under PAR Actions and then click NEXT.

3. Type in the PAR Number and click Search

4. Under Action on the right, click Select

5. Review the information on the next page.

o If you want to assign the PAR to a different working group:

▪ Click Reassign the Working Group

▪ Enter the information for the new working group

▪ Click NEXT

6. Click NEXT

7. Review the information displayed on each subsequent page, modify as needed ,then click NEXT to move to the next page.

8. When you get to the last page, review the PAR and click “Submit to NesCom Administrator”

o NOTE: Once you approve and submit the information, changes may only be made through the NesCom Administrator.

To stop and continue later from any page:

1. Click SAVE AND COME BACK LATER on any page

2. When you are ready to resume, go to the myProject Home page and select Manage My PARs

3. Locate the PAR, and click edit under the Actions column.

4. Continue editing the PAR as instructed above.

11 Extend an existing PAR


• Performed by Sponsor Chair, Standard Representative , or Working Group chair


1. On myProject™ Home page, select Submit a PAR.

2. Select Extend an Approved PAR under PAR Actions and click Next

3. Enter the PAR number and click Search

4. Under Actions on the right, click Select

5. Your PAR will display on the next page; look it over and click Next

6. On the next page:

o Enter the number of years for the extension

o Review the title, scope and purpose to ensure that they IDENTICALLY match the current draft.

NOTE: NesCom has a zero tolerance for any differences, even punctuation

o Click NEXT

7. On the next page, provide the explanation for the extension: (a description of what the working group has accomplished, what remains to be accomplished, and the reasons why the work was unable to be completed in the allotted time frame) , then click NEXT.

8. Review the information displayed on each subsequent page, modify as needed, then click NEXT to move to the next page.

9. When you get to the last page, review the information then click “Submit to NesCom Administrator”

o NOTE: Once you approve and submit the information, changes may only be made through the NesCom Administrator.

To stop and continue later from any page:

1. Click SAVE AND COME BACK LATER on any page

2. When you are ready to resume, go to the myProject Home page and select Manage My PARs

3. Locate the PAR, and click edit under the Actions column.

4. Continue editing the PAR as instructed above.

12 Respond to NesCom Comments About a PAR.


• Performed by Sponsor Chair, Standard Representative, Working Group chair.

• Failure to respond to a comment may result in deferral of the PAR to the next NesCom agenda.


1. Log into MyProject and click on Manage My PARs

2. Locate the PAR and click the number under the Comments column.

3. Locate the comment you wish to respond to and click the number under Dialog

4. Enter your response in the text box and click Add to Dialog

o NOTE: Only the NesCom administrator can make changes to the PAR at this stage. Your agreement with requested changes or submission of new wording can be included in your dialog response. If the changes are extensive, respond to the comment and email your changes to the NesCom administrator (nescom-admin@)

13 Submit Draft for MEC


• Performed by Sponsor Chair, Standard Representative, Working Group chair, or Sponsor Ballot Designee.

• The Mandatory Editorial Coordination (MEC) should be initiated at the start of the ballot invitation.


1. Log into MyProject and click the Balloting tab

2. Click Mandatory Editorial Coordination

3. Complete the form displayed and click Upload selected file now

14 Initiate Ballot Invitation


• Performed by Sponsor Chair, Standard Representative, Working Group chair, or Sponsor Ballot Designee.

• The MEC should be initiated before the ballot invitation is sent out. .


1. Log into MyProject and click the Balloting tab

2. Click Initiate Invitation Request

3. If you did not submit the draft for MEC, click the hyperlinked text “fill out this form” to display and complete the MEC form, then go to step 4.

4. Step 1: Complete the fields and click NEXT

o Project: Select the project from the drop down list

o Ballot Type:

o Length of Your Invitation: minimum of 30 days

5. Step 2: Ballot Pool

o Click the “+” sign beside the Society and Committee (Sponsor) names to see a list of working groups under that committee

o Put a check mark next to each Committee and/or Working Group you wish to join the ballot.

o Additional people can be invited by entering e-mail addresses in the Additional Invitations section.

o Click NEXT.

6. Step 3: Voter Classifications

o Verify that at least 3 voter classifications are displayed.

o To add another voter classification, click Add New Voter Classifications

o To remove a voter classification, click the delete link next to the voter classification. (This is not recommended)

o Click NEXT

7. Step 4: Verify the Invitation information.

o Review the invitation. Use the BACK button to make changes.

o Leave Invitation Attachment area blank.

o Additional description can be added in the Sponsor Text area.

o Click OK to complete the invitation process.

15 Initiate Ballot (Reaffirmation)


• Performed by Sponsor Chair, Standard Representative, Working Group chair, or Sponsor Ballot Designee.


1. Log into MyProject and click the Balloting tab

2. Click Initiate Invitation Request

3. Step 1: Complete the fields and click NEXT

o Project: Select the project from the drop down list

o Ballot Type: Set to Reaffirmation

o Length of Your Invitation: minimum 30 days

4. Step 2: Ballot Pool

o Click the “+” sign beside the Society and Committee (Sponsor) names to see a list of working groups under that committee

o Put a check mark next to each Committee and/or Working Group you wish to join the ballot.

o Additional people can be invited by entering e-mail addresses in the Additional Invitations section.

o Click NEXT.

5. Step 3: Voter Classifications

o Verify that at least 3 voter classifications are displayed.

o To add another voter classification, click Add New Voter Classifications

o To remove a voter classification, click the delete link next to the voter classification. (This is not recommended)

o Click NEXT

6. Step 4: Verify the Invitation information.

o Review the invitation. Use the BACK button to make changes.

o Do not attach the published standard.

o Attach a cover letter in the Invitation Attachment area or place the cover letter language in the Sponsor Text area. State clearly in your cover letter that this is a Reaffirmation and no changes will be made to the standard. (See cover letter example below)

o Click OK to complete the invitation process.

Reaffirmation Cover Letter Example:


Members of Ballot Group IEEE ######.##

Subject: Reaffirmation

IEEE ######.## is currently up for a reaffirmation. For a reaffirmation, no changes can be made to the document. The purpose of the reaffirmation ballot is to allow the ballot group to determine if it believes the existing document is technically correct with no significant obsolete or erroneous information.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss this issue further, please contact me.

Thank you for your efforts and contributions.


Your Name

Working Group Chair

16 Reopen/Extend Ballot Invitation


• Performed by Sponsor Chair, Standard Representative, Working Group chair, or Sponsor Ballot Designee.

• Extends a ballot invitation to allow more people to join the ballot group. This can only be done after the ballot invitation closes and before the ballot opens.


1. Log into MyProject and click the Balloting tab

2. Click View Invitation Summary

3. Locate the project and click extend invitation under the Actions column.

4. Enter in the Invitation Close Date then Click OK

17 Initiate Ballot


• Performed by Sponsor Chair, Standard Representative, Working Group chair, or Sponsor Ballot Designee.

• A cover letter is not required


1. From eTools Home page (), login using your IEEE Web Account User Name and Password and click the Balloting tab

2. Click Initiate Sponsor Ballot

3. Select your project from the PAR drop down list

4. Enter the Ballot Open Date

5. Enter the Ballot Close Date (should be minimum of 30 days)

6. Enter the Draft #: (must match the draft number in the draft )

7. Select File for Uploading: Click the Browse button to find your draft file. The file must be in pdf.

8. Review the system generated text. If you would like to add additional instruction or information, use the Sponsor Text Area.

9. Click Initiate Ballot.

18 Respond To Ballot Comments


• Performed by Working Group chair or Sponsor Ballot Designee.

• All comments must be responded to. The response should show that the comment was seriously considered.


1. From eTools Home page (), login using your IEEE Web Account User Name and Password and click the Balloting tab. Go to step 2 or 3.

2. To respond to comments one at a time online:

o Click Manage Sponsor Activity Ballot

o Seach for the PAR you want to manage

o Click the number under the Comments column to view the comments.

o Scroll to the right of a comment and click the edit link under Resolution Status. Type your response.

o You can also use the download/upload comment response link to download the comment, respond offline, and then upload your response.

3. To download comments and prepare responses offline

o Click Download/Upload Comment Response

o Select the PAR # from the drop down box

o Click Download Comments Resolution Zip File. This will down a CSV file of the comments and any files that may be attached to the comments.

19 Resolution Status Definitions

The IEEE-SA has not defined the meaning of the Resolution Status (Agree, Disagree, Out of Scope, Principle, & Unresolvable) to give a leeway to the committee. Here are some guidelines:

Agree/A: committee agrees with the comment and implements change exactly as suggested.

Disagree/D: committee does not agree with the comment.

Out of Scope/OOS: comment may refer to something that is not available for comment at this time /comment is outside of the scope of the document or recirculation. Note: The section of the document that was not commented on the first review is recognized as approved section and the negative comment on the recirculation may not be recognized unless majority of WG/BRC (Ballot Resolution Committee) feels the need to address the comment.

Principle/P: committee agrees in theory but does not agree with the change or the other way around. In any case, a detail response needs to be made to state your action.

Unresolvable: comment cannot be resolved (may be too broad or vague) or the chair has unsuccessfully attempted to contact the commenter to resolve the issue.

20 Upload Comments Resolution File


• Performed by Working Group chair or Sponsor Ballot Designee.

• All comments must be responded to. The response should show that the comment was seriously considered.


1. From eTools Home page (), login using your IEEE Web Account User Name and Password and click the Balloting tab. Then go to either step 2 or step 3

2. Option 1:

o Click Download/Upload Comment Response

o Select the PAR from the drop down box and click OK

o Click the Browse button to find the file with your comment resolutions

o Click OK

3. Option 2:

o Click Manage Sponsor Ballot Activity

o Search for the PAR

o Scroll right and click resolve comments under the Actions column

o Click the Browse button to find the file with your comment resolutions

o Click OK

21 Initiate Recirculation


• Performed by Sponsor Chair, Standard Representative, Working Group chair, or Sponsor Ballot Designee.

• A cover letter is required


1. From eTools Home page (), login using your IEEE Web Account User Name and Password and click the Balloting tab.

2. Click Initiate Recirculation

3. Select the PAR from the drop down menu

4. Complete the fields on tn the next screen:

o Need to supply a cover letter stating the reason for recirculation. Click the view a sample cover letter link to view/download a sample cover letter.

o Select File for Uploading: Click the Browse button to find your cover letter and and upload it.

o DRAFT #: Enter the number of the draft to be recirculated. This number must match the draft number in the draft.

o Select File for Uploading: Click the Browse button to find the draft and and upload it. (NOTE: If a draft is not provided, the system will assume you did not make any changes to the draft since it was last balloted. Therefore the last balloted draft will be available to the ballot group during the recirculation ballot.)

o Select File for Uploading: Please supply any additional files you want the ballot group to review. If multiple files, please create and upload a ZIP file.

o Number of days: Enter the duration of the recirculation. Min 10 days.

5. Click Continue

6. Review the Recirculation Ballot Announcement displayed on the next screen.

o You may enter a message to the ballot group in the Sponsor Text box.

o When you are finished, click Continue.

7. Review the confirmation screen and make changes if needed. When you are done, click Submit to Staff Liaison.

22 Submit Draft to RevCom


• Performed by Sponsor Chair, Standard Representative, Working Group chair, or Sponsor Ballot Designee.

• Useful links:

o Guide for Submittal of Proposed Standards:

o RevCom Conventions:

o RevCom Review Checklist:


1. Review the RevCom Guide and Review Checklist. See links above.

2. From eTools Home page (), login using your IEEE Web Account User Name and Password and click the Balloting tab.

3. Click Prepare RevCom Submission

4. Click download zip file and save the file to your hard drive. This zip file contains information you will need to prepare the submittal form.

5. Prepare the submittal form:

o Go to this link:

o Click the create/edit button

o Enter the information requested on the form. Help on the form is available at this link:

6. If you would like to save your data and complete the form later, click the Save Draft button and record the SPID number. You will need the SPID number to edit the form later.

7. When you are ready to send the form to RevCom, click the Submit button. You will receive a PDF of the submission along with a signature page which you must complete and return to the RevCom administrator.

23 Retrieve/Edit RevCom Submittal Form:


1. Go to .

2. Enter in the SPID Number and click the Create/Edit button

24 Involvement Level Definitions:

These are the involvement levels one sees under Manage Committees

• Voting Member = a voting member

• Non Voting Member = a member without voting rights

• Observer = someone who attends meeting or gets notice but does not participate

• Participant = someone who participates, but is not a member

• Aspirant Member, Nearly Member, Potential Member = anything the group would like them to mean


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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