For the last few weeks there has been an increased amount of activity on the other side of the Bug River around Patulin but you have been unable to work out exactly what is going on over there, all in all it has given you a bad feeling…so you set about your orders and attend to your department. Some wire arrived last week and you have strung that across the line and personally inspected the trenches of your infantry sections. All the defences are prepared but whether this is just paranoia or not remains to be seen. There has been activity like this before but nothing ever came of it…

The NKVD border guards are ensconced in their bunker and that tank turret they have emplaced on the other side of the road is a comforting presence. Night falls gently in the warmth of mid summer Poland, tomorrow is Sunday, nothing ever happens on a Sunday…

On Table All REGULAR (morale value =9) except where noted.

Anti-Tank Platoon (Dug-in anywhere)

PHQ 1 x 2nd Lt (+1 Command)

2 x Light Anti-tank Guns (2 Crew)

1st Infantry Platoon (Dug-in anywhere)

PHQ 1 x 2nd Lt (+1 Command)

3 Sections of 1xSMG, 5xRifle, 1xLMG (7 figs)

1x MMG

1x Light Mortar

2nd Infantry Platoon (Dug-in Matykaly + Ljasnaja River bridge)

PHQ 1 x 2nd Lt (+1 Command)

3 Sections of 1xSMG, 6xRifle, 1xLMG (8 figs)

1x MMG

1x Light Mortar

NKVD (Bunker, FANATIC – Do not test morale due to casualties)

1 Section of 4xSMG, 4xRifle

1x MMG

1x T-26 Turret (Armoured Car, Light Anti-tank, Hard cover)

Mortar Company (Dug-in anywhere)

2 x Medium Mortar

2 x Trucks

1 x Spotter (2 figs)

Minefield (Anywhere, hidden deployment)

2 of 4” x 4” Minefield


2 x T-26 (Armoured car, co-ax MMG, Light Anti-Tank)

2 x T-28 (Medium Tank, co-ax front + rear MMG, Light Howitzer, 2 x MMG turret, SLOW)


It feels like it has been a long time since France, it will be good to be mobile again and moving with purpose instead of all this skulking about. 18 Panzer Division has been slowly massing just far enough away from the Bug to hide the sound of engines but as night falls everyone is on the move…slowly…quietly to the jumping off positions ready for the assault over the Bug tomorrow. The pioneer company passed by earlier with their pontoon bridge, it will be good to cross the River without having to get into one of those flimsy rubber boats.

Makes a refreshing change to have something to do on a Sunday…

On Table All REGULAR (morale value =9) except where noted.

1st Infantry Platoon (Behind woods on Patulin side of Bug River)

PHQ 1 x 2nd Lt (+1 Command)

3 Sections of 1xSMG, 6xRifle, 1xLMG (8 figs)

1x Anti-tank Riflle

1x Light Mortar

1x MMG

1x Medium Mortar

Engineer Platoon (Behind woods on Patulin side of Bug River)

PHQ 1 x 2nd Lt (+1 Command)

1 Sections of ???xSMG/Rifle, 1x Flamethrower (VETERAN) (?? figs)

1 Sections of ???xSMG/Rifle, 1x Pontoon Bridge, 1x Truck (VETERAN) (?? figs)

Elements Panzer Regiment (Behind woods on Patulin side of Bug River)

2 x Panzer III Ausf C TauchPanzer (Light Tank, Light Anti-Tank -1 damage (37mm), Co-Ax MMG, bow MMG, Amphibious)

Elements Artillery Regiment (Dug-in Patulin side of Bug River)

1 x 150mm FH-18 (Heavy Howitzer, 5 Crew)

1 x Spotter

Company Transport Pool (Patulin side of Bug River, or brought on with any reinforcements)

1 x Truck

2 x Sdkfz 10 half-track

2 x Assault boats


2nd Infantry Platoon (Patulin)

PHQ 1 x 2nd Lt (+1 Command)

3 Sections of 1xSMG, 6xRifle, 1xLMG (8 figs)

1x Anti-tank Riflle

1x Light Mortar

1x MMG

1x Medium Mortar

3rd Infantry Platoon (Patulin)

PHQ 1 x 2nd Lt (+1 Command)

3 Sections of 1xSMG, 6xRifle, 1xLMG (8 figs)

1x Anti-tank Riflle

1x Light Mortar

1x MMG

1x Medium Mortar

Elements Panzer Regiment (Patulin)

CHQ 1 x Panzer II Ausf C (Light Tank, Light Auto-Cannon, Co-Ax MMG, Command Tank (+1))

2 x Panzer III Ausf E/F (Light Tank, Light Anti-Tank (short 50mm), Co-Ax MMG, bow MMG)

2x Panzer IV Ausf D (Medium Tank, Light Howitzer (short 75mm), Co-Ax MMG, bow MMG)

Company HQ (Patulin)

CHQ 1 x Captain (+3 Command, VETERAN), Kubelwagen

1 x Medic

Elements Company Support (Patulin)

2 x 75mm IG-18 Inf Gun (Light Howitzer, 3 Crew)

2 x Pak 36 (Light Anti-Tank – 1 damage (37mm), 3 Crew)


Unoccupied Transports

Unoccupied transports can move freely once per turn without the need of an orders dice, providing they do so before the ‘dice of doom’ is revealed.

Dug-in in prepared positions

Troops dug-in in prepared positions count as in hard cover and as if ‘down’ for the purposes of taking casualties from indirect fire (i.e. half the number of hits, going ‘down’ does not reduce this further).

Barbed Wire

Impassable to wheeled vehicles.

Tracked vehicles cross at advance rate -D6” and destroy a section of barbed wire on passing.

Infantry must pass a morale test to cross and treat as rough ground.

Engineers cross as rough ground without morale test and remove a section of barbed wire.

No assaults can be made over barbed wire (that was its actual purpose…).


Exposed when troops come into contact. Roll 1 D6 (as per preparatory bombardment Pg118): 1 = no effect, 2,3 = +1 Pin marker, 4,5 = +2 Pin marker, 6 = +2 Pin marker and 1 hit at +3 penetration. Strikes bottom armour of armoured vehicles (+1 penetration).

Engineers roll at -1 modifier.

If the unit has RUN orders +1 modifier to roll.

Fully armoured vehicles count any penetrating hit as light damage only.

All movement stops at the edge of the minefield.

Minefield is impassable to all except engineers which clear the minefield on passing an orders test, no firing while clearing mines.

Orders Dice

Turn ends when the ‘dice of doom’ is picked.

Do not remove orders dice when a unit is destroyed, all dice return to the draw.

If there are two spare orders dice drawn without units to order, one dice is discarded and not returned to the bag at the end of the turn.

Single Figure Units

When a squad/section is reduced to a single figure it is removed. This does not apply to heavy weapons or other teams.

Close Combat

After combat the loosing side must pass a morale check or is destroyed. If the morale check is passed take pins equal to the number of casualties sustained in the assault and withdraw 12” directly away from the assault.

Indirect Artillery

Roll a six-sided scatter dice with 2 ‘hits’ and 4 ‘arrows’ + a dice marked ‘2,4,5,8,10, Misfire’ The distance and direction is for any scatter, use a small template.

On a misfire it is a no shoot, widely off target, dud round or other event that means there is no effect.


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