Brophy College PreparatoryMothers’ Guild Meetings for 2015-2016 School YearThis document includes the minutes for all the Brophy Mothers’ Guild monthly meetings for the 2015-2016 school year. Included in this document are the meeting minutes from the following Brophy Mothers’ Guild meetings:September OctoberNovemberJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilIf you have any questions on the Mothers’ Guild Monthly Meeting Minutes, please contact Peg Tanner, 2015-2016 Recording Secretary.Brophy College PreparatoryMothers’ Guild MeetingApril 14, 2016 | 12:00 p.m.Harper Great HallWelcome, Opening Prayer and General Remarks, Stacy Ames, PresidentStacy Ames called the meeting to order at 12:05 p.m. and thanked everyone for attending. Stacy acknowledged the Class of 2016 Moms and the Class of 2020 moms. She also thanked the Hospitality committee for their beautiful decorations and luncheons throughout the year. Stacy shared a prayer requesting peace within and in the moment. Stacy then introduced Bob Ryan, Principal.Brophy Updates – Bob Ryan, PrincipalMr. Ryan explained he had just flown in from Canada this morning where he attended a meeting of the network of Jesuit schools. He spoke about the transitions we have in the Church where we celebrate beginnings and endings. We do the same here at Brophy where we will have a number of welcoming events for our incoming Class of 2020. Brophy will celebrate its annual Transitions Mass tomorrow when current seniors bestow juniors with a pin transferring school leadership to them. Other rituals still to come will be the Prom and Senior dinner with parents, faculty and staff. Mr. Ryan shared that current freshmen and parents are invited to the annual Community of Concern where important information regarding drugs and alcohol is shared. In keeping with these annual traditions, the Mothers’ Guild has its own transitions today. He thanked Stacy Ames for her leadership this past year. Mr. Ryan met monthly with Stacy and Deidra as an opportunity for the administration to gain feedback from parents. He appreciated these opportunities and the “pushback” he sometimes received from Stacy. Mr. Ryan shared his gratitude for Stacy’s honesty and leadership. Thank You to the Outgoing Board and Fr. ReeseBob Ryan then called forth the outgoing board members. Each Board member was presented with a rose from her son(s), who then shared a few personal words and thanks for his mother and her involvement at Brophy. Lastly Stacy was able to thank her son for his support.After 20 years at Brophy College Prep, Fr. Reese will be leaving to serve as President at St. Ignatius in California. At his 50th Jubilee as a priest, Father was presented with a bench in the school courtyard. So as a thank you from the Mothers’ Guild today, Stacy and Deidra told Fr. Reese that a statue of a golden retriever would be positioned next to that bench in his honor. Stacy and Deidra also presented Fr. Reese with an honorary Gwendolyn Reese Award plaque and a platinum level Lifetime Membership card for the Brophy Mothers’ Guild. Lastly, Father was presented with a bulk bundle of tissues for his new position in a co-educational institution. Fr. Reese shared his thanks. He attended his last formal Dads’ Club meeting last week and was moved by the generosity of both the Dads’ Club and Mothers’ Guild. He praised the teachers and Brophy students and acknowledged that the students truly live out their brotherhood. He also shared that he knows most of these students do not realize just how many mothers they truly have, because of the many ways the moms bless all of the students with their support.Stacy offered her thanks to the Mothers’ Guild and shared that she received unexpected blessings and friendships with her involvement. Stacy acknowledged the support she received from the faculty, especially Jim Bopp and the administration, especially Bob Ryan, Adria Renke, Fr. Reese and their support staff. Stacy also thanked all of the Brophy moms for their help. She then introduced Deidra Gilligan as the new President of the Mothers’ Guild and turned the meeting over to Deidra. Stacy presented a number of fun and whimsical gifts to Deidra to help her in her new role. Introduction of New Board – Deidra GilliganDeidra welcomed and announced the new Executive Board for the 2016-2017 year: First Vice President - Nancy Holben-Bates, Second Vice President - Kim McCann, Treasurer - Colleen Maruster, Assistant Treasurer - Joni Owen, Recording Secretary – Amy Bonner, Corresponding Secretary – Natalee Leber, Past President – Stacy Ames. Deidra thanked the women in advance for their time and talent.Senior Blessing – Fr. Eddie ReeseFather prayed over the Class of 2016 Senior Moms, blessing them and asking God to pour out His abundant love and presence on these women.Mothers’ Guild BusinessPeg Tanner, Recording Secretary, Approval of MinutesMinutes from the March 15, 2016 meeting were approved. Committee Reports and Updates NoneAdjournment Deidra gave a final farewell and Thank you to Stacy for her time as President this year, sharing sentiments from the Board and her own joyful opportunities to work alongside Stacy. Deidra shared a phrase that she felt best captured this past year: “Love is shown in deeds more than words.” Deidra also gave thanks for Stacy’s husband Eric and children for their support throughout the year. Schmitt Jewelers gifted Stacy with a necklace as a special token of appreciation on behalf of Brophy. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 12:46 p.m. Please mark your calendar for September 15th for the next Mothers’ Guild meeting August 8th will be the first day of school and New Parent Coffee.Respectfully Submitted,Peg TannerRecording SecretaryBrophy College PreparatoryMothers’ Guild MeetingMarch 15, 2016 | 12:00 p.m.Harper Great HallWelcome, Opening Prayer and General Remarks, Stacy Ames, PresidentStacy Ames called the meeting to order at 12:02 p.m. and thanked everyone for attending. Stacy welcomed Devon McCauley and his family and friends. She also thanked the Hospitality committee for their beautifully crafted décor and wonderful menu. Stacy then shared an Irish prayer.Program – Gwendolyn Reese ‘Spirit of Challenge” Award PresentationThe 2016 Gwendolyn Reese “Spirit of Challenge” Award recipient is Devon McCauley, Class of 2016. Devon is a humble young man who has handled struggles in his life with grace and dignity. He has been described as courageous and able to face his difficulties with honesty, humility and the ability to have faith in his support team, comprised of family and the Brophy community. Karen Parise presented the Award on Deidra Gilligan’s behalf and shared his story as part of the presentation. Fr. Reese spoke about his mother, for whom the Award is named. He shared a memory of his mother that exemplified how she faced insurmountable odds with sheer determination. He added that Gwendolyn would have loved Devon had she met him.Adria Renke applauded Devon for his courage and stated that she felt sheer gratitude for his full life. She added that St. Ignatius spoke abut the importance of seeing God in our everyday life and that he told people to do everything in their power to act – and then leave the rest to God. She shared that Devon is an excellent example of acting in his life and leaving the rest to God. We ask God to bless Devon as he graduates and also thank his mother for her courage and love for her son. Mothers’ Guild BusinessPeg Tanner, Recording Secretary, Approval of MinutesMinutes from the February 18, 2016 meeting were mittee ReportsDayTrippers: The next event is April 15th and will be kayaking on Saguaro Lake. There will be single kayaks and lunch on the shore. Ten spots still available. The sign-up link went live in the March 13th E-News.Junior/Senior Mother Son Dinner Dance: the Beach Bash is April 17th in Harper Great Hall from 5:30 – 8:30 PM. This is a purely fun evening that includes a dinner buffet. Cost is $30 per person. If you need financial assistance please contact the committee. Attire is casual beachwear, board shorts – nothing fancy! The link went live on Sunday March 13th.The Hiking Club will meet on March 17 to hike Tom’s Thumb and lunch afterwards at Tom’s Thumb Market. Luncheon Committee – The Spring dinner event will be held at 6 PM, May 4th, at Blanco at the Biltmore. Watch for the sign-up link on April 24th. Cost will be $33 per person and is limited to 60 people. Parent Awareness: This event was held on March 3rd with a speaker from Teen Lifeline, who talked about teen suicide and depression. There was short notice given for the event, however, handouts and business cards from the program can be picked up today after the meeting. Project Grad: This event, held on May 21 needs your support. Watch the E-News for volunteer opportunities. We begin to set-up at noon at CrackerJax and the graduates are there from 8 PM – 2 AM. Invitations will be sent to the Senior class soon. Please remember to register for this event, as we want 100% attendance from BCP/ XCP. The night includes a casino, cash booth and raffles. Class of 2019: The senior moms get together, so why wait until senior year? The freshmen moms are organizing a Class of 2019 moms group. The first social hour will be April 7th. Look for your invitations.Golf Group: We have a 9-hole Scramble coming up on April 5th at noon at Silverado Golf Club. There is a limit of 20 golfers. The event will take about two hours and it is a no stress golf outingBlood Drive: The next Blood Drive is March 22. We need volunteers from 11 AM- 2 PM. Please encourage your sons to donate. Parents are also invited to donate. Sign up with the link in the E-News.The OFJ has the Freshmen Hearing Screening scheduled for April 6th from 8 AM – 2:30 PM. They need 15 volunteers. Lunch will be provided. Dress is comfortable and bring reading material. Look for the volunteer request in the E-News. Adjournment – Thank you for joining us! The meeting was adjourned at approximately 12:37 p.m. Please mark your calendar for April 14, 2016. This will be our final meeting of the school year and includes: 11:00 AM Brophy Chapel – Installation of 2016-2017 Executive Board11:30 AM Harper Great Hall – Luncheon Meeting with:Senior Moms’ Blessing and picturePresentation of 2016-2017 Mothers’ Guild Executive BoardA Special Welcome to the incoming Class of 2020 Freshmen MomsRespectfully Submitted,Peg TannerRecording SecretaryBrophy College PreparatoryMothers’ Guild MeetingFebruary 18, 2016 | 12:00 p.m.Harper Great HallWelcome, Opening Prayer and General Remarks, Stacy Ames, PresidentStacy Ames called the meeting to order at approximately 12:08 p.m. and thanked everyone for attending. Stacy especially thanked the Hospitality Committee for the table decorations, candy bags and good lunch. Stacy opened the meeting with a prayer for the Gift of Understanding.Brophy Updates – Bob Ryan, PrincipalMr. Ryan was unable to attend the meeting as he was with the Admissions committee reviewing class of 2020 applicants. He sent his apologies via Ms. Renke.Program –Adria Renke, Vice-President:Adria thanked Stacy Ames for inviting her to speak to “her people,” the mothers, about the upcoming changes in her life at Brophy. She stated it was special for her because she, too, sat as a Brophy Mom at these meetings, and has seen her dreams in this Jesuit institution come to fruition. Adria is thrilled to be the Brophy’s Interim President, and announced she has thrown her hat into the candidate search as successor to Fr. Reese when he leaves for St. Ignatius in California. Ms. Renke shared that she has worked for Brophy for 19 years and has found the job energizing. She loves the students and has found her time at Brophy second only to her joy of raising her own children. Adria’s roots have been in the Jesuit tradition, beginning with the profound effect from her Dad’s Jesuit background. She taught at St. Francis Xavier, attended Mass at Brophy Chapel and her only son attended BCP. Adria worked as a private tutor for over twenty years, volunteered in the city schools and worked with adult ESL programs. Adria has written a book and years ago did educational spots on varying local news stations. She also wrote a column for the Arizona Republic that was akin to a Dear Abby column, but for educational advice. When her son was a junior, Fr. Reese called her and invited her to be the Fashion Show Chair. After succeeding in this role, Father Reese invited her to become Brophy’s Vice-President. Now as the Interim President, Adria said she would be honored to fill half the shoes of Fr. Eddie Reese. She explained that Fr. Reese is leaving a well-oiled machine. Since the beginning of Fr. Reese’s tenure, at least 70% of the campus is either new or remodeled and $86 million has been raised. She explained that Fr. Reese was due for an assignment change, as he has been at Brophy for a lengthy time. Fr. Reese was approached by the Provincial of the California Province to consider the St. Ignatius opening. Fr. Reese accepted the invitation to interview for the position. He is excited for the opportunity to lead another high school. St. Ignatius is a co-educational high school, so it will have new challenges for Father. Father Reese is encouraged by the support of the St. Ignatius community, as well as the support he has received from the Brophy Community.In light of declining vocations, the Jesuits have for some time begun to create lay partnerships to carry the ethos and charism of the Jesuit tradition in ours schools. Currently there are 15 open President positions, and only four Jesuit priests available to hire. This means that there will be lay people hired for the majority of these positions. The national search for a new President of Brophy has not yet begun. Now that Adria has expressed interest in being hired, she is no longer involved in the hiring process. There are no female Presidents at any Jesuit high schools throughout the country currently, but there are females in leadership roles at some middle and elementary levels. Adria entertained questions from the Mothers:Q: How can the mothers support your candidacy?A: You may email the trustees and offer support for Adria.Q: Are any women involved in the search?A: There are three women on the Search committee. Adria concluded by expressing her gratitude for standing in the position she is now. She credits the Holy Spirit for helping her place one foot in front of the other to take her where she was supposed to be over the years. She is grateful for the support of the Mothers’ Guild. The mothers applauded Adria and gave her a standing ovation at the conclusion of her presentation.Mothers’ Guild BusinessPeg Tanner, Recording Secretary, Approval of MinutesMinutes from the January 7, 2016 meeting were approved.Cara Gillem, Nominating Committee – Presentation of the 2016-2017 Executive Board and Nominating Committee:2016 – 2017 Executive BoardDeidra Gilligan, PresidentNancy Holben Bates, 1st Vice PresidentKim McCann, 2nd Vice PresidentNatalee Leber, Corresponding SecretaryAmy Bonner, Recording SecretaryColleen Maruster, TreasurerJoni Owen, Assistant TreasurerStacy Ames, Past President2016 – 2017 Nominating CommitteeMaryann Iannitti, ChairDeidra Gilligan, Guild PresidentNancy Holben Bates, Guild 1st Vice PresidentShawna Warner, Major Committee ChairJulie Alpert, Member at LargeMichele McCabe, Member at LargeThe proposed slate was approved with no opposition.Meredith Gass, Project Grad 2016:Meredith introduced herself and shared she has a junior student at Brophy. She requested volunteers for the May 21st Project Grad event. She is looking primarily for underclassmen parents to volunteer before the event and on the evening of the event at Cracker Jax. It is a great night for our seniors. The event includes raffles and a cash booth, along with other fun. Committee ReportsDayTrippers: The next event is April 15th and will be kayaking on Saguaro Lake. The event will be $40 and is limited to 40 spots. Look for sign-ups in the March 13th E-News.Junior/Senior Mother Son Dinner Dance: the Beach Bash is April 17th in Harper Great Hall. This is a casual and fun dinner dance for juniors and seniors and their mothers.The Iron Moms and Lenten Prayer Service: The committee wants to thank God and the committee members for the recent Lenten prayer service. Sr. Adele from Circle the City and current BCP mothers spoke on the topic of Humility.Luncheon Committee – The next event will be held at 6 PM, May 4th, at Blanco at the Biltmore. Watch for the sign-up link. Parent Awareness: Karen Parise needs tech people to help get information on the website. She is adding information on a variety of topics to help our boys and will be available to parents as resources, too. The next Parent Awareness evening is coming soon and the topic will be connected to the school’s upcoming Summit.Retreat – There are still a few spots available. The retreat on Friday, March 11th – Saturday, March 12th is open to mothers of all grades. The retreat from Saturday, March 12th – Sunday, March 13th is open to Senior moms only. Spring Fling Auction – There are only 30 days left until the Auction and only 720 hours! Online registration for the auction is open until March 5th. Moms can reserve tickets or buy raffle tickets online through the BCP website. There will be a sit down dinner and dancing, along with a silent and live auction.Mother Son Communion Breakfast – last day to register to attend this event is February 22nd. The event is Saturday, February 27th.Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned at approximately 1:09 p.m. Please mark your calendar for our Tuesday, March 15, 2016 Luncheon and Meeting.We will be awarding a deserving senior with theGwendolyn Reese Spirit of Challenge Award.**Please note this meeting will be held on a Tuesday, instead of Thursday.Respectfully Submitted,Peg TannerRecording SecretaryBrophy College PreparatoryMothers’ Guild MeetingJanuary 7, 2016 | 12:00 p.m.Harper Great Hall Welcome, Opening Prayer and General Remarks, Stacy Ames, PresidentStacy Ames called the meeting to order at approximately 12:01 p.m. and thanked everyone for attending. Stacy opened the meeting with a prayer for the New Year and our potential for praising God.II.Welcome Back and Introduction of Panelists – Bob Ryan, PrincipalMr. Ryan welcomed families back for second semester. He shared that the faculty and staff spent a day at the Franciscan Renewal Center for a faculty retreat on Monday. He announced that the add/drop period for our sons’ classes ends on January 11, 2016. Principal Ryan advises that if our sons have any trepidation over current classes, they should discuss concerns with parents and counselors. Mr. Ryan shared that on January 6, 2016, BCP held their annual alumni lunch. Many recent graduates could be found walking around campus, visiting former teachers. It is always a pleasure welcoming back alumni and Mr. Ryan then welcomed our panel of recent Brophy graduates from the Class of 2015. Program – College Panelists:Nick Park - Vanderbilt UniversityRoss Johnson – ASU, Barrett Honors CollegeKyle Scheuring – Loyola University ChicagoBret Schumacher – New York UniversityAnand Swaminathan – Yale UniversityAndrew Stineman – University of Notre DameStacy introduced the format for the Question and Answer program. Mothers were invited to write down questions they had for the college freshman and volunteers would collect them and hand them to Stacy. Stacy thanked Shelly Scheuring for gathering the panelists together.Highlights from the Panel Discussion:Self-reflection by the student is crucial. Students should list the traits they want in a college, paying attention to personal fit. Create a pros and cons list for the colleges you are interested in. Keep your options open and don’t limit yourself to one geographical region. It’s possible to change your mind during senior year.Listen to your counselor. The College Counseling office is very helpful and experienced.The alumni applied to an average of eight to fourteen schools.BCP classes tend to prepare students more for the SAT, than the ACT. Most of the panelists preferred the SAT to the ACT. However, each alumnus stated preference was based on his personal skills and varies from student to student. Students should take both placement tests to determine which fits his skills better.Most of the panelists did use an outside source to prepare for the placement exams. They emphasized the best preparation for the Placement test is taking practice tests repeatedly. This can be done without outside resources, but outside services may keep a student motivated. One panelist who is an athlete utilized outside help to determine the best college for academics and athletics. The panelists spoke highly of their counselors at Brophy and the guidance provided through the college application process, recommending that they are a better resource than hiring an outside agency. Each student did rely on the assistance of mothers or other family members and their college counselors to provide feedback on college essays.Interviews for colleges are a minor factor in the selection process for most schools.Students recommended college applicants understand the difference between early decision and early action. All advised that the earlier you apply to schools, the better off you are in terms of stress levels during senior year, opportunity to make a good college decision and possibly increasing your chances of college acceptances.The panelists felt Brophy had prepared them well for college level coursework. Those who had taken AP level courses or dual enrollment felt the extra cost was worth it, because the class rigor was on par with college level classes. Brophy’s focus on teamwork, communication and life skills, as well as how to dress for a presentation, have been instrumental for college success.The alumni agreed the opportunity for extracurricular activities and retreats at Brophy pushed them beyond their comfort zones. This has allowed them to push themselves at college, too.The panelists did not apply for outside scholarships for college. A few of them are currently looking into scholarship opportunities for the remaining college years. Many scholarship application deadlines are much earlier than college application deadlines, so the earlier a student begins the process, the better.The items at college our alumni cannot live without:A laptop, bicycle for transportation, waterproof backpack, blanket from home for naps, snacks for early morning schedules, shower slippers and/or your favorite item from home, e.g. golf clubs. Bringing an item from home that identifies you is encouraged.Best care package items sent to the students include food, favorite candy, a note and munication:Most panelists speak to their parents on a weekly basis. They appreciate the opportunity to talk about whatever is on their mind with moms and dads and emphasize the need to be heard. Some students do text parents regularly, but still enjoy a phone call every week or two. Having a set time to talk with family is a good idea.Parents need to know when to step back and allow their students to figure out college on their own. Be there for your son when he needs you, but give him freedom.Mothers’ Guild BusinessPeg Tanner, Recording Secretary, Approval of MinutesMinutes from the November 19, 2015 meeting were approved.Cara Gillem, Nominating Committee – Cara announced the Mothers’ Guild is accepting nominations for the Executive Board and committee chairs for the 2016-2017 academic year. Members can nominate themselves or someone else. The committee will meet to determine the slate, which then must be approved by Brophy administration. The slate of officers will be announced in mittee ReportsSenior Moms: Senior Moms have a happy hour on January 25th. A senior treat day is planned for February 4th. All senior moms are welcome and encouraged to participate.DayTrippers: The next event is April 15th and will be kayaking on the Salt River or Saguaro Lake.Junior/Senior Mother Son Dinner Dance: mark your calendar for April 17th for the Broncos Beach Bash, an annual dinner dance for moms and sons. The first committee-planning meeting is January 13th at 9 AM and is open to all.The Iron Moms Prayer group met earlier today and prayed over every intention that was received at the Advent Prayer Service. The group meets again in February before the Mothers’ Guild meeting at 10:45 AM in the chapel.Lent Prayer Service: This event will be held on February 11th. Rehearsal for the event is February 8th at 1 PM. The committee meets immediately following the Mothers’ Guild meeting in the Lacona room.Retreat: The next retreat will be March 11-12 for all mothers and the senior moms only retreat will be March 12-13. Look for the sign-up link around February 3rd. Adjournment – Stacy Ames announced that the Mothers’ Guild along with the Dads’ Club would host the college panelists again this evening. All are welcome. Thank you for joining us. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 1:02 p.m. Please mark your calendar for the February 18th Luncheon and Meeting.Respectfully Submitted,Peg TannerRecording SecretaryBrophy College PreparatoryMothers’ Guild MeetingNovember 19, 2015 | 12:00 p.m.Harper Great HallI.Welcome and Opening Prayer - Stacy Ames, PresidentStacy Ames called the meeting to order at approximately 12:01 p.m. and thanked everyone for attending. She opened with a prayer about listening, entitled “Teach Me to Listen.” Stacy thanked the Hospitality committee for the good food and beautiful luncheon decor.12 Days of Christmas: This event is an opportunity for us to show our gratitude to faculty and staff. The committee is gathering 145 treat bags and is still in need of gift cards. During today’s luncheon a Christmas stocking will be passed around seeking cash donations to purchase more gift cards, and gift cards may be purchased directly through SFX and the Scrip program at the table by the doors. Any questions please contact Natalee Leber or Stephanie Cunningham.ProgramAdria Renke – Vice PresidentIn light of the recent attacks in Paris, Adria quoted Simone Weil’s Reflections on the Right Use of School Studies, “What are we going to contribute to the world?” Adria suggests we cultivate in our teens the capacity to give attention to the sufferer. Adria stated society often believes that it is a miracle for teens to have empathy. This is not the case with Brophy students, as Paul Fisko’s upcoming Immersion program discussion will prove. Adria states we can identify empathy, but asks what can we do? Our students must not only be aware of suffering, but learn how to confront it and alleviate it. The Ignatian way is love in action. Adria urges us to begin the holidays authentically looking at suffering and how we can become part of the solution.Bob Ryan – PrincipalPrincipal Ryan thanked everyone who helped at the Brophy Open House on November 8th. It was a great day at Brophy. Mr. Ryan asked mothers to have their sons attend the Father Son Communion breakfast on November 21. It is a great way for fathers to connect with their sons.Mr. Ryan encouraged attendance at the theater production of A Christmas Carol and at the annual Fine Arts Extravaganza. We often hear about athletic accomplishments at Brophy, but both of these upcoming events showcase the artistic and performing arts talents of our students.Principal Ryan introduced Genny Matteucci, from the Brophy Community Foundation.Genny Matteucci – Executive Director, Brophy Community FoundationMrs. Matteucci is an alumni mother. She introduced Dawn Kennedy, Director of Corporate Tax Credits. BCF is recognized as Arizona's #1 rated STO. The BCF video was presented, highlighting current students who receive monies from BCF. BCF’s mission is to ensure that students with a verified financial need can afford a quality private education. Approximately 2300 students from 28 schools received an award in 2014. Mrs. Matteucci shared forms and envelopes and is available to answer questions. Mothers may also learn more at the BCF website. Please designate your tax credit for Brophy Community Foundation. The deadline for the tax credit is April 15, 2016. Paul Fisko – Assistant Principal for Ministry/Immersion TripsMr. Fisko shared his educational background and experiences, as well as advice from his mother to “go and serve the Lord with your gifts” and “people need your love”. Mr. Fisko describes Brophy’s Immersion program as affording this opportunity to students and is focused on solidarity. The spirit that guides Immersion trips is to recognize all human beings as our neighbors and we are all responsible for one other. Mr. Fisko reviewed the variety of Immersion trips available to the student body. He explained that students must apply to these trips and selection is not guaranteed. There is a vetting process and various factors are weighed for each trip. Mr. Fisko introduced two students who shared their personal experiences:Brendan, Class of 2017, traveled on the first Havasupai trip. He originally wanted to go because he knew the Havasupai Falls were nice. Instead he received an education on the lives of the people living in that area and was able to assist at the school, teaching students Math and English. Brendan said immersion trips give a sense of brotherhood outside of the classroom. He also went on the Peru trip previously and assured moms “not to worry about your kids; they are in good hands”.Maanik, Class of 2016, traveled to El Salvador and this was his first immersion experience. His friends encouraged him to attend. The trip informed him of how the people live, what their history is and how we can live with them. He lived with a family for about four days, where their lifestyle was a contrast to his own here. Maanik explained immersion trips offer an opportunity to get to know who the people are, a better awareness of the world, and his own experience has given him a greater understanding of current events, for example the Syrian crisis.Deidra Gilligan, a current parent, presented her perspective as a mom who sent her oldest son on the Peru trip this past summer. While she recognized that a month without contact with her son would be difficult, she explained her family was not prepared for just how difficult it would be for every one of them. Not only did Deidra miss her son, but his dad and brothers did, too. The family coped by talking with veteran moms and families and other parents who had sons on the trip. Deidra shared that an unexpected benefit of this experience was gaining new friendships with the other families. Her family poured over the Peru immersion trip blogs and photos, hoping to catch a bit of news about her son. While the month was tough for the family, Deidra shared that looking back on it now, “Peru was the beginning of the journey for her son to become a Man for Others.” When asked if she could make this kind of sacrifice again, Deidra answers, “Yes”, because her son formed leadership qualities. He has been asked to serve as the Head Captain on the next Peru trip. He has declined this invitation, because he is interested in working on social issues here in the US. This experience was for her son a profound and life-changing event. Deidra calls the experience an extraordinary gift to the family and offered her support to all moms sending their sons off on immersion trips.Mothers’ Guild Business:Approval of Minutes, Peg Tanner – Recording SecretaryThe minutes from the October 15, 2015 meeting were approved.The Hospitality Committee raffled off a table decoration.Nominating Committee – Stacy Ames shared that it is the time of year again when we begin seeking nominations for the 2016-2017 Executive Board of the Mothers’ Guild and also committee chairpersons. An online nominating form will be forthcoming and you will find a link for the nomination form in an upcoming E-News. If you have questions, please see Stacy Ames, Nominating Committee chair Cara Gillem or any Mothers’ Guild board member. Deadline for nominations is January 15, 2016.IV. Committee ReportsA.)Luncheon Committee: The Ollie the Trolley Holiday lights trip will be December 9th. Cost is $25 and the reservation link will go live on November 23rd. A third trolley has been added so there will now be 90 seats available.V. Adjournment – Thank you for joining us. Stacy Ames adjourned the meeting at approximately 1:09 p.m. Please mark your calendar for the January 7th Luncheon and Meeting, when alumni return to speak about their college experiences.Respectfully Submitted,Peg TannerRecording SecretaryBrophy College PreparatoryMothers’ Guild MeetingOctober 15, 2015 | 12:00 p.m.Harper Great HallWelcome and Opening Prayer - Stacy Ames, PresidentStacy Ames called the meeting to order at approximately 12:01 p.m. and thanked everyone for attending. Stacy opened with a prayer asking where we will see God today and how we’ll say yes to Him. Stacy thanked the Hospitality co-chairs - Teresa Brown, Megan Kuhl, Lana Holmes and Joanne Trueman. Today the Hospitality Committee is raffling one of their table centerpieces later in the meeting. II. ProgramBob Ryan – PrincipalPrincipal Ryan announced the Brophy Open House on November 8th and asked the membership to spread the word to families with 7th and 8th grade sons.Mr. Ryan thanked those who met with teachers during the Parent Teacher conferences, and reminded parents who could not get appointments that they are free to email their sons’ teachers to discuss any concerns.The Father Son Communion Breakfast is on November 21st. Two graduates will be honored. Information will be forthcoming.Mr. Ryan shared that many parents have had questions about the safety of our campus in light of the recent shootings (Oregon and NAU). Safety of our students is taken seriously and procedures are reviewed each year. Brophy has a crisis management plan and students and staff undergo drills throughout the year. Parents may notice subtle changes from year to year in maintaining a safe campus, e.g., this year the wooden Chapel doors facing Central Avenue remain closed and locked each day. If you have further questions, please speak to Dean Higgins or Mr. Ryan.Mr. Ryan emphasized that Brophy wants to partner with parents in educating our students in drug and alcohol awareness. Because it is in the nature of adolescent boys to make mistakes, the administration is proactive in providing healthy ways to keep students away from drugs. Karen Parise from Counseling and Student Assistance provides a resource to parents and families. If a parent suspects drug use, they are encouraged to contact Karen Parise for help. Mr. Ryan however, did emphasize that drug or alcohol use on Brophy’s campus is a significant violation. The school protects the sanctity of the campus and its first concern is for all students. Because of this there is zero tolerance for drug use on campus. The upcoming Parent Awareness night will present information on the realities of vaping, which has become a dangerous trend among teens. This meeting is on November 5th and Mr. Ryan encourages all parents to attend.Jim Bopp – Assistant Principal For Technology and InstructionPrincipal Ryan introduced our main speaker, Mr. Bopp, who taught Physics at Brophy for a number of years and served as Dean of Students before assuming his current role. Mr. Ryan emphasized that without Mr. Bopp’s knowledge and expertise we would not have the Innovation Commons.Assistant Principal Bopp shared how the Innovation Commons came about through a generous grant from the Virginia Piper Foundation. The impetus came from the story of Brophy alumnus Mick Ebeling’s use of 3-D printing prosthetics for amputees in Sudan (see Ebeling’s book Not Impossible). With further research, Brophy found that technology is making information and skills cheap and available; the DIY and Maker Movement has become a “new old way” to learn, and technology has given rise to social entrepreneurship. These observations led to the Innovation Commons where all freshmen take a course that is student centered learning, with no direct instruction. They learn about CAD, Coding and Circuits. Students are encouraged to commit to a project and then figure out how to make it happen. The Innovation Commons is offering a different approach to pedagogy and preparing students for global digital citizenry. Students are given the freedom to fail, work collaboratively, create something good, not just desirable and find success when they are proud of their outcome. Mr. Bopp stated that the Innovation Commons is available for independent use and eventually for an honors elective. Students are encouraged to utilize this resource after school or during lunch.III. Mothers’ Guild Business:Approval of Minutes, Peg Tanner – Recording SecretaryThe minutes from the September 17, 2015 meeting were approved.Deidra Gilligan – First Vice President – If you are interested in becoming a Lifetime member of the Mothers’ Guild, please contact Deidra Gilligan. Lifetime membership benefits include admission to Brophy games and fine arts performances for you and a guest. If you are not getting emails from the Mothers’ Guild, please see Deidra, so she can be sure we have the correct email address.Sharee Sims – Second Vice President – We have a need for 3000 cookies for the Open House on November 8th. Sharee thanked all mothers who have graciously volunteered in the past for our activities and thanks you in advance for your continued efforts.Fashion Show Updates – Stacy Thomas thanked the Fashion Show committee chairs for their work. Every dollar raised from the Fashion Show supports the Brophy Financial Aid Fund. Raffle tickets are currently being sold: $25/ticket or $100/5 tickets. There are a number of great prizes, including a chance at $5000. At the Fashion Show on November 12th, listen for the cowbell from the Baubles and Bags booth, where you may take a chance at winning a beautiful piece of donated jewelry. There is also a limited number raffle for one of four designer bags. Tickets are $100 and only 150 will be sold – advance purchase only. Special Sales is selling the necklace, memo board and Brophy lantern, mittee ReportsHiking: The next hike is at North Mountain on November 4th. About 35 hikers joined the hike at the Gateway Loop in Scottsdale.Senior Moms: Moms will be assembling treats for seniors on October 27th to give to the senior boys on October 29th.Parent and Family Awareness: This first event will be on November 5th with Dean Higgins and Karen Parise discussing the latest trend of vaping. Please come and familiarize yourself with this so you can inform your son and help him be aware of the dangers of vaping.Luncheon Committee: This committee was responsible for hosting the New Parent Potluck in September. The next event will begin at The Vig on December 9th. Moms will then ride Ollie the Trolley to view the holiday lights. Cost is $25 and the reservation link will go live on November 23rd.Twelve Days of Christmas: This is a great opportunity for the MG community to show our support for the school. Gift cards, snacks and treat donations are needed to fill 150 treat boxes which are presented to faculty and staff during the 12 days, 11/30 – 12/12.Advent/Lent Prayer Service: Mark your calendar for this special morning of reflection at the Advent service on December 3rd. All moms are welcome to attend. Adjournment – Thank you for joining us. Stacy Ames adjourned the meeting at approximately 1:32 p.m. Please mark your calendar for the November 19th Luncheon and Meeting.Respectfully Submitted,Peg TannerRecording SecretaryBrophy College PreparatoryMothers’ Guild MeetingSeptember 17, 2015 | 12:00 p.m.Harper Great HallWelcome, Opening Prayer and General Remarks, Stacy Ames, PresidentStay Ames called the meeting to order at approximately 12:01 p.m. and thanked everyone for attending. Stacy opened the meeting with a prayer about new beginnings and seeking God’s will in our lives.Stacy introduced the new Executive Board:Deidra Gilligan – 1st Vice-PresidentSharee Sims – 2nd Vice-PresidentMary Moorman – TreasurerColleen Maruster – Assistant TreasurerPeg Tanner – Recording SecretaryNancy Sanford – Corresponding SecretaryMartha Fogler – Past President and AdvisorStacy thanked the Hospitality co-chairs - Teresa Brown, Megan Kuhl, Lana Holmes and Joanne Trueman. They are responsible for the monthly luncheon food and decorations. Stacy then outlined the basics of our membership meetings:All moms are active voting members of the Guild.At each meeting we record the minutes of discussion. These minutes need to be voted upon at the following meeting. Copies of our last meeting are at your table and are available online. Minutes need to be approved and seconded.The budget is voted on at the first meeting of the school year and updates will be available at each monthly meeting. The Mothers’ Guild does not do any independent fundraising; our budget is based on our $200 lifetime membership fee collected from the mothers. We have different program content at each meeting. Today’s Program is about Brophy.Program:Adria Renke – Vice President:Adria asked the moms “Are we firing on all jets?" She spoke about having had an awesome day the day prior because she was able to see God in everything. ?Adria shared some of these experiences: She visited with the crew working on the old lockers, who after sharing God’s blessings, spoke about being worried about the people in Syria. Adria spoke with fellow colleague Annie Thomson who, while battling cancer, said, "I’m living the dream". ?Adria said Annie has been an instrument of God and Adria’s prayer life has changed because of Annie. Adria also witnessed the great minds that have helped bring about the Innovation Commons (Jim Bopp and Bob Ryan, among others) and connected their vision with that of a freshman who was working intentionally in the Innovation Commons. She described them all as “billboards” of hope for Brophy and our sons. ?She then challenged the moms to look inward, to talk to our God and discover what He has intended for us this year, closing with "Are we firing on all jets?"Bob Ryan – PrincipalPrincipal Ryan spoke about the rich heritage Brophy draws upon, including Jesuit priests such as Fr. Robert Bellarmine, whose feast day it is, and Pope Francis, as well as Brophy’s mission of cultivating leadership and education in the Jesuit tradition. He gave an overview of what Brophy offers, including Counseling and Student Support, Community of Concern and fostering a culture of encounter through Immersion trips and retreat programs. He suggested our sons find their niche through the many activities and athletics offered. He introduced our new Director of Student Advocacy and Outreach: Ms. Jessica Roman-Salazar. Mr. Ryan gave a brief overview of Loyola Academy, explaining that Loyola scholars must maintain the same standards set for every Brophy student. The difference is Loyola Scholars are accepted into the Brophy/Loyola community for 6th grade as opposed to 9th grade. Mr. Ryan also shared statistics about college placement for the Class of 2015 and information regarding the new freshmen Class of 2019. Mothers’ Guild Business:Approval of 2015-2016 Budget, Mary Moorman – TreasurerThe budget was voted on and approved.Approval of Minutes, Peg Tanner – Recording SecretaryThe minutes from the April 23, 2015 meeting were approved.Daily Examen explanation – Stacy Ames, President:“We are asked over and over about what makes Brophy different from other high schools. And while many will rightly point to the rigorous curriculum or the beautiful campus or even the exceptional faculty, the answer is grounded in a foundational element of Ignatian spirituality: Gratitude. And gratitude is the root of the daily examen, when the whole school stops for 3 minutes at 12:55 to reflect on: How is God at work in my life?How have I responded to God’s presence in my life?How am I being called to respond now?This usually occurs during our committee reports, and I would like to ask that if the daily examen comes on during your update, that you pause for 3 minutes so that we can also share in this reflection.”Committee ReportsDayTrippers: The first event is a concert at the Musical Instrument Museum on September 20, 2015. There were 9 tickets still available for purchase.Senior Moms: Congratulations to the Class of 2016 Senior Moms! The committee is kicking off the year with a Happy Hour event at the home of Patty Matsock on September 23, 2015. This committee will also be hosting senior treat days for the class of 2016.Advent/Lent Prayer Service: This committee will be planning a special morning of prayer and reflection during Advent and again in Lent. Planning meetings are held following most membership meetings at 1 PM in the LaCona Room. All volunteers are welcome. Iron Moms Prayer Group: This committee meets most mornings just before the monthly membership meetings in the Chapel for an opportunity to lift our children, families and school community up in prayer to God.Hiking Club: The first hike of the year will be October 6, 2015 at the Gateway Trail with lunch following at Flo’s.Mother Son Jr./Sr. Dinner Dance: Save the date for this casual event on Sunday, April 17, 2016. The theme is Beach Bash.Book Club: This group meets once per month at the Biltmore Hotel. All are welcome, but please be sure to read the books as they are always discussed.Brophy Auction: The auction is scheduled for March 19, 2016 and the theme is Spring Fling. Be sure to sign up to volunteer. The committee will have its official kick-off after the Fashion Show has passed.Project Grad: This event is a safe and fun place for BCP and XCP graduates to congregate following graduation ceremonies. Mark your calendar for May 21, 2016.Fashion Show: The Fashion Show is scheduled for November 12, 2015 at the Fairmont Scottsdale Princess. Raffle tickets are available for sale and can be purchased online. Prizes include $5,000 cash, Images by Kay Custom Portrait Package, valued at $3,500, Two night stay at the Surf and Sand Beachfront Hotel in Laguna Beach, CA, (includes airfare for 2) and a $2,500 Saks Fifth Avenue Gift Card.Blood Drive: Donating blood is an excellent way to donate to Brophy without costing a cent! The next Blood Drive is September 30, 2015. Donors must be at least 16 years old; Parents are invited to donate, too. This committee could use one or two more volunteers; please see Mary Keller.Parent and Family Awareness: This committee is working with the Dean’s Office and Office of Faith and Justice, reviewing trends and topics of importance to our sons and families. Look for an event for parents only at the end of October or early November.PLUB: The next monthly meeting will be October 12, 2015. Amanda Torres invited everyone to these meetings whether you are Spanish speaking or not.Adjournment – Stacy Ames closed the meeting expressing her gratitude for all in attendance. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 12:55 p.m. Please mark your calendar for the October 15th Luncheon and Meeting.Respectfully Submitted,Peg TannerRecording Secretary ................

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