
Unit 4: Week 4 (Lesson 31)Lesson PartsDay 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Overview/ ObjectivesGive the general sense of the storySpell correctly irregularly spelled wordsForm tag questionsUse punctuation marks correctlyWrite a simple storySummative TestMaterialsCopy of the story “The Little Rose Plant”LM Activities 297-299Show-me-boardLM Activities 302-303Story mapStory sheetsProceduresPre-Reading(10 min)Unlock the words haughtily, drooping and tapping using picture and context clues(10 min)Introduction/PresentationPost irregular and regular words the board.Allow pupils to read them.(5 min)Introduction/PresentationPost an example of a tag question.Ask: What do you call this sentence?(20 min)Review the elements of storyLet the pupils do LMActivity 304Post Reading(20 min)Allow pupils to do the draw and write to learn ActivityGive the motivation and motive questionsDuring Reading(20 min)The teacher reads a loud the story, stop to ask questions at some points to check comprehension(15 min)Independent PracticeAllow pupils to spell ten irregularly spelled words using the show-me-boardRefer to LM Activity 301In small group, let pupils write all the irregularly spelled words from the story “The Little Rose Plant”(15 min)Modeling/ Teaching:Discuss irregularly spelled words(10 min)Guided PracticeLet the pupils identify the letters that make each word irregularRefer to LM Activity 300(15 min)Independent PracticeLet the pupils answer questions based on the dialogue read.Refer to LM Activity 303(15 min)Modeling/ Teaching:(15 min)Guided PracticeAllow pupils to do the Dialogue ActivityRefer to LM Activity 302(10 min)Review how to write simple stories(20 min)Let the pupils write a story by completing a story boardLet them write a story that interests themLet pupils write 3 to 4 sentences using the irregularly spelled words.Unit 4: Week 4 (Lesson 31)The Little Rose PlantA.Pre-Reading1. Unlocking of Difficulty(Haughtily, drooping, tappingShow a picture of a drooping stem of a flower.Ask: What do you notice with the stem of the flower? (Drooping)Pretend that you are singing and tapping the table.Ask: What else am I doing with the table as I sing? (Tapping)Mario haughtily showed to his classmate that he is better than him. He was overly proud of himself.Ask: What word phrase in the second sentence describes what the word haughtily means? (Overly proud)Refer to LM-Activity 300.Unit 4- Lesson 31The Little Rose PlantLearn About WordsEach word has a missing letter. Put the correct letter on the blank to complete the word. Write your answer in your notebook.Haught____ly.Droop____ing.T____pping.Write a word to complete each sentence. Get the word from the words in A above.The Rose plants is_____________ because it has no water and sunshine.The boy ____________ answered back to his friend.We make sounds by___________ our tables.2. Motivation What are the things that you cannot do alone?3. Motive QuestionWhat can’t the Rose Plant do alone?B. During ReadingRead the story aloud using DRTA. Stop and ask questions at some points to check comprehension.Refer to LM- Activity 301.The Little Rose PlantAdapted from A little Rose plant lived inside a dark damp room. One day she heard a soft tapping on her door.“Who’s there? “She asked.“I am little Raindrop. Please let me in,” cried the visitor.“No way!” said the Rose Plant angrily.Little Raindrop was very sad for being turned away. After sometime the Rose Plants heard a soft rustle near the door.“Who’s there now? She asked.“I am Sunny sunshine,” said the new visitor.“I don’t have time for sunshine,” said the Rose Plant haughtily.A few days later, the leaves of the Rose Plant turned brown in color, and her young stem began drooping. Then one day, she heard the chirping of birds, and opened her door to see outside. It was spring and there were colorful flowers and generally all around. The Rose Plant realized mistake. So when Rain and Sunshine returned, she welcome them warmly.After a few days she had a pretty pink rose, for which she thanked the Raindrop and the sunshine.C. Post ReadingRefer to LM- Activity 299 on page____for the Draw and write to learn ActivityLet the pupils do the AFTER column.Let Us Write A StoryGo to your group so that you can start writing your own story by answering some questions. We are going to talk first about animal heroes and those animals could be your heroes in your stories.Simple Story Writing Questions:What is the title of your story?Who is/ are the characters in the story and when and where is the story happening? (You they may start with the phrase-Once upon a time____)What is the first event? What does the animal do that could start the action in your story?What does the main character do in response to the enemy’s action? What else does he/ she do to put a title excitement in the story? Was he able to protect his/ her friend/s? Himself? Herself?What does the main character do next that may cause a learning instance for the enemy of your main character?What do you want the enemy of your main character to learn from the story? What do you want him to realize?Lesson 31 Day 2: Irregularly Spelled WordsSkill Lesson: Irregularly-spelled WordsPresentation and IntroductionPost irregular and regularly-spelled words on the board like (erase, give, cut and bat) in the two separate columns and allow pupils to read each word after you.Cut eraseBat giveModeling and TeachingSay: Some words are read differently. Not all letters are sounded. For example: the word erase. It is not pronounced as e-ra-se but erase.Guided Practice: Refer to LM- Activity 303 for the identification of irregularly-spelled words.Irregularly Spelled Words36766554610Remember:Irregularly spelled words are read differently.Not all letters are sounded.0Remember:Irregularly spelled words are read differently.Not all letters are sounded.Let us read each word. Write the word in your notebook and cross out the letters that are not sounded.Again ______ ______ ______ _______Because ______ ______ ______ _______Earth ______ ______ ______ _______Height______ ______ ______ _______Wednesday______ ______ ______ _______Come______ ______ ______ _______Could ______ ______ ______ _______Does______ ______ ______ _______ Independent Practice:Allow pupils to spell ten irregularly spelled words.Refer to LM-Activity 304.Writing to Learn ActivityLet us have a spelling activity on irregularly spelled words.In small group, let pupils write all the irregularly-spelled words from the story “The Little Rose Plant”Let pupils write 3 to 4 sentences using the irregularly- spelled words.Presentation and InstructionPost the following sentence on the board.The boy is good, isn’t he?Ask: what do you call this and discuss what tag questions are.Modeling/ TeachingPost the Teaching chart and discuss what tags question are:Teaching Chart: Tag question is short questions added at the end of a statement to ask information or to confirm what is expressed in the statement. A tag question is making up a verb and pronoun that represents the subject in the statement. If the statement is positive, the question tag should be negative. A negative tag has the word not used in construction. Examples: Is not - isn’t Are not - aren’t Was not - wasn’t We’re not - weren’tA comma separates the statement and the question tag.tag questions In this example: The boy is good, isn’t he?The boy is good- statement,- commaIsn’t he?- tag questionIsn’t - negative of the verb isHe- pronounLook at the tag question, isn’t the negative of is (in the statement) and he refers to the boy (in the statement.)Read this example: The pupils are in the classroom, aren’t they?Ask: Which is the statement? Which is the tag question? What happens to the verb are in the tag question? To what do they refer?Provide other appropriate example for this lesson.Let’s try this: Karla is kind, _______?Fill It In: Write the unconstructed form of the constructions into box.Construction form Unconstructed form3847465100860Shouldn’t384492599060038449254654550Won’tYou’ll3844925209550He’ll3844925558720Doesn’t38481001498600Wouldn’t Guided PracticeLet pupils do an activity. Refer to LM- Activity 305 for the dialogue activity. Use the sentences to explain how tag questions are formed.Activity 305Read and complete the following dialogue using the appropriate tag plete first the sentences with tag questions. Then, group A will be pupil 1 and group B will be pupil 2.A Day in SchoolPupil 1: Hi classmate! How are you?Pupil 2: I’m fine!Pupil1: How do you find the story “The Little Rose Plant?Pupil 2: Very interesting!Pupil 1: The main character is the Rose Plant, ____________ ?Pupil 2: Yes it is! What about the setting?Pupil 1: The setting is in a damp room, _________?Pupil 2: Correct! Who are the other characters?Pupil 1: Raindrop and sunshine are the other characters, _______?Pupil 2: Now I remember!Pupil 1: You know what? I learned that plants need water and sunshine to survive.Pupil 2: Yeah right! These are the basic needs of plants, ____?Pupil 1: So you are going to take good care of our plants, ____?Pupil 2: Of course, I will, because plants are important to us!Pupil 1: It was great sharing ideas with you!Pupil 2: Yeah! I also learn things from you! Until next time.Independent PracticeRefer to LM- Activity 306 for summing up/ generalization.Allow pupils to present their output.Ask for volunteers to read the dialogue.Activity 306Answer the following questions based on the dialogue you read.What is the title of the dialogue?Who are talking in the dialogue?What is the dialogue all about?What new information did you learn from the conversation?What sentence from the dialogue tells you that?Lesson 31 Day 4: Writing a Simple StoryPresentation / Modeling and TeachingReview the elements of story.Let them have an activity about the elements of a story. Refer to LM- Activity 307.What are the elements of a story? Match the question in Column A with the elements of a story in column B.AB1. Who are the elements of a story?A. setting2. Where did the story happen?B. characters3. What happened in the story?C. title4. What is the name of the story?D. plotGuided Practice / PracticeAllow pupils to write a story by following the story board below.___________TitleSetting:___________________________________________________________Characters:________________________________________________________Plot: Write the events that happened. ______________________________________________________________Story Blanks: Fill in the blanks with the right type of word to make your own story.10687886100 Your name10414073660 0 Your favorite color10687818020800Your favorite foodWho is your favorite author? Do you want to be like him/ her? Now it’s your turn.Write your own story by completing the sequence map below. Use the details from your storyboard.Title:__________________________ _______________________ Author:__________3822700589915001805049595844004168140210185One sunny morning_________________________00One sunny morning_________________________1947116256170500382333525615900042627552086610At the end…________________0At the end…________________22917152098040Then…______________0Then…______________2254252098040Next….________________0Next….________________2148840293370Who lived in?_______________0Who lived in?_______________225425269240Once upon a time, there was a---------------------------___________0Once upon a time, there was a---------------------------___________ ................

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