
-161925-51371500NovemberNewsletter chris.stone@ 07564666471 chrisstonept chrisstoneptDo I Need Protein Shakes? The world of supplements can be a confusing place. By simply typing the word “Protein” into Google, I have 414,000,000 hits and am bombarded with countless ads promoting the latest and greatest powders that money can buy. It is true that protein plays a crucial role within the body. It is often referred to as the “building block” of the body as it plays an important role in the maintenance and repair of body tissues and structures. Therefore, it is necessary that we have an adequate intake per day… however do we really need additional protein products? 1104265000 Read more at: 39179520286000Post-Workout ProteinIt is importance to consume protein after a workout however don’t stress too much over protein timing. It is better to focus on getting an adequate amount of protein throughout the day rather than the timing of the protein intake. Protein must be consumed so that the body can begin to recover from the stress of a workout. When the body is exposed to a training stimulus, micro-tears appear within the muscle fibres. For repair to occur, protein is required. An inadequate amount of protein can potentially cause a slower recovery after training. So, Do I Need Protein Shakes?It is possible to acquire the adequate amount of protein through diet alone. We need to remember that these products are known as supplements for a reason. They should be SUPPLEMENTARY to your overall diet and shouldn’t be over-relied on.Protein shakes are quick, easy and convenient source of protein and in terms of practicality they are useful. If you are consuming an adequate amount of protein through your diet then there is no need to start taking protein supplements. However, I would recommend them to those who struggle to consume enough protein per day.300037519050Nutritional Nugget“Low Fat” / “Light” Products Be aware that any product classed as Low fat’ contain less than 3% fat whereas a ‘light’ product means that it contains 30% less fat than the original product. kThis does not necessarily equate to less calories. In fact, some light / low fat products can contain the same amount or even more calories than the original. 00Nutritional Nugget“Low Fat” / “Light” Products Be aware that any product classed as Low fat’ contain less than 3% fat whereas a ‘light’ product means that it contains 30% less fat than the original product. kThis does not necessarily equate to less calories. In fact, some light / low fat products can contain the same amount or even more calories than the original. left-10477500The Rotator Cuff Slow down! For foam rolling (or myofascial release) to be effective there must be "a low load dragging force across the tissues and this must be sustained for a period of time". Therefore, movement should be steady, controlled and, at a maximum, no faster than an inch per secondYou may have heard people refer to the rotator cuff before and you may be aware that the RC can be found in the shoulder area, but do you know which muscles help to form the RC and which movements they assist with?48006008648700032289758629650016668758629650014287588138000The RC is made up of 4 independent muscles which all originate from the scapula (shoulder blade) and insert onto the humerus (upper arm):- Supraspinatus– Subscapularis– Infraspinatus- Teres Minor- Small Muscle- Largest/Strongest - Triangular Muscle - Smallest Muscle- Adduction - Abduction - External Rotation - External Rotation- Internal Rotation left66421000Abduction = Movement of the arm away from the bodyAdduction = Movement of the arm towards the midline of the bodyInternal Rotation = Rotation of shoulder moving arm towards the midline of the bodyExternal Rotation = Rotation of the shoulder moving arm away from the body - Bear Crawls- Battle Ropes- Ball Slams- Box JumpsSet 1 - 30s work : 15s restSet 2 - 30s : 10sSet 3 - 30s : No rest- Bear Crawls- Battle Ropes- Ball Slams- Box JumpsSet 1 - 30s work : 15s restSet 2 - 30s : 10sSet 3 - 30s : No rest- Bear Crawls- Battle Ropes- Ball Slams- Box JumpsSet 1 - 30s work : 15s restSet 2 - 30s : 10sSet 3 - 30s : No rest- Foam rolling should make you feel a little discomfort (a "good" pain) but should never cause intense pain. - Ensure that the pressure is sufficent to bring about myofascial release. Either by manipulating your bodyweight / body position or by using a higher density foam roller.- Always roll following the same direction of the muscle fibres (up and down rather than rolling across the muscle)- Be aware that if you find a particularly tight spot or "knot" in the muscle that it is fine to concentrate on that specific area to "loosen" it up. However, the maximum amount of time you should spend on one particular area is around 20 seconds- Avoid rolling directly over a joint or on a bone- Avoid rolling the lower back as this will cause the muscles of the trunk to tense up and put excessive pressure onto the discs of the lumbar spine. In addition, you will also be directly rolling onto organs - specifically the liver and kidneys - which is definitely not advisable!- Use a tennis ball to target the soles of the feet (which are often neglected during foam rolling work). Simply stand on the ball, thus applying pressure to the sole of the foot, then roll the ball from heel to toe, back and forth.- Avoid rolling an injured and/or painful area of the body as it may only lead to increase inflammation of the injured site, lead to further injury and be detrimental in the healing process. Stop if you find yourself in significant pain whilst foam rolling.- And if you're not foam rolling... Why not?!?If you would like to book in for a Complimentary Personal Training Session please fill in your details, tear off the slip and hand it in to reception and I will contact you as soon as possible.Alternatively, please feel to get in contact with me directly at chris.stone@Name:Phone number:Email address:Preferred day and time: ................

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