Families in Crisis - Compatibility Mode

Florida Alcohol and Drug Abuse Association 2018


Families in Crisis: Working with Families in Recovery

Gabriela Zapata-Alma, LCSW, CADC

This training is supported by Florida Department of Children and Families Office of Substance Abuse and Mental Health

Gabriela Zapata-Alma, LCSW, CADC

Director of Substance Use Treatment Programs Thresholds Adjunct Faculty School of Social Service Administration The University of Chicago Co-owner/Founder Roots Counseling & Training Solutions

There are no actual or potential conflicts of interest to disclose; this presentation was created without any commercial support.


Florida Alcohol and Drug Abuse Association 2018


Learning Objectives

1. Review continuum of family involvement in treatment.

2. Learn evidence-supported strategies to engage families through psychoeducation.

3. Become familiar with the basic components of CRAFT Therapy.

Families are...

Photo: Amer Kahwaji, Energy of Youth, Flickr Creative Commons


Florida Alcohol and Drug Abuse Association 2018


What makes up a family?

How we define family is rooted in culture.

Guideline: family is defined by the person seeking services.

How do you elicit the person's self-defined family? How do you assess for chosen family?

Think of a person you are serving...

Does their family influence their substance use?

Is there a family history of substance use? How do family relationships and/or dynamics act as cues

for use (people, places, things...)? How does family build (or reduce) their motivation for


How have you addressed these issues in the individual's recovery plan?


Florida Alcohol and Drug Abuse Association 2018


Family Systems

Change in part of a system affects the entire system Developmental change of individual Loss of member (death, divorce, runaway, incarceration, cut offs) Gain new members Shift in a relationship

Image: 'Eis-Netz' photos/98764117@N04/31436838672

Family Systems

Subsystems are embedded and operate in larger system

? Couple ? Parent-child ? Sibling ? Extended family ? Gender dynamics, etc. ? Chosen family


Florida Alcohol and Drug Abuse Association 2018


Family Systems

Families exist within a larger social environment context

Friends Extended family Neighborhood



Legal system Health/Mental Health services

Human services Society History


Ethnic/cultural systems

Frameworks as Barriers to Integration

Family Therapy

Substance Use Treatment

Family System is the "client". Views Substance Use Disorder (SUD) as a manifestation of family dysfunction. Puts family's recovery at center, individuals will recover as a result. Attends to process of family interactions

Puts individual's recovery above all other needs/goals. Often disregards the needs or experiences of family. Views family as impacted by individual's SUD. Seeks to support family members via psychoeducation

(SAMHSA TIP 39, 2004)


Florida Alcohol and Drug Abuse Association 2018


Continuum of Family


From individual to family-based treatment

Image source: Laurel Harvey. Flickr Creative Commons

Continuum of Family Involvement in Treatment

Level 1: Counselor has little

Counselor may contact family for practical reasons; no services are provided to family members.

or no involvement Counselor views individual as the

with family

only client, and may even feel

protective towards them.

(SAMHSA TIP 39, 2004)


Florida Alcohol and Drug Abuse Association 2018


Continuum of Family Involvement in Treatment

Level 1: Counselor has little or no involvement with family

How often do you provide this level of family services?

Always Usually Sometimes Rarely

Continuum of Family Involvement in Treatment

Level 2:

Primary focus is the individual's


substance use, but counselor is

provides psychoeducation

aware that it affects family relationships and that counseling will change family dynamics.

and advice

The counselor is open to

collaboratively engaging and

advising families. May refer to

(SAMHSA TIP 39, 2004)

specialized family therapy.


Florida Alcohol and Drug Abuse Association 2018


Continuum of Family Involvement in Treatment

Level 2: Counselor provides psychoeducation and advice

How often do you provide this level of family services?

Always Usually Sometimes Rarely

Continuum of Family Involvement in Treatment

Level 3:

The counselor empathically elicits

Counselor addresses family members' feelings

and responds to client and family feelings, and provides tailored psychoeducation.

and provides

Counselor assesses family


functioning as it relates to individual's use, and refers to

specialized services if needed to

(SAMHSA TIP 39, 2004)

address family's unique needs.



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