
Programación general



Lengua Extranjera: Inglés

Unit 1. HELLO


- To listen to an introduction

- To know the form and use of the subject pronouns

- To use the verb to be

- To know to be questions: What day is it today? How old are you?

- To use the possessive adjectives

- To know the alphabet

- To know vocabulary about family members

- To learn the days of the week

- To count from 0 to 50

- To use the expressions to introduce themselves properly

- To ask someone’s name

- To know to spell their names

- To talk about their family

- To ask someone’s age

- To say the days of the week

- To count to 50

- To role play a famous sport person during an introduction

- To listen to the alphabet and to fill in the gaps

- To listen to dialogues

- To read dialogues

- To complete a family tree

- To write he or she

- To draw their family tree

- To listen to the days of the week

- To listen to the numbers

- To ask How old…?

- To write a text about themselves and about two people in their family

- To revise grammar and vocabulary

- To play games to learn English

- To learn common expressions

- To understand texts in English

- To understand easy conversations in English

- To revise grammar structures

- To revise vocabulary

Basic Competences

Linguistic competence

Using language to describe family

Using language to speak about themselves

Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology

Showing interest towards using new forms of technology and work

Counting to 50

Social and civic competences

Valuing the important things in life

Learning to learn

To live experience through collective learning

Cultural awareness and expression

Valuing sports as a source for learning

Valuing music as a source for learning

Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit

Good disposition to show initiative and to assume personal values

|Contents |Assessment Criteria |Standards of assessable learning |


|-To listen and to complete sentences |1.To identify the main ideas |2. Identification of verbs, vocabulary and|

|-To listen to descriptions and to choose |2. To apply strategies to be able to |connectors |

|a, b, c |understand the general sense of a simple |3.Social conventions: register, values, |

|-To listen to people talking in different|text |religion, attitudes, customs |

|situations |3. To understand sociolinguistic aspects |4.Social relationships expressed through |

|-To listen and to complete texts |developed along a dialogue |language |

|- To listen to vocabulary |4. To distinguish the main communicative |5.Guessing information |

|- To listen to conversations |functions |6.Non-verbal language as a tool to delve |

|- To listen to a song |6.To pronounce properly |into information of the speaker and the |

| | |discourse |

| | | |


|-To keep easy conversations |1.To produce clear, well-structured oral |1.Being able to make presentations |

|- To role play an easy conversation |texts |2.Performing role-plays |

|- To spell their names |2.To know what they want to express and to |3.Taking part in informal conversations |

|- To speak about a family member |use STARTER grammar properly |4.Taking part in simple formal |

|- To introduce themselves |3.To make descriptions to explain the |conversations |

|- To ask easy questions |vocabulary they don’t know |5.Keeping a conversation |

|- To count |4.To be aware of the context and to adapt |6. Asking and answering questions |

| |the discourse to it |7. Using non-verbal language |

| |6.To know how to handle interaction |8.Using the vocabulary and expressions |

| |7.To use expressions to get the listener’s |they should learn in this unit |

| |attention | |

| |8.To be able to use non-verbal language | |


|- To read dialogues |1.To identify the main ideas of a written |1.Understanding written instructions |

|- To read a text about a family |text |2.Understanding information |

| |2. To apply strategies to be able to |4. Using the dictionary |

| |understand the general sense of a simple | |

| |text | |

| |3. To understand sociolinguistic aspects | |

| |developed along formal and informal texts | |

| |5. To recognise common written vocabulary | |

| |6.To read different kind of texts | |

| |7.To recognise proper spelling | |

| |8.To recognise spelling signs | |


|-To write about themselves and their |1.To write clear, well-structured written |1.Filling in a questionnaire |

|family |texts |2.Writing any kind of text |

| |2.To know what they want to express and to |3.Writing formal letters |

| |use STARTER grammar properly as well as |4.Writing informal letters |

| |vocabulary and expressions |5.Taking notes |

| |3.To use the dictionary to look up words |6.Using the dictionary |

| |they don’t know |7. Using correct spelling rules |

| |4.To be aware of the context and to adapt |8. Adapting the writing style to the |

| |the written discourse to it |context |

| |6.To use expressions to catch reader’s | |

| |attention | |

| |8. To write texts using new technologies | |

| |9.To plan written texts | |

Examination rubric criteria descriptors

|Pages 4 and 5 |Reading a dialogue |

| |Grammar structures |

| |Saying hello |

| |Role play |

| |Vocabulary |

| |Listening and speaking |

|Pages 6 and 7 |Listening to a dialogue |

| |Grammar structures |

| |Family members |

| |Speaking about their family |

| |Drawing a family tree |

|Pages 8 and 9 |Reading a dialogue |

| |Grammar structures |

| |Days of the week |

| |Numbers 0-50 |

| |Writing about their family |

|Pages 10 and 11 |Revision of grammar and vocabulary |

| |Listening to a song |

| |Self-assessment |

|Pages 12 and 13 |Guess what |

| |How to… |

| |Fun time |

| |Just joking |

What to assess

- Using subject pronouns

- Knowing the verb to be and to be questions: What day is it today? How old are you?

- Using possessive adjectives

- Saying the alphabet

- Vocabulary about family members, the days of the week, expressions to introduce themselves properly

- Counting from 0 to 50

- Asking someone’s name

- Spelling their names

- Talking about their family

- Asking someone’s age

- Saying the days of the week

- Role playing a famous sport person during an introduction

- Writing he or she

- Asking How old…?

- Writing a text about themselves and about two people in their family

- Playing games to learn English

- Learning common expressions

- Understanding texts in English

- Understanding easy conversations in English

How to assess

- By means of the observation of pupils

- Taking into account pupils’ participation

- Taking into account pupils’ capacity to self-assessment



- To listen to dialogues

- To use the indefinite article a/an

- To make questions and short answers with the verb to be

- To know vocabulary about their favourite things

- To pronounce /b/

- To know everyday objects

- To know the colours in English

- To ask and answer about possessions

- To talk about the colours

- To ask and answer about everyday objects

- To greet people

- To complete a form

- To listen to vocabulary

- To write a possession

- To write questions and answers

- To guess objects through questions

- To give personal information

- To make a club membership form

- To read text about their favourite things

- To write about their favourite things and make a poster

- To revise grammar and vocabulary

- To listen to a rap

- To fill in a self-assessment

- To read a story and acting it out

- To learn common expressions

- To understand texts in English

- To understand easy conversations in English

- To revise grammar structures

- To revise vocabulary

Basic Competences

Linguistic competence

Using linguistic expressions to talk about possessions

Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology

Showing interest towards using new forms of technology to spend their free time

Social and civic competences

Valuing relations, cooperation and commitment with their classmates

Learning to learn

Using internet to learn

Cultural awareness and expression

Valuing everyday objects as a source for learning

Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit

Good disposition to show initiative and to assume personal values

|Contents |Assessment Criteria |Standards of assessable learning |


|-To listen and to complete sentences |1.To identify the main ideas |1. Distinguishing principal information |

|-To listen to descriptions and to choose |2. To apply strategies to be able to |and secondary information |

|a, b, c |understand the general sense of a simple |2. Identification of verbs, vocabulary and|

|-To listen to people talking in different |text |connectors |

|situations |3. To understand sociolinguistic aspects |3.Social conventions: register, values, |

|-To listen and to complete texts |developed along a dialogue |religion, attitudes, customs |

|- To listen to dialogues |4. To distinguish the main communicative |4.Social relationships expressed through |

|- To listen to vocabulary |functions |language |

|- To listen to a rap |6.To pronounce properly |5.Guessing information |

| | |6.Non-verbal language as a tool to delve |

| | |into information of the speaker and the |

| | |discourse |


|-To keep an easy conversation with someone|1.To produce clear, well-structured oral |1.Being able to make presentations |

|- To ask about possessions |texts |2.Performing role-plays |

|- To guess objects |2.To know what they want to express and to|3.Taking part in informal conversations |

|- To greet someone |use STARTER grammar properly |4.Taking part in simple formal |

|- To giving personal information |3.To make descriptions to explain the |conversations |

|- To ask about favourite things |vocabulary they don’t know |5.Keeping a conversation |

|- To ask about pets |4.To be aware of the context and to adapt |6. Asking and answering questions |

| |the discourse to it |7. Using non-verbal language |

| |6.To know how to handle interaction |8.Using the vocabulary and expressions |

| |7.To use expressions to get the listener’s|they should learn in this unit |

| |attention | |

| |8.To be able to use non-verbal language | |


|- To read dialogues |1.To identify the main ideas of a written |1.Understanding written instructions |

|- To read a form |text |2.Understanding information |

|- To read texts about their favourite |2. To apply strategies to be able to |4. Using the dictionary |

|things |understand the general sense of a simple | |

|- To read a poster |text | |

|- To read a story |3. To understand sociolinguistic aspects | |

| |developed along formal and informal texts | |

| |5. To recognise common written vocabulary | |

| |6.To read different kind of texts | |

| |7.To recognise proper spelling | |

| |8.To recognise spelling signs | |


|-To write sentences |1.To write clear, well-structured written |1.Filling in a questionnaire |

|-To complete a form |texts |2.Writing any kind of text |

|- To write a poster |2.To know what they want to express and to|3.Writing formal letters |

|- To write questions and answers |use STARTER grammar properly as well as |4.Writing informal letters |

| |vocabulary and expressions |5.Taking notes |

| |3.To use the dictionary to look up words |6.Using the dictionary |

| |they don’t know |7. Using correct spelling rules |

| |4.To be aware of the context and to adapt |8. Adapting the writing style to the |

| |the written discourse to it |context |

| |6.To use expressions to catch reader’s | |

| |attention | |

| |8. To write texts using new technologies | |

| |9.To plan written texts | |

Examination rubric criteria descriptors

|Pages 14 and 15 |Listening to a dialogue |

| |Vocabulary about possessions and colours |

| |Grammar structures |

| |Draw and write about a possession |

|Pages 16 and 17 |Reading a dialogue |

| |Grammar structures |

| |Everyday objects |

| |Writing questions and answers |

| |Listening to everyday objects |

| |Speaking and playing a game |

|Pages 18 and 19 |Reading a dialogue |

| |Completing a form |

| |Making their club membership form |

|Pages 20 and 21 |Reading texts about their favourite things |

| |Listening to pets |

| |Speaking about their pet |

| |Writing about themselves and making a poster |

|Pages 22 and 23 |Language revision: vocabulary, grammar |

| |Listening to a rap |

| |Pronunciation |

| |Self-assessment |

|Pages 24 and 25 |Reading a story |

| |Role playing a story |

What to assess

- Using the indefinite article a/an

- Making questions and short answers with the verb to be

- Vocabulary about their favourite things and pets, everyday objects and colours

- Pronouncing /b/

- Asking and answering about possessions

- Talking about the colours

- Asking and answering about everyday objects

- Greeting people

- Completing a form

- Writing about a possession

- Writing questions and answers

- Guessing objects through questions

- Giving personal information

- Making a club membership form

- Writing about their favourite things and make a poster

- Common expressions

- Understanding texts in English

- Understanding easy conversations in English

How to assess

- By means of the observation of pupils

- Taking into account pupils’ participation

- Taking into account pupils’ capacity to self-assessment



- To know the plural of regular nouns

- To make questions and short answers with the verb to be, focusing on the third person

- To know the possessive adjectives

- To know vocabulary about feelings

- To know vocabulary about countries

- To learn vocabulary about wild animals

- To ask and talk about their feelings

- To ask and say where people are from

- To talk about wild animals

- To pronounce /s/

- To read dialogues

- To listen to dialogues

- To complete dialogues

- To listen to vocabulary

- To ask questions and answer them about famous people

- To speak about famous people

- To write about famous people

- To read a description of a zoo

- To write about their favourite animals

- To read a text about an animal adventure

- To write and draw about their favourite animals

- To play games

- To listen to a song

- To complete a self-assessment form

- To play games to learn English

- To learn common phrases

- To understand texts in English

- To understand easy conversations in English

- To revise grammar structures

- To revise vocabulary

Basic Competences

Linguistic competence

Using language to show feeling

Speaking about feelings

Speaking about nature

Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology

Showing interest towards using new forms of technology and work

Social and civic competences

Valuing and respecting nature

Learning to learn

Living experience through collective learning

Cultural awareness and expression

Valuing nature as animals as a source for learning

Expressing feelings

Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit

Good disposition to show initiative and to assume personal values

|Contents |Assessment Criteria |Standards of assessable learning |


|-To listen and to complete sentences |1.To identify the main ideas |1. Distinguishing principal information |

|-To listen to descriptions and to choose |2. To apply strategies to be able to |and secondary information |

|a, b, c |understand the general sense of a simple |2. Identification of verbs, vocabulary and|

|-To listen to people talking in different |text |connectors |

|situations |3. To understand sociolinguistic aspects |3.Social conventions: register, values, |

|-To listen and to complete text |developed along a dialogue |religion, attitudes, customs |

|- To listen to dialogues |4. To distinguish the main communicative |4.Social relationships expressed through |

|- To listen to vocabulary |functions |language |

|- To listen to a song |6.To pronounce properly |5.Guessing information |

| | |6.Non-verbal language as a tool to delve |

| | |into information of the speaker and the |

| | |discourse |


|-To keep a conversation with someone |1.To produce clear, well-structured oral |1.Being able to make presentations |

|To ask and talk about their feelings |texts |2.Performing role-plays |

|To ask and say where people are from |2.To know what they want to express and to|3.Taking part in informal conversations |

|To talk about wild animals |use STARTER grammar properly |4.Taking part in simple formal |

|To speak about famous people |3.To make descriptions to explain the |conversations |

| |vocabulary they don’t know |5.Keeping a conversation |

| |4.To be aware of the context and to adapt |6. Asking and answering questions |

| |the discourse to it |7. Using non-verbal language |

| |6.To know how to handle interaction |8.Using the vocabulary and expressions |

| |7.To use expressions to get the listener’s|they should learn in this unit |

| |attention | |

| |8.To be able to use non-verbal language | |


|- To read dialogues |1.To identify the main ideas of a written |1.Understanding written instructions |

|- To read anecdotes about a zoo |text |2.Understanding information |

|- To read an animal adventure |2. To apply strategies to be able to |4. Using the dictionary |

|- To read a text about a favourite animal |understand the general sense of a simple | |

|- To read a text about Kristen Stewart |text | |

| |3. To understand sociolinguistic aspects | |

| |developed along formal and informal texts | |

| |5. To recognise common written vocabulary | |

| |6.To read different kind of texts | |

| |7.To recognise proper spelling | |

| |8.To recognise spelling signs | |


|-To write sentences |1.To write clear, well-structured written |1.Filling in a questionnaire |

|-To write about famous people |texts |2.Writing any kind of text |

|- To write about their favourite animal |2.To know what they want to express and to|3.Writing formal letters |

|- To complete a self-assessment |use STARTER grammar properly as well as |4.Writing informal letters |

| |vocabulary and expressions |5.Taking notes |

| |3.To use the dictionary to look up words |6.Using the dictionary |

| |they don’t know |7. Using correct spelling rules |

| |4.To be aware of the context and to adapt |8. Adapting the writing style to the |

| |the written discourse to it |context |

| |6.To use expressions to catch reader’s | |

| |attention | |

| |8. To write texts using new technologies | |

| |9.To plan written texts | |

Examination rubric criteria descriptors

|Pages 26 and 27 |Listening to a dialogue |

| |Grammar structures |

| |Vocabulary about feelings |

| |Speaking and listening about feelings |

|Pages 28 and 29 |Listening to a dialogue |

| |Countries |

| |Grammar structures |

| |Talking about countries |

| |Speaking about famous people |

| |Writing about famous people |

|Pages 30 and 31 |Reading anecdotes about a zoo |

| |Grammar structures |

| |Reading an animal adventure |

| |Vocabulary about wild animals |

| |Writing about their favourite animals |

|Pages 32 and 33 |Revising grammar and vocabulary |

| |Playing a game |

| |Listening to a song |

| |Pronouncing |

| |Completing a self-assessment |

|Pages 34 and 35 |Playing games to learn English |

What to assess

- Plural of regular nouns

- Making questions and short answers with the verb to be, focusing on the third person

- Using possessive adjectives

- Vocabulary about feelings, countries, wild animals

- Asking and talking about their feelings

- Asking and saying where people are from

- Talking about wild animals

- Pronouncing /s/

- Asking questions and answering them about famous people

- Speaking about famous people

- Writing about famous people

- Writing about their favourite animals

- Writing and draw about their favourite animals

- Completing a self-assessment form

- Playing games to learn English

- Learning common phrases

- Understanding texts in English

- Understanding easy conversations in English

How to assess

- By means of the observation of pupils

- Taking into account pupils’ participation

- Taking into account pupils’ capacity to self-assessment

Unit 4: IN MY ROOM


- To use possessive ‘s

- To know the form and use of possessive pronouns

- To learn the prepositions of place in, on, under

- To pronounce /th/

- To learn vocabulary about clothes

- To learn vocabulary about rooms and furniture

- To ask and say where people and things are

- To look for things through speaking

- To write a text to find a lost pet

- To read dialogues

- To listen to dialogues

- To distinguish between this-these

- To talk about their clothes and about their partner’s clothes

- To write about their clothes

- To listen to vocabulary

- To listen to a dialogue

- To make a poster

- To write a dialogue

- To read a text about houses in the UK

- To listen to a girl talking

- To speak about their bedroom

- To write about their bedroom

- To listen to a rap

- To complete a self-assessment

- To read a story

- To role play a story

- To learn common expressions

- To understand texts in English

- To understand easy conversations in English

- To revise grammar structures

- To revise vocabulary

Basic Competences

Linguistic competence

Using linguistic expressions to show interest

Speaking about appearance and clothes

Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology

Showing interest towards using new forms of technology

Social and civic competences

Valuing relations, cooperation and commitment with their classmates

Debating about clothes and social relations

Learning to learn

Living experience through collective learning

Cultural awareness and expression

Valuing work and activities as a source for learning

Taking care of pets

Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit

Good disposition to show initiative and to assume personal values

|Contents |Assessment Criteria |Standards of assessable learning |


|-To listen and to complete sentences |1.To identify the main ideas |1. Distinguishing principal information |

|-To listen to descriptions and to choose |2. To apply strategies to be able to |and secondary information |

|a, b, c |understand the general sense of a simple |2. Identification of verbs, vocabulary and|

|-To listen to people talking in different |text |connectors |

|situations |3. To understand sociolinguistic aspects |3.Social conventions: register, values, |

|-To listen and to complete texts |developed along a dialogue |religion, attitudes, customs |

|- To listen to dates |4. To distinguish the main communicative |4.Social relationships expressed through |

|- To listen to dates of birth |functions |language |

|- To listen to a story |6.To pronounce properly |5.Guessing information |

|- To listen to vocabulary | |6.Non-verbal language as a tool to delve |

|- To listen to a girl talking | |into information of the speaker and the |

|- To listen to a rap | |discourse |

| | | |


|-To keep a conversation with someone |1.To produce clear, well-structured oral |1.Being able to make presentations |

|- To speak about clothes |texts |2.Performing role-plays |

|- To speak about themselves and about |2.To know what they want to express and to|3.Taking part in informal conversations |

|their partner |use STARTER grammar properly |4.Taking part in simple formal |

|- To play games |3.To make descriptions to explain the |conversations |

|- To speak about their bedroom |vocabulary they don’t know |5.Keeping a conversation |

|- To role play a story |4.To be aware of the context and to adapt |6. Asking and answering questions |

| |the discourse to it |7. Using non-verbal language |

| |6.To know how to handle interaction |8.Using the vocabulary and expressions |

| |7.To use expressions to get the listener’s|they should learn in this unit |

| |attention | |

| |8.To be able to use non-verbal language | |


|- To read dialogues |1.To identify the main ideas of a written |1.Understanding written instructions |

|- To read about someone’s clothes |text |2.Understanding information |

|- To read a text about a lost pet |2. To apply strategies to be able to |4. Using the dictionary |

|-To read a text about houses and rooms in |understand the general sense of a simple | |

|the UK |text | |

|- To read the description of someone’s |3. To understand sociolinguistic aspects | |

|bedroom |developed along formal and informal texts | |

|- To read a story |4. To distinguish the main | |

| |5. To recognise common written vocabulary | |

| |6.To read different kind of texts | |

| |7.To recognise proper spelling | |

| |8.To recognise spelling signs | |


|-To write about their clothes |1.To write clear, well-structured written |1.Filling in a questionnaire |

|- To write about a lost pet |texts |2.Writing any kind of text |

|- To write about their room |2.To know what they want to express and to|3.Writing formal letters |

| |use STARTER grammar properly as well as |4.Writing informal letters |

| |vocabulary and expressions |5.Taking notes |

| |3.To use the dictionary to look up words |6.Using the dictionary |

| |they don’t know |7. Using correct spelling rules |

| |4.To be aware of the context and to adapt |8. Adapting the writing style to the |

| |the written discourse to it |context |

| |6.To use expressions to catch reader’s | |

| |attention | |

| |8. To write texts using new technologies | |

| |9.To plan written texts | |

Examination rubric criteria descriptors

|Pages 36 and 37 |Reading a dialogue |

| |Vocabulary about clothes |

| |Speaking about clothes |

| |Grammar structures |

| |Writing about their clothes |

|Pages 38 and 39 |Listening to a dialogue |

| |Rooms and furniture |

| |Grammar structures |

| |Listening |

| |Playing a game |

|Pages 40 and 41 |Listening to a dialogue |

| |Looking for things |

| |Writing to find a lost pet |

| |Reading about a lost pet |

| |Making a poster about a lost pet |

|Pages 42 and 43 |Reading about rooms in the UK |

| |Listening to girl |

| |Speaking about their room |

| |Writing about their room |

|Pages 44 and 45 |Language revision: grammar and vocabulary |

| |Listening to a rap |

| |Pronouncing |

| |Completing a self-assessment chart |

|Pages 46 and 47 |Reading a story |

| |Role playing a story |

What to assess

- Using possessive ‘s

- Using possessive pronouns

- Prepositions of place in, on, under

- Pronouncing /th/

- Vocabulary about clothes, rooms and furniture

- Asking and saying where people and things are

- Looking for things through speaking

- Writing a text to find a lost pet

- Distinguishing between this-these

- Talking about their clothes and about their partner’s clothes

- Writing about their clothes

- Making a poster

- Writing a dialogue

- Speaking about their bedroom

- Writing about their bedroom

- Completing a self-assessment

- Role playing a story

- Common expressions

- Understanding texts in English

- Understanding easy conversations in English

How to assess

- By means of the observation of pupils

- Taking into account pupils’ participation

- Taking into account pupils’ capacity to self-assessment



- To listen to dialogues

- To read dialogues

- To know the form and use of have got

- To pronounce vowels

- To learn vocabulary about possessions

- To know vocabulary to speak about appearance

- To learn vocabulary about pets

- To know vocabulary about parts of animals

- To ask and answer about possessions

- To describe people

- To describe pets

- To listen to people talking about possessions

- To write about the things they have at home

- To listen to people describing people

- To write a description

- To write about their favourite pet

- To listen to a song

- To complete a self-assessment

- To play games to learn English

- To read a text about puppies

- To learn common phrases

- To understand texts in English

- To understand easy conversations in English

- To revise grammar structures

- To revise vocabulary

Basic Competences

Linguistic competence

Using language to speak about people

Using language to speak about animals and pets

Social and civic competences

Valuing pets as a way of relation, cooperation and commitment with the rest of the world

Learning to learn

Living nature and pets as an experience through collective learning

Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit

Good disposition to show initiative and to assume personal values

|Contents |Assessment Criteria |Standards of assessable learning |


|-To listen and to complete sentences |1.To identify the main ideas |1. Distinguishing principal information |

|-To listen to descriptions and to choose |2. To apply strategies to be able to |and secondary information |

|a, b, c |understand the general sense of a simple |2. Identification of verbs, vocabulary and|

|-To listen to people talking in different |text |connectors |

|situations |3. To understand sociolinguistic aspects |3.Social conventions: register, values, |

|-To listen and to complete texts |developed along a dialogue |religion, attitudes, customs |

|- To listen to dialogues |4. To distinguish the main communicative |4.Social relationships expressed through |

|- To listen to vocabulary |functions |language |

|- To listen to a song |6.To pronounce properly |5.Guessing information |

|- To listen to descriptions | |6.Non-verbal language as a tool to delve |

|- To listen to people talking about | |into information of the speaker and the |

|possessions | |discourse |


|-To keep a conversation with someone |1.To produce clear, well-structured oral |1.Being able to make presentations |

|-To speak about possessions |texts |2.Performing role-plays |

|- To describe someone |2.To know what they want to express and to|3.Taking part in informal conversations |

|- To describe a pet |use STARTER grammar properly |4.Taking part in simple formal |

| |3.To make descriptions to explain the |conversations |

| |vocabulary they don’t know |5.Keeping a conversation |

| |4.To be aware of the context and to adapt |6. Asking and answering questions |

| |the discourse to it |7. Using non-verbal language |

| |6.To know how to handle interaction |8.Using the vocabulary and expressions |

| |7.To use expressions to get the listener’s|they should learn in this unit |

| |attention | |

| |8.To be able to use non-verbal language | |


|- To read dialogues |1.To identify the main ideas of a written |1.Understanding written instructions |

|- To read about puppies |text |2.Understanding information |

|- To read a description |2. To apply strategies to be able to |4. Using the dictionary |

|- To read about a pet |understand the general sense of a simple | |

| |text | |

| |3. To understand sociolinguistic aspects | |

| |developed along formal and informal texts | |

| |5. To recognise common written vocabulary | |

| |6.To read different kind of texts | |

| |7.To recognise proper spelling | |

| |8.To recognise spelling signs | |


|-To write about possessions |1.To write clear, well-structured written |1.Filling in a questionnaire |

|- To write a description |texts |2.Writing any kind of text |

|- To write about a pet |2.To know what they want to express and to|3.Writing formal letters |

| |use STARTER grammar properly as well as |4.Writing informal letters |

| |vocabulary and expressions |5.Taking notes |

| |3.To use the dictionary to look up words |6.Using the dictionary |

| |they don’t know |7. Using correct spelling rules |

| |4.To be aware of the context and to adapt |8. Adapting the writing style to the |

| |the written discourse to it |context |

| |6.To use expressions to catch reader’s | |

| |attention | |

| |8. To write texts using new technologies | |

| |9.To plan written texts | |

Examination rubric criteria descriptors

|Pages 48 and 49 |Listening to a dialogue |

| |Grammar structures |

| |Pronunciation |

| |Possessions |

| |Writing about possessions |

|Pages 50 and 51 |Reading a dialogue |

| |Appearance |

| |Grammar structures |

| |Describing people |

| |Writing a description |

|Pages 52 and 53 |Listening to a dialogue |

| |Pets |

| |Parts of animals |

| |Grammar structures |

| |Writing about pets |

|Pages 54 and 55 |Revision: vocabulary and grammar |

| |Listening to a song |

| |Pronouncing vowels |

| |Completing a self-assessment |

|Pages 56 and 57 |Playing games to learn English |

| |Reading about puppies |

What to assess

- Using of have got

- Pronouncing vowels

- Vocabulary about possessions, about appearance, about pets, about parts of animals

- Asking and answering about possessions

- Describing people

- Describing pets

- Writing about the things they have at home

- Writing a description

- Writing about their favourite pet

- Completing a self-assessment

- Playing games to learn English

- Common phrases

- Understanding texts in English

- Understanding easy conversations in English

How to assess

- By means of the observation of pupils

- Taking into account pupils’ participation

- Taking into account pupils’ capacity to self-assessment

Unit 6: ACTION


- To read dialogues

- To listen to dialogues

- To know the form and use of imperatives (positive and negative)

- To use can/can’t to express ability

- To pronounce vowels

- To know action verbs

- To know activity verbs

- To give instructions

- To talk about abilities

- To make suggestions

- To read dialogues

- To listen to dialogues

- To listen to instructions

- To complete school rules

- To speak about abilities

- To listen to what people do

- To read an email

- To write an email

- To write about what some students do

- To listen to students talking about a talent competition

- To write a poster to start a sports club or a drama club

- To read an article about Scotland

- To speak about a country

- To listen to the numbers

- To write about a beautiful place

- To read about a beautiful place

- To listen to a rap

- To complete a self-assessment

- To read a story

- To role play a story

- To learn common expressions

- To understand texts in English

- To understand easy conversations in English

- To revise grammar structures

- To revise vocabulary

Basic Competences

Linguistic competence

Using linguistic expressions to speak about abilities

Speaking about sports and drama clubs

Debating about school rules

Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology

Showing interest towards using new forms of technology

Social and civic competences

Valuing beautiful places as a way to share and to enjoy time with their friends

Learning to learn

Living experience through collective learning

Cultural awareness and expression

Valuing drama and sport clubs as a source for learning

Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit

Good disposition to show initiative and to assume personal values

|Contents |Assessment Criteria |Standards of assessable learning |


|-To listen and to complete sentences |1.To identify the main ideas |1. Distinguishing principal information |

|-To listen to descriptions and to choose |2. To apply strategies to be able to |and secondary information |

|a, b, c |understand the general sense of a simple |2. Identification of verbs, vocabulary and|

|-To listen to people talking in different |text |connectors |

|situations |3. To understand sociolinguistic aspects |3.Social conventions: register, values, |

|-To listen and to complete texts |developed along a dialogue |religion, attitudes, customs |

|- To listen to vocabulary |4. To distinguish the main communicative |4.Social relationships expressed through |

|- To listen to dialogues |functions |language |

|- To listen to a rap |6.To pronounce properly |5.Guessing information |

|-To listen to numbers | |6.Non-verbal language as a tool to delve |

|- To listen to suggestions | |into information of the speaker and the |

| | |discourse |

| | | |

| | | |


|-To keep a conversation |1.To produce clear, well-structured oral |1.Being able to make presentations |

|- To describe actions |texts |2.Performing role-plays |

|- To speak about themselves |2.To know what they want to express and to|3.Taking part in informal conversations |

|- To make suggestions |use STARTER grammar properly |4.Taking part in simple formal |

|- To speak about a country |3.To make descriptions to explain the |conversations |

| |vocabulary they don’t know |5.Keeping a conversation |

| |4.To be aware of the context and to adapt |6. Asking and answering questions |

| |the discourse to it |7. Using non-verbal language |

| |6.To know how to handle interaction |8.Using the vocabulary and expressions |

| |7.To use expressions to get the listener’s|they should learn in this unit |

| |attention | |

| |8.To be able to use non-verbal language | |


|- To read dialogues |1.To identify the main ideas of a written |1.Understanding written instructions |

|- To read about school rules |text |2.Understanding information |

|- To read an email |2. To apply strategies to be able to |4. Using the dictionary |

|- To read a poster |understand the general sense of a simple | |

|- To read an article about Scotland |text | |

|- To read about a beautiful country |3. To understand sociolinguistic aspects | |

|- To read a story |developed along formal and informal texts | |

| |5. To recognise common written vocabulary | |

| |6.To read different kind of texts | |

| |7.To recognise proper spelling | |

| |8.To recognise spelling signs | |


|-To write sentences |1.To write clear, well-structured written |1.Filling in a questionnaire |

|-To write a poster |texts |2.Writing any kind of text |

|- To write about school rules |2.To know what they want to express and to|3.Writing formal letters |

|- To write what four students do or don’t |use STARTER grammar properly as well as |4.Writing informal letters |

|do |vocabulary and expressions |5.Taking notes |

|- To write an email |3.To use the dictionary to look up words |6.Using the dictionary |

|- To make a poster |they don’t know |7. Using correct spelling rules |

|- To write about a country |4.To be aware of the context and to adapt |8. Adapting the writing style to the |

| |the written discourse to it |context |

| |6.To use expressions to catch reader’s | |

| |attention | |

| |8. To write texts using new technologies | |

| |9.To plan written texts | |

Examination rubric criteria descriptors

|Pages 58 and 59 |Listening to a dialogue |

| |Action verbs |

| |Listening and following instructions |

| |Completing school rules |

| |Grammar structures |

|Pages 60 and 61 |Reading a dialogue |

| |Grammar structures |

| |Activity verbs |

| |Speaking and writing about what four students do |

| |Listening to what people do |

| |Reading an email |

| |Writing an email |

|Pages 62 and 63 |Listening to suggestions |

| |Reading a poster |

| |Writing a poster |

|Pages 64 and 65 |Reading about Scotland |

| |Listening to and writing numbers |

| |Speaking about another country |

| |Reading about a foreign country |

| |Writing about a foreign country |

|Pages 66 and 67 |Language revision: grammar and vocabulary |

| |Listening to a rap |

| |Pronouncing |

| |Completing a self assessment |

|Pages 68 and 69 |Reading a story |

| |Role plating a story |

What to assess

- Using imperatives (positive and negative)

- Using can/can’t to express ability

- Pronouncing vowels

- Action verbs

- Activity verbs

- Giving instructions

- Talking about abilities

- Making suggestions

- Writing an email

- Writing about what some students do

- Writing a poster to start a sports club or a drama club

- Speaking about a country

- Writing about a beautiful place

- Completing a self-assessment

- Role playing a story

- Common expressions

- Understanding texts in English

- Understanding easy conversations in English

How to assess

- By means of the observation of pupils

- Taking into account pupils’ participation

- Taking into account pupils’ capacity to self-assessment



- To know the form and use of the present simple tense

- To use by + means of transport

- To use the present simple with prepositions of time

- To pronounce vowels

- To tell the time

- To say what they like and what they don’t like

- To talk about their journey to school

- To talk about routines

- To read dialogues

- To listen to dialogues

- To know vocabulary about sports

- To speak about sports

- To read about sports

- To write about sports they like

- To listen to people talking about transport

- To read about means of transport

- To read about a journey to school

- To write about their journey to school

- To listen to times

- To write sentences

- To read a pen letter

- To speak to a penfriend about their school week

- To read an email

- To complete an email

- To listen to a song

- To complete a self-assessment

- To play games to learn English

- To learn common phrases

- To understand texts in English

- To understand easy conversations in English

- To revise grammar structures

- To revise vocabulary

Basic Competences

Linguistic competence

Using language to speak on the phone

Using English to communicate with people from abroad

Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology

Showing interest towards using new forms of technology and work

Social and civic competences

Valuing having fun as a way of relation, cooperation and commitment with the rest of the world

Debating about means of transport

Cultural awareness and expression

Valuing sports as a source for learning

Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit

Good disposition to show initiative and to assume personal values

|Contents |Assessment Criteria |Standards of assessable learning |


|-To listen and to complete sentences |1.To identify the main ideas |1. Distinguishing principal information |

|-To listen to descriptions and to choose |2. To apply strategies to be able to |and secondary information |

|a, b, c |understand the general sense of a simple |2. Identification of verbs, vocabulary and|

|-To listen to people talking in different |text |connectors |

|situations |3. To understand sociolinguistic aspects |3.Social conventions: register, values, |

|-To listen and to complete texts |developed along a dialogue |religion, attitudes, customs |

|- To listen to dialogues |4. To distinguish the main communicative |4.Social relationships expressed through |

|- To listen to a song |functions |language |

|- To listen to times |6.To pronounce properly |5.Guessing information |

| | |6.Non-verbal language as a tool to delve |

| | |into information of the speaker and the |

| | |discourse |


|- To keep conversations |1.To produce clear, well-structured oral |1.Being able to make presentations |

|- To tell the time |texts |2.Performing role-plays |

|- To speak about how they go to school |2.To know what they want to express and to|3.Taking part in informal conversations |

|- To speak about means of transport |use STARTER grammar properly |4.Taking part in simple formal |

|- To speak about sports |3.To make descriptions to explain the |conversations |

| |vocabulary they don’t know |5.Keeping a conversation |

| |4.To be aware of the context and to adapt |6. Asking and answering questions |

| |the discourse to it |7. Using non-verbal language |

| |6.To know how to handle interaction |8.Using the vocabulary and expressions |

| |7.To use expressions to get the listener’s|they should learn in this unit |

| |attention | |

| |8.To be able to use non-verbal language | |


|- To read dialogues |1.To identify the main ideas of a written |1.Understanding written instructions |

|- To read about means of transport |text |2.Understanding information |

|- To read about journeys to school |2. To apply strategies to be able to |4. Using the dictionary |

|- To read an email |understand the general sense of a simple | |

|- To read a letter to a penfriend |text | |

| |3. To understand sociolinguistic aspects | |

| |developed along formal and informal texts | |

| |5. To recognise common written vocabulary | |

| |6.To read different kind of texts | |

| |7.To recognise proper spelling | |

| |8.To recognise spelling signs | |


|-To write sentences |1.To write clear, well-structured written |1.Filling in a questionnaire |

|-To write an email |texts |2.Writing any kind of text |

|- To write about how they go to school |2.To know what they want to express and to|3.Writing formal letters |

|- To write about sports they like and they|use STARTER grammar properly as well as |4.Writing informal letters |

|don’t like |vocabulary and expressions |5.Taking notes |

|- To write a letter to a penfriend about |3.To use the dictionary to look up words |6.Using the dictionary |

|their school week |they don’t know |7. Using correct spelling rules |

| |4.To be aware of the context and to adapt |8. Adapting the writing style to the |

| |the written discourse to it |context |

| |6.To use expressions to catch reader’s | |

| |attention | |

| |8. To write texts using new technologies | |

| |9.To plan written texts | |

Examination rubric criteria descriptors

|Pages 70 and 71 |Reading a dialogue |

| |Sports |

| |Speaking about sports |

| |Reading and writing about sports |

|Pages 72 and 73 |Reading experiences with transport |

| |Transport |

| |Speaking about transport |

| |Reading and writing about transport |

|Pages 74 and 75 |Reading a dialogue |

| |Grammar structures |

| |The time |

| |Telling the time |

| |Writing sentences |

| |Reading a letter |

| |Writing a letter to a penfriends about their school week |

|Pages 76 and 77 |Revision: grammar and vocabulary |

| |Listening to a song |

| |Pronunciation |

| |Completing a self-assessment |

|Pages 78 and 79 |Playing games to learn English |

What to assess

- Using the present simple tense

- By + means of transport

- Present simple with prepositions of time

- Pronouncing vowels

- Telling the time

- Saying what they like and what they don’t like

- Talking about their journey to school

- Talking about routines

- Speaking about sports

- Writing about sports they like

- Writing about their journey to school

- Writing sentences

- Speaking to a penfriend about their school week

- Completing an email

- Completing a self-assessment

- Playing games to learn English

- Common phrases

- Understanding texts in English

- Understanding easy conversations in English

How to assess

- By means of the observation of pupils

- Taking into account pupils’ participation

- Taking into account pupils’ capacity to self-assessment



- To know the form and use of the present simple tense, third person

- To use can for permission

- To speak about their free time

- To pronounce /ch/

- To talk about routines

- To know vocabulary about snack food

- To ask permission

- To know the expressions to buy food and drink

- To design a menu

- To read dialogues

- To listen to dialogues

- To know vocabulary to talk about routines

- To write sentences

- To listen to activities people do

- To read a text about sportsperson

- To write about a sportsperson

- To write questions

- To ask and answer about healthy food

- To read a text message

- To write a text message

- To listen to people talking about food and drink

- To use British money

- To write the prices

- To read a menu

- To design a menu

- To read an article about the UK and the USA

- To listen to activities

- To speak about their typical weekend

- To write about their

- To read a text about a weekend

- To listen to a rap

- To complete a self-assessment

- To read a story

- To role play a story

- To learn common expressions

- To understand texts in English

- To understand easy conversations in English

- To revise grammar structures

- To revise vocabulary

Basic Competences

Linguistic competence

Using linguistic expressions to make suggestions

Speaking about food and drinks

Debating about healthy food

Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology

Dealing with computer problems

Debating about free time and the use of computers

Social and civic competences

Valuing internet relations, cooperation and commitment with their classmates

Valuing sports as a way to share and to enjoy time with their friends

Learning to learn

Living experience through collective learning

Cultural awareness and expression

Valuing typical food as a source for learning

Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit

Good disposition to show initiative and to assume personal values

|Contents |Assessment Criteria |Standards of assessable learning |


|-To listen and to complete sentences |1.To identify the main ideas |1. Distinguishing principal information |

|-To listen to descriptions and to choose |2. To apply strategies to be able to |and secondary information |

|a, b, c |understand the general sense of a simple |2. Identification of verbs, vocabulary and|

|-To listen to people talking in different |text |connectors |

|situations |3. To understand sociolinguistic aspects |3.Social conventions: register, values, |

|-To listen and to complete texts |developed along a dialogue |religion, attitudes, customs |

|- To listen to vocabulary |4. To distinguish the main communicative |4.Social relationships expressed through |

|- To listen to a rap |functions |language |

|- To listen to times |6.To pronounce properly |5.Guessing information |

|- To listen to money | |6.Non-verbal language as a tool to delve |

| | |into information of the speaker and the |

| | |discourse |


|- To keep a conversation |1.To produce clear, well-structured oral |1.Being able to make presentations |

|- To speak about free time |texts |2.Performing role-plays |

|- To speak about sports |2.To know what they want to express and to|3.Taking part in informal conversations |

|- To speak about food and drinks |use STARTER grammar properly |4.Taking part in simple formal |

|- To speak about their weekend |3.To make descriptions to explain the |conversations |

| |vocabulary they don’t know |5.Keeping a conversation |

| |4.To be aware of the context and to adapt |6. Asking and answering questions |

| |the discourse to it |7. Using non-verbal language |

| |6.To know how to handle interaction |8.Using the vocabulary and expressions |

| |7.To use expressions to get the listener’s|they should learn in this unit |

| |attention | |

| |8.To be able to use non-verbal language | |


|- To read dialogues |1.To identify the main ideas of a written |1.Understanding written instructions |

|-To read a text about a sportsperson |text |2.Understanding information |

|- To read a text message |2. To apply strategies to be able to |4. Using the dictionary |

|- To read a menu |understand the general sense of a simple | |

|- To read a text about the UK and about |text | |

|USA |3. To understand sociolinguistic aspects | |

|- To read a text about a weekend |developed along formal and informal texts | |

| |5. To recognise common written vocabulary | |

| |6.To read different kind of texts | |

| |7.To recognise proper spelling | |

| |8.To recognise spelling signs | |


|-To write about a sportsperson |1.To write clear, well-structured written |1.Filling in a questionnaire |

|- To write about their weekend |texts |2.Writing any kind of text |

|- To write a menu |2.To know what they want to express and to|3.Writing formal letters |

| |use STARTER grammar properly as well as |4.Writing informal letters |

| |vocabulary and expressions |5.Taking notes |

| |3.To use the dictionary to look up words |6.Using the dictionary |

| |they don’t know |7. Using correct spelling rules |

| |4.To be aware of the context and to adapt |8. Adapting the writing style to the |

| |the written discourse to it |context |

| |6.To use expressions to catch reader’s | |

| |attention | |

| |8. To write texts using new technologies | |

| |9.To plan written texts | |

Examination rubric criteria descriptors

|Pages 80 and 81 |Reading a text about a sportsperson |

| |Listening to a dialogue |

| |Routines |

| |Listening to times |

| |Writing about a sportsperson |

|Pages 82 and 83 |Reading a dialogue |

| |Snack food |

| |Grammar structures |

| |Healthy food |

| |Writing questions |

| |Reading a text message |

| |Writing a text message |

|Pages 84 and 85 |Listening to buying food and drink |

| |Listening to prices |

| |Reading a menu |

| |Writing a menu |

|Pages 86 and 87 |Reading a text about the UK and the USA |

| |Reading about their weekend |

| |Writing about their weekend |

| |Listening about free time |

|Pages 88 and 89 |Language revision: grammar and vocabulary |

| |Listening to a song |

| |Self-assessment |

|Pages 90 and 91 |Reading a story |

| |Role playing a story |

What to assess

- Using of the present simple tense, third person

- Can for permission

- Speaking about their free time

- Pronouncing /ch/

- Talking about routines

- Vocabulary about snack food, to talk about routines

- Asking permission

- Expressions to buy food and drink

- Designing a menu

- Writing sentences

- Writing about a sportsperson

- Writing questions

- Asking and answering about healthy food

- Writing a text message

- Using British money

- Writing prices

- Speaking about their typical weekend

- Writing about their weekend

- Completing a self-assessment

- Role playing a story

- Common expressions

- Understanding texts in English

- Understanding easy conversations in English

How to assess

- By means of the observation of pupils

- Taking into account pupils’ participation

- Taking into account pupils’ capacity to self-assessment


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