AP Human Geography

AP Human Geography

Chapter 9 Guided Reading

When and Why Did People Start Living in Cities?

1. What is a city?

2. Almost everywhere in the world people are moving from _________________________ to ____________________________.

3. Globally more people live in ___________________ and _____________________ than in rural area.

4. Define urban.

5. Describe an urban place.

6. Is the distribution of urbanization across the globe even?

7. Describe what happened to Shenzhen China. Did this happen quickly?

8. About when in human history did people start to cluster in towns?

9. When did cities begin to resemble their modern size and structure?

10. When did agriculture begin?

11. Why did people become more sedentary when agriculture developed?

12. Describe an agricultural village.

13. Where is the first agricultural hearth?

14. What two components enable the formation of cities?

15. What is agricultural surplus?

16. Describe the leadership class.

17. What was the first urban revolution?

18. What was the first urban hearth? Where is it today?

19. Describe the society in the #18.

Urban Growth after Greece and Rome, Site and Situation during European Exploration, The Second Urban Revolution

20. What was the second urban hearth? How long ago was it?

21. The Roman Empire fell in __________________________.

22. The historic period after the fall of the Roman Empire is known as _____________________________.

23. What years encompass the answer to #2?

24. What was characteristic of this time period in Europe?

25. Where did urban growth take place in this time period?

26. When did Seoul, Korea become a city?

27. Where did trading cities develop in West Africa during this time period?

28. What city, which is part of Mali today, became a major city by 1350?

29. How man inhabitants where believed to be a Tenochtitlan during this time period?

30. Before European exploration where were most cities sited? Why is this?

31. What is the situation of a city?

32. Why did more cities develop along sea coasts and water routes after the beginning of European exploration?

33. Why did African cities of the interior go into decline after 1500?

34. The trade networks European powers commanded brought unprecedented riches to medieval cities such as _________________, ___________________, _________________, ___________________, and __________________________.

35. European cities that thrived took on ____________________________ properties due to the success of merchants.

36. How did the beginnings of “downtowns” emerge?

37. Why were merchants able to find and expand settlements?

How are Cities Organized, and How Do They Function?

Models of the City, Modeling of the North American City

1. Cities are spatially organized to perform their functions as places of ___________________, _____________________, ______________________ and ___________________.

2. Define functional zonation.

3. What is meant by the word zone when geographers are describing North American cities?

4. CBD stands for __________________________.

5. Describe the typical American CBD.

6. What is the “central city”?

7. Describe what is meant by the terms suburb and suburbanization.

8. Why does the process of suburbanization hold special interest for geographers?

9. A suburban layout can be planned in response to __________________ and _________________.

10. According to Muller, suburbs are self-sufficient urban entities. What do you think he means by this?

11. What did the 2000 census say about the suburbs?

12. Describe the concentric zone model. Who developed it and when?

13. What does Burgess mean when he says that his model is dynamic?

How are Cities Organized?

Cities of the Global Periphery and Semiperiphery: The Latin American City, The African City and the Southeast Asian City

14. What is a colonial city?

15. What is an indigenous city?

16. Where would you find cities that use the Griffin-Ford Model?

17. Explain the disamenity sector.

18. Most countries in tropical Africa remain under ___________________ percent urbanized. Why is this?

19. Does Africa have the world’s fastest growing cities?

20. What, until recently, was the world’s tallest building? Where is it located?


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