Tick ( ) the correct boxes

2 Same or different?


To : Franklin

From : Ethan

Subject : hello

Hi Franklin,

I saw your poem on the ‘Friends around the world’ website. I would like to be your friend.

I am 9 –– we are the same age! I live in a small town in England. I enjoy playing football and rugby. I like jogging too. I often go jogging on the beach near my home with my dog Rambo.

Here is a photo of me with my friends Ben and Matt. We are at a Cubs football competition. I am in the middle. I am the shortest and I have the shortest hair. My friends are taller than me. Matt is the tallest kid in our class. He is also the thinnest. I am heavier than Matt. I don’t know why – he eats lots!

Please write soon and send me a photo!


To : Ethan

From : Franklin

Subject : Re: hello

Hi Ethan,

Thanks for your e-mail. I’d love to be your friend. Here are two photos.

This is me with my best friend Andy. We are the same age but we are different

heights! Andy has a great sense of humour. He always tells jokes and makes me

laugh. He is the funniest person I know!

This is me and my sister at Christmas. My sister is three years younger than me.

Her name is Bella. Do you have any brothers or sisters? Please write and tell me.



Write the answers and tick ( ( ).

1 Franklin is writing about Ethan in his ‘My friends’ book. Help him fill in Ethan’s information.

2 Read Franklin’s e-mail. Who does he write about?

3 Who is shorter, Matt or Ethan?

4 Read Ethan’s e-mail. What does he tell Franklin about in Paragraph 3?

[pic] A. his good friends

[pic] B. his family

[pic] C. his schoolwork

[pic] D. the Cubs football competition

5 Which sentence is NOT true?

[pic] A. Ethan likes doing sports.

[pic] B. Ethan is fatter than Matt.

[pic] C. Bella is six years old.

[pic] D. Andy and Ethan are good friends.


1 Name: Ethan Age: 9 / Nine Sex: ( Male / ( Female Country: England

Hobbies: Playing football and rugby, (going) jogging

2 Andy and Bella. / His best friend and his sister. 3 Ethan. 4 A 5 D


Name : Age :

Sex : ( Male / ( Female Country :

Hobbies :


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