RESTRICTEDCode - World Trade Organization

|World Trade | |

|Organization | |

| | |

| |G/AG/NG/S/7 |

| |23 May 2000 |

| |(00-2104) |

| | |

|Committee on Agriculture | |

|Special Session | |


Background Paper by the Secretariat

At the first Special Session of the Committee on Agriculture on 23-24 March 2000, it was agreed that the Secretariat would provide, inter alia, a background paper on tariff quotas and imports within tariff quotas based on notifications in this area (G/AG/NG/1, paragraph 7(a) refers).[1] This paper revises and further updates the information compiled from Members' Schedules and notifications which was first provided within the framework of the Process of Analysis and Information Exchange as documents AIE/S1 dated 9 September 1997, AIE/S1/Rev.1 dated 26 May 1998 and AIE/S1/Rev.2 dated 19 November 1999. The paper takes into account the notifications and comments by Members received by the Secretariat up to 15 May 2000.

The paper uses as the point of reference tariff quotas set out in Part I, Section I-B of Members' Schedules (or, in the case of Brazil and the United States, Part I, Section I-A). It also takes into account modifications via technical rectifications, Article XXVIII negotiations or Article XXIV:6 negotiations. A listing of all scheduled tariff quotas is provided in the Attachment to this paper.

The main body of this paper is divided into three parts. Part A provides details on tariff quota commitments. An overview of tariff quota fill is presented in Part B. Part C contains a detailed presentation of tariff quota fill for each of the implementation years from 1995 to 1999. Annex A lists the product categories used by the Secretariat in compiling the data. It also provides Country Notes giving specific technical details. Annex B contains a set of detailed tables on tariff quota fill by Member and by product category. Finally, the Attachment presents three listings of the tariff quotas compiled by Member. The first listing (Section 1 of the Attachment) gives the basic data for each tariff quota commitment, i.e. product description, nomenclature, scheduled initial and final quantities and units of measurements. The second listing (Section 2) provides fill rates for each tariff quota from 1995 to 1999 where data is available. The third listing (Section 3) provides a compilation of notified quantities and notified imports from 1995 to 1999. In all three listings, reference numbers are provided both with respect to all tariff quotas (numbered 1 to 1371) and with respect to the tariff quotas of individual Members sequentially numbered according to their order of appearance in the relevant Schedules.

In the main body of the paper, the tariff quotas are summarised by way of tables showing their total number by product category and by Member. The summary also shows, on the basis of Schedules of Members and Table MA:1 notifications, the number of tariff quotas allocated on a country-specific basis for the 1995-1999 implementation years.[2] There are four tariff quotas in Members' Schedules with zero shown for both the initial and final quantities; these are not included. On the basis of the information provided in Table MA:2 notifications, tariff quota fill rates are calculated for the implementation years (i) by product category, (ii) by Member, (iii) on the basis of whether the tariff quota is to expand over the implementation period, and (iv) by global versus country-specific tariff quotas.

Throughout this paper, "n.a." has been used to signify "not available", i.e. (i) no notification has been received by the Secretariat by the cut-off date, or (ii) imports under generally-applied in-quota rates were not reported, or (iii) the data relating to the tariff quota was aggregated with another tariff quota (see Country Notes) or (iv) the country concerned was not a Member in the relevant period. "-" has been used to signify "zero".

PART A - Tariff quota commitments

Thirty-seven Members have tariff quota commitments shown in their Schedules with a total of 1371 individual tariff quota commitments shown. These tariff quotas originate from a number of sources, including the Uruguay Round's "tariffication" methodology (current or minimum access), commitments in place prior to the conclusion of the Uruguay Round, and accession negotiations. Autonomous tariff quotas which Members may use as part of their import policy are not taken into account in the present paper.

Out of the total of 1371 tariff quotas, 560 are scheduled to increase over the relevant implementation period for the Members concerned, 806 are scheduled to remain unchanged and 5 are to decrease in quantity. The five cases for which the decreases are shown in the basic data table relate to the phasing out of three tariff quotas in Korea and two Swiss tariff quotas affected by technical rectifications (which came into effect after the first year of implementation).

Where tariff quotas are to increase over the implementation period the phasing of increases has been treated differently by different Members. Some Members undertook the first step of the increase in 1995 while other Members considered the "initial quantity" to be the relevant quantity for the 1995 implementation year. Some of those Members that did not increase the tariff quota quantity in the 1995 implementation year increased the quantity by one-fifth of the total increase in the second year of implementation (one-ninth in the case of developing country Members), while others increased tariff quota quantities by one-sixth (one-tenth).

In a number of other cases, the quantity notified as the tariff quota volume in Members' Table MA:2 notifications differs from the relevant quantity shown in Members' Schedules. Possible reasons for the differences between Schedules and Table MA:2 notifications are referred to in the Attachment.

Some Members notified all imports that occurred under tariff quota conditions with the result that the percentage unadjusted fill rate calculation can exceed 100 per cent. Other Members only notified imports up to the scheduled quantity (i.e. a maximum 100 per cent fill) even if in reality imports were above scheduled quantities. In order to put the calculation of tariff quota fill rates on an equal footing between Members, the Secretariat has adjusted for cases where notified imports are greater than scheduled tariff quota quantities by setting a maximum of 100 per cent tariff quota fill in Section 2 of the Attachment. So that Members and product groups are assessed in a consistent manner, it is this measure which is used throughout the rest of this paper. In the following, this measure is simply referred to as the "fill rate" or "tariff quota fill".

Overview of tariff quota commitments

For the purposes of this paper, the Secretariat has classified tariff quotas by means of broad product categories. Table 1 below lists the product categories and the number of tariff quotas in each category (for all Members combined). Annex A provides a more detailed description of these product categories. Fruit and vegetables are in the lead (355 tariff quotas), followed by meat products (247) and cereals (217). Tobacco (13) ranks last among the twelve product categories.

Table 1: Tariff quotas by product categories

|Code |Product category |Number of tariff quotas |

|CE |Cereals |217 |

|OI |Oilseeds products |124 |

|SG |Sugar and sugar products |51 |

|DA |Dairy products |181 |

|ME |Meat products |247 |

|EG |Eggs and egg products |21 |

|BV |Beverages |35 |

|FV |Fruit and vegetables |355 |

|TB |Tobacco |13 |

|FI |Agricultural fibres |18 |

|CO |Coffee, tea, spices and processed agricultural products |56 |

|OA |Other agricultural products |53 |

|ALL |Total all products |1371 |

Table 2 provides a breakdown of the total number of tariff quotas by Member. As evident from this table, the number of tariff quotas by Member ranges between 2 (Australia, Brazil, Indonesia) and 232 (Norway). In addition, Table B.1 of Annex B presents a matrix of Members' tariff quotas by product category.

Table 2: Number of tariff quotas by Member

|Member |Number of tariff quotas |Member |Number of tariff quotas |

|Australia |2 |Malaysia |19 |

|Barbados |36 |Mexico |11 |

|Brazil |2 |Morocco |16 |

|Bulgaria |73 |New Zealand |3 |

|Canada |21 |Nicaragua |9 |

|Colombia |67 |Norway |232 |

|Costa Rica |27 |Panama |19 |

|Czech Republic |24 |Philippines |14 |

|Ecuador |14 |Poland |109 |

|El Salvador |11 |Romania |12 |

|EC-15 a |87 |Slovak Republic |24 |

|Guatemala |22 |Slovenia |20 |

|Hungary |70 |South Africa |53 |

|Iceland |90 |Switzerland |28 |

|Indonesia |2 |Thailand |23 |

|Israel |12 |Tunisia |13 |

|Japan |20 |United States |54 |

|Korea b |67 |Venezuela |61 |

|Latvia |4 | All Members (37) |1371 |

|a |The information refers to the draft Schedule for the EC-15 as this is the basis on which the Table MA:2 notification was submitted|

| |to the Committee on Agriculture, including two additional tariff quotas which were notified on 10 November 1998 (G/AG/N/EEC/14 and|

| |G/AG/R/18 refer). |

|b |As of 1 July 1997, the Republic of Korea phased out 4 tariff quotas as was specified in its Schedule (G/AG/N/KOR/11 dated 15 |

| |September 1997, G/AG/N/KOR/21 dated 18 December 1998, and Country Notes of Annex A, refer). |

Country-specific allocations of tariff quotas

A number of Schedules show, in the "other terms and conditions" column relating to tariff quotas, specific supplying country allocations. In addition, the Table MA:1 notifications themselves indicate specific country allocations in a number of other cases.[3] The following table indicates the number of tariff quotas in the Schedule of each Member that are totally or partially allocated to specific supplying countries, and the number of additional tariff quotas where such allocations are indicated in Table MA:1 notifications in the relevant year. It should be noted that in some cases it is not completely clear from notifications whether a particular tariff quota is allocated on a country-specific basis. The following table can thus only be considered to be indicative.

Table 3: Country-specific tariff quotas by Member, 1995-99

|Member |Country-specific |Additional country-specific tariff quotas according to MA:1 notifications a |

| |tariff quotas | |

| |according to | |

| |Schedules | |

| | |1995 |1996 |1997 |1998 |1999 |

|Australia |- |- |- |- |- |- |

|Barbados |1 |- |- |- |- |- |

|Brazil |- |- |- |- |- |- |

|Bulgaria |4 |n.a. |n.a. |- |- |- |

|Canada |3 |2 |2 |2 |2 |2 |

|Colombia |- |- |- |- |- |- |

|Costa Rica |- |- |- |- |- |- |

|Czech Republic |- |13 |4 |4 |4 |4 |

|Ecuador |- |n.a. |- |- |- |- |

|El Salvador |- |- |- |- |- |- |

|EC-15 |15 |3 |3 |3 |3 |3 |

|Guatemala |- |- |- |- |- |- |

|Hungary b |- |- |- |- |- |- |

|Iceland | - |- |- |- |- |- |

|Indonesia |- |- |- |- |- |- |

|Israel |1 |3 |3 |3 |3 |3 |

|Japan |1 |- |- |- |- |- |

|Korea |- |- |- |- |- |- |

|Latvia |- |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|Malaysia |- |- |- |- |- |- |

|Mexico |9 |- |- |- |- |- |

|Morocco |- |- |- |- |- |- |

|New Zealand |- |- |- |- |- |- |

|Nicaragua |- |- |- |- |- |- |

|Norway |3 |- |- |- |- |- |

|Panama |1 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |- |- |

|Philippines |- |- |- |- |- |- |

|Poland |- |- |- |- |- |- |

|Romania |- |- |- |- |- |- |

|Slovak Republic |- |13 |4 |4 |8 |8 |

|Slovenia |- |- |- |- |- |- |

|South Africa |- |3 |3 |3 |3 |3 |

|Switzerland |- |4 |4 |4 |4 |4 |

|Thailand |- |- |- |- |- |- |

|Tunisia |- |- |- |- |- |- |

|United States |33 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |

|Venezuela |- |- |- |- |- |- |

|All Members (37) |71 |42 |24 |24 |28 |28 |

|a |Where no Table MA:1 notification of changes to tariff quota administration methods was made in 1996, 1997, 1998 or 1999, the |

| |administration method was carried over to the following year. |

|b |The Table MA:1 notification indicated that certain tariff quotas were allocated to specific countries in 1995 (in line with |

| |general indications in the Schedule) although it was stated in the Committee on Agriculture, and in new notifications, that these |

| |allocations were withdrawn in 1995. |

PART B - Overview of tariff quota fill

For the purposes of calculating fill rates by product category and by Member, simple averages of fill rates have been used. It should be noted that this measure is only a very broad indicator of fill rates. The simple average does not differentiate in any way between tariff quotas on the basis of size or economic importance. For example, a tariff quota of 200 kg. gets the same weighting as another with a quantity of 6,000,000 tonnes. Likewise, low valued products are not differentiated from high valued products.

As already noted, for reasons of consistency the fill rates are calculated up to 100 per cent, i.e. they do not take into consideration any "over-fill" of a tariff quota. The fill rate represents imports as a percentage of the volume of the tariff quota as notified in Table MA:2 notifications rather than the scheduled quantity, in cases where there is a difference between the two.[4]

Table 4 describes the trend over the period 1995-1999 with respect to tariff quota fill. However, these fill rates are not directly comparable. First, the total number of applicable tariff quotas varies on a yearly basis as can be seen from the last column. This is principally due to (i) the accession of new Members to the WTO over this period, (b) the opening of additional tariff quotas as a result of negotiations, and (c) the phasing out of certain tariff quotas between 1997 and 1998. Secondly, the number of tariff quotas included in, or excluded from, the calculation of fill rates also varies, as shown in the third and fourth columns, because no Table MA:2 were received or because of certain aggregation practices used by some Members. The Country Notes contained in Annex A as well as the Attachment cover these technical aspects in greater detail.

Table 4: Simple average fill rates, 1995-99

|Implementation year |Simple average fill rate (%) |Number of tariff quotas |

| | |included |excluded |total |

|1995 |66 |997 |262 |1259 |

|1996 |63 |1030 |243 |1273 |

|1997 |62 |1112 |255 |1367 |

|1998 |62 |883 |481 |1364 |

|1999 |50 |193 |1175 |1368 |

The spread of tariff quota fill in percentage terms over five distinct ranges of fill rates is described in Table 5 for the implementation period 1995-1999. Except for the last year, about half of the tariff quotas for which notified data are available fall in the upper range of fill, i.e., 80-100 per cent.

Table 5: Distribution of fill rates, 1995-99

| |0-20% |20-40% |40-60% |60-80% |80-100% |All |

| |Per cent of the number of tariff quotas included |

|1995 |24 |7 |7 |7 |55 |100 |

|1996 |26 |8 |7 |7 |52 |100 |

|1997 |28 |7 |7 |7 |51 |100 |

|1998 |29 |6 |6 |7 |51 |100 |

|1999 |36 |12 |9 |7 |36 |100 |

Tables 6 compares the fill rates of (i) those tariff quotas which are to expand over the implementation period and (ii) those which remain constant or are to decrease. Supplementing the information provided in paragraph 13, Table 7 compares the fill rates of global versus country-specific tariff quotas.

Table 6: Simple average fill rates – Constant vs. expanding tariff quotas, 1995-99

| |Expanding tariff quotas |Constant/decreasing tariff quotas |

| |Fill rate (%) |No of TQs included |Fill rate (%) |No of TQs included |

|1995 |53 |348 |73 |649 |

|1996 |53 |358 |68 |672 |

|1997 |53 |370 |67 |742 |

|1998 |54 |286 |66 |597 |

|1999 |48 |126 |53 |67 |

Table 7: Simple average fill rates – Global vs. country-specific tariff quotas, 1995-99 (per cent)

| |Global |Country-specific |

| | |Scheduled |MA:1 notifications |

|1995 |66 |64 |64 |

|1996 |63 |62 |75 |

|1997 |61 |63 |78 |

|1998 |61 |68 |69 |

|1999 |43 |80 |55 |

PART C - Tariff quota fill, 1995-99

Tariff quota fill in 1995

The notification procedures adopted by the Committee on Agriculture require Members to notify imports under tariff quotas annually. With respect to the tariff quotas covered in this paper for the 1995 implementation year, 29 out of the 33 Members concerned have notified imports under tariff quotas (although not necessarily for all tariff quotas). The number of applicable tariff quotas differs from the overall total (1371) because Bulgaria, Ecuador, Latvia and Panama were not Members during 1995. In addition, it should be noted that a number of tariff quotas had zero initial levels for the 1995 implementation year, increasing to positive values over the implementation period. While one Member implemented the first increase from zero in the 1995 implementation year (and consequently made a Table MA:2 notification for those tariff quotas), others did not.[5] In total, Table MA:2 notifications received account for 997 out of 1259 applicable tariff quotas or 79 per cent.

Overall, the simple average fill rate for 1995 equals 66 per cent for the notified tariff quotas. With respect to tariff quota fill rates by product category, Table 8 gives simple average fill rates along with the number of tariff quotas included in the analysis and those excluded due to a number of reasons, including those listed in paragraph 5 above. Table B.2 of Annex B presents more details by showing tariff quota fill rates by product category for five distinct percentage fill ranges (0-20 per cent, etc.).

Table 8: Tariff quotas - simple average fill rates by product category, 1995

|Product category |Simple average fill rate|Number of tariff quotas |Number of tariff quotas |

| |(%) |included |excluded |

|Cereals |65 |165 |35 |

|Oilseeds products |67 |110 |10 |

|Sugar and sugar products |76 |34 |9 |

|Dairy products |65 |132 |31 |

|Meat products |59 |175 |42 |

|Eggs and egg products |41 |17 |4 |

|Beverages |58 |22 |7 |

|Fruit and vegetables |73 |241 |94 |

|Tobacco |85 |7 |4 |

|Agricultural fibres |45 |12 |6 |

|Coffee, tea, spices and processed agricultural products |61 |37 |12 |

|from mixed ingredients | | | |

|Other agricultural products |69 |45 |8 |

|Total all products |66 |997 |262 |

Simple average fill rates by Member are shown in Table 9. The spread of tariff quota fill across distinct percentage ranges can be taken from Table B.3 of Annex B.

Table 9: Tariff quotas - simple average fill rates by Member, 1995

|Member |Simple average fill rate (%) |Number of tariff quotas |Number of tariff quotas |

| | |included |excluded |

|Australia |99 |2 |- |

|Barbados |n.a. |- |36 |

|Brazil |100 |2 |- |

|Canada |78 |21 |- |

|Colombia |85 |57 |10 |

|Costa Rica |14 |8 |19 |

|Czech Republic |44 |24 |- |

|El Salvador |n.a. |- |11 |

|EC-15 |76 |53 |32 |

|Guatemala |69 |22 |- |

|Hungary |55 |66 |4 |

|Iceland |65 |88 |2 |

|Indonesia |100 |2 |- |

|Israel |86 |12 |- |

|Japan |69 |18 |2 |

|Korea |78 |67 |- |

|Malaysia |28 |19 |- |

|Mexico |80 |11 |- |

|Morocco |81 |14 |2 |

|New Zealand |62 |3 |- |

|Nicaragua |n.a. |- |9 |

|Norway |68 |224 |8 |

|Philippines |54 |14 |- |

|Poland |47 |10 |99 |

|Romania |47 |4 |8 |

|Slovak Republic |37 |24 |- |

|Slovenia |51 |20 |- |

|South Africa |75 |53 |- |

|Switzerland |92 |28 |- |

|Thailand |40 |23 |- |

|Tunisia |n.a. |- |13 |

|United States |45 |47 |7 |

|Venezuela |66 |61 |- |

|All Members (29 out of 33) |66 |997 |262 |

The information contained in Tables 8 and 9 is shown in chart form on the following page. A chart showing the number of tariff quotas for all notifying Members combined by five distinct fill rates (0-20 per cent, etc.) is also included. This chart shows that in 1995, 55 per cent of the tariff quotas for which imports have been notified registered fill rates ranging between 80 and 100 per cent. On the other hand, almost one fourth of these tariff quotas were filled by less than 20 per cent.

Table B.4 of Annex B contains a matrix showing simple average fill rates by Member and product category. In considering this table, two points should be kept in mind. First, Table MA:2 notifications have not been received for all tariff quotas. Second, as noted in paragraph 14 above, there is an inherent weakness in simple average calculations. Nevertheless, when read in conjunction with the number of tariff quotas for each Member in each product category (Table B.1 of Annex B), a general picture can be obtained.

Of the 997 tariff quotas for which Table MA:2 notifications are available for the 1995 implementation year, 348 are to increase over the relevant implementation period for the Member concerned. The simple average fill rate for these tariff quotas equals 53 per cent. The 649 remaining tariff quotas (i.e. the 644 which are unchanged as well as the 5 tariff quotas which are decreasing over the implementation period) have a simple average fill rate of 73 per cent.

As for country-specificity, the tariff quotas which, according to the Schedules and the 1995 Table MA:1 notifications are apparently global in nature have a simple average fill rate of 66 per cent. The tariff quotas with country-specific allocations in Schedules have a simple average fill rate of 64 per cent. The additional tariff quotas allocated to supplying countries as identified from the Table MA:1 notifications also have a simple average fill rate of 64 per cent.

Tariff quota fill in 1996

Tables 10 and 11 present the analysis of fill rates by product category and by Member for the 1996 implementation year. The number of applicable tariff quotas under consideration is different because of the accession of Ecuador in January 1996. Notifications have been received for 1030 out of 1273 applicable tariff quotas, i.e. 81 per cent. Twenty-nine out of the 34 Members concerned have notified imports for at least some of their tariff quotas.

The simple average fill rate across all product categories and all Members is 63 per cent. With respect to product categories, the fill rates range from 40 per cent for agricultural fibres to 79 per cent for tobacco. Across Members, the corresponding figures are 5 per cent (Costa Rica) and 100 per cent (Brazil, Indonesia).

Table 10: Tariff quotas - simple average fill rates by product category, 1996

|Product category |Simple average fill rate |Number of tariff quotas|Number of tariff quotas|

| |(%) |included |excluded |

|Cereals |64 |172 |34 |

|Oilseeds products |64 |110 |12 |

|Sugar and sugar products |72 |35 |11 |

|Dairy products |63 |134 |30 |

|Meat products |56 |185 |34 |

|Eggs and egg products |43 |17 |4 |

|Beverages |63 |21 |8 |

|Fruit and vegetables |70 |254 |81 |

|Tobacco |79 |8 |3 |

|Agricultural fibres |40 |11 |7 |

|Coffee, tea, spices and processed agricultural products |56 |38 |11 |

|from mixed ingredients | | | |

|Other agricultural products |54 |45 |8 |

|Total all products |63 |1030 |243 |

Table 11: Tariff quotas - simple average fill rates by Member, 1996

|Member |Simple average fill rate|Number of tariff quotas |Number of tariff quotas |

| |(%) |included |excluded |

|Australia |98 |2 |- |

|Barbados |n.a. |- |36 |

|Brazil |100 |2 |- |

|Canada |85 |21 |- |

|Colombia |80 |57 |10 |

|Costa Rica |5 |8 |19 |

|Czech Republic |50 |24 |- |

|Ecuador |n.a. |- |14 |

|El Salvador |n.a. |- |11 |

|EC-15 |72 |80 |5 |

|Guatemala |67 |22 |- |

|Hungary |51 |68 |2 |

|Iceland |67 |87 |3 |

|Indonesia |100 |2 |- |

|Israel |78 |12 |- |

|Japan |71 |18 |2 |

|Korea |76 |67 |- |

|Malaysia |54 |17 |2 |

|Mexico |n.a. |- |11 |

|Morocco |88 |14 |2 |

|New Zealand |40 |3 |- |

|Nicaragua |n.a. |- |9 |

|Norway |64 |222 |10 |

|Philippines |58 |14 |- |

|Poland |52 |13 |96 |

|Romania |48 |4 |8 |

|Slovak Republic |47 |24 |- |

|Slovenia |18 |20 |- |

|South Africa |62 |53 |- |

|Switzerland |92 |27 |1 |

|Thailand |43 |23 |- |

|Tunisia |57 |13 |- |

|United States |53 |52 |2 |

|Venezuela |49 |61 |- |

|All Members (29 out of 34) |63 |1030 |243 |

As with the 1995 implementation year, the following page contains charts showing the information from Tables 10 and 11 above. Tables B.5-7 of Annex B provide more detailed information including with respect to the distribution of tariff quota fill rates.

Of the 1030 tariff quotas for which Table MA:2 notifications are available for the 1996 implementation year, 358 are tariff quotas which are to increase over the relevant implementation period for the Member concerned. The simple average fill rate for these tariff quotas equals 53 per cent. The remaining tariff quotas (i.e. those remaining unchanged or decreasing over the implementation period) have a simple average fill rate of 68 per cent.

With respect to the country-specificity of tariff quotas in the 1996 implementation year, the tariff quotas which are apparently global in nature (953) have a simple average fill rate of 63 per cent. The tariff quotas with country-specific allocations in Schedules (54) have a simple average fill rate of 62 per cent, while the additional tariff quotas allocated to supplying countries according to 1995 and 1996 Table MA:1 notifications (23) have a simple average fill rate of 75 per cent.

Tariff quota fill in 1997

In 1997, two new Members, Bulgaria and Panama, have brought the total number of applicable tariff quotas to 1367. Thirty out of the 36 Members concerned have notified imports covering 1112 tariff quotas, i.e. 81 per cent of the total number of applicable tariff quotas. Tables 12 and 13 below provide information on the fill rates by product category and by Member. More detailed information is provided in Tables B.8-10 of Annex B, including with respect to the distribution of tariff quota fill rates.

Of the 1112 tariff quotas for which Table MA:2 notifications are available for the 1997 implementation year, 370 are tariff quotas which are to increase over the relevant implementation period for the Members concerned. The simple average fill rate for these tariff quotas equals 53 per cent. The remaining tariff quotas (i.e. those remaining unchanged or decreasing over the implementation period) have a simple average fill rate of 67 per cent.

With respect to the country-specificity of tariff quotas in the 1997 implementation year, the tariff quotas which are apparently global in nature (1030) have a simple average fill rate of 61 per cent. The tariff quotas with country-specific allocations in Schedules (59) have a simple average fill rate of 63 per cent, while 23 other tariff quotas allocated to supplying countries have a simple average fill rate of 78 per cent.

Table 12: Tariff quotas - simple average fill rates by product category, 1997

|Product category |Simple average fill rate|Number of tariff quotas |Number of tariff quotas |

| |(%) |included |excluded |

|Cereals |62 |179 |35 |

|Oilseeds products |64 |112 |12 |

|Sugar and sugar products |70 |38 |12 |

|Dairy products |65 |148 |33 |

|Meat products |55 |204 |43 |

|Eggs and egg products |40 |15 |6 |

|Beverages |36 |29 |6 |

|Fruit and vegetables |69 |277 |78 |

|Tobacco |66 |9 |4 |

|Agricultural fibres |32 |12 |6 |

|Coffee, tea, spices and processed agricultural products |59 |44 |12 |

|from mixed ingredients | | | |

|Other agricultural products |65 |45 |8 |

|Total all products |62 |1112 |255 |

Table 13: Tariff quotas - simple average fill rates by Member, 1997

|Member |Simple average fill rate (%) |Number of tariff quotas |Number of tariff quotas |

| | |included |excluded |

|Australia |90 |2 |- |

|Barbados |n.a. |- |36 |

|Brazil |100 |2 |- |

|Bulgaria |35 |73 |- |

|Canada |82 |20 |1 |

|Colombia |80 |57 |10 |

|Costa Rica |5 |8 |19 |

|Czech Republic |47 |24 |- |

|Ecuador |n.a. |- |14 |

|El Salvador |n.a. |- |11 |

|EC-15 |71 |85 |2 |

|Guatemala |66 |22 |- |

|Hungary |45 |67 |3 |

|Iceland |70 |87 |3 |

|Indonesia |100 |2 |- |

|Israel |89 |12 |- |

|Japan |70 |18 |2 |

|Korea |76 |67 |- |

|Malaysia |n.a. |- |19 |

|Mexico |n.a. |- |11 |

|Morocco |75 |14 |2 |

|New Zealand |33 |3 |- |

|Nicaragua |n.a. |- |9 |

|Norway |62 |221 |11 |

|Panama |89 |19 |- |

|Philippines |45 |14 |- |

|Poland |56 |15 |94 |

|Romania |6 |7 |5 |

|Slovak Republic |46 |24 |- |

|Slovenia |26 |20 |- |

|South Africa |76 |53 |- |

|Switzerland |89 |27 |1 |

|Thailand |45 |23 |- |

|Tunisia |58 |13 |- |

|United States |55 |53 |1 |

|Venezuela |58 |60 |1 |

|All Members (30 out of 36) |62 |1112 |255 |

Tariff quota fill in 1998

As of 15 May 2000, 25 out of the 36 Members concerned have notified imports covering 65 per cent of the total number of 1364 applicable tariff quotas, i.e. 883 tariff quotas. Tables 14 and 15 below provide information on the fill rates by product category and by Member. More information is provided in Tables B.11-13 of Annex B, including with respect to the distribution of tariff quota fill rates.

Of the 883 tariff quotas for which Table MA:2 notifications are available for the 1998 implementation year, 286 are increasing over the relevant implementation period for the Members concerned. The simple average fill rate for these tariff quotas equals 54 per cent. The remaining tariff quotas (i.e. those remaining unchanged or decreasing over the implementation period) have a simple average fill rate of 66 per cent.

With respect to the country-specificity of tariff quotas in the 1998 implementation year, the tariff quotas which are apparently global in nature (802) have a simple average fill rate of 61 per cent. The tariff quotas with country-specific allocations in Schedules (55) have a simple average fill rate of 68 per cent, while 26 other tariff quotas allocated to supplying countries have a simple average fill rate of 69 per cent.

Table 14: Tariff quotas - simple average fill rates by product category, 1998

|Product category |Simple average fill rate|Number of tariff quotas |Number of tariff quotas|

| |(%) |included |excluded |

|Cereals |65 |136 |78 |

|Oilseeds products |67 |71 |53 |

|Sugar and sugar products |67 |29 |21 |

|Dairy products |64 |113 |68 |

|Meat products |58 |154 |91 |

|Eggs and egg products |53 |11 |10 |

|Beverages |40 |24 |11 |

|Fruit and vegetables |66 |249 |105 |

|Tobacco |67 |9 |4 |

|Agricultural fibres |42 |12 |6 |

|Coffee, tea, spices and processed agricultural products |51 |38 |18 |

|from mixed ingredients | | | |

|Other agricultural products |56 |37 |16 |

|Total all products |62 |883 |481 |

Table 15: Tariff quotas - simple average fill rates by Member, 1998

|Member |Simple average fill rate (%) |Number of tariff quotas |Number of tariff quotas |

| | |included |excluded |

|Australia |91 |2 |- |

|Barbados |n.a. |- |36 |

|Brazil |100 |1 |1 |

|Bulgaria |40 |73 |- |

|Canada |85 |20 |1 |

|Colombia |79 |57 |10 |

|Costa Rica |n.a. |- |27 |

|Czech Republic |45 |24 |- |

|Ecuador |n.a. |- |14 |

|El Salvador |n.a. |- |11 |

|EC-15 |66 |42 |45 |

|Guatemala |84 |22 |- |

|Hungary |43 |67 |3 |

|Iceland |n.a. |- |90 |

|Indonesia |100 |2 |- |

|Israel |88 |12 |- |

|Japan |67 |18 |2 |

|Korea |70 |64 |- |

|Malaysia |n.a. |- |19 |

|Mexico |n.a. |- |11 |

|Morocco |88 |14 |2 |

|New Zealand |27 |3 |- |

|Nicaragua |n.a. |- |9 |

|Norway |65 |221 |11 |

|Panama |n.a. |- |19 |

|Philippines |50 |14 |- |

|Poland |41 |14 |95 |

|Romania |n.a. |- |12 |

|Slovak Republic |43 |24 |- |

|Slovenia |38 |20 |- |

|South Africa |71 |53 |- |

|Switzerland |90 |27 |1 |

|Thailand |48 |23 |- |

|Tunisia |31 |13 |- |

|United States |66 |53 |1 |

|Venezuela |n.a. |- |61 |

|All Members (25 out of 36) |62 |883 |481 |

Tariff quota fill in 1999

As of the cut-off date for this paper, nine out of the 37 Members concerned have notified imports covering 14 per cent of the total number of 1368 applicable tariff quotas, i.e. 193 tariff quotas. Tables 16 and 17 provide information on the fill rates by product category and by Member. Tables B.14-16 of Annex B provide more detail including with respect to the distribution of tariff quota fill rates.

Of the 193 tariff quotas for which Table MA:2 notifications are available for the 1999 implementation year, 126 are tariff quotas which are to increase over the relevant implementation period for the Members concerned. The simple average fill rate for these tariff quotas equals 48 per cent. The 67 remaining tariff quotas (i.e. those remaining unchanged or decreasing over the implementation period) have a simple average fill rate of 53 per cent.

With respect to the country-specificity of tariff quotas in the 1999 implementation year, the 152 tariff quotas which are apparently global in nature have a simple average fill rate of 43 per cent. The 30 tariff quotas with country-specific allocations in Schedules have a simple average fill rate of 80 per cent, while the other 11 tariff quotas allocated to supplying countries have a simple average fill rate of 55 per cent.

Table 16: Tariff quotas - simple average fill rates by product category, 1999

|Product category |Simple average fill rate|Number of tariff quotas |Number of tariff quotas|

| |(%) |included |excluded |

|Cereals |46 |22 |195 |

|Oilseeds products |39 |12 |112 |

|Sugar and sugar products |62 |6 |45 |

|Dairy products |71 |41 |140 |

|Meat products |38 |35 |210 |

|Eggs and egg products |0 |2 |19 |

|Beverages |24 |9 |26 |

|Fruit and vegetables |49 |48 |306 |

|Tobacco |53 |3 |10 |

|Agricultural fibres |n.a. |- |18 |

|Coffee, tea, spices and processed agricultural products |50 |12 |44 |

|from mixed ingredients | | | |

|Other agricultural products |49 |3 |50 |

|Total all products |50 |193 |1175 |

Table 17: Tariff quotas - simple average fill rates by Member, 1999

|Member |Simple average fill rate (%) |Number of tariff quotas |Number of tariff quotas |

| | |included |excluded |

|Australia |89 |2 |- |

|Barbados |n.a. |- |36 |

|Brazil |n.a. |- |2 |

|Bulgaria |n.a. |- |73 |

|Canada |n.a. |- |21 |

|Colombia |n.a. |- |67 |

|Costa Rica |n.a. |- |27 |

|Czech Republic |n.a. |- |24 |

|Ecuador |n.a. |- |14 |

|El Salvador |n.a. |- |11 |

|EC-15 |n.a. |- |87 |

|Guatemala |91 |8 |14 |

|Hungary |41 |65 |5 |

|Iceland |n.a. |- |90 |

|Indonesia |n.a. |- |2 |

|Israel |91 |12 |- |

|Japan |n.a. |- |20 |

|Korea |n.a. |- |64 |

|Latvia |n.a. |- |4 |

|Malaysia |n.a. |- |19 |

|Mexico |n.a. |- |11 |

|Morocco |n.a. |- |16 |

|New Zealand |50 |3 |- |

|Nicaragua |n.a. |- |9 |

|Norway |n.a. |- |232 |

|Panama |n.a. |- |19 |

|Philippines |n.a. |- |14 |

|Poland |31 |19 |90 |

|Romania |n.a. |- |12 |

|Slovak Republic |44 |24 |- |

|Slovenia |10 |20 |- |

|South Africa |n.a. |- |53 |

|Switzerland |n.a. |- |28 |

|Thailand |n.a. |- |23 |

|Tunisia |n.a. |- |13 |

|United States |73 |40 |14 |

|Venezuela |n.a. |- |61 |

|All Members (9 out of 37) |50 |193 |1175 |

Annex A

Product categories and their content

|Code |Broad product categories |Indicative list of content |

|CE |Cereals |Wheat and wheat flour, oats, barley, maize, rice, other grains, aggregated cereals |

| | |tariff quotas (e.g. wheat and barley), processed cereals (including pasta, animal |

| | |feed, etc.) |

|OI |Oilseeds products |Oilseeds, vegetable oils, oil cakes, aggregated oilseeds tariff quotas |

|SG |Sugar and sugar products |Sugar, processed sugar-containing products, aggregated sugar and sugar products |

| | |tariff quotas |

|DA |Dairy products |Milk and cream (not concentrated), milk powder, butter and butter oil, cheese, other |

| | |milk products, aggregated dairy products tariff quotas |

|ME |Meat products |Bovine meat, pigmeat, poultry meat, sheepmeat, live animals, aggregated meat tariff |

| | |quotas (e.g. beef and sheepmeat), processed animal products |

|EG |Eggs and egg products |Eggs, other egg products, aggregated egg and products tariff quotas |

|BV |Beverages |Wine, non-alcoholic beverages (e.g. water), other alcoholic beverages, aggregated |

| | |beverages tariff quotas (not fruit juices) |

|FV |Fruit and vegetables |Pip fruit, citrus fruit, other fruit, aggregated fruit tariff quotas, processed fruit|

| | |(including juices, jams, etc.), potatoes, other vegetables, aggregated vegetables, |

| | |processed vegetables |

|TB |Tobacco |Tobacco, other tobacco products, aggregated tobacco tariff quotas |

|FI |Agricultural fibres |Cotton, silk, other fibres |

|CO |Coffee, tea, spices and processed |Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices, honey, other spices, etc. (this also includes processed |

| |agricultural products from mixed |products such as infant formula and homogenised foods, sauces, soups, etc.) |

| |ingredients | |

|OA |Other agricultural products |Other agricultural products (e.g. Chapter 5 of the Harmonized System) and most |

| | |non-Chapter 1 to 24 products such as dextrins, animal pelts, etc. |

|Country Notes |

|by tariff quota (meno#) |

|Brazil | |

| |All |Tariff rate quota commitments are listed in Part I, Section 1A of Schedule. |

| |2 |Technical rectification sought. |

| | |

|Canada | |

| |All |HS 96 changes certified and incorporated. There are some differences between the tariff numbers reported in the Section|

| | |1 of Attachment and those that appear in Canada's MA:1 and MA:2 notifications. The tariff numbers in Canada's |

| | |notifications reflect changes resulting from the 1998 Canadian Tariff Simplification. Those changes, which have not |

| | |been certified yet by the WTO (and are therefore not included in the listing contained in Section 1), do not affect the|

| | |product coverage of the tariff quotas. |

| |

|Colombia |

| |All |HS 96 changes certified and incorporated in the present paper. |

| | |

|EC-15 | |

| |All |Data presented on the basis of EC-15 Schedule. |

| |35 |The data relating to these two tariff quotas are aggregated and reported under MENO#36. |

| |36 | |

| |86 |Grape juice - Opened 1.9.1996 (G/AG/N/EEC/14 refers) |

| |87 |Rum and taffia - Opened 1 July 1997 to 1.1.2003 (G/AG/N/EEC/14 refers) |

| | |

|Hungary | |

| |All |HS 96 changes certified and incorporated. |

| | |

|Iceland | |

| |57 |These two tariff quotas are implemented together. Data are reported under MENO#83. |

| |83 | |

| |

|Indonesia |

| |All |HS 96 changes certified and incorporated. |

| |1 |Technical rectification concerning dairy products certified and incorporated. |

| | |

|Japan | |

| |All |HS 96 changes certified and incorporated. |

| |16 |Cessation of the application of Special Treatment (Annex 5.2) as of Fiscal Year 1999 (G/AG/N/JPN/42 refers). Request |

| | |for related technical rectification submitted as per G/MA/TAR/RS/57 (December 1998). |

| |

|Republic of Korea |

| |5 |Phased out in July 1997 (G/AG/N/KOR/11 refers), as per footnote 6(d) in Schedule LX. |

| |6 | |

| |60 | |

| |67 |Quantitative restrictions phased out in July 1997 (G/AG/N/KOR/21 refers). Tariff rate quota opened in 1998 as applied |

| | |m.f.n. rate was higher than the in-quota rate. |

| |

|Morocco |

| |All |Tariff quotas with zero initial and final levels have not been taken into consideration. |

| |14 |The data concerning these tariff rate quotas are combined and reported under MENO#16. |

| |15 | |

| |16 | |

| | |

|Norway | |

| |52 |Data concerning these two tariff quotas are combined and reported under MENO#53. |

| |53 | |

| |61 |Data concerning these two tariff quotas are combined and reported under MENO#61. |

| |62 | |

| |91 |Data concerning these three tariff quotas are combined and reported under MENO#93. |

| |92 | |

| |93 | |

| |95 |Data concerning these three tariff quotas are combined and reported under MENO#95. |

| |96 | |

| |97 | |

| |106 |Data concerning these three tariff quotas are combined and reported under MENO#108. |

| |107 | |

| |108 | |

| |109 |Data concerning these two tariff quotas are combined and reported under MENO#110 |

| |110 | |

| |217 |Conversion factor : 1 litres alcohol volume 80% or higher. = 0.79 kg. |

| | |

|Poland | |

| |All |Notified quantities for 1995 are half of scheduled quantities. Notified imports cover the period 1 July-31 December |

| | |1995 (G/AG/N/POL/3 refers). HS 96 changes are certified and have been incorporated. |

| |1 |For the following tariff quotas, the notified quantities and the notified imports only refer to specific tariff quota |

| | |sub-items which are subject to an import licensing system. Poland thus opened up tariff quotas at levels lower than |

| | |scheduled quantities reflecting the fact that some of the products covered by an individual commitment were imported in|

| | |unlimited quantities under applied tariffs (no higher than the respective in-quota rates). Import data is not |

| | |presently available on such imports. In order to ensure consistent treatment between all Members, the partial imports |

| | |notified in G/AG/N/POL/3, POL/9, POL/15, POL/30 and POL/32 have not been taken into consideration in the analysis of |

| | |average fill rates. |

| |13 | |

| |26 | |

| |27 | |

| |32 | |

| |39 | |

| |46 | |

| |48 | |

| |60 | |

| |65 | |

| |68 | |

| |69 | |

| |73 | |

| |80 | |

| |87 | |

| |91 | |

|Poland (cont'd) |

| |11 |The notified quantities are frequently higher than the scheduled quantities throughout the implementation period. |

| |56 | |

| |95 | |

| |10 |The scheduled quantity is equivalent to 5 million pieces. |

| |24 |Import data not incorporated because various units of measurements were used. |

| |75 |Excludes products of alcoholic strength by volume exceeding 22% (Member’s Schedule, Annex 1 refers). |

| |76 |Includes products of alcoholic strength by volume exceeding 22% (Member’s Schedule, Annex 1 refers). |

| |78 |Conversion factors used by the Secretariat are those indicated in the Polish National Tariff - 1 cigarette (HS 2402.20)|

| | |= 1 gr.; 1 cigar = 4 gr.; 1 cigarillo = 3 gr. (HS 2402.10). |

| | |

|Romania | |

| |All |HS 96 changes certified and incorporated. |

| |

|Switzerland |

| |23 |These two tariff quotas are administered in conjunction. The notified quantities are higher than the scheduled |

| | |quantity - Technical rectification sought. |

| |25 | |

| |24 |Notified quantities differ from scheduled quantities - Technical rectification sought. |

| |

|United States |

| |All |Tariff rate quota commitments are listed in Part I, Section 1A of Schedule. |

| |21 |Notified quantities are higher than respectively scheduled quantities. |

| |47 | |

| | | |

| |

|Venezuela |

| |All |Tariff quotas with zero initial and final levels have not been taken into consideration. |

Annex B

Detailed tables

| | |Page |

| | | |

|Table B.1 |Number of tariff quotas by Member and by product group |28 |

| | | |

|Table B.2 |Distribution of simple average fill rates by product group, 1995 |29 |

|Table B.3 |Distribution of simple average fill rates by Member, 1995 |30 |

|Table B.4 |Simple average fill rates by Member and product group, 1995 |31 |

| | | |

|Table B.5 |Distribution of simple average fill rates by product group, 1996 |32 |

|Table B.6 |Distribution of simple average fill rates by Member, 1996 |33 |

|Table B.7 |Simple average fill rates by Member and product group, 1996 |34 |

| | | |

|Table B.8 |Distribution of simple average fill rates by product group, 1997 |35 |

|Table B.9 |Distribution of simple average fill rates by Member, 1997 |36 |

|Table B.10 |Simple average fill rates by Member and product group, 1997 |37 |

| | | |

|Table B.11 |Distribution of simple average fill rates by product group, 1998 |38 |

|Table B.12 |Distribution of simple average fill rates by Member, 1998 |39 |

|Table B.13 |Simple average fill rates by Member and product group, 1998 |40 |

| | | |

|Table B.14 |Distribution of simple average fill rates by product group, 1999 |41 |

|Table B.15 |Distribution of simple average fill rates by Member, 1999 |42 |

|Table B.16 |Simple average fill rates by Member and product group, 1999 |43 |

| | | |

Table B.1: Number of tariff quotas by Member and by product group

|Member |CE |OI |SG |DA |ME |EG |BV |FV |TB |FI |CO |OA |ALL |

| |Cereals |Oilseeds|Sugar |Dairy |Meat |Eggs |Beverage|Fruit & |Tobacco |Fibres |Coffee, |Other | |

| | | | | | | |s |veg. | | |etc. | | |

|Australia |- |- |- |1 |- |- |- |- |1 |- |- |- |2 |

|Barbados |1 |1 |1 |2 |4 |1 |1 |25 |- |- |- |- |36 |

|Brazil |1 |- |- |- |- |- |- |1 |- |- |- |- |2 |

|Bulgaria |6 |2 |4 |6 |26 |- |5 |15 |2 |- |7 |- |73 |

|Canada |4 |1 |- |11 |4 |1 |- |- |- |- |- |- |21 |

|Colombia |13 |20 |4 |5 |17 |- |- |4 |- |2 |- |2 |67 |

|Costa Rica |3 |- |1 |13 |6 |1 |- |1 |1 |1 |- |- |27 |

|Czech Rep. |2 |5 |1 |4 |5 |- |4 |2 |- |- |- |1 |24 |

|Ecuador |6 |2 |3 |1 |2 |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |14 |

|El Salvador |1 |- |1 |4 |4 |- |- |- |1 |- |- |- |11 |

|EC-15 |15 |- |3 |12 |28 |3 |1 |25 |- |- |- |- |87 |

|Guatemala |6 |7 |1 |1 |3 |- |- |3 |1 |- |- |- |22 |

|Hungary |7 |4 |2 |4 |8 |1 |4 |33 |1 |- |6 |- |70 |

|Iceland |17 |22 |3 |4 |13 |1 |1 |18 |- |- |5 |6 |90 |

|Indonesia |1 |- |- |1 |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |2 |

|Israel |1 |- |- |4 |3 |- |- |4 |- |- |- |- |12 |

|Japan |4 |1 |- |12 |- |- |- |1 |- |1 |- |1 |20 |

|Korea |15 |5 |2 |5 |7 |1 |1 |20 |- |2 |4 |5 |67 |

|Latvia |3 |- |1 |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |4 |

|Malaysia |1 |- |1 |2 |10 |2 |- |1 |1 |- |1 |- |19 |

|Mexico |3 |- |1 |2 |2 |- |- |2 |- |- |1 |- |11 |

|Morocco |5 |6 |1 |1 |3 |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |16 |

|New Zealand |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |2 |- |- |- |1 |3 |

|Nicaragua |3 |1 |1 |1 |2 |- |- |1 |- |- |- |- |9 |

|Norway |37 |2 |2 |14 |32 |3 |1 |116 |- |- |3 |22 |232 |

|Panama |2 |- |- |11 |2 |- |- |4 |- |- |- |- |19 |

|Philippines |2 |- |1 |- |9 |- |- |1 |- |- |1 |- |14 |

|Poland |12 |4 |2 |8 |14 |3 |5 |37 |1 |3 |11 |9 |109 |

|Romania |1 |- |- |3 |1 |- |4 |1 |1 |- |1 |- |12 |

|Slovak Rep. |2 |5 |1 |4 |5 |- |4 |2 |- |- |- |1 |24 |

|Slovenia |4 |1 |- |2 |12 |- |- |1 |- |- |- |- |20 |

|South Africa |11 |8 |3 |6 |5 |1 |1 |12 |1 |1 |4 |- |53 |

|Switzerland |3 |- |- |2 |6 |3 |3 |9 |- |- |- |2 |28 |

|Thailand |2 |6 |1 |2 |- |- |- |5 |1 |1 |4 |1 |23 |

|Tunisia |3 |- |1 |3 |3 |- |- |3 |- |- |- |- |13 |

|United States |1 |2 |6 |24 |1 |- |- |5 |1 |7 |7 |- |54 |

|Venezuela |19 |19 |3 |6 |10 |- |- |1 |- |- |1 |2 |61 |

|ALL |217 |124 |51 |181 |247 |21 |35 |355 |13 |18 |56 |53 |1371 |

|MEMBERS | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Table B.2: Distribution of simple average fill rates by product group, 1995

|Product category | Number of tariff quotas by fill rate category |Simple average |

| | |fill (%) |

| |0 to 20% |20 to 40% |40 to 60% |60 to 80% |80 to 100% |Total | |

|Cereals |46 |7 |10 |12 |90 |165 |65 |

|Oilseeds |27 |9 |7 |3 |64 |110 |67 |

|Sugar |6 |2 |1 |- |25 |34 |76 |

|Dairy |29 |11 |14 |7 |71 |132 |65 |

|Meat |54 |15 |8 |13 |85 |175 |59 |

|Eggs |8 |2 |1 |1 |5 |17 |41 |

|Beverages |5 |5 |2 |- |10 |22 |58 |

|Fruit & vegetables |39 |12 |21 |25 |144 |241 |73 |

|Tobacco |- |- |1 |1 |5 |7 |85 |

|Fibres |6 |- |1 |1 |4 |12 |45 |

|Coffee, etc. |9 |5 |2 |3 |18 |37 |61 |

|Other |8 |4 |3 |5 |25 |45 |69 |

|ALL |237 |72 |71 |71 |546 |997 |66 |

Table B.3: Distribution of simple average fill rates by Member, 1995

|Member |Number of tariff quotas by fill rate category |Simple average |

| | |fill (%) |

| |0 to 20% |20 to 40% |40 to 60% |60 to 80% |80 to 100% |Total | |

|Australia |- |- |- |- |2 |2 |99 |

|Barbados |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|Brazil |- |- |- |- |2 |2 |100 |

|Canada |3 |- |1 |4 |13 |21 |78 |

|Colombia |6 |2 |2 |1 |46 |57 |85 |

|Costa Rica |7 |- |- |- |1 |8 |14 |

|Czech Rep. |9 |4 |4 |- |7 |24 |44 |

|El Salvador |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|EC-15 |7 |4 |3 |6 |33 |53 |76 |

|Guatemala |5 |2 |1 |1 |13 |22 |69 |

|Hungary |18 |2 |17 |7 |22 |66 |55 |

|Iceland |20 |6 |8 |8 |46 |88 |65 |

|Indonesia |- |- |- |- |2 |2 |100 |

|Israel |1 |1 |- |- |10 |12 |86 |

|Japan |1 |2 |5 |2 |8 |18 |69 |

|Korea |12 |- |3 |5 |47 |67 |78 |

|Malaysia |13 |- |2 |- |4 |19 |28 |

|Mexico |1 |1 |1 |- |8 |11 |80 |

|Morocco |2 |1 |- |- |11 |14 |81 |

|New Zealand |1 |- |- |1 |1 |3 |62 |

|Nicaragua |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|Norway |46 |19 |14 |19 |126 |224 |68 |

|Philippines |6 |1 |- |- |7 |14 |54 |

|Poland |4 |1 |1 |- |4 |10 |47 |

|Romania |1 |1 |- |1 |1 |4 |47 |

|Slovak Rep. |10 |7 |1 |1 |5 |24 |37 |

|Slovenia |6 |2 |2 |4 |6 |20 |51 |

|South Africa |9 |5 |1 |1 |37 |53 |75 |

|Switzerland |1 |- |1 |1 |25 |28 |92 |

|Thailand |14 |- |- |- |9 |23 |40 |

|Tunisia |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|United States |17 |8 |1 |5 |16 |47 |45 |

|Venezuela |17 |3 |3 |4 |34 |61 |66 |

|ALL MEMBERS |237 |72 |71 |71 |546 |997 |66 |

Table B.4: Simple average fill rates by Member and product group, 1995

|Member |CE |OI |SG |DA |ME |EG |BV |FV |TB |FI |CO |OA |ALL |

| |Cereals |Oilseeds|Sugar |Dairy |Meat |Eggs |Beverage|Fruit & |Tobacco |Fibres |Coffee, |Other | |

| | | | | | | |s |veg. | | |etc. | | |

|Australia | | | |98 | | | | |100 | | | |99 |

|Barbados |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | | | | |n.a. |

|Brazil |100 | | | | | | |100 | | | | |100 |

|Canada |49 |2 | |86 |100 |98 | | | | | | |78 |

|Colombia |96 |79 |100 |91 |79 | | |77 | |100 | |100 |85 |

|Costa Rica |n.a. | |n.a. |19 |- |n.a. | |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | | |14 |

|Czech Rep. |98 |21 |100 |41 |35 | |43 |51 | | | |35 |44 |

|El Salvador |n.a. | |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | | | |n.a. | | | |n.a. |

|EC-15 |62 | |100 |98 |84 |44 | |58 | | | | |76 |

|Guatemala |51 |76 |- |100 |71 | | |86 |100 | | | |69 |

|Hungary |15 |64 |77 |39 |31 |50 |43 |70 |62 | |62 | |55 |

|Iceland |64 |70 |100 |67 |19 |100 |34 |85 | | |63 |68 |65 |

|Indonesia |100 | | |100 | | | | | | | | |100 |

|Israel |100 | | |84 |67 | | |100 | | | | |86 |

|Japan |92 |55 | |56 | | | |96 | |100 | |73 |69 |

|Korea |86 |80 |50 |99 |92 |- |100 |76 | |80 |99 |30 |78 |

|Malaysia |19 | |- |5 |20 |2 | |100 |100 | |100 | |28 |

|Mexico |100 | |82 |68 |100 | | |72 | | |16 | |80 |

|Morocco |80 |100 |100 |100 |44 | | | | | | | |81 |

|New Zealand | | | | | | | |54 | | | |79 |62 |

|Nicaragua |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | | |n.a. | | | | |n.a. |

|Norway |52 |23 |100 |73 |61 |13 |100 |75 | | |75 |76 |68 |

|Philippines |100 | |100 | |38 | | |15 | | |100 | |54 |

|Poland |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |6 |100 |- |6 |n.a. |45 |n.a. |11 |94 |47 |

|Romania |n.a. | | |63 |5 | |61 |n.a. |n.a. | |n.a. | |47 |

|Slovak Rep. |54 |14 |40 |45 |42 | |41 |50 | | | |12 |37 |

|Slovenia |45 |- | |58 |52 | | |91 | | | | |51 |

|South Africa |60 |68 |100 |83 |100 |3 |100 |67 |88 |100 |100 | |75 |

|Switzerland |97 | | |67 |98 |92 |99 |88 | | | |100 |92 |

|Thailand |50 |65 |- |50 | | | |21 |100 |- |4 |100 |40 |

|Tunisia |n.a. | |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | | |n.a. | | | | |n.a. |

|United States |65 |98 |53 |45 |66 | | |n.a. |n.a. |14 |47 | |45 |

|Venezuela |61 |71 |100 |70 |49 | | |100 | | |100 |55 |66 |

|ALL |65 |67 |76 |65 |59 |41 |58 |73 |85 |45 |61 |69 |66 |

|MEMBERS | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Table B.5: Distribution of simple average fill rates by product group, 1996

|Product category | Number of tariff quotas by fill rate category |Simple average |

| | |fill (%) |

| |0 to 20% |20 to 40% |40 to 60% |60 to 80% |80 to 100% |Total | |

|Cereals |44 |14 |12 |12 |90 |172 |64 |

|Oilseeds |32 |4 |9 |3 |62 |110 |64 |

|Sugar |9 |1 |0 |1 |24 |35 |72 |

|Dairy |30 |15 |12 |9 |68 |134 |63 |

|Meat |61 |16 |12 |10 |86 |185 |56 |

|Eggs |8 |0 |1 |3 |5 |17 |43 |

|Beverages |7 |0 |1 |1 |12 |21 |63 |

|Fruit & vegetables |49 |14 |16 |24 |151 |254 |70 |

|Tobacco |1 |0 |1 |1 |5 |8 |79 |

|Fibres |6 |1 |0 |0 |4 |11 |40 |

|Coffee, etc. |7 |10 |3 |2 |16 |38 |56 |

|Other |16 |3 |2 |7 |17 |45 |54 |

|ALL |270 |78 |69 |73 |540 |1030 |63 |

Table B.6: Distribution of simple average fill rates by Member, 1996

|Member |Number of tariff quotas by fill rate category |Simple average |

| | |fill (%) |

| |0 to 20% |20 to 40% |40 to 60% |60 to 80% |80 to 100% |Total | |

|Australia |- |- |- |- |2 |2 |98 |

|Barbados |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|Brazil |- |- |- |- |2 |2 |100 |

|Canada |2 |- |- |3 |16 |21 |85 |

|Colombia |10 |2 |- |2 |43 |57 |80 |

|Costa Rica |7 |1 |- |- |- |8 |5 |

|Czech Rep. |10 |1 |3 |1 |9 |24 |50 |

|Ecuador |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|El Salvador |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|EC-15 |11 |9 |5 |8 |47 |80 |72 |

|Guatemala |5 |2 |1 |1 |13 |22 |67 |

|Hungary |21 |9 |9 |5 |24 |68 |51 |

|Iceland |18 |6 |10 |5 |48 |87 |67 |

|Indonesia |- |- |- |- |2 |2 |100 |

|Israel |1 |2 |- |1 |8 |12 |78 |

|Japan |1 |3 |3 |2 |9 |18 |71 |

|Korea |12 |3 |2 |2 |48 |67 |76 |

|Malaysia |8 |- |- |- |9 |17 |54 |

|Mexico |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|Morocco |1 |1 |- |- |12 |14 |88 |

|New Zealand |2 |- |- |- |1 |3 |40 |

|Nicaragua |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|Norway |58 |10 |23 |16 |115 |222 |64 |

|Philippines |4 |2 |1 |- |7 |14 |58 |

|Poland |4 |1 |- |4 |4 |13 |52 |

|Romania |2 |- |- |1 |1 |4 |48 |

|Slovak Rep. |11 |1 |1 |3 |8 |24 |47 |

|Slovenia |13 |3 |1 |2 |1 |20 |18 |

|South Africa |14 |3 |4 |6 |26 |53 |62 |

|Switzerland |- |1 |- |2 |24 |27 |92 |

|Thailand |11 |3 |- |- |9 |23 |43 |

|Tunisia |2 |4 |1 |- |6 |13 |57 |

|United States |16 |7 |3 |5 |21 |52 |53 |

|Venezuela |26 |4 |2 |4 |25 |61 |49 |

|ALL |270 |78 |69 |73 |540 |1030 |63 |

|MEMBERS | | | | | | | |

Table B.7: Simple average fill rates by Member and product group, 1996

|Member |CE |OI |SG |DA |ME |EG |BV |FV |TB |FI |CO |OA |ALL |

| |Cereals |Oilseeds|Sugar |Dairy |Meat |Eggs |Beverage|Fruit & |Tobacco |Fibres |Coffee, |Other | |

| | | | | | | |s |veg. | | |etc. | | |

|Australia | | | |95 | | | | |100 | | | |98 |

|Barbados |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | | | | |n.a. |

|Brazil |100 | | | | | | |100 | | | | |100 |

|Canada |63 |1 | |94 |99 |95 | | | | | | |85 |

|Colombia |97 |75 |70 |86 |73 | | |100 | |100 | |50 |80 |

|Costa Rica |n.a. | |n.a. |7 |- |n.a. | |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | | |5 |

|Czech Rep. |53 |39 |100 |43 |53 | |41 |52 | | | |100 |50 |

|Ecuador |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | | | | | | | |n.a. |

|El Salvador |n.a. | |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | | | |n.a. | | | |n.a. |

|EC-15 |56 | |100 |92 |78 |49 | |65 | | | | |72 |

|Guatemala |57 |75 |- |26 |68 | | |95 |100 | | | |67 |

|Hungary |33 |40 |46 |36 |33 |- |47 |66 |50 | |44 | |51 |

|Iceland |60 |73 |100 |67 |24 |100 |100 |82 | | |76 |62 |67 |

|Indonesia |100 | | |100 | | | | | | | | |100 |

|Israel |100 | | |68 |67 | | |92 | | | | |78 |

|Japan |94 |55 | |56 | | | |95 | |100 | |99 |71 |

|Korea |92 |80 |50 |70 |99 |- |98 |76 | |67 |59 |41 |76 |

|Malaysia |n.a. | |13 |100 |45 |- | |100 |100 | |100 | |54 |

|Mexico |n.a. | |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | | |n.a. | | |n.a. | |n.a. |

|Morocco |100 |98 |100 |100 |48 | | | | | | | |88 |

|New Zealand | | | | | | | |54 | | | |11 |40 |

|Nicaragua |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | | |n.a. | | | | |n.a. |

|Norway |53 |50 |100 |62 |53 |30 |100 |74 | | |66 |51 |64 |

|Philippines |100 | |100 | |43 | | |100 | | |21 | |58 |

|Poland |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |- |64 |61 |3 |97 |14 |n.a. |58 |69 |52 |

|Romania |n.a. | | |65 |10 | |59 |n.a. |n.a. | |n.a. | |48 |

|Slovak Rep. |55 |34 |91 |47 |38 | |67 |51 | | | |14 |47 |

|Slovenia |1 |- | |- |30 | | |- | | | | |18 |

|South Africa |59 |69 |95 |60 |100 |- |100 |28 |94 |100 |81 | |62 |

|Switzerland |94 | | |59 |97 |81 |96 |95 | | | |100 |92 |

|Thailand |50 |54 |- |50 | | | |41 |100 |- |16 |100 |43 |

|Tunisia |93 | |100 |56 |27 | | |36 | | | | |57 |

|United States |18 |100 |53 |64 |59 | | |41 |77 |2 |44 | |53 |

|Venezuela |56 |53 |67 |47 |26 | | |100 | | |100 |5 |49 |

|ALL |64 |64 |72 |63 |56 |43 |63 |70 |79 |40 |56 |54 |63 |

|MEMBERS | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Table B.8: Distribution of simple average fill rates by product group, 1997

|Product category | Number of tariff quotas by fill rate category |Simple average |

| | |fill (%) |

| |0 to 20% |20 to 40% |40 to 60% |60 to 80% |80 to 100% |Total | |

|Cereals |51 |15 |10 |9 |94 |179 |62 |

|Oilseeds |33 |7 |6 |1 |65 |112 |64 |

|Sugar |9 |2 |0 |3 |24 |38 |70 |

|Dairy |38 |6 |14 |13 |77 |148 |65 |

|Meat |67 |24 |9 |14 |90 |204 |55 |

|Eggs |7 |1 |1 |2 |4 |15 |40 |

|Beverages |16 |2 |1 |2 |8 |29 |36 |

|Fruit & vegetables |58 |16 |23 |23 |157 |277 |69 |

|Tobacco |1 |1 |2 |1 |4 |9 |66 |

|Fibres |8 |0 |0 |1 |3 |12 |32 |

|Coffee, etc. |13 |2 |4 |6 |19 |44 |59 |

|Other |10 |3 |5 |3 |24 |45 |65 |

|ALL |311 |79 |75 |78 |569 |1112 |62 |

Table B.9: Distribution of simple average fill rates by Member, 1997

|Member |Number of tariff quotas by fill rate category |Simple average |

| | |fill (%) |

| |0 to 20% |20 to 40% |40 to 60% |60 to 80% |80 to 100% |Total | |

|Australia |- |- |- |1 |1 |2 |90 |

|Barbados |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|Brazil |- |- |- |- |2 |2 |100 |

|Bulgaria |40 |9 |2 |1 |21 |73 |35 |

|Canada |2 |1 |1 |1 |15 |20 |82 |

|Colombia |8 |4 |1 |2 |42 |57 |80 |

|Costa Rica |7 |1 |- |- |- |8 |5 |

|Czech Rep. |9 |3 |2 |3 |7 |24 |47 |

|EC-15 |15 |7 |4 |10 |49 |85 |n.a. |

|Ecuador |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|El Salvador |- |- |- |- |- |- |71 |

|Guatemala |6 |2 |- |1 |13 |22 |66 |

|Hungary |25 |6 |15 |5 |16 |67 |45 |

|Iceland |17 |6 |8 |1 |55 |87 |70 |

|Indonesia |- |- |- |- |2 |2 |100 |

|Israel |1 |- |- |1 |10 |12 |89 |

|Japan |1 |1 |6 |2 |8 |18 |70 |

|Korea |13 |3 |1 |3 |47 |67 |76 |

|Malaysia |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|Mexico |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|Morocco |2 |1 |1 |- |10 |14 |75 |

|New Zealand |2 |- |- |- |1 |3 |33 |

|Nicaragua |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|Norway |62 |13 |15 |18 |113 |221 |62 |

|Panama |2 |- |- |- |17 |19 |89 |

|Philippines |7 |1 |- |- |6 |14 |45 |

|Poland |4 |1 |2 |2 |6 |15 |56 |

|Romania |6 |1 |- |- |- |7 |6 |

|Slovak Rep. |8 |6 |1 |1 |8 |24 |46 |

|Slovenia |13 |1 |2 |1 |3 |20 |26 |

|South Africa |8 |2 |3 |7 |33 |53 |76 |

|Switzerland |2 |- |- |2 |23 |27 |89 |

|Thailand |12 |- |1 |1 |9 |23 |45 |

|Tunisia |3 |1 |2 |2 |5 |13 |58 |

|United States |14 |5 |7 |9 |18 |53 |55 |

|Venezuela |22 |4 |1 |4 |29 |60 |58 |

|ALL |311 |79 |75 |78 |569 |1112 |62 |

|MEMBERS | | | | | | | |

Table B.10: Simple average fill rates by Member and product group, 1997

|Member |CE |OI |SG |DA |ME |EG |BV |FV |TB |FI |CO |OA |ALL |

| |Cereals |Oilseeds|Sugar |Dairy |Meat |Eggs |Beverage|Fruit & |Tobacco |Fibres |Coffee, |Other | |

| | | | | | | |s |veg. | | |etc. | | |

|Australia | | | |79 | | | | |100 | | | |90 |

|Barbados |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | | | | |n.a. |

|Brazil |100 | | | | | | |100 | | | | |100 |

|Bulgaria |5 |12 |24 |26 |46 | |- |56 |50 | |16 | |35 |

|Canada |49 |2 | |93 |100 |100 | | | | | | |82 |

|Colombia |97 |72 |74 |82 |75 | | |100 | |100 | |60 |80 |

|Costa Rica |n.a. | |n.a. |1 |19 |n.a. | |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | | |5 |

|Czech Rep. |41 |39 |82 |69 |48 | |42 |10 | | | |51 |47 |

|Ecuador |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | | | | | | | |n.a. |

|El Salvador |n.a. | |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | | | |n.a. | | | |n.a. |

|EC-15 |57 | |100 |99 |71 |43 |4 |68 | | | | |71 |

|Guatemala |71 |59 |- |13 |78 | | |88 |100 | | | |66 |

|Hungary |29 |31 |19 |26 |62 |- |14 |55 |44 | |37 | |45 |

|Iceland |64 |75 |100 |67 |26 |100 |100 |84 | | |87 |72 |70 |

|Indonesia |100 | | |100 | | | | | | | | |100 |

|Israel |100 | | |92 |67 | | |100 | | | | |89 |

|Japan |94 |57 | |58 | | | |87 | |67 | |88 |70 |

|Korea |86 |79 |50 |76 |85 |- |100 |76 | |57 |95 |42 |76 |

|Malaysia |n.a. | |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | |n.a. |n.a. | |n.a. | |n.a. |

|Mexico |n.a. | |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | | |n.a. | | |n.a. | |n.a. |

|Morocco |65 |74 |100 |100 |78 | | | | | | | |75 |

|New Zealand | | | | | | | |49 | | | |- |33 |

|Nicaragua |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | | |n.a. | | | | |n.a. |

|Norway |45 |100 |88 |53 |47 |7 |3 |75 | | |79 |63 |62 |

|Panama |100 | | |100 |50 | | |75 | | | | |89 |

|Philippines |100 | |88 | |27 | | |2 | | |100 | |45 |

|Poland |89 |n.a. |n.a. |- |75 |8 |3 |72 |29 |n.a. |58 |100 |56 |

|Romania |n.a. | | |3 |3 | |10 |- |n.a. | |n.a. | |6 |

|Slovak Rep. |63 |27 |99 |42 |51 | |71 |3 | | | |29 |46 |

|Slovenia |68 |- | |50 |13 | | |- | | | | |26 |

|South Africa |69 |83 |89 |73 |98 |- |100 |62 |73 |100 |93 | |76 |

|Switzerland |95 | | |58 |82 |82 |97 |98 | | | |100 |89 |

|Thailand |50 |50 |- |50 | | | |40 |100 |- |36 |100 |45 |

|Tunisia |100 | |100 |56 |64 | | |- | | | | |58 |

|United States |21 |100 |80 |62 |69 | | |49 |52 |- |52 | |55 |

|Venezuela |52 |64 |67 |56 |42 | | |100 | | |100 |90 |58 |

|ALL |62 |64 |70 |65 |55 |40 |36 |69 |66 |32 |59 |65 |62 |

|MEMBERS | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Table B.11: Distribution of simple average fill rates by product group, 1998

|Product category |Number of tariff quotas by fill rate category |Simple average |

| | |fill (%) |

| |0 to 20% |20 to 40% |40 to 60% |60 to 80% |80 to 100% |Total | |

|Cereals |41 |6 |2 |11 |76 |136 |65 |

|Oilseeds |19 |4 |4 |2 |42 |71 |67 |

|Sugar |9 |0 |0 |2 |18 |29 |67 |

|Dairy |26 |11 |8 |8 |60 |113 |64 |

|Meat |49 |12 |10 |11 |72 |154 |58 |

|Eggs |5 |0 |0 |1 |5 |11 |53 |

|Beverages |13 |1 |2 |1 |7 |24 |40 |

|Fruit & vegetables |59 |15 |18 |23 |134 |249 |66 |

|Tobacco |1 |1 |2 |0 |5 |9 |67 |

|Fibres |6 |0 |2 |1 |3 |12 |42 |

|Coffee, etc. |13 |4 |4 |4 |13 |38 |51 |

|Other |13 |3 |3 |2 |16 |37 |56 |

|ALL |254 |57 |55 |66 |451 |883 |62 |

Table B.12: Distribution of simple average fill rates by Member, 1998

|Member |Number of tariff quotas by fill rate category |Simple average |

| | |fill (%) |

| |0 to 20% |20 to 40% |40 to 60% |60 to 80% |80 to 100% |Total | |

|Australia |- |- |- |- |2 |2 |91 |

|Barbados |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|Brazil |- |- |- |- |1 |1 |100 |

|Bulgaria |40 |3 |4 |2 |24 |73 |40 |

|Canada |2 |1 |- |1 |16 |20 |85 |

|Colombia |10 |4 |- |1 |42 |57 |79 |

|Costa Rica |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|Czech Rep. |11 |1 |1 |4 |7 |24 |45 |

|EC-15 |9 |3 |3 |6 |21 |42 |66 |

|Ecuador |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|El Salvador |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|Guatemala |3 |- |- |1 |18 |22 |84 |

|Hungary |26 |9 |9 |7 |16 |67 |43 |

|Iceland |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|Indonesia |- |- |- |- |2 |2 |100 |

|Israel |1 |- |1 |- |10 |12 |88 |

|Japan |2 |2 |5 |1 |8 |18 |67 |

|Korea |15 |4 |3 |1 |41 |64 |70 |

|Malaysia |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|Mexico |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|Morocco |- |1 |1 |1 |11 |14 |88 |

|New Zealand |2 |- |1 |- |- |3 |27 |

|Nicaragua |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|Norway |57 |15 |13 |18 |118 |221 |65 |

|Panama |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|Philippines |7 |1 |- |- |6 |14 |50 |

|Poland |6 |1 |1 |4 |2 |14 |41 |

|Romania |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|Slovak Rep. |11 |1 |2 |5 |5 |24 |43 |

|Slovenia |10 |2 |2 |1 |5 |20 |38 |

|South Africa |13 |1 |2 |3 |34 |53 |71 |

|Switzerland |- |1 |1 |3 |22 |27 |90 |

|Thailand |11 |1 |1 |- |10 |23 |48 |

|Tunisia |7 |2 |- |2 |2 |13 |31 |

|United States |11 |4 |5 |5 |28 |53 |66 |

|Venezuela |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|ALL |254 |57 |55 |66 |451 |883 |62 |

|MEMBERS | | | | | | | |

Table B.13: Simple average fill rates by Member and product group, 1998

|Member |CE |OI |SG |DA |ME |EG |BV |FV |TB |FI |CO |OA |ALL |

| |Cereals |Oilseeds|Sugar |Dairy |Meat |Eggs |Beverage|Fruit, |Tobacco |Fibres |Coffee, |Other | |

| | | | | | | |s |veg. | | |etc. | | |

|Australia | | | |82 | | | | |100 | | | |91 |

|Barbados |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | | | | |n.a. |

|Brazil |n.a. | | | | | | |100 | | | | |100 |

|Bulgaria |2 |6 |28 |54 |55 | |2 |58 |44 | |7 | |40 |

|Canada |53 |6 | |98 |100 |100 | | | | | | |85 |

|Colombia |93 |75 |71 |100 |64 | | |100 | |100 | |58 |79 |

|Costa Rica |n.a. | |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | | |n.a. |

|Czech Rep. |51 |36 |63 |52 |47 | |37 |24 | | | |100 |45 |

|Ecuador |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | | | | | | | |n.a. |

|El Salvador |n.a. | |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | | | |n.a. | | | |n.a. |

|EC-15 |62 | |n.a. |92 |76 |n.a. |2 |64 | | | | |66 |

|Guatemala |68 |100 |- |65 |100 | | |93 |100 | | | |84 |

|Hungary |20 |35 |53 |24 |60 |- |30 |51 |45 | |30 | |43 |

|Iceland |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | | |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|Indonesia |100 | | |100 | | | | | | | | |100 |

|Israel |100 | | |89 |67 | | |100 | | | | |88 |

|Japan |92 |57 | |59 | | | |94 | |45 | |58 |67 |

|Korea |93 |67 |50 |58 |54 |- |100 |73 | |31 |80 |40 |70 |

|Malaysia |n.a. | |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | |n.a. |n.a. | |n.a. | |n.a. |

|Mexico |n.a. | |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | | |n.a. | | |n.a. | |n.a. |

|Morocco |85 |98 |100 |100 |70 | | | | | | | |88 |

|New Zealand | | | | | | | |31 | | | |19 |27 |

|Nicaragua |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | | |n.a. | | | | |n.a. |

|Norway |55 |98 |97 |54 |56 |67 |100 |74 | | |72 |52 |65 |

|Panama |n.a. | | |n.a. |n.a. | | |n.a. | | | | |n.a. |

|Philippines |100 | |100 | |33 | | |7 | | |100 | |50 |

|Poland |99 |n.a. |n.a. |- |58 |8 |2 |16 |25 |n.a. |45 |50 |41 |

|Romania |n.a. | | |n.a. |n.a. | |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | |n.a. | |n.a. |

|Slovak Rep. |30 |15 |75 |50 |50 | |51 |35 | | | |100 |43 |

|Slovenia |58 |100 | |21 |31 | | |19 | | | | |38 |

|South Africa |70 |82 |96 |40 |98 |- |75 |54 |100 |100 |93 | |71 |

|Switzerland |82 | | |61 |88 |91 |97 |96 | | | |100 |90 |

|Thailand |50 |50 |- |46 | | | |40 |100 |- |50 |100 |48 |

|Tunisia |90 | |- |43 |- | | |- | | | | |31 |

|United States |14 |100 |100 |72 |71 | | |44 |49 |33 |58 | |66 |

|Venezuela |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | | |n.a. | | |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|ALL |65 |67 |67 |64 |58 |53 |40 |66 |67 |42 |51 |56 |62 |

|MEMBERS | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Table B.14: Distribution of simple average fill rates by product group, 1999

|Product category |Number of tariff quotas by fill rate category |Simple average |

| | |fill (%) |

| |0 to 20% |20 to 40% |40 to 60% |60 to 80% |80 to 100% |Total | |

|Cereals |10 |3 |- |- |9 |22 |46 |

|Oilseeds |7 |1 |- |- |4 |12 |39 |

|Sugar |2 |- |- |1 |3 |6 |62 |

|Dairy |7 |4 |1 |4 |25 |41 |71 |

|Meat |15 |5 |6 |2 |7 |35 |38 |

|Eggs |2 |- |- |- |- |2 |0 |

|Beverages |6 |- |2 |- |1 |9 |24 |

|Fruit & vegetables |15 |8 |7 |3 |15 |48 |49 |

|Tobacco |- |2 |- |- |1 |3 |53 |

|Fibres |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|Coffee, etc. |4 |1 |1 |3 |3 |12 |50 |

|Other |1 |- |1 |- |1 |3 |49 |

|ALL |69 |24 |18 |13 |69 |193 |50 |

Table B.15: Distribution of simple average fill rates by Member, 1999

|Member |Number of tariff quotas by fill rate category |Simple average |

| | |fill (%) |

| |0 to 20% |20 to 40% |40 to 60% |60 to 80% |80 to 100% |Total | |

|Australia |- |- |- |1 |1 |2 |89 |

|Barbados |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|Brazil |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|Bulgaria |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|Canada |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|Colombia |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|Costa Rica |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|Czech Rep. |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|EC-15 |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|Ecuador |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|El Salvador |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|Guatemala |- |1 |- |- |7 |8 |91 |

|Hungary |26 |11 |8 |5 |15 |65 |41 |

|Iceland |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|Indonesia |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|Israel |1 |- |- |- |11 |12 |91 |

|Japan |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|Korea |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|Latvia |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|Malaysia |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|Mexico |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|Morocco |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|New Zealand |1 |- |1 |- |1 |3 |50 |

|Nicaragua |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|Norway |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|Panama |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|Philippines |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|Poland |11 |2 |1 |2 |3 |19 |31 |

|Romania |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|Slovak Rep. |11 |1 |5 |1 |6 |24 |44 |

|Slovenia |14 |5 |1 |- |- |20 |10 |

|South Africa |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|Switzerland |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|Thailand |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|Tunisia |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|United States |5 |4 |2 |4 |25 |40 |73 |

|Venezuela |- |- |- |- |- |- |n.a. |

|ALL |69 |24 |18 |13 |69 |193 |50 |

|MEMBERS | | | | | | | |

Table B.16: Simple average fill rates by Member and product group, 1999

|Member |CE |OI |SG |DA |ME |EG |BV |FV |TB |FI |CO |OA |ALL |

| |Cereals |Oilseeds|Sugar |Dairy |Meat |Eggs |Beverage|Fruit, |Tobacco |Fibres |Coffee, |Other | |

| | | | | | | |s |veg. | | |etc. | | |

|Australia | | | |78 | | | | |100 | | | |89 |

|Barbados |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | | | | |n.a. |

|Brazil |n.a. | | | | | | |n.a. | | | | |n.a. |

|Bulgaria |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | |n.a. | |n.a. |

|Canada |n.a. |n.a. | |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | | | | | | |n.a. |

|Colombia |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | | |n.a. | |n.a. | |n.a. |n.a. |

|Costa Rica |n.a. | |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | | |n.a. |

|Czech Rep. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | |n.a. |n.a. | | | |n.a. |n.a. |

|Ecuador |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | | | | | | | |n.a. |

|El Salvador |n.a. | |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | | | |n.a. | | | |n.a. |

|EC-15 |n.a. | |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | | | | |n.a. |

|Guatemala |86 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |100 | | |100 |n.a. | | | |91 |

|Hungary |18 |76 |93 |51 |46 |- |2 |45 |26 | |33 | |41 |

|Iceland |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | | |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|Indonesia |n.a. | | |n.a. | | | | | | | | |n.a. |

|Israel |100 | | |99 |67 | | |100 | | | | |91 |

|Japan |n.a. |n.a. | |n.a. | | | |n.a. | |n.a. | |n.a. |n.a. |

|Korea |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|Latvia |n.a. | |n.a. | | | | | | | | | |n.a. |

|Malaysia |n.a. | |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | |n.a. |n.a. | |n.a. | |n.a. |

|Mexico |n.a. | |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | | |n.a. | | |n.a. | |n.a. |

|Morocco |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | | | | | | | |n.a. |

|New Zealand | | | | | | | |51 | | | |47 |50 |

|Nicaragua |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | | |n.a. | | | | |n.a. |

|Norway |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | | |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|Panama |n.a. | | |n.a. |n.a. | | |n.a. | | | | |n.a. |

|Philippines |n.a. | |n.a. | |n.a. | | |n.a. | | |n.a. | |n.a. |

|Poland |71 |- |- |8 |39 |- |1 |11 |34 |n.a. |55 |- |31 |

|Romania |n.a. | | |n.a. |n.a. | |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | |n.a. | |n.a. |

|Slovak Rep. |44 |9 |80 |54 |49 | |51 |34 | | | |100 |44 |

|Slovenia |17 |- | |12 |8 | | |21 | | | | |10 |

|South Africa |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | |n.a. |

|Switzerland |n.a. | | |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | | | |n.a. |n.a. |

|Thailand |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | | | |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|Tunisia |n.a. | |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | | |n.a. | | | | |n.a. |

|United States |8 |100 |67 |83 |74 | | |41 |n.a. |n.a. |66 | |73 |

|Venezuela |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. | | |n.a. | | |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|ALL |46 |39 |62 |71 |38 |- |24 |49 |53 |n.a. |50 |49 |50 |

|MEMBERS | | | | | | | | | | | | | |


The Attachment is composed of three sections.

SECTION 1 – Basic data This section relates to the basic information on tariff rate quotas contained in each Member's Schedule. The following abbreviations are used for the columns:

REF a number for reference purposes from 1 (the first tariff quota in Australia) to 1371 (the last tariff quota in Venezuela);

MENO a number indicating the tariff quota for each Member. Tariff quotas have been included in the same order as in the relevant Schedules. This number can be used to see the different number of tariff quotas of each Member: from 2 in Australia, Brazil and Indonesia to 232 in Norway;

DESCRIPTION the product description of the tariff quota taken from Schedules (in the original language). Certain descriptions have been abridged;

HS the product description of the tariff quota in terms of HS classifications taken from Schedules. In cases where the transposition of Schedules into HS 96 nomenclature has been certified by the WTO, the descriptions have been updated (see Country Notes, Annex B for details). Certain descriptions have been abridged;

PRO a code representing broad product groups into which each tariff quota has been assigned (see Annex A for details of the categories);

* an "*" is used in this column to show where the final quantity is greater than the initial quantity.

INQTY the initial tariff quota quantity as shown in each Member's Schedule. In the case of acceding countries, the initial quantity may relate to a period after that of participants in the Uruguay Round;

FINQTY the final tariff quota quantity as shown in each Member's Schedule. The final quantity is greater than or equal to the initial quantity in all but five cases. These exceptions representing the phasing out of three tariff quotas in Korea and two tariff quotas affected by technical rectifications in the case of Switzerland which came into effect after the first year of implementation;

UNIT the unit in which the tariff quota is denominated in the Schedule of the Member concerned. Where no unit is indicated, the quantities shown for the tariff quota are in tonnes. In some cases, the Table MA:2 notifications have used different units from those shown in the Schedule of the Member concerned;

SECTION 2 – Tariff Quota Fill, 1995-99

This Section lists the adjusted simple average fill rates for the 1995-999 implementation years. The average percentage fill rate is measured as the imports under tariff quotas as a percentage of the notified quantity. Some Members notified all imports under tariff quotas in Table MA:2 (with the result that the percentage in this column can be well over 100%), while other Members only notified imports up to the scheduled quantity (i.e. 100% fill) even if in reality imports were above scheduled quantities. In order to put the calculation of tariff quota fill rates on an equal footing between Members, these columns adjust for cases where notified imports are greater than tariff quota quantities by setting a maximum of 100% tariff quota fill. In order that Members and product groups are assessed in a consistent manner, it is this fill measure which is used throughout SECTION 2 and in the main body of this paper. Where no information is available, this column shows "n.a." (paragraph 4 in the main body of this paper refers). Where notified imports are zero, this is indicated as 0 %.

SECTION 3 - NOTIFIED QUANTITIES AND IMPORTS under tariff quotas, 1995-99

NOTQ The quantity notified by the Member concerned in the context of its Table MA:2 notification. In a number of cases, the notified volume differs from the quantity shown in Members' Schedules (INQTY and FINQTY above), for example where tariff quotas are to increase over the implementation period. The phasing in of increases in tariff quota quantities has been treated differently by different Members. Where tariff quota quantities are to increase over the implementation period, some Members undertook the first step of that increase in 1995 while other Members considered the "initial quantity" to be the relevant quantity for the 1995 implementation year. Some of those Members that did not increase the tariff quota quantity in the 1995 implementation year increased the quantity by one-fifth of the total increase in the second year of implementation (one-ninth in the case of developing country Members), while others increased tariff quota quantities by one-sixth (one-tenth).

In addition to different methods for implementing increases in tariff quotas, notified quantities differed from scheduled quantities also in the following cases: (i) the European Communities adjusted some quantities to take into account the timing of the enlargement concerning Austria, Finland and Sweden; (ii) some Members opened tariff quotas representing quantities smaller than those in their Schedules reflecting the fact that they only became Members part of the way through their first year of implementation; (iii) some Members aggregated tariff quota commitments where more than one commitment was scheduled for the same product category. In this case, one or more tariff quotas show no Table MA:2 notification ("n.a.") while another has a NOTQ greater than the scheduled quantity reflecting the aggregation; (iv) some Members opened tariff quotas at levels lower than scheduled quantities, apparently reflecting the fact that some of the products covered by an individual commitment were allowed to be imported in unlimited quantities under applied tariffs at or below in-quota tariff rates; (v) some Members mixed units within tariff quotas (or aggregated across parts of tariff quotas) which meant some quantities could not be included in the table as they would not allow a meaningful comparison of quantities; (vi) some Members used different units for the Table MA:2 than they used in the Schedule; and (vii) some Members apparently made adjustments for other reasons, for example in the context of technical rectifications (see Country Notes, Annex B, for more details).

"n.a." has been used to signify "not available", i.e. (i) no notification has been received by the Secretariat by the cut-off date, or (ii) imports under generally-applied in-quota rates were not reported, or (iii) the data relating to the tariff quota was aggregated with another tariff quota (see Country Notes) or (iv) the country concerned was not a Member in the relevant period. In a few cases the Secretariat has supplemented the missing information with data supplied by Members within the framework of the review process undertaken by the Committee on Agriculture.

IMP The quantity notified in Table MA:2 notifications as actual imports under tariff quotas during the period in question. "n.a." has been used in the cases indicated above.

|Section 1 – Basic Data |


|Australia |

|1 |1 |Cheese |0406.10.00 |DA | |11500 |11500 | |

|2 |2 |Unmanufactured tobacco |2401.10.12 |TB | |11184 |11184 | |

|Barbados |

|3 |1 |Animal/vegetable fats and oils and cleavage products; ... |15 |OI | |3000000 |3000000 |L |

|4 |2 |Live poultry, meat and edible offal, ... chilled or frozen |0105 ex; 0207 ex |ME |* |244 |406 | |

|5 |3 |Meat of swine, fresh, chilled or frozen |0203 |ME |* |35 |59 | |

|6 |4 |Milk and cream, not concentrated nor containing added sugar … |0401 |DA |* |341 |569 | |

|7 |5 |Milk and cream concentrated or containing added sugar or … |0402 |DA |* |341 |569 | |

|8 |6 |Birds' eggs in shell, fresh excluding hatching eggs |0407 ex |EG |* |47 |78 | |

|9 |7 |Tomatoes, fresh or chilled |0702.00 |FV |* |16 |26 | |

|10 |8 |Onions, fresh or chilled |0703.10.1 |FV |* |1500 |1556 | |

|11 |9 |Shallot (eschallots) |0703.10.2 |FV |* |1 |1 | |

|12 |10 |Cabbages, fresh or chilled |0704.00.1 |FV |* |24 |40 | |

|13 |11 |Cauliflowers, fresh or chilled |0704.00.2 |FV |* |0.07 |0.11 | |

|14 |12 |Lettuce, fresh or chilled |0705.10 |FV |* |120 |200 | |

|15 |13 |Carrots |0706.00.1 |FV |* |39 |65 | |

|16 |14 |Beets, fresh or chilled |0706.00.2 |FV |* |8 |13 | |

|17 |15 |Cucumbers, fresh or chilled |0707.00.1 |FV |* |11 |19 | |

|18 |16 |String beans, shelled or unshelled, fresh or chilled |0708.00.3 |FV |* |15 |26 | |

|19 |17 |Pigeons peas, shelled or unshelled, fresh or chilled |0708.00.1 |FV |* |104 |173 | |

|20 |18 |Aubergines (egg-plant), fresh or chilled |0709.00.1 |FV |* |3 |5 | |

|21 |19 |Ochroes |0709.00.3 |FV |* |15 |24 | |

|22 |20 |Pumpkins, fresh or chilled |0709.00.4 |FV |* |13 |22 | |

|23 |21 |Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob), fresh or chilled |0709.00.5 |FV |* |8 |13 | |

|24 |22 |Sweet peppers |0709.00.6 |FV |* |2 |3 | |

|25 |23 |Other fruits of the genus Capsicum or pimenta (hot peppers) |0709.00.8 |FV |* |2 |4 | |

|26 |24 |Sweet Potatoes |0714.20 |FV |* |82 |137 | |

|27 |25 |Melons (including water melons) |0807.10 ex |FV |* |2 |3 | |

|28 |26 |Paw-Paw |0807.20 |FV |* |17 |28 | |

|29 |27 |Wheat or meslin flour |1101 |CE |* |938 |1563 | |

|30 |28 |Sausages and similar products, of meat offal or blood; … |1601 |ME |* |75 |125 | |

|31 |29 |Other prepared or preserved meat, meat offal or blood |1602 |ME |* |0.39 |1 | |

|32 |30 |Beet sugar and cane sugar, in solid form |1701 ex |SG |* |1 |2 | |

|33 |31 |Jams, jellies, marmalade, fruit puree and pastes |2007 |FV |* |67 |112 | |

|34 |32 |Orange juices concentrated |2009.10.1 |FV |* |119720 |199534 |L |

|35 |33 |Other orange juice |2009.10.9 |FV |* |135228 |225380 |L |

|36 |34 |Grapefruit juice concentrated |2009.20.1 |FV |* |8194 |13675 |L |

|37 |35 |Other grapefruit juice |2009.20.9 |FV |* |60404 |100674 |L |

|38 |36 |Aerated beverages |2202.10.1 |BV |* |182120 |303533 |L |

|Brazil |

|39 |1 |Pommes, Poires |0808.1000/2001 |FV | |10000 |10000 | |

|40 |2 |Froment (blé) dur, froment à l'exclusion du froment (blé) dur |1001.1000/9001 |CE | |750000 |750000 | |

|Bulgaria |

|41 |1 |Bovine carcases exceeding 240 kg and half-carcases exceeding … |0201.1020/20../3000 |ME | |1000 |1000 | |

|42 |2 |Other high quality boneless beef cuts … |0201.30 ex/0202.30 ex |ME | |500 |500 | |

|43 |3 |"High quality beef" … from steers (novilhos)/heifers (novilhas)... |0202 ex |ME | |1000 |1000 | |

|44 |4 |Bovine carcasses exceeding 240 kg and half-carcasses … |0202.10.20 |ME | |2000 |2000 | |

|45 |5 |Other bone-in beef cuts, frozen |0202.20.32/52 |ME | |1000 |1000 | |

|46 |6 |Other bone-in beef cuts, frozen |0202.20.31/32/51/52 |ME | |10200 |10200 | |

|47 |7 |Boneless beef cuts, frozen |0202.30.00 |ME | |4100 |4100 | |

|48 |8 |Other frozen swine carcasses and half-carcasses |0203.21.90 |ME | |306 |306 | |

|49 |9 |Frozen swine hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, bone in, with fat |0203.22.20 |ME | |18 |18 | |

|50 |10 |Frozen swine hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, with bone in |0203.22.90 |ME | |197 |197 | |

|51 |11 |Other frozen swine meat, with fat |0203.29.20 |ME | |36 |36 | |

|52 |12 |Other frozen swine meat |0203.29.90 |ME | |294 |294 | |

|53 |13 |Carcasses or half carcasses of sheep, frozen... |0204.41/42/43 |ME | |800 |800 | |

|54 |14 |Fowls, ... Gallus domesticus, not cut, frozen |0207.21.00 |ME | |200 |200 | |

|55 |15 |Turkey, not cut in pieces, frozen |0207.22.00 |ME | |300 |300 | |

|56 |16 |Frozen chicken parts and offal, other than livers |0207.41.00 |ME | |1300 |1300 | |

|57 |17 |Edible turkey cuts/offal, frozen |0207.42.00 |ME | |700 |700 | |

|58 |18 |Hams, shoulders and cuts thereof with bone in, of swine, … |0210.11.00 |ME | |500 |500 | |

|59 |19 |Bellies (streaky) and cuts thereof, of swine, … |0210.12.00 |ME | |500 |500 | |

|60 |20 |Other meat and edible meat offal, of swine, … |0210.19.00 |ME | |500 |500 | |

|61 |21 |Milk and cream in powder, ... solid forms (fat < 1.5%) |0402.10.00 |DA | |200 |200 | |

|62 |22 |Yogurt |0403.10.00 |DA | |300 |300 | |

|63 |23 |Whey and modified whey ... |0404.10.10/90 |DA | |200 |200 | |

|64 |24 |Butter and other fats and oils derived from milk |0405.00 |DA | |1500 |1500 | |

|65 |25 |Fresh (unriped/uncured) cheese, incl. whey cheese ... |0406.10/20/30 ex |DA | |3000 |3000 | |

|66 |26 |Cheese … White cheese in brine and kashkaval |0406.90.90 |DA | |400 |400 | |

|67 |27 |Seed potatoes |0701.10.00 |FV | |1800 |1800 | |

|68 |28 |Onions and shallots |0703.10.00 |FV | |500 |500 | |

|69 |29 |Dried peas |0713.10.00 |FV | |175 |175 | |

|70 |30 |Dried chickpeas (garbanzos) |0713.20.00 |FV | |300 |300 | |

|71 |31 |Dried kidney beans |0713.33.00 |FV | |720 |720 | |

|72 |32 |Other dried beans |0713.39.00 |FV | |100 |100 | |

|73 |33 |Dried broad beans and horse beans |0713.50.00 |FV | |500 |500 | |

|74 |34 |Oranges |0805.10.00 |FV | |2000 |2000 | |

|75 |35 |Mandarins (including tangerines and satsumas) |0805.20.00 |FV | |4000 |4000 | |

|76 |36 |Wheat and meslin other than durum wheat |1001.90.00 |CE | |150000 |150000 | |

|77 |37 |Barley for the brewing industry |1003.00.20 |CE | |10000 |10000 | |

|78 |38 |Barley for forage |1003.00.30 |CE | |10000 |10000 | |

|79 |39 |Maize for forage |1005.90.10 |CE | |100000 |100000 | |

|80 |40 |Semi-milled or wholly milled rice |1006.30.00 |CE | |5000 |5000 | |

|81 |41 |Wheat or meslin flour |1101.00.00 |CE | |50000 |50000 | |

|82 |42 |Oil sunflower seed, black, not for sowing... |1206.0091/92/99 |OI | |20000 |20000 | |

|83 |43 |Lard |1501.00.10 |ME | |10000 |10000 | |

|84 |44 |Other sunflower seed or safflower oil |1512.19.00 |OI | |5764 |5764 | |

|85 |45 |Sausages and similar products of meat, … |1601.00.00 |ME | |2000 |2000 | |

|86 |46 |Prepared liver |1602.20.00 |ME | |200 |200 | |

|87 |47 |Prepared swine hams and cuts thereof |1602.41 |ME | |220 |220 | |

|88 |48 |Prepared swine shoulders and cuts thereof |1602.42 |ME | |200 |200 | |

|89 |49 |Other prepared meat of swine, … and of bovine animals |1602.49/50 |ME |* |1050 |1100 | |

|90 |50 |Raw cane sugar, not containing ... |1701.11.00 |SG | |250000 |250000 | |

|91 |51 |Chewing gum, whether or not sugar coated |1704.10.00 |SG | |900 |900 | |

|92 |52 |Liquorice extract and bonbons |1704.90.10 |SG | |525 |525 | |

|93 |53 |Other sugar confectionery, not containing cocoa |1704.90.90 |SG | |1600 |1600 | |

|94 |54 |Chocolate blocks, slabs or bars > 2 kg |1806.20.10 |CO | |3500 |3500 | |

|95 |55 |Chocolate bars filled, < 2 kg |1806.31.10 |CO | |1000 |1000 | |

|96 |56 |Chocolate bars not filled, < 2 kg |1806.32.10 |CO | |150 |150 | |

|97 |57 |Other chocolate preparations (1) |1806.90.10 |CO | |800 |800 | |

|98 |58 |Other chocolate preparations (2) |1806.90.10 |CO | |440 |440 | |

|99 |59 |Other food preparations, containing cocoa |1806.90.90 |CO | |2850 |2850 | |

|100 |60 |Sweet biscuits; waffles and wafers |1905.30/90 |CO | |1300 |1300 | |

|101 |61 |Frozen prepared potatoes, packs >=1.5 kg, not retail |2004.10.00 ex |FV | |800 |800 | |

|102 |62 |Potatoes, preserved, not in vinegar, not frozen |2005.20.00 |FV | |100 |100 | |

|103 |63 |Other vegetables and mixtures of vegetables |2005.90.00 |FV | |150 |150 | |

|104 |64 |Jams, jellies - homogenized preparations |2007.10.00 |FV | |100 |100 | |

|105 |65 |Jams, jellies - other |2007.99.00 |FV | |100 |100 | |

|106 |66 |Tomato ketchup |2103.20.00 |FV | |30 |30 | |

|107 |67 |Distilling grape wine or grape marc spirits |2208.20.00 |BV | |13600 |13600 |Hl |

|108 |68 |Rum and tafia |2208.40.00 |BV | |40 |40 |Hl |

|109 |69 |Gin and Geneva |2208.50.00 |BV | |30 |30 |Hl |

|110 |70 |Tequila and mescal |2208.90.00 ex |BV | |1020 |1020 |Hl |

|111 |71 |Other distilled spirits, exc. vodka |2208.90.00 ex |BV | |5100 |5100 |Hl |

|112 |72 |Flue cured Virginia/Kentucky tobacco, not stemmed... |2401.10.10/20 |TB | |4500 |4500 | |

|113 |73 |Stemmed/stripped Virginia/Kentucky flue cured tobacco… |2401.20.10/20 |TB | |500 |500 | |

|Canada |

|114 |1 |Broiler hatching eggs and chicks |0105.11.21, 0407.00.11 |ME | |7949000 |7949000 |Dozen (Egg equivalent) |

|115 |2 |Chicken, live, meat and products |0105.92.91/93.91; |ME | |39844 |39844 |Eviscerated product basis |

| | | |0207.11.91/12.91/13.91/14.21/14.91; 0209.00.21; | | | | | |

| | | |0210.90.11; 1601.00.22; 1602.20.22/32.13/32.94 | | | | | |

|116 |3 |Turkey, live, meat and products |0105.99.11; |ME |* |4467 |5588 |Eviscerated product basis |

| | | |0207.24.11/24.91/26.11/25.91/26.10/27.11/27.91; | | | | | |

| | | |0209.00.23; 0210.90.14; 1601.00.31; | | | | | |

| | | |1602.20.32/31.12/31.93 | | | | | |

|117 |4 |Beef and veal |0201.10.10/20.10/30.10; 0202.10.10/20.10/30.10 |ME | |76409 |76409 | |

|118 |5 |Fluid milk |0401.10.10/20.10 |DA | |64500 |64500 | |

|119 |6 |Cream |0401.30.10 |DA | |394 |394 | |

|120 |7 |Concentrated/condensed milk/cream |0402.91.10/99.10 |DA | |12 |12 | |

|121 |8 |Yogurt |0403.10.10 |DA | |332 |332 | |

|122 |9 |Powdered buttermilk |0403.90.11 |DA | |908 |908 | |

|123 |10 |Dry whey |0404.10.21 |DA | |3198 |3198 | |

|124 |11 |Other products of milk constituents |0404.90.10 |DA | |4345 |4345 | |

|125 |12 |Butter and dairy spreads |0405.10.10/20.10/90.10 |DA |* |1964 |3274 | |

|126 |13 |Cheese |0406.10.10/20.11/20.91/30.10/40.10/90.11/90.21/ |DA | |20412 |20412 | |

| | | |90.31/90.41/90.51/90.61/90.71/90.81/90.91/90.93/90.| | | | | |

| | | |95/90.98 | | | | | |

|127 |14 |Other dairy |1901.90.33 |DA | |70 |70 | |

|128 |15 |Ice cream |2105.00.91 |DA |* |347 |484 | |

|129 |16 |Eggs and egg products |0407.00.18; 0408.11.10/19.10/91.10/99.10; |EG |* |12822000 |21370000 |Dozen (Egg equivalent) |

| | | |2106.90.71; 3502.11.10/19.10 | | | | | |

|130 |17 |Wheat |1001.10.10/90.10 |CE |* |136130 |226883 | |

|131 |18 |Barley |1003.00.11/00.91 |CE |* |239400 |399000 | |

|132 |19 |Wheat products |1101.00.10; 1103.11.1021.10; |CE | |123557 |123557 |Grain equivalent |

| | | |1104.19.11/29.11/30.11; 1108.11.10; 1109.00.10; | | | | | |

| | | |1901.20.13/20.23; 1902.11.11/19.11/19.91/30.11; | | | | | |

| | | |1904.10.11/20.11/20.21/90.11/90.21; | | | | | |

| | | |1905.10.11/10.21/10.31/30.11/30.91/40.11/40.91/ | | | | | |

| | | |90.13/90.15/90.21/90.23/90.41; 2302.30.10 | | | | | |

|133 |20 |Barley products |1102.90.11; 1103.19.21/29.11; 1104.11.10/21.10; |CE |* |11478 |19131 |Grain equivalent |

| | | |1107.10.11/10.91/20.11/20.91; 1108.19.11; | | | | | |

| | | |1901.90.11; 1904.10.21/20.13/20.23/90.13/90.23; | | | | | |

| | | |2302.40.11 | | | | | |

|134 |21 |Margarine |1517.10.10/90.21 |OI |* |4535 |7558 | |

|Colombia |

|135 |1 |Carne de bovino fresca |0201 |ME | |4 |4 | |

|136 |2 |Carne de bovino congelada |0202 |ME | |4 |4 | |

|137 |3 |Carne de porcino |0203 |ME | |133 |133 | |

|138 |4 |Carnes de aves sin trocear |0207 (a) |ME | |621 |621 | |

|139 |5 |Carne de aves en trozos |0207 (b) |ME | |7 |7 | |

|140 |6 |Carne y despojos comestibles |0210 |ME | |126 |126 | |

|141 |7 |Leche y nata (crema), sin concentrar … |0401 |DA | |24 |24 | |

|142 |8 |Leche y nata (crema), concentradas … |0402 |DA | |4529 |4529 | |

|143 |9 |Lactosueros |0404 |DA | |771 |771 | |

|144 |10 |Mantequilla |0405 |DA | |122 |122 | |

|145 |11 |Quesos |0406 |DA | |90 |90 | |

|146 |12 |Frijol seco |0713.31 |FV | |1534 |1534 | |

|147 |13 |Trigo y morcajo y tranquillón |1001 |CE | |692118 |692118 | |

|148 |14 |Cebada |1003 |CE | |90050 |90050 | |

|149 |15 |Maiz |1005 |CE | |25229 |25229 | |

|150 |16 |Arroz |1006 |CE | |13681 |13681 | |

|151 |17 |Sorgo para grano |1007 |CE | |28973 |28973 | |

|152 |18 |Harina de trigo o morcajo |1101.00.00 |CE | |796 |796 | |

|153 |19 |Harina de cereales, excepto de trigo/morcajo |1102 |CE | |3 |3 | |

|154 |20 |Grañones y semolas de cereales |1103 |CE | |0.01 |0.01 | |

|155 |21 |Malta, incluso tostada |1107 |CE | |49583 |49583 | |

|156 |22 |Almidón y fécula; inulina |1108 |FV | |1013 |1013 | |

|157 |23 |Habas (porotos, frijoles, fréjoles) de soja (soya) |1201 |OI | |145704 |145704 | |

|158 |24 |Maníes (cacahuetes, cacahuates) sin tostar ni cocer de otro modo |1202 |OI | |4 |4 | |

|159 |25 |Semilla de lino |1204 |OI | |42 |42 | |

|160 |26 |Semilla de nabo y colza |1205 |OI | |340 |340 | |

|161 |27 |Semillas de girasol |1206 |OI | |3 |3 | |

|162 |28 |Las demás semillas y frutos oleaginosos |1207 |OI | |35 |35 | |

|163 |29 |Harina de semillas o de frutos oleaginosos, excepto la de mostaza |1208 (c) |OI | |100 |100 | |

|164 |30 |Grasa/manteca de cerdo/ave, excepto de partidas 0209 ó 1503 |1501 |ME | |1488 |1488 | |

|165 |31 |Grasa de animales de las especies bovina, ovina o caprina … |1502 |ME | |49421 |49421 | |

|166 |32 |Estearina solar, aceite de manteca de cerdo, oleoestearina, ... |1503.00.00 |ME | |90 |90 | |

|167 |33 |Grasa y aceite de pescado o de mamíferos marinos … |1504 |ME | |13353 |13353 | |

|168 |34 |Las demás grasas y aceites de animales |1506 |ME | |13906 |13906 | |

|169 |35 |Aceite de soya y sus fracciones, … |1507 |OI | |48677 |48677 | |

|170 |36 |Aceite de maní (cacahuete, cacahuate) y sus fracciones … |1508 |OI | |44 |44 | |

|171 |37 |Aceite de palma y sus fracciones … |1511 |OI | |336 |336 | |

|172 |38 |Aceites de girasol, cártamo o algodón, y sus fracciones … |1512 |OI | |1703 |1703 | |

|173 |39 |Aceites de coco (copra), palmiste o de babasú y sus fracciones … |1513 |OI | |4161 |4161 | |

|174 |40 |Aceites de nabo (de nabina), colza o mostaza, y sus fracciones … |1514 (c) |OI | |15 |15 | |

|175 |41 |Las demás grasas y aceites vegetales fijos, … |1515 |OI | |1509 |1509 | |

|176 |42 |Grasas y aceites, animales o vegetales, … |1516 |ME | |28 |28 | |

|177 |43 |Margarina, mezclas o preparaciones alimenticias … |1517 (c) |OI | |70 |70 | |

|178 |44 |Las demás grasas y aceites animales o vegetales |1518 |OI | |5 |5 | |

|179 |45 |Acidos grasos monocarboxílicos industriales … |3823 |OI | |2433 |2433 | |

|180 |46 |Azúcar de caña o remolacha y sacarosa …sólido |1701 |SG | |39 |39 | |

|181 |47 |Los demas azucares, incl. Lactosa, maltosa, glucosa, … |1702 |SG | |3249 |3249 | |

|182 |48 |Melazas de la extracción o del refinado del azúcar |1703 |SG | |50 |50 | |

|183 |49 |Jugo de naranja |2009 |FV | |462 |462 | |

|184 |50 |Harina, polvo y pellets de carne, … |2301 |ME | |31978 |31978 | |

|185 |51 |Salvados y moyuelos de maiz y trigo |2302 |CE | |100 |100 | |

|186 |52 |Tortas y demás residuos solidos de extraccion de aceite de soya, … |2304.00.00 |OI | |3653 |3653 | |

|187 |53 |Tortas y demás residuos solidos de grasas o aceites vegetales |2306 |OI | |59 |59 | |

|188 |54 |Materias vegetales, desperdicios … de grasas/aceites vegetales, … |2308 |OA | |179 |179 | |

|189 |55 |Preparaciones … para alimentación de los animales |2309 |ME | |59 |59 | |

|190 |56 |Dextrina y demás almidones y feculas modificadas, … |3505 |OA | |402 |402 | |

|191 |57 |Algodon sin cardar ni peinar |5201 |FI | |222 |222 | |

|192 |58 |Carne de animales de la especie bovina, fresca o refrigerada. |0201 |ME |* |17187 |28969 | |

|193 |59 |Carne de animales de la especie porcina |0203 |ME |* |2755 |4705 | |

|194 |60 |Carne y despojos comestibles, de aves de la partida 0105 ... |0207.11.00 |ME |* |5712 |9940 | |

|195 |61 |Frijoles (fréjoles, porotos, alubias, judías) especies Vigna mungo … |0713.31 |FV |* |1378 |3318 | |

|196 |62 |Maiz |1005 |CE |* |0.00 |16614 | |

|197 |63 |Arroz |1006 |CE |* |39598 |75118 | |

|198 |64 |Sorgo para grano |1007 |CE |* |0.00 |3465 | |

|199 |65 |Las demás semillas y frutos oleaginosos |1207 |OI |* |35558 |59593 | |

|200 |66 |Azúcar de caña o de remolacha y sacarosa químicamente pura, sólido |1701 |SG |* |33821 |57325 | |

|201 |67 |Algodón sin cardar ni peinar |5201 |FI |* |1510 |2664 | |

|Costa Rica |

|202 |1 |Carne de cerdo |0203.11.00/12.00 ... |ME |* |368 |613 | |

|203 |2 |Aves y sus productos, … trozos … |0207.39.00/41.00 |ME |* |770 |1284 | |

|204 |3 |Aves sin trocear y grsa de ave |0207.10.00/21.00 |ME |* |385 |642 | |

|205 |4 |Leche y crema sin concentrar, … |0401 |DA |* |243 |405 | |

|206 |5 |Leche y crema concentrada, … |0402 ex |DA |* |241 |344 | |

|207 |6 |Leche evaporada |0402.91.10 |DA | |1125 |1125 | |

|208 |7 |Leche condensada |0402.99.10 |DA | |2563 |2563 | |

|209 |8 |Suero de mantequilla, ..., cuajada, ..., fermentada … |0403 |DA |* |30 |50 | |

|210 |9 |Lactosuero, incl. concentrado, ... |0404 |DA | |253 |253 | |

|211 |10 |Mantequilla y demás materias grasas de la leche |0405 |DA |* |27 |45 | |

|212 |11 |Quesos y requesón, excl. … |0406 ex. |DA |* |225 |375 | |

|213 |12 |Quesos tipo cheddar, deshidratado |0406.20.10 |DA | |55 |55 | |

|214 |13 |Otros quesos |0406.20.90 |DA | |50 |50 | |

|215 |14 |Queso de pasta verde o azulada |0406.40.00 |DA |* |0.04 |0.06 | |

|216 |15 |Los demás quesos |0406.90.00 |DA |* |30 |50 | |

|217 |16 |Huevos |0407.00.10/20 |EG |* |563 |939 | |

|218 |17 |Frijoles comunes … |0713.33.00 |FV |* |879 |1465 | |

|219 |18 |Maiz amarillo |1005.90.20 |CE | |62956 |62956 | |

|220 |19 |Maiz blanco |1005.90.30 |CE |* |3457 |5761 | |

|221 |20 |Arroz |1006.10.10/90... |CE |* |5440 |9067 | |

|222 |21 |Manteca de cerdo |1501.00.00, 1503.00.10... |ME |* |45 |75 | |

|223 |22 |Embutidos y productos similares, … |1601 0020/1020/39.00 |ME |* |90 |150 | |

|224 |23 |Preparaciones, … |1601.00.30, 1602.10.30... |ME |* |358 |597 | |

|225 |24 |Azúcar |1701.11.00, 1701.12.00... |SG |* |4619 |7699 | |

|226 |25 |Helados |2105.00.00 |DA |* |435 |725 | |

|227 |26 |Tabaco |2401.10.00/20.00... |TB |* |49 |82 | |

|228 |27 |Tejidos de yute y demás fibras textiles … |5310 |FI |* |32 |54 | |

|Czech Republic |

|229 |1 |Live bovine animals, meat of bovine animals |0102.90, 0201... |ME |* |6675 |11125 | |

|230 |2 |Live swine, meat of swine |0103.92, 0203 |ME |* |14832 |24720 | |

|231 |3 |Live sheep, meat of sheep |0104.10, 0204 ex |ME | |370 |370 | |

|232 |4 |Meat of poultry |0207.10/21... ex |ME |* |2085 |3471 | |

|233 |5 |Meat offal, salted, in brine,dried |0210.20, 0210.90 ex |ME | |410 |410 | |

|234 |6 |Milk and cream |0402.10, 0402.21 |DA |* |1146 |1910 | |

|235 |7 |Yogurt |0403.10 |DA | |6670 |6670 | |

|236 |8 |Butter |0405.00 |DA |* |1669 |2781 | |

|237 |9 |Potatoes |0701.90.10, 0701.90.90 |FV |* |25556 |33583 | |

|238 |10 |Grapes, fresh |0806.10.91, 0806.10.99 |FV |* |2358 |3930 | |

|239 |11 |Wheat starch, corn starch, potato starch |1108.11/12... |CE | |3217 |3217 | |

|240 |12 |Rape seeds |1205.00.90 |OI |* |9720 |16200 | |

|241 |13 |Sunflower seeds |1206.00.91, 1206.00.99 |OI | |1701 |1701 | |

|242 |14 |Sunflower oil |1512.11, 1512.19 |OI | |7705 |7705 | |

|243 |15 |Rape oil |1514.10, 1514.90.10 |OI |* |3694 |4750 | |

|244 |16 |Margarine, edible mixtures of fats or oils |1517.10, 1517.90 |OI | |17181 |17181 | |

|245 |17 |Glucose and glucose syrup |1702.30, 1702.40 |SG | |1422 |1422 | |

|246 |18 |Pasta |1902.11, 1902.19... |CE | |4783 |4783 | |

|247 |19 |Ice cream |2105.11 |DA |* |1289 |2075 | |

|248 |20 |Waters containing added sweetening matters |2202.10 |BV | |450946 |450946 |Hl |

|249 |21 |Wine of grapes |2204 |BV | |91905 |91905 |Hl |

|250 |22 |Undenatured ethyl alcohol (>=80% vol) |2207.10 |BV |* |15903 |26505 |Hl |

|251 |23 |Undenatured ethyl alcohol (15.5% protein... |2309.90.31/41 ex |CE | |100000 |100000 | |

|320 |43 |Preparation ... mixture of malt sprouts... >12.5% protein... |2309.90.31/41 ex |CE | |20000 |20000 | |

|321 |44 |Preparation ... animal feeding...other: containing no milk... |2309.90.31/41/51 |CE | |2800 |2800 | |

|322 |45 |Potatoes, fresh or chilled: new: (1.1 to 15.5) |0701.90.51 |FV | |4000 |4000 | |

|323 |46 |Carrots and turnips, fresh or chilled |0706.10.00 |FV | |1200 |1200 | |

|324 |47 |Other vegetables,... sweet peppers |0709.60.10 |FV | |500 |500 | |

|325 |48 |Dried onions |0712.20.00 |FV | |12000 |12000 | |

|326 |49 |Almonds, other than bitter |0802.11/12 ex |FV | |90000 |90000 | |

|327 |50 |Orange juice |2009.11.99 ex |FV | |1500 |1500 | |

|328 |51 |Boneless meat, bovine, fresh "Special or good-quality cuts" |0201.30.00, 0206.10.95 ex |ME | |11000 |11000 | |

|329 |52 |"High quality beef"...Boneless meat, fresh or chilled... |0201.30.00, 0202.30.90... ex |ME | |5000 |5000 | |

|330 |53 |Boneless meat, bovine, fresh... "High quality"... |0201../0202../0206.. ex |ME | |4000 |4000 | |

|331 |54 |Boneless meat, bovine, fresh..."High quality".. 325 kg |0201../0202../0206.. ex |ME | |300 |300 | |

|332 |55 |Meat of swine, ... (carcases and half carcases) |0203.11.10/21.10 |ME |* |0.00 |15000 | |

|333 |56 |Cuts of domestic swine, fresh, (...excluding tenderloin...) |0203.12.11/19... |ME |* |0.00 |5500 | |

|334 |57 |Meat of swine, ... loins and cuts and bellies |0203.19.13, 0203.29.15 |ME | |7000 |7000 | |

|335 |58 |Boneless loins and hams, fresh or... |0203.19.57, 0203.29.57 ex |ME |* |5667 |34000 | |

|336 |59 |Tenderloins, fresh or chilled |0203.19.57, 0203.29.57 ex |ME |* |833 |5000 | |

|337 |60 |Sausages, dry or for spreading, uncooked |1601.00.91, 1601.00.99 |ME |* |0.00 |3000 | |

|338 |61 |Preserved meat of domestic swine |1602.41.10, 1602.42.10 |ME |* |0.00 |6100 | |

|339 |62 |Chicken carcass, fresh, chilled or frozen |0207.10.11, 0207.10.15... |ME |* |0.00 |6200 | |

|340 |63 |Chicken cuts, fresh, chilled or frozen |0207.39.11/13... |ME |* |0.00 |4000 | |

|341 |64 |Poultry cuts and offal other than...bone in |0207.41.10/41... |ME | |15500 |15500 | |

|342 |65 |Poultry cuts and offal other than...bone out |0207.14.10 |ME |* |120 |700 | |

|343 |66 |Turkey meat, fresh, chilled or frozen |0207.10.31/39... |ME |* |0.00 |1000 | |

|344 |67 |Poultry cuts and offal other than...Turkeys |0207.42.10/11... |ME | |2500 |2500 | |

|345 |68 |Poultry eggs for consumption, in shell |0407.00.30 |EG |* |70301 |135000 | |

|346 |69 |Eggs yolks |0408.11../19../91../99.. |EG |* |6105 |7000 |Tons, shell egg equivalent |

|347 |70 |Egg albumin |3502.10.91/99 |EG |* |7725 |15500 |Tons, shell egg equivalent |

|348 |71 |Skimmed milk powder |0402.10.19 |DA |* |40401 |68000 | |

|349 |72 |Butter |0405.00.10/90 |DA |* |0.00 |10000 | |

|350 |73 |Emmental, including processed |0406.30.10/90.14 ex |DA |* |2934 |18400 | |

|351 |74 |Gruyere, Sbrinz, including processed |0406.30.10/90.14 ex |DA |* |734 |5200 | |

|352 |75 |Cheddar |0406.90.21 |DA |* |3000 |15000 | |

|353 |76 |Cheese for processing |0406.90.11 |DA |* |4000 |20000 | |

|354 |77 |Fresh cheese (unripened or uncured),...(Pizza) |0406.10.20 ex/10.80 |DA |* |1111 |5300 | |

|355 |78 |Other cheeses |0406.10.20, 0406.10.80... |DA |* |3494 |19500 | |

|356 |79 |Wheat |1001.10.50, 1001.90.95 ex |CE | |300000 |300000 | |

|357 |80 |Durum wheat |1001.10.50 ex |CE | |50000 |50000 | |

|358 |81 |Oats |1004.00.50 ex |CE | |21000 |21000 | |

|359 |82 |Maize |1005.90 |CE | |500000 |500000 | |

|360 |83 |Husked (brown) rice |1006.20 |CE | |20000 |20000 | |

|361 |84 |Semi-milled or wholly milled rice |1006.30 |CE | |63000 |63000 | |

|362 |85 |Worked oats, other than kibbled |1104.22.90 ex |CE | |10000 |10000 | |

|363 |86 |Grape juice (including grape must) |2009.60.11/19/51/90 |FV | |14000 |14000 | |

|364 |87 |Rum and taffia |2208.40.11/31/39/51/91/99 |BV |* |890000 |2854995 |L 100% alc. |

|Guatemala |

|365 |1 |Carne ... bovina, fresca o refrigerada |0201, 0202 |ME |* |957 |1595 | |

|366 |2 |Carne ... porcina, fresca, refrigerada, congelada |0203 |ME |* |301 |500 | |

|367 |3 |Carne y despojos comestibles de aves … |0207 |ME |* |5500 |7000 | |

|368 |4 |Leche y crema (nata), sin concentrar, … |0401, 0402... |DA |* |10434 |17890 | |

|369 |5 |Legumbres secas desvainadas |0713 |FV |* |2570 |4550 | |

|370 |6 |Uvas y pasas |0806 |FV |* |15 |25 | |

|371 |7 |Manzanas, peras y membrillos, frescos |0808 |FV |* |147 |246 | |

|372 |8 |Trigo y mocajo o tranquillón |1001, 1001.90.00 |CE | |10012 |10012 | |

|373 |9 |Los demás, trigo … |1001.90.00 |CE | |160000 |160000 | |

|374 |10 |Maiz |1005 |CE | |88670 |88670 | |

|375 |11 |Arroz |1006 |CE |* |11100 |14015 | |

|376 |12 |Sorgo para grano |1007 |CE |* |2710 |4590 | |

|377 |13 |Harina de trigo y morcajo o tranquillón |1101.00.00 |CE |* |4499 |6690 | |

|378 |14 |Habas de soya, incluso quebrantadas |1201 |OI | |1650 |1650 | |

|379 |15 |Harina de semilla o frutos oleaginosos, … |1208 |OI | |29464 |29464 | |

|380 |16 |Aceite de soja y fracciones, … |1507 |OI | |1000 |1000 | |

|381 |17 |Aceite de palma y sus fracciones, … |1511 |OI |* |85 |154 | |

|382 |18 |Aceite de girasol, cartamo, girasol, … |1512, 1512.2 |OI |* |149 |249 | |

|383 |19 |Aceite de maiz |1515.2 |OI |* |10 |17 | |

|384 |20 |Azucar de caña o remolacha, saccarosa ... |1701 |SG |* |8620 |14367 | |

|385 |21 |Tortas y demás residuos solidos … aceite de soja, … pellets |2304 |OI | |33820 |33820 | |

|386 |22 |Tabaco en rama o sin elaborar, desperdicios … |2401 to 2403 |TB |* |58 |96 | |

|Hungary |

|387 |1 |Live horses, asses, mules and hinnies |0101 |ME | |16 |16 | |

|388 |2 |Bovine animals and meat |0102, 0201, 0202, 0210.20 |ME | |13595 |13595 | |

|389 |3 |Swine |0103, 0203, 0210.11/12 |ME |* |11339 |19909 | |

|390 |4 |Sheep and goats |0104, 0204 |ME |* |26 |92 | |

|391 |5 |Poultry |0105, 0207 |ME |* |6748 |11425 | |

|392 |6 |Edible offal of bovine animals, swine |0206 |ME |* |337 |1122 | |

|393 |7 |Milk and cream |0401, 0402 |DA |* |99901 |181015 | |

|394 |8 |Sour cream, yogurt, kephir |0403 |DA |* |247 |252 | |

|395 |9 |Butter |0405 |DA | |178 |178 | |

|396 |10 |Cheese and curd |0406 |DA |* |319 |1206 | |

|397 |11 |Eggs not in shell |0408 |EG | |8 |8 | |

|398 |12 |Honey |0409 |CO | |3448 |3448 | |

|399 |13 |Potatoes, fresh or chilled |0701 |FV | |29600 |29600 | |

|400 |14 |Tomatoes |0702 |FV |* |1619 |3178 | |

|401 |15 |Onions |0703 |FV |* |1020 |2184 | |

|402 |16 |Cabbages |0704 |FV |* |914 |1524 | |

|403 |17 |Lettuce and chicory |0705 |FV |* |35 |59 | |

|404 |18 |Carrots, celeriac |0706 |FV |* |1043 |2404 | |

|405 |19 |Cucumbers |0707 |FV |* |92 |544 | |

|406 |20 |Leguminous vegetables |0708 |FV |* |4740 |7900 | |

|407 |21 |Other vegetable, fresh or chilled |0709 |FV |* |205 |209 | |

|408 |22 |Vegetables, preserved |0711 |FV |* |1750 |1785 | |

|409 |23 |Dried vegetables |0712 |FV |* |624 |636 | |

|410 |24 |Dried leguminous vegetables |0713 |FV |* |6879 |7017 | |

|411 |25 |Coconuts, cashew nuts |0801 |FV |* |221 |225 | |

|412 |26 |Almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, chestnuts |0802 |FV |* |521 |531 | |

|413 |27 |Bananas |0803 |FV |* |16744 |17079 | |

|414 |28 |Dates, figs, pineappels |0804 |FV |* |1070 |1091 | |

|415 |29 |Citrus fruit |0805 |FV |* |61921 |63159 | |

|416 |30 |Grapes |0806 |FV | |3016 |3016 | |

|417 |31 |Melons |0807 |FV |* |2933 |4931 | |

|418 |32 |Apples, pears |0808 |FV |* |3232 |10212 | |

|419 |33 |Peaches, cherries |0809 |FV |* |521 |869 | |

|420 |34 |Berries |0810 |FV | |1565 |1565 | |

|421 |35 |Fruits, provisionally preserved |0812 |FV |* |2046 |4523 | |

|422 |36 |Fruit, dried |0813 |FV |* |176 |180 | |

|423 |37 |Pepper |0904 |CO |* |2494 |2544 | |

|424 |38 |Wheat |1001, 1101 |CE |* |17551 |48623 | |

|425 |39 |Rye |1002 |CE |* |14860 |15157 | |

|426 |40 |Barley |1003 |CE | |109058 |109058 | |

|427 |41 |Maize (corn) |1005 |CE |* |116896 |222935 | |

|428 |42 |Rice |1006 |CE |* |19052 |19433 | |

|429 |43 |Cereal grains |1104 |CE |* |251 |256 | |

|430 |44 |Malt |1107 |CE |* |20749 |21164 | |

|431 |45 |Locust beans, seaweeds ..., sugar beet and sugar cane, … |1212.91/92 |CO |* |0.00 |7514 | |

|432 |46 |Sunflower-seed oil |1512 |OI |* |1098 |2600 | |

|433 |47 |Rape and mustard oil |1514 |OI | |987 |987 | |

|434 |48 |Animal or vegetable fats and oils |1516 |OI |* |1155 |1178 | |

|435 |49 |Margarine |1517 |OI |* |3899 |3977 | |

|436 |50 |Sausages and similar products |1601 |ME |* |1564 |2607 | |

|437 |51 |Prepared or preserved meat, liver, ham |1602 |ME | |1238 |1238 | |

|438 |52 |Other sugars |1702 |SG |* |556 |567 | |

|439 |53 |Sugar confectionery |1704 |SG | |2345 |2345 | |

|440 |54 |Chocolate |1806 |CO |* |212 |911 | |

|441 |55 |Paste |1902 |CO |* |406 |980 | |

|442 |56 |Vegetables preserved by vinegar |2001 |FV |* |0.00 |65 | |

|443 |57 |Tomatoes, preserved (tomato purée) |2002 |FV |* |344 |1155 | |

|444 |58 |Mushrooms, preserved |2003 |FV |* |1409 |1437 | |

|445 |59 |Vegetables, frozen |2004 |FV | |86 |86 | |

|446 |60 |Other preserved vegetables |2005 |FV | |2070 |2070 | |

|447 |61 |Fruit preserved by sugar |2006 |FV |* |176 |180 | |

|448 |62 |Jams, fruit jellies |2007 |FV |* |1046 |1067 | |

|449 |63 |Other preserved fruits |2008 |FV |* |6943 |7082 | |

|450 |64 |Fruit juices |2009 |FV |* |8338 |8505 | |

|451 |65 |Extracts, essences and concentrates of coffee, tea |2101 |CO |* |2104 |2146 | |

|452 |66 |Mineral water |2201 |BV |* |9234 |15436 |Hl |

|453 |67 |Beer |2203 |BV |* |594572 |606463 |Hl |

|454 |68 |Wine, champagne |2204 |BV | |383500 |383500 |Hl |

|455 |69 |Vermouth |2205 |BV | |6 |6 |Hl |

|456 |70 |Unmanufactured tobacco |2401 |TB | |6528 |6528 | |

|Iceland |

|457 |1 |Bones and horn-cones, unworked, … powder and waste |0506.9 |OA | |11 |11 | |

|458 |2 |Bulbs, tubers, tuberous roots, corms, crowns ... |0601.2002, 09 |OA | |66 |66 | |

|459 |3 |Other live plants (incl. their roots), ...; mushroom... |0602.1000/2000... |OA | |193 |193 | |

|460 |4 |Cut flowers and flower buds of kind suitable for ... |0603.1000/9000 |OA | |42 |42 | |

|461 |5 |Foliage, branches and other parts of plants, ... |0604.1000/9101 |OA | |300 |300 | |

|462 |6 |Potatoes, fresh or chilled |0701.1000/9000 |FV | |1575 |1575 | |

|463 |7 |Tomatoes, fresh or chilled |0702 |FV | |206 |206 | |

|464 |8 |Onions, shallots, garlic, leeks and other allaceous ... |0703.9 |FV | |56 |56 | |

|465 |9 |Cabbages, cauliflower, kohlrabi, kale and similar … |0704.1000/2000... |FV | |1116 |1116 | |

|466 |10 |Lettuce (Lactuca satuva) and chicory (Chicroium spp.), ... |0705.1100/1900 |FV | |154 |154 | |

|467 |11 |Carrots, turnips, salad beetroot, salsify, celeriac, … |0706.1000/9000 |FV | |467 |467 | |

|468 |12 |Cucumbers and gherkins, fresh or chilled |0707 |FV | |158 |158 | |

|469 |13 |Other vegetables, fresh or chilled |0709.3000/4000... |FV | |280 |280 | |

|470 |14 |Vegetables, uncooked or cooked by steaming or ... |0710.1000/4000... |FV | |530 |530 | |

|471 |15 |Vegetables, provisionally preserved .. |0711.4000/9009 |FV | |1 |1 | |

|472 |16 |Dried vegetables, whole, cut, sliced, broken or ... |0712.1000/3000.... |FV | |35 |35 | |

|473 |17 |Wheat and meslin |1001.1000/9000 |CE | |7144 |7144 | |

|474 |18 |Rye |1002 |CE | |401 |401 | |

|475 |19 |Barley |1003 |CE | |520 |520 | |

|476 |20 |Oats |1004 |CE | |199 |199 | |

|477 |21 |Maize |1005.1000/9000 |CE | |1690 |1690 | |

|478 |22 |Rice |1006.1001/1009... |CE | |503 |503 | |

|479 |23 |Buckweat, millet and |1008.1000/2000... |CE | |2 |2 | |

|480 |24 |Wheat or meslin flower |1101.0001/ 09 |CE | |9089 |9089 | |

|481 |25 |Cereal flours, other than of wheat or meslin |1102.1001/09 |CE | |973 |973 | |

|482 |26 |Cereal groats. meal and pellets groats and meal |1103.1100/1200 |CE | |12204 |12204 | |

|483 |27 |Cereal grains otherwise worked, .... |1104.1100/1201.. |CE | |10424 |10424 | |

|484 |28 |Flour, flake, granules and pellets |1105.1001/09... |FV | |68 |68 | |

|485 |29 |Flour and meal of dried leguminous vegetables .... |1106.1000/2009... |FV | |0.10 |0.1 | |

|486 |30 |Starches; inulin |1108.1109, ... |CE | |983 |983 | |

|487 |31 |Soya beans, whether or not broken |1201 |OI | |191 |191 | |

|488 |32 |Ground-nuts, not roasted or otherwise cooked, ... |1202.1000/2000 |OI | |23 |23 | |

|489 |33 |Linseed, whether or not broken |1204 |OI | |16 |16 | |

|490 |34 |Sunflower seeds, whether or not broken |1206 |OI | |22 |22 | |

|491 |35 |Other oil seeds and oleaginous fruits, … |1207.4000/5000/... |OI | |86 |86 | |

|492 |36 |Flours and meals of oil seeds or oleaginous fruits, ... |1208.1000/9000 |OI | |1 |1 | |

|493 |37 |Locust beans, seaweeds ..., sugar beet and sugar... |1212.2009/9900 |OA | |0.40 |0.4 | |

|494 |38 |Lard; other than pig fat and poultry fat, rendered, ... |1501.0009 |ME | |10 |10 | |

|495 |39 |Fats of bovine animals, sheep or goats, raw or .... |1502.0009 |ME | |7 |7 | |

|496 |40 |Wool grease and fatty substances .... |1505.1000/9000 |ME | |2 |2 | |

|497 |41 |Other animal fats and oils and their fractions, ... |1506.0009 |ME | |148 |148 | |

|498 |42 |Soya-bean oil and its fractions, ... |1507.1000/9000 |OI | |1153 |1153 | |

|499 |43 |Ground-nut oil and its fractions, ... |1508.1000/9000 |OI | |28 |28 | |

|500 |44 |Olive oil and its fractions, ... |1509.1000, 1508.9000 |OI | |16 |16 | |

|501 |45 |Other oils and their fractions, ... solely from olives etc. |1510 |OI | |0.40 |0.4 | |

|502 |46 |Palm oil and its fractions, .... |1511.90 |OI | |1 |1 | |

|503 |47 |Sunflower-seed, safflower or cotton-seed oil and fractions ... |1512.1100/1900... |OI | |157 |157 | |

|504 |48 |Coconut (cobra), palm kernel or babassu oil and fractions ... |1513.1100, 1513.1900... |OI | |338 |338 | |

|505 |49 |Rape, colza or mustard oil and fraction thereof, ... |1514.1000/9000 |OI | |572 |572 | |

|506 |50 |Other fixed vegetable fats and oils, ... jojoba oil ... |1515.1100/1900... |OI | |67 |67 | |

|507 |51 |Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their fractions, ... |1516.1002/1009... |ME | |852 |852 | |

|508 |52 |Margarine; edible mixtures or preparations … |1517.1000/9001... |OI | |34 |34 | |

|509 |53 |Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their fractions, ... |1518.0000 ex |OI | |16 |16 | |

|510 |54 |Industrial monocarboxylic fatty acids; ... |1519.1100/1200... |OI | |31 |31 | |

|511 |55 |Glycerol (glycerine), whether or not pure glycerol waters ... |1520.1000/9000 |OI | |22 |22 | |

|512 |56 |Vegetable waxes …, besswax,... |1521.1000/9000 |OI | |1 |1 | |

|513 |57 |Other prepared or preserved meat, meat offal or blood |1602.2000, 1602.3900... |ME | |0.40 |0.4 | |

|514 |58 |Cane or beet sugar and chemically pure sucrose, solid |1701.11.00/12.00... |SG | |11816 |11816 | |

|515 |59 |Other sugars, ... chemically pure lactose, maltose, glucose... |1702.1000/2000... |SG | |403 |403 | |

|516 |60 |Molasses resulting from extraction or refining of sugar |1703.1009/9009 |SG | |11 |11 | |

|517 |61 |Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa |1806.20.02, 1806.20.09 ex ... |CO | |5 |5 | |

|518 |62 |Pasta, whether or not cooked or stuffed (with meat or other ... |1902.20.09 |CE | |10 |10 | |

|519 |63 |Prepared foods ... swelling or roasting of cereals ... |1904.90.00 ex |CE | |5 |5 | |

|520 |64 |Vegetables, fruits, nuts and other edible parts of plants, ... |2001.10.00/90.09 |FV | |162 |162 | |

|521 |65 |Tomatoes prepared or preserved ... |2002.10.00/90.01... |FV | |203 |203 | |

|522 |66 |Mushrooms and truffles, prepared or preserved ... |2003.10 |FV | |1 |1 | |

|523 |67 |Other vegetables prepared or preserved otherwise ... |2004.90.00 ex |FV | |228 |228 | |

|524 |68 |Other vegetables prepared or preserved otherwise ... |2005.1000/8000... |FV | |191 |191 | |

|525 |69 |Yeasts (active or inactive); other single-cell micro-organisms..., |2102.20.01/2002... |CO | |46 |46 | |

|526 |70 |Sauces and preparations; mixed condiments ... |2103.90.09 ex |CO | |20 |20 | |

|527 |71 |Soups and broths and preparations ... homogenised... |2104.10.04/10.09... |CO | |243 |243 | |

|528 |72 |Food preparations, nes or included |2106.90.29/32 |CO | |164 |164 | |

|529 |73 |Waters, including mineral waters and aerated waters, ... |2202.90.01/09 |BV | |39 |39 | |

|530 |74 |Flours, meals and pellets, of meat or meat offal, of fish or ... |2301.20.23 |CE | |0.10 |0.1 | |

|531 |75 |Bran, sharps and other residues, ... |2302.10.00/30.00... |CE | |9079 |9079 | |

|532 |76 |Oil-cake and other solid residues, ... |2304 |OI | |1686 |1686 | |

|533 |77 |Oil-cake and other solid residues, ... |2306.90 |OI | |17 |17 | |

|534 |78 |Preparations of a kind used in animal feeding |2309.10.00/90.03... |CE | |8728 |8728 | |

|535 |79 |Casein, caseinates ... derivatives ... glues |3501.9 |DA | |13 |13 | |

|536 |80 |Meat and edible offal of bovine animals |0201, 0202... |ME |* |57 |95 | |

|537 |81 |Meat and edible offal of swine |0203, 0206... |ME |* |38 |64 | |

|538 |82 |Meat and edible offal of sheep: (Ch 2) |0204, 0206... |ME |* |207 |345 | |

|539 |83 |Meat and edible offal of sheep: (Ch 15 and 16) |1502, 1602 |ME |* |52 |86 | |

|540 |84 |Meat and edible offal of poultry: |0207, 0210 |ME |* |36 |59 | |

|541 |85 |Meat and edible offal of horses |02 |ME |* |9 |15 | |

|542 |86 |Meat and edible offal of horses: (Ch 15-23) |15-23 |ME |* |9 |15 | |

|543 |87 |Eggs |0407, 0408 |EG |* |35 |76 | |

|544 |88 |Butter |0405 |DA |* |32 |53 | |

|545 |89 |Cheese |0406 |DA |* |68 |119 | |

|546 |90 |Cheese 1905 |1905 |DA |* |0.00 |2 | |

|Indonesia |

|547 |1 |Milk and cream of fat and its products |0402.1010/2119/2900; 0403.9010; 0405.90.100 |DA | |414700 |414700 |Fresh milk equivalent |

|548 |2 |Rice |1006 ex |CE | |70000 |70000 | |

|Israel |

|549 |1 |Sheep and goats, fresh, chilled or frozen |0204 |ME |* |240 |480 | |

|550 |2 |Milk and cream concentrated … , fat < 1.5% |0402.10.00 |DA | |1200 |1200 | |

|551 |3 |Milk and cream concentrated ..., fat > 1.5% |0402.20.00 |DA |* |50 |100 | |

|552 |4 |Processed cheese |0406.30.006 |DA |* |34 |68 | |

|553 |5 |Other cheeses |0406.90.00 |DA |* |540 |1080 | |

|554 |6 |Prunes |0813.20.00 |FV | |600 |600 | |

|555 |7 |Walnuts |0802.30.00 |FV |* |100 |170 | |

|556 |8 |Wheat and meslin |1001 |CE | |450000 |450000 | |

|557 |9 |Edible fats and oils |1516.11.100 |ME |* |450 |750 | |

|558 |10 |Sweet corn |2005.80.009 |FV |* |200 |350 | |

|559 |11 |Citrus juices, concentrated |2009.10.00/20.00 |FV |* |100 |160 | |

|560 |12 |Total bovine (live, meat, offals, etc.) |0102.10.00, 0102.90.00 |ME | |37250 |37250 | |

|Japan |

|561 |1 |Skimmed milk powder (school lunch) |0402.10 ex, 0402.21 ex |DA | |7264 |7264 | |

|562 |2 |Skimmed milk powder (other purposes) |0402.10 ex, 0402.21 ex, 0402.29 ex |DA | |85878 |85878 | |

|563 |3 |Milk powder |0402.21, 0402.29 ex |DA | |0.30 |0.3 | |

|564 |4 |Evaporated milk |0402.91 ex |DA | |1585 |1585 | |

|565 |5 |Condensed milk |0402.99 ex |DA | |13 |13 | |

|566 |6 |Whey and modified whey (feeding purposes) |0404.10 ex |DA | |45000 |45000 | |

|567 |7 |Prepared whey (infant formula) |0404.10 ex, 0404.90 ex |DA | |25000 |25000 | |

|568 |8 |Butter and butteroil |0405.10 ex; 0405.90 ex |DA | |1873 |1873 | |

|569 |9 |Mineral concentrated whey |0404.10 ex |DA | |14000 |14000 | |

|570 |10 |Prepared edible fat |2106.90 ex |DA | |18977 |18977 | |

|571 |11 |Other dairy products for general use |0401.10 ex/20 ex/30 ex; 0402.91 ex; 0403.10 ex/90 |DA |* |124640 |133940 | |

| | | |ex; 0404.90 ex; 1806.20 ex/90 ex; 1901.10 ex/20 | | | | | |

| | | |ex/90 ex; 2101.12 ex/20 ex; 2106.10 ex/90 ex | | | | | |

|572 |12 |Designated dairy products for general use |0402.10 ex/21 ex/29 ex/99 ex; 0403.90 ex; 0404.10 |DA | |137202 |137202 | |

| | | |ex; 0405.10 ex/20/90 ex | | | | | |

|573 |13 |Dried leguminous vegetables |0713.10 ex/32/33 ex/39 ex/50 ex/90 ex |FV | |120000 |120000 | |

|574 |14 |Wheat, meslin, triticale and their processed products |1001.10/90 ex; 1008.90 ex; 1101.00 ex; 1102.90 ex; |CE |* |5565000 |5740000 | |

| | | |1103.11/19 ex/21/29 ex; 1104.19 ex/29 ex; 1108.11; | | | | | |

| | | |1901.20 ex/90 ex; 1904.10 ex/20 ex/90 ex; 2106.90 | | | | | |

| | | |ex | | | | | |

|575 |15 |Barley and its processed products |1003.00, 1102.90 ex, 1103.19 ex/29 ex, 1104.11/21, |CE |* |1326500 |1369000 | |

| | | |1901.20 ex/90 ex, 1904.10 ex/20 ex/90 ex, 2106.90 | | | | | |

| | | |ex | | | | | |

|576 |16 |Rice and its worked/prepared products - ST Annex 5 |1006.10/20/30/40; 1102.30; 1103.14; 1103.29 ex; |CE |* |379000 |758000 | |

| | | |1104.19 ex/29 ex; 1901.20 ex/90 ex; 1904.10 ex/20 | | | | | |

| | | |ex/90 ex; 2106.90 ex | | | | | |

|577 |17 |Starches, inulin, and their preparations |1108.12/13/14/19/20; 1901.20 ex/90 ex |CE | |157000 |157000 | |

|578 |18 |Groundnuts |1202.10 ex/20 ex |OI | |75000 |75000 | |

|579 |19 |Tubers of konnyaku |1212.99 ex |OA | |267 |267 | |

|580 |20 |Silk-worm cocoons and Raw silk |5001.00, 5002.00 ex |FI | |798 |798 | |

|Republic of Korea |

|581 |1 |Milk cows (Pure-bred breeding) |0102.10.1000/2000... |ME |* |640 |1067 |Head |

|582 |2 |Swine (Pure-bred breeding) |0103.10.0000 |ME |* |1110 |1850 |Head |

|583 |3 |Fowls of the species Gallus domesticus … |0105.11.1000/91.000 |ME | |461 |461 |Thousand birds |

|584 |4 |Meat of bovine animals ...Carcasses and half-carcasses |0201.10.00/20.000... |ME |* |123000 |225000 |r.w.e. |

|585 |5 |Meat of swine, frozen, … Carcasses and half-carcasses |0203.21.0000, 0203.22.000 |ME | |21930 |18275 | |

|586 |6 |Meat of fowls ... gallus domesticus, not cut, frozen |0207.21.0000/41.1000 |ME | |7700 |6500 | |

|587 |7 |Skim milk powder ... fat content not exceeding 1.5% |0402.10.1010/1090... |DA |* |621 |1034 | |

|588 |8 |Whole milk powder ... fat content exceeding 1.5% |0402.21.1000/9000... |DA |* |344 |573 | |

|589 |9 |Other milk and cream, (Evaporated ...) |0402.91.1000/9000... |DA |* |78 |130 | |

|590 |10 |Whey powder |0404.10.1000/9000 |DA |* |23000 |54233 | |

|591 |11 |Butter |0405.00.1000/9000 |DA |* |250 |420 | |

|592 |12 |Birds' eggs (Not in shell/Not dried) |0408.99.0000 |EG |* |11710 |19516 | |

|593 |13 |Natural honey |0409.00.0000 |CO |* |250 |420 | |

|594 |14 |Powder of bones |0506.90.2000 |OA |* |281 |468 | |

|595 |15 |Silkworm eggs |0511.99.9010 |OA |* |6 |10 |Thousand boxes |

|596 |16 |Apple trees, pear trees, peach tees, citrus trees |0602.20.1000/2000 |OA |* |87 |145 |Thousand trees |

|597 |17 |Mulberry trees |0602.99.9030 |OA |* |842 |1403 |Thousand trees |

|598 |18 |Seed potatoes |0701.10.0000 |FV |* |1138 |1898 | |

|599 |19 |Potatoes (Excluding seed potatoes) |0701.90.0000 |FV |* |11286 |18810 | |

|600 |20 |Onions (Fresh or chilled)... |0703.10.1000, 0712.20.0000 |FV |* |12369 |20645 | |

|601 |21 |Garlic (Fresh or chilled)... |0703.20; 0711.90.1000... |FV |* |8680 |14467 | |

|602 |22 |Fruits of the genus capsicum (Fresh or chilled)... |0709.60…; 0711.90.... |FV |* |4311 |7185 | |

|603 |23 |Beans (Dried /Seeds)... |0713.31.1000/9000... |FV |* |9776 |14694 | |

|604 |24 |Manioc (Fresh)... |0714.10.1000/2010 |FV | |50000 |50000 | |

|605 |25 |Manioc pellets (Dried) |0714.10.2020 |FV | |1000000 |1000000 | |

|606 |26 |Sweet potatoes (Fresh)... |0714.20.1000/2000... |FV |* |11121 |18535 | |

|607 |27 |Roots and tubers (Excl. manioc, sweet potatoes, and arrowroots) |0714.90.9000 |FV | |327 |327 | |

|608 |28 |Chestnuts (In shell /Fresh or dried)... |0802.40.1000/2000 |FV |* |1302 |2170 | |

|609 |29 |Pine-nuts (In shell /Fresh or dried)... |0802.90.1010/1020 |FV |* |32 |53 | |

|610 |30 |Oranges (Fresh or dried) |0805.10.0000 |FV |* |15000 |57017 | |

|611 |31 |Korean citrus (Fresh or dried)... |0805.20.1000/9000... |FV |* |1258 |2097 | |

|612 |32 |Jujubes (Fresh or dried) |0810.90.3000, 0813.40.2000 |FV |* |156 |260 | |

|613 |33 |Green tea, not fermented … packings < 3 Kg |0902.10.0000/20.9999 |CO |* |5 |8 | |

|614 |34 |Ginger |0910.10.0000 |CO |* |1116 |1860 | |

|615 |35 |Rye (For seed) |1002.00.0000 |CE | |1327 |1327 | |

|616 |36 |Malting barley |1003.00.1000 |CE | |30000 |30000 | |

|617 |37 |Unhulled barley... |1003.00.9010/9020... |CE |* |14150 |23582 | |

|618 |38 |Oats (For seed) |1004.00.0000 |CE | |597 |597 | |

|619 |39 |Maize (Corn /For seed)... |1005.10.0000, 0712.90.2090 |CE | |247 |247 | |

|620 |40 |Maize (Corn /For feeding)... |1005.90.1000/2000... |CE | |6102100 |6102100 | |

|621 |41 |Rice in the husk - ST-Annex 5 |1006.10.0000/20.1000.. |CE |* |51307 |205228 | |

|622 |42 |Grain sorghum (For seeds) |1007.00.0000 |CE | |14 |14 | |

|623 |43 |Buckwheat... |1008.10.0000/90.000 |CE |* |697 |1328 | |

|624 |44 |Foxtail millet (For seed) |1008.20.1000 |CE |* |0.20 |0.4 | |

|625 |45 |Other cereal flours (Excl. rice, rye, maize, wheat, and meslin flour)... |1102.90.9000, 1103.11.0000... |CE | |15 |15 | |

|626 |46 |Potatoes (Flour and meal)... |1105.10.0000/20.0000 |FV | |10 |10 | |

|627 |47 |Malt (Not roasted)... |1107.10.0000/20.1000 |CE | |40000 |40000 | |

|628 |48 |Wheat Starch... |1108.11.0000/19.90000... |CE | |227 |227 | |

|629 |49 |Potato Starch... |1108.13.0000, 3505.10.3000... |FV |* |38972 |45692 | |

|630 |50 |Manioc (Cassava ) starch |1108.14.0000 |FV | |2400 |2400 | |

|631 |51 |Sweet potatoes starch |1108.19.1000 |FV | |4376 |4376 | |

|632 |52 |Soya beans (Whether or not broken) |1201.00.0000 |OI | |1032152 |1032152 | |

|633 |53 |Groundnuts ... |1202.10.0000/20.0000... |OI | |4907 |4907 | |

|634 |54 |Sesamum seeds |1207.40.0000 |OI | |6731 |6731 | |

|635 |55 |Raw ginseng... |1211.20.1100/1210...... |CO |* |34 |57 | |

|636 |56 |Forage products (Fodder roots)... |1214.90.1000/9000... |OA |* |19280 |32133 | |

|637 |57 |Sesame oil and its fractions |1515.50.0000 |OI |* |401 |668 | |

|638 |58 |Lactose |1702.10.1000 |SG |* |5640 |9400 | |

|639 |59 |Artificial honey |1702.90.1000 |SG | |6 |6 | |

|640 |60 |Orange juice (Frozen /Concentrated)... |2009.11.1000/9000... |FV | |50000 |30000 | |

|641 |61 |Undenatured ethyl alcohol, excl. … |2207.10.90.00 |BV |* |6200 |10334 | KL |

|642 |62 |Flours, meals, and pellets, of meat or meat offal (Not edible) |2301.10.1000 |ME | |3210 |3210 | |

|643 |63 |Oil-cake and other solid residues of sesamum seeds |2306.90.1000 |OI |* |127 |212 | |

|644 |64 |Other mixed feeds (Milk substitute ...or more dairy product) |2309.90.1090 |CE |* |376 |627 | |

|645 |65 |Supplementary feeds (... inorganic substances or minerals) ... |2309.90.2010/2020... |CE |* |2503 |4171 | |

|646 |66 |Silk-worm cocoons suitable for reeling |5001.00.0000 |FI | |1143 |1143 | |

|647 |67 |White silk |5002.00.1020/1030/1040/1050 |FI | |2254 |2254 | |

|Latvia |

|648 |1 |Wheat and meslin, other |1001.90 |CE | |10000 |10000 | |

|649 |2 |Barley |1003 00 |CE | |30000 |30000 | |

|650 |3 |Oats |1004 00 |CE | |5000 |5000 | |

|651 |4 |Raw cane sugar for further processing |1701.11.101 |SG | |30000 |30000 | |

|Malaysia |

|652 |1 |Live swine, … |0103.91.000, 0103.92.000 |ME |* |17267 |28783 |Head |

|653 |2 |Meat of swine, fresh, chilled or frozen |0203.11.000, 0203.12.000... |ME |* |1036 |1727 | |

|654 |3 |Meat and edible offal, salted, dried or smoked |0210.11.100, 0210.11.900 |ME |* |942 |1569 | |

|655 |4 |Meat and edible offal, salted, dried or smoked |0210.12.000, 0210.19.100... |ME |* |753 |1256 | |

|656 |5 |Live poultry the species Gallus domesticus,... |0105.11.100 |ME |* |1399500 |2331750 |Head |

|657 |6 |Live poultry the species Gallus domesticus,... |0105.11.900, 0105.19.100... |ME |* |1116250 |1943125 |Head |

|658 |7 |Meat and edible offal of poultry, of... |0207.10.100, 0207.10.200... |ME |* |2799 |4664 | |

|659 |8 |Meat and edible offal of poultry, of... |0207.31.000, 0207.39.210... |ME |* |67 |111 | |

|660 |9 |Meat and edible offal of poultry, of… |0207.39.111/41.110 |ME |* |466 |778 | |

|661 |10 |Meat and edible offal of poultry, of… |0207.39.119/190... |ME |* |600 |1000 | |

|662 |11 |Milk and cream not concentrated nor... |0401.10.920/20.920... |DA |* |600000 |1000000 |L |

|663 |12 |Milk and cream not concentrated nor… |0401.30.292 |DA |* |90 |150000 | |

|664 |13 |Birds' eggs, in shell, fresh, preserved... |0407.00.111, 0407.00.112... |EG |* |47000000 |78500000 |Units |

|665 |14 |Hens eggs |0407.00.191 |EG |* |47000000 |78500000 |Units |

|666 |15 |Round cabbages |0704.90.110 |FV | |25812 |25812 | |

|667 |16 |Coffee beans, unroasted |0901.11.000 |CO | |9873 |9873 | |

|668 |17 |Wheat or meslin flour |1101.00.000 |CE |* |13452 |22400 | |

|669 |18 |Cane or beet sugar, in solid form |1701.91.910, 1701.91.920... |SG |* |17400 |29600 | |

|670 |19 |Unmanufactured tobacco; tobacco refuse |2401.10.100/900 |TB | |2500 |2500 | |

|Mexico |

|671 |1 |Carnes y despojos comestibles de ave |0207.10.01... |ME | |40543 |40543 | |

|672 |2 |Grasas animales … |0209.00.01, 1501.00.01... |ME | |39623 |39623 | |

|673 |3 |Leche en polvo |0402, 0402.10.01... |DA | |120000 |120000 | |

|674 |4 |Quesos duros y semi-duros … |0406, 0406.10.01... |DA | |9385 |9385 | |

|675 |5 | Los demás (papa excepto para siembra) |0701.90.99 |FV | |8340 |8340 | |

|676 |6 |Frijoles, excepto para siembra |0713.33.02 |FV | |56500 |56500 | |

|677 |7 |Trigo … |1001, 1001.10.01... |CE | |604612 |604612 | |

|678 |8 |Cebada … |1003, 1003.00.02... |CE | |4742 |4742 | |

|679 |9 |Maíz, excepto palomero y para siembra |1005.90.99 |CE | |2501000 |2501000 | |

|680 |10 |Café tostado sin descafeinar... |0901.21.01, 0901.22.01... |CO |* |12000 |20800 |Sacos |

|681 |11 |Azúcar y productos con alto contenido de azúcar |1701.11.01, 1701.11.99... |SG |* |110000 |183800 | |

|Morocco |

|682 |1 |Viande bovine |0201 à 0202 |ME |* |3000 |5000 | |

|683 |2 |Viande ovine |0204 |ME |* |2000 |3300 | |

|684 |3 |Viande blanche |0207 |ME |* |3900 |6400 | |

|685 |4 |Lait |0401.20 |DA |* |23100 |38600 | |

|686 |5 |Blé |1001 |CE | |1555340 |1555340 | |

|687 |6 |Orge |1003 |CE | |2770 |2770 | |

|688 |7 |Mais |1005 |CE | |204400 |204400 | |

|689 |8 |Riz |1006 |CE | |7200 |7200 | |

|690 |9 |Sorgho |1007 |CE | |9230 |9230 | |

|691 |10 |Graine de soja |1201 |OI | |17700 |17700 | |

|692 |11 |Graine de colza |1205 |OI | |4400 |4400 | |

|693 |12 |Huile |1507-10; 1512-18 |OI | |196110 |196110 | |

|694 |13 |Sucre |1701 |SG | |274330 |274330 | |

|695 |14 |Tourteau de colza |2306.40 |OI |* |100 |200 | |

|696 |15 |Tourteau de coton |2306.10 |OI |* |200 |400 | |

|697 |16 |Tourteau de tournesol |2306.30 |OI |* |600 |1000 | |

|New Zealand |

|698 |1 |Fresh apples |0808.10.00 |FV |* |1878 |2564 | |

|699 |2 |Fresh pears |0808.20.00 |FV |* |597 |759 | |

|700 |3 |Hop cones |1210.10.00/20.01 |OA |* |5 |8 | |

|Nicaragua |

|701 |1 |Maíz |1005.90.20/30 |CE | |193 |193 |Miles de quintales |

|702 |2 |Carne bovina |0201 y 0202 |ME |* |2 |3 |Millones de libras |

|703 |3 |Pollo |0207.10.00/31.00 |ME |* |1 |2 |Millones de libras |

|704 |4 |Leche |0401; 0402; 0403 |DA |* |8 |13 |Millones de litros |

|705 |5 |Frijol |0713.3 |FV |* |32 |53 |Miles de quintales |

|706 |6 |Arroz |1006.10.90, 1006.30.00 |CE |* |66 |110 |Miles de quintales |

|707 |7 |Sorgo |1007.00.90 |CE |* |110 |138 |Miles de quintales |

|708 |8 |Aceite |1507, 1511 y 1512.2 |OI |* |1 |2 |Millones de litros |

|709 |9 |Azúcar |1701 |SG |* |29 |48 |Toneladas cortas |

|Norway |

|710 |1 |Horses: purebred breeding animals |0101.11.00 |ME | |28 |28 | |

|711 |2 |Horses: geldings, more than 6 months |0101.19.11 |ME | |56 |56 | |

|712 |3 |Horses: other, more than 6 months |0101.19.19 |ME | |141 |141 | |

|713 |4 |Horses: other |0101.19.90 |ME | |5 |5 | |

|714 |5 |Reindeer |0106.00.10 |ME | |11 |11 | |

|715 |6 |Meat of bovine animals, frozen... |0202.20.00 |ME | |34 |34 | |

|716 |7 |Meat for promotional fairs quota |02; 16 |ME | |35 |35 | |

|717 |8 |Meat of swine, fresh, chilled or frozen... |0203.29.00 |ME | |983 |983 | |

|718 |9 |Sheepmeat quota (incl. bones) |0204.30../41../42../43.. |ME | |600 |600 | |

|719 |10 |Edible offal of bovine animals, swine, etc. ...tongues |0206.21.00 |ME | |33 |33 | |

|720 |11 |Edible swine livers, frozen |0206.41.00 |ME | |168 |168 | |

|721 |12 |Meat/edible offal of poultry ...not cut in pieces..., frozen … |0207.10.00 |ME | |145 |145 | |

|722 |13 |Meat and edible offal... not cut, frozen... turkeys |0207.22.00 |ME | |40 |40 | |

|723 |14 |Meat and edible offal... not cut, frozen... guinea fowls |0207.23.00 |ME | |80 |80 | |

|724 |15 |Other meat and edible meat offal,... of deer |0208.90.91 |ME | |25 |25 | |

|725 |16 |Other meat and edible meat offal,... of elk |0208.90.92 |ME | |100 |100 | |

|726 |17 |Game quota except elk and deer (including bones) |0208.10../90.. |ME | |250 |250 | |

|727 |18 |Pig fat free of lean meat and poultry fat (not melted out), … |0209.00.00 |ME | |957 |957 | |

|728 |19 |Meat and edible meat offal ... flours of meat ... bovine animals |0210.20.00 |ME | |3 |3 | |

|729 |20 |Milk and cream, ...fat by weight fat > 1%) |0401.20.00 |DA | |8 |8 | |

|731 |22 |Milk and cream, … (fat > 6%) |0401.30.00 |DA | |4 |4 | |

|732 |23 |Milk and cream, concentrated ... (fat content < =1.5 %) |0402.10.00 |DA | |241 |241 | |

|733 |24 |Milk and cream, concentrated... (fat > 1.5 %) … |0402.21.00 |DA | |7 |7 | |

|734 |25 |Other milk and cream, concentrated... (fat > 1.5%) |0402.29.00 |DA | |3 |3 | |

|735 |26 |Milk and cream, concentrated... in powder, … |0402.91.00 |DA | |11 |11 | |

|736 |27 |Other milk and cream concentrated... in powder ... - Other |0402.99.00 |DA | |6 |6 | |

|737 |28 |Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, yogurt etc., ... |0403.90.09 |DA | |3 |3 | |

|738 |29 |Whey, … |0404.10.00 |DA | |221 |221 | |

|739 |30 |Whey...other |0404.90.00 |DA | |8 |8 | |

|740 |31 |Butter and other fats and oils derived from milk |0405.00.00 |DA | |47 |47 | |

|741 |32 |Total cheese quota |0406 |DA | |2494 |2494 | |

|742 |33 |Birds' eggs - hens' eggs |0407.00.10 |EG | |523 |523 | |

|743 |34 |Birds' eggs - other |0407.00.90 |EG | |10 |10 | |

|744 |35 |Natural honey |0409.00.00 |CO | |192 |192 | |

|745 |36 |Other live plants- for horticultural purposes |0602.10.01 |OA | |62 |62 | |

|746 |37 |Other live plants - azalea indica |0602.30.01 |OA | |641 |641 | |

|747 |38 |Other live plants - roses, grafted or not |0602.40.00 |OA | |256 |256 | |

|748 |39 |Other live plants - other |0602.99.06 |OA | |237 |237 | |

|749 |40 |Potatoes - seed |0701.10.00 |FV | |499 |499 | |

|750 |41 |Potatoes - other |0701.90.00 |FV | |30340 |30340 | |

|751 |42 |Onions |0703.10.10 |FV | |1459 |1459 | |

|752 |43 |Shallots |0703.10.20 |FV | |29 |29 | |

|753 |44 |Leeks |0703.90.01 |FV | |607 |607 | |

|754 |45 |Other alliaceous vegetables |0703.90.09 |FV | |336 |336 | |

|755 |46 |Cabbages, cauliflowers, ... and similar ... - other |0704.90.99 |FV | |135 |135 | |

|756 |47 |Lettuce... cabbage lettuce... iceberg lettuce |0705.11.10 |FV | |95 |95 | |

|757 |48 |Lettuce... cabbage lettuce...other |0705.11.20 |FV | |12 |12 | |

|758 |49 |Lettuce...other... from 1 April to 30 November |0705.19.10 |FV | |14 |14 | |

|759 |50 |Lettuce...other ...from 1 December to 31 March |0705.19.90 |FV | |90 |90 | |

|760 |51 |Chicory except witloaf chikory 1.4-30.11 |0705.29.10 |FV | |50 |50 | |

|761 |52 |Chikory except witloaf chikory - chicory - 1.12 to 31.3 |0705.29.20 |FV | |19 |19 | |

|762 |53 |Chikory except witloaf chikory - other - 1.12 to 31.3 |0705.29.90 |FV | |23 |23 | |

|763 |54 |Carrots, turnips, salad beetroot, salsify, … and similar … |0706.10.10 |FV | |2564 |2564 | |

|764 |55 |Turnips |0706.10.20 |FV | |8 |8 | |

|765 |56 |Celeriac |0706.90.10 |FV | |49 |49 | |

|766 |57 |Radishes 1.4-30.11 |0706.90.20 |FV | |45 |45 | |

|767 |58 |Radishes 1.10-31.3 |0706.90.30 |FV | |35 |35 | |

|768 |59 |Salad beetroot |0706.90.91 |FV | |80 |80 | |

|769 |60 |Carrots, turnips, ..., fresh or chilled - Other |0706.90.99 |FV | |20 |20 | |

|770 |61 |Cucumbers and gherkins, ... - 1.4-30.11 |0707.00.19 |FV | |75 |75 | |

|771 |62 |Cucumbers and gherkins, ... - 1.12-31.3 |0707.00.99 |FV | |54 |54 | |

|772 |63 |Peas (Pisum sativum) |0708.10.00 |FV | |58 |58 | |

|773 |64 |Beans (Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp.) |0708.20.00 |FV | |30 |30 | |

|774 |65 |Celery other than celeriac |0709.40.00 |FV | |699 |699 | |

|775 |66 |Curled parsley |0709.90.30 |FV | |20 |20 | |

|776 |67 |Other vegetables, fresh or chilled - Other |0709.90.90 |FV | |610 |610 | |

|777 |68 |Potatoes ..., frozen |0710.10.00 |FV | |133 |133 | |

|778 |69 |Peas, frozen |0710.21.00 |FV | |108 |108 | |

|779 |70 |Beans, frozen |0710.22.00 |FV | |206 |206 | |

|780 |71 |Spinach, frozen |0710.30.00 |FV | |38 |38 | |

|781 |72 |Cauliflowers, frozen |0710.80.20 |FV | |80 |80 | |

|782 |73 |Carrots, frozen |0710.80.91 |FV | |47 |47 | |

|783 |74 |Onions, frozen |0710.80.92 |FV | |61 |61 | |

|784 |75 |Celery, frozen |0710.80.93 |FV | |23 |23 | |

|785 |76 |Vegetables ..., frozen: - Other |0710.80.99 |FV | |1857 |1857 | |

|786 |77 |Mixtures of vegetables ..., frozen |0710.90.00 |FV | |56 |56 | |

|787 |78 |Vegetables provisionally preserved ... - Onions |0711.10.00 |FV | |8 |8 | |

|788 |79 |Vegetables provisionally preserved ... - Other |0711.90.90 |FV | |67 |67 | |

|789 |80 |Dried potatoes |0712.10.00 |FV | |255 |255 | |

|790 |81 |Dried onions |0712.20.00 |FV | |358 |358 | |

|791 |82 |Dried vegetables, ...- Potatoes, broken or in powder |0712.90.10 |FV | |72 |72 | |

|792 |83 |Dried vegetables, ...- Other |0712.90.90 |FV | |623 |623 | |

|793 |84 |Dried peas |0713.10.00 |FV | |4046 |4046 | |

|794 |85 |Dried beans |0713.31.00 |FV | |214 |214 | |

|795 |86 |Dried, small red, beans |0713.32.00 |FV | |6 |6 | |

|796 |87 |Dried kidney beans |0713.33.00 |FV | |85 |85 | |

|797 |88 |Other dried beans |0713.39.00 |FV | |102 |102 | |

|798 |89 |Other dried vegetables |0713.90.00 |FV | |26 |26 | |

|799 |90 |Manioc, arrowroot, salep, Jerusalem artichokes, ... - Other |0714.90.00 |FV | |1 |1 | |

|800 |91 |Apples, pears and quinces, fresh: - 1.8-30.11 |0808.10.10 |FV | |750 |750 | |

|801 |92 |Apples, pears and quinces, fresh: - 1.11-30.11 |0808.10.10 |FV | |250 |250 | |

|802 |93 |Apples, pears and quinces, fresh: - 1.5-31.7 |0808.10.90 |FV | |7000 |7000 | |

|803 |94 | Pears - 11.8-30.11 |0808.20.10 |FV | |250 |250 | |

|804 |95 | Cherries - from 15 April to 30 June |0809.20.10 |FV | |297 |297 | |

|805 |96 | Cherries - from 1 July to 31 October |0809.20.20 |FV | |76 |76 | |

|806 |97 | Cherries - from 1 November to 14 April |0809.20.90 |FV | |2 |2 | |

|807 |98 | Strawberries - from 1 July to 31 October |0810.10.20 |FV | |15 |15 | |

|808 |99 | Raspberries |0810.20.10 |FV | |17 |17 | |

|809 |100 | Blackcurrants |0810.30.01 |FV | |5 |5 | |

|810 |101 | White or red currants |0810.30.02 |FV | |7 |7 | |

|811 |102 |Strawberries with sugar |0811.10.10 |FV | |444 |444 | |

|812 |103 |Strawberries - other |0811.10.90 |FV | |2254 |2254 | |

|813 |104 |Raspberries... with sugar |0811.20.10 |FV | |55 |55 | |

|814 |105 |Raspberries... other |0811.20.90 |FV | |1595 |1595 | |

|815 |106 |Cranberries with sugar |0811.90.11 |FV | |54 |54 | |

|816 |107 |Cloudberries with sugar |0811.90.12 |FV | |35 |35 | |

|817 |108 |Cranberries and cloudberries - other |0811.90.20 |FV | |766 |766 | |

|818 |109 |Other fruit and nuts... frozen, ... with sugar |0811.90.30 |FV | |5 |5 | |

|819 |110 |Other fruit and nuts... frozen, ... - Other |0811.90.90 |FV | |639 |639 | |

|820 |111 |Cherries, provisionally preserved … |0812.10.00 |FV | |17 |17 | |

|821 |112 |Strawberries, provisionally preserved... |0812.20.00 |FV | |27 |27 | |

|822 |113 |Other fruits and nuts, provisionally preserved… |0812.90.90 |FV | |31 |31 | |

|823 |114 |Fruits, dried, ... - apples |0813.30.00 |FV | |110 |110 | |

|824 |115 |Fruits, dried, ... - other |0813.40.90 |FV | |85 |85 | |

|825 |116 |Fruits, dried, ... - mixtures - other |0813.50.90 |FV | |80 |80 | |

|826 |117 |Wheat and meslin - durum wheat |1001.10.00 |CE | |11839 |11839 | |

|827 |118 |Wheat and meslin - other |1001.90.00 |CE | |239806 |239806 | |

|828 |119 |Rye |1002.00.00 |CE | |36748 |36748 | |

|829 |120 |Barley |1003.00.00 |CE | |58501 |58501 | |

|830 |121 |Oats |1004.00.00 |CE | |1129 |1129 | |

|831 |122 |Maize - seed |1005.10.00 |CE | |4394 |4394 | |

|832 |123 |Maize - other |1005.90.00 |CE | |21300 |21300 | |

|833 |124 |Grain sorghum |1007.00.00 |CE | |35032 |35032 | |

|834 |125 |Other cereals |1008.90.000 |CE | |218 |218 | |

|835 |126 |Wheat or meslin flour |1101.00.00 |CE | |1029 |1029 | |

|836 |127 |Cereal flours, ... - rye |1102.10.00 |CE | |51 |51 | |

|837 |128 |Cereal flours, ... - maize |1102.20.00 |CE | |1718 |1718 | |

|838 |129 |Cereal flours, ... -other |1102.90.00 |CE | |66 |66 | |

|839 |130 |Cereal groats ... - wheat |1103.11.00 |CE | |17 |17 | |

|840 |131 |Cereal groats ... - oats |1103.12.00 |CE | |1 |1 | |

|841 |132 |Cereal groats ... - maize |1103.13.00 |CE | |3482 |3482 | |

|842 |133 |Cereal groats ... - other |1103.19.00 |CE | |32 |32 | |

|843 |134 |Cereal pellets ... - wheat |1103.21.00 |CE | |1620 |1620 | |

|844 |135 |Cereal pellets ... - other |1103.29.00 |CE | |186 |186 | |

|845 |136 |Cereal grains ..., rolled, flaked,... - barley |1104.11.00 |CE | |10839 |10839 | |

|846 |137 |Cereal grains ..., rolled, flaked,... - oats |1104.12.00 |CE | |53 |53 | |

|847 |138 |Cereal grains ..., rolled, flaked,... - other |1104.19.00 |CE | |1961 |1961 | |

|848 |139 |Cereal grains otherwise worked ... - barley |1104.21.00 |CE | |2 |2 | |

|849 |140 |Cereal grains otherwise worked ... - oats |1104.22.00 |CE | |15 |15 | |

|850 |141 |Cereal grains otherwise worked ... - other |1104.29.00 |CE | |25 |25 | |

|851 |142 |Germ of cereals, whole, rolled, flaked or ground |1104.30.00 |CE | |1 |1 | |

|852 |143 |Flour, flake, granules and pellets - flours |1105.10.00 |CE | |78 |78 | |

|853 |144 |Flour, flake, granules and pellets - flakes, granules... |1105.20 |CE | |70 |70 | |

|854 |145 |Flour/meal of sago, roots or tubers of heading 0714 |1106.20.00 |CE | |1 |1 | |

|855 |146 |Malt - not roasted |1107.10.00 |CE | |33044 |33044 | |

|856 |147 |Malt - roasted |1107.20.00 |CE | |6025 |6025 | |

|857 |148 |Wheat starch - cont. potato starch |1108.11.01 |CE | |79 |79 | |

|858 |149 |Potato starch |1108.13.00 |FV | |221 |221 | |

|859 |150 |Other starches - cont. potato starch |1108.19.91 |FV | |5 |5 | |

|860 |151 |Rape or colza seeds, whether or not broken |1205.00.00 |OI | |8191 |8191 | |

|861 |152 |Seeds- turnips and Sweedish turnips |1209.19.10 |OA | |2 |2 | |

|862 |153 |Seeds - fodder beet seed |1209.19.20 |OA | |1 |1 | |

|863 |154 |Seeds - other |1209.19.90 |OA | |1 |1 | |

|864 |155 |Seeds - lucerne (alfalfa) seed |1209.21.00 |OA | |9 |9 | |

|865 |156 |Seeds - red clover seed |1209.22.10 |OA | |16 |16 | |

|866 |157 |Seeds - other clover |1209.22.90 |OA | |35 |35 | |

|867 |158 |Seeds - fescue seed |1209.23.00 |OA | |354 |354 | |

|868 |159 |Seeds - kentucky blue grass (Poa pratensis) seed |1209.24.00 |OA | |363 |363 | |

|869 |160 |Rye grass ... seed |1209.25.00 |OA | |970 |970 | |

|870 |161 |Timothy grass seed |1209.26.00 |OA | |5 |5 | |

|871 |162 |Bent grass (agrostis) seed |1209.29.10 |OA | |22 |22 | |

|872 |163 |Orchard grass, .. meadow/foxtail grass seed |1209.29.20 |OA | |29 |29 | |

|873 |164 |Seeds - other seeds of foliage plants |1209.29.90 |OA | |387 |387 | |

|874 |165 |Cereal straw and husks, … or in the for of pellets |1213 |OA | |91 |91 | |

|875 |166 |Lucerne (alfalfa),meal and pellets |1214.10.00 |OA | |108 |108 | |

|876 |167 |Swedes |1214.90.10 |OA | |1918 |1918 | |

|877 |168 |Hay |1214.90.91 |OA | |25500 |25500 | |

|878 |169 |Swedes, mangolds, fodder roots, hay,... other |1214.90.99 |OA | |232 |232 | |

|879 |170 |Lard; other than pig fat and poultry fat,... - lard |1501.00.10 |ME | |32 |32 | |

|880 |171 |Lard; other than pig fat and poultry fat...,- other |1501.00.90 |ME | |76 |76 | |

|881 |172 |Sausages and similar products, of meat, ... preparations … |1601.00.00 |ME | |134 |134 | |

|882 |173 |Other preserved meat - of turkeys |1602.31.00 |ME | |20 |20 | |

|883 |174 |Other preserved meat - of bovine animals |1602.50.00 |ME | |145 |145 | |

|884 |175 |Extracts and juices of meat, ... - other |1603.00.99 |ME | |75 |75 | |

|885 |176 |Glucose and glucose syrup, … |1702.30.00 |SG | |2104 |2104 | |

|886 |177 |Glucose and syrup, ... at least 20% but less than 50 % fructose |1702.40.00 |SG | |16 |16 | |

|887 |178 |Malt extract |1901.90.10 |CE | |98 |98 | |

|888 |179 |Stuffed pasta, … |1902.20.10 |CE | |3 |3 | |

|889 |180 |Cucumbers in airtight containers..., prepared |2001.10.10 |FV | |36 |36 | |

|890 |181 |Other cucumbers, ... prepared or preserved |2001.10.90 |FV | |19 |19 | |

|891 |182 |Onions in airtight containers..., prepared |2001.20.10 |FV | |2 |2 | |

|892 |183 |Other onions, ... prepared or preserved |2001.20.90 |FV | |1 |1 | |

|893 |184 |Other vegetables,... prepared or preserved |2001.90.40 |FV | |248 |248 | |

|894 |185 |Other vegetables,... prepared or preserved - Other |2001.90.90 |FV | |25 |25 | |

|895 |186 |Tomatoes, whole or in pieces - in airtight containers |2002.10.10 |FV | |2139 |2139 | |

|896 |187 |Tomatoes, whole or in pieces - other |2002.10.90 |FV | |14 |14 | |

|897 |188 |Tomatoes, other - in airtight containers |2002.90.20 |FV | |944 |944 | |

|898 |189 |Tomatoes, other - other |2002.90.90 |FV | |227 |227 | |

|899 |190 | Potatoes proepared or preserved - other than … |2004.10.09 |FV | |75 |75 | |

|900 |191 |Other vegetables and mixtures prepared |2004.90.90 |FV | |41 |41 | |

|901 |192 |Homogenised vegetables |2005.10.00 |FV | |36 |36 | |

|902 |193 |Other vegetables, composed of flour, meal or potatoe flakes … |2005.20.09 |FV | |1127 |1127 | |

|903 |194 |Sauerkraut - Prepared or preserved otherwise... |2005.30.00 |FV | |5 |5 | |

|904 |195 |Peas - Prepared or preserved otherwise... |2005.40.00 |FV | |198 |198 | |

|905 |196 |Shelled beans, prepared or preserved otherwise ... |2005.51.00 |FV | |1297 |1297 | |

|906 |197 |Other beans, prepared or preserved otherwise ... |2005.59.00 |FV | |855 |855 | |

|907 |198 |Other vegetables and mixes prepared or preserved |2005.90.00 |FV | |775 |775 | |

|908 |199 |Fruit, nuts, fruitpeel ..., preserved by sugar |2006.00.00 |FV | |135 |135 | |

|909 |200 |Jams, fruit jellies, marmalades,... - with sugar |2007.10.10 |FV | |34 |34 | |

|910 |201 |Jams, fruit jellies, marmalades,... - other |2007.10.90 |FV | |3 |3 | |

|911 |202 |Jams, fruit jellies, marmalades,... - other than citrus, with sugar |2007.99.10 |FV | |1040 |1040 | |

|912 |203 |Jams, fruit jellies, marmalades,... - other than citrus - other |2007.99.90 |FV | |108 |108 | |

|913 |204 |Fruit, nuts ... otherwise prepared or preserved...- nuts and mixtures |2008.19.00 |FV | |396 |396 | |

|914 |205 |Fruit, nuts ... otherwise prepared or preserved...- pears |2008.40.00 |FV | |1812 |1812 | |

|915 |206 |Fruit, nuts ... otherwise prepared or preserved... - cherries |2008.60.00 |FV | |63 |63 | |

|916 |207 |Fruit, nuts ... otherwise prepared or preserved...- strwberries |2008.80.00 |FV | |9 |9 | |

|917 |208 |Fruit, nuts ... otherwise prepared or preserved... - other mixtures |2008.92.00 |FV | |3764 |3764 | |

|918 |209 |Fruit, nuts ... otherwise prepared or preserved...- other |2008.99.00 |FV | |252 |252 | |

|919 |210 |Apple juice |2009.70.00 |FV | |2651 |2651 | |

|920 |211 |Blackberry juice ... added sugar or sweetening matter |2009.80.10 |FV | |10 |10 | |

|921 |212 |Blackberry juice - other |2009.80.20 |FV | |297 |297 | |

|922 |213 |Other juices |2009.80.90 |FV | |654 |654 | |

|923 |214 |Mixtures of juices |2009.90.00 |FV | |958 |958 | |

|924 |215 |Homogenised composite food preparations |2104.20.00 |CO | |7 |7 | |

|925 |216 |Other preparations for the manufacture of beverages |2106.90.30 |CO | |1113 |1113 | |

|926 |217 |Undenatured ethyl alcohol (vol. Alc >= 80%) Imports in litres |2207.10.00 |BV | |59 |59 | |

|927 |218 |Flours, meals and pellets, of meat or meat offal; greaves |2301.10.00 |ME | |469 |469 | |

|928 |219 |Bran, sharps and other residues, ... - of maize |2302.10.00 |CE | |22243 |22243 | |

|929 |220 |Bran, sharps and other residues, ... - of wheat |2302.30.00 |CE | |94 |94 | |

|930 |221 |Bran, sharps and other residues, ... - of other cereals |2302.40.00 |CE | |22 |22 | |

|931 |222 |Protein feeds for feed purposes (total quota) |1201.00.00/1000 |OI | |162235 |162235 | |

|932 |223 |Meat and edible offal of bovine animals, frozen:... |0202 |ME |* |0.00 |1084 | |

|933 |224 |Meat and edible offal of swine, frozen |0203 |ME |* |0.00 |1381 | |

|934 |225 |Meat and edible offal of sheep and goats... |0204 |ME |* |0.00 |206 | |

|935 |226 |Meat and edible offal of .. fowls |0207.21.00 |ME |* |95 |221 | |

|936 |227 |Meat and edible offal of ... turkeys |0207.22.00 |ME |* |95 |221 | |

|937 |228 |Meat and edible offal of ducks, geese and guinea fowls |0207.23.00 |ME |* |94 |221 | |

|938 |229 |Butter and other fats and oils derived from milk |0405.00.00 |DA |* |324 |575 | |

|939 |230 |Hens' eggs |0407.00.10 |EG |* |492 |1295 | |

|940 |231 |White cabbages |0704.90.11 |FV |* |0.00 |134 | |

|941 |232 |Red cabbages |0704.90.12 |FV |* |0.00 |134 | |

|Panama |

|942 |1 |Carne de cerdo |0203.11.10, 0203.11.20... |ME |* |520 |880 | |

|943 |2 |Carne de gallo o gallinas |0207.39.11, 0207.41.30 |ME |* |324 |756 | |

|944 |3 |LECHE...- Materias grasas 6 %) |0401.30.05, 0403.9004, 2103.. |DA | |366000 |366000 |L |

|1260 |4 |Ch 4.4 - Butter (butterfat > 45 %) |0401.30.50, 0403.90.74, 0405.00.20 |DA |* |3977 |6977 | |

|1261 |5 |Ch 4.4 - (Mexico) Butter, fresh or sour cream (butterfat > 45 %) |0401…/0403…/0405…/0402../2106.90… |DA | |43 |43 | |

|1262 |6 |Ch 4.5 - Dried milk, … |0402.1010; 0402.2105 |DA |* |1261 |5261 | |

|1263 |7 |Ch 4.5 - (Mexico aggregate) Dried milk |0402.10.10/21.05; 2309.90.24/44 |DA | |422 |422 | |

|1264 |8 |Ch 4.6 - Dried milk ("Dried whole milk") |0402.21.30 or 0403.90.51 |DA |* |371 |3321 | |

|1265 |9 |Ch 4.7 - Dried cream |0402.21.75 or 0403.90.61 |DA | |100 |100 | |

|1266 |10 |Ch 4.9 - Dairy mixtures (Add N8/Ch 4) |0402../0403/0404../1517../1704../1806… |DA |* |1905 |4105 | |

|1267 |11 |Ch 4.9 - (Mexico) Dairy products (Add N8/Ch 4) |0402…/0403…/0404…/1517…/1704…/1806.20… |DA | |733 |733 | |

|1268 |12 |Ch 4.10 - Evaporated, condensed milk and cream |0402.91.10/30; 0402.99.10/30... |DA |* |2857 |6857 | |

|1269 |13 |Ch 4.11 - Dried whey/buttermilk |0403.90.41, 0404.10.50 |DA | |296 |296 | |

|1270 |14 |Ch 4.12 - Butter oil substitutes (butterfat > 45 %) |0405.0060, 2106.90 .. |DA |* |3481 |6081 | |

|1271 |15 |Ch4.13 - (Mexico) Cheese |0406 |DA | |5550 |5550 | |

|1272 |16 |Ch 4.14 - NES cheeses and substitutes for cheese |0406.10…/20…/30../90 |DA |* |41435 |45703 | |

|1273 |17 |Ch 4.15 - Blue-mold cheese (except Stilton produced in UK) |0406.10../20../30../40…/61../90… |DA |* |2553 |2911 | |

|1274 |18 |Ch 4.16 - Cheddar cheese |0406.10../20…/30../90… |DA |* |7015 |14406 | |

|1275 |19 |Ch 4.17 - American-type cheese |0406.10../20…/30../90… |DA |* |3439 |3523 | |

|1276 |20 |Ch 4.18 - Edam and Gouda cheeses |0406.10.44/20.44/20.73/30.44... |DA |* |6004 |7992 | |

|1277 |21 |Ch 4.19 - Italian-type cheeses (from cow's milk) |0406.10…/20../30../90.. |DA |* |9023 |12558 | |

|1278 |22 |Ch 4.20 - Swiss Gruyere process cheese |0406.10.64/20.81/30.51/30.81/90.90 |DA |* |7538 |7855 | |

|1279 |23 |Ch 4.21 - Lowfat Cheese (butterfat 65% dry weight of sugars) |1701.91..; 1702.90..; 1704.90., 1806.. |SG | |1500 |1500 | |

|1286 |30 |Ch 17.6 - Articles (> 10% dry weight of sugars) ... |1701.91.54, 1704.90.74; 1806.20…/90... |SG | |64709 |64709 | |

|1287 |31 |Ch 17.6 - (Mexico) Articles (> 10% dry weight of sugars) … |1701.91.54, 1704.90.74; 1806.20…/90... |SG | |12791 |12791 | |

|1288 |32 |Ch 17.7 - (Mexico) Blended syrups, w/ sugars … |1702.20../30../40…/60... |SG | |1500 |1500 | |

|1289 |33 |Ch 17 - Raw cane sugar |1701.11.10 |SG | |1117195 |1117195 | |

|1290 |34 |Ch 18.1 - Cocoa powder > 10% dry weight of sugars … |1806.10.10/34/65 |CO | |2313 |2313 | |

|1291 |35 |Ch 18.2 - "Chocolate crumb" (butterfat > 5.5%) |1806.20/24; 1806.32.04/90.15 |CO |* |15468 |26168 | |

|1292 |36 |Ch 18.3 - Lowfat "Chocolate crumb" (5.5% or less) |1806.20…/32…/90.. |CO | |2123 |2123 | |

|1293 |37 |Ch 19.1 - Infant formula containing oligosaccharides, ... |1901.10.15 or 1901.10.60 |CO | |100 |100 | |

|1294 |38 |Ch 19.3 - Mixes and doughs |1901.20.30 or 1901.20.65 |CO | |5398 |5398 | |

|1295 |39 |Ch 20.5 - Peanut butter and paste |2008.11.05 |CO |* |19150 |20000 | |

|1296 |40 |Ch 20 a - Green olives, not pitted, ripe |2005.70.11 |FV | |730 |730 | |

|1297 |41 |Ch 20 b - Green olives, place-packed, stuffed |2005.70.16/21 |FV | |2700 |2700 | |

|1298 |42 |Ch 20 c - Green olives, other |2005.70.81 |FV | |550 |550 | |

|1299 |43 |Ch 20 d - Satsumas in airtight containers |2008.30.52 |FV | |40000 |40000 | |

|1300 |44 |Ch 21.4 - Mixed condiments or mixed seasonings ... |2103.90.74 |CO | |689 |689 | |

|1301 |45 |Ch 21.5 - Ice cream |2105.00.10 |DA |* |3283772 |5667846 |L |

|1302 |46 |Ch 23.2 - Animal feed containing milk/milk derivatives |2309.90.24/44 |CE | |7400 |7400 | |

|1303 |47 |Ch 24.4 - Tobacco |2401 to 2403 |TB |* |111450 |112950 | |

|1304 |48 |Ch 52.5 - (Mexico) Cotton |52 |FI | |10000 |10000 | |

|1305 |49 |Ch 52.6 - "Short Staple" cotton, ..., under 28.575 mm |5201.00.14 |FI |* |8495 |20207 | |

|1306 |50 |Ch 52.7 - Harsh or rough cotton, ..., staple length 29.36875 mm... |5201.00.24 |FI |* |900 |1400 | |

|1307 |51 |Ch 52.8 - "Medium Staple" cotton, ..., length 28.575 mm |5201.00.34 |FI |* |5200 |11500 | |

|1308 |52 |Ch 52.9 - "Long Staple" cotton, ..., length 34.925 mm |5201.00.60 |FI |* |25500 |40100 | |

|1309 |53 |Ch 52.10 - "Cotton waste" - Card strips, length < 30.1625 mm |5202.99.10 |FI |* |1835 |3335 | |

|1310 |54 |Ch 52.11 - Fibers of cotton processed but not spun |5203.00.10 |FI |* |1 |3 | |

|Venezuela |

|1311 |1 |Carne de porcino |0203 |ME | |877 |877 | |

|1312 |2 |Despojos comestibles |0206 |ME | |3937 |3937 | |

|1313 |3 |Carnes de aves sin trocear |0207 |ME | |3426 |3426 | |

|1314 |4 |Carne y despojos |0210 |ME | |9154 |9154 | |

|1315 |5 |Leche y nata (crema) sin concentrar |0401 |DA |* |11005 |18342 | |

|1316 |6 |Leche en polvo (grasa 2 kg |1806.20.10 |n.a. |n.a. |1 |0 |n.a. |

|95 |55 |Chocolate bars filled, < 2 kg |1806.31.10 |n.a. |n.a. |0 |2 |n.a. |

|96 |56 |Chocolate bars not filled, < 2 kg |1806.32.10 |n.a. |n.a. |14 |1 |n.a. |

|97 |57 |Other chocolate preparations (1) |1806.90.10 |n.a. |n.a. |0 |13 |n.a. |

|98 |58 |Other chocolate preparations (2) |1806.90.10 |n.a. |n.a. |0 |0 |n.a. |

|99 |59 |Other food preparations, containing cocoa |1806.90.90 |n.a. |n.a. |0 |1 |n.a. |

|100 |60 |Sweet biscuits; waffles and wafers |1905.30/90 |n.a. |n.a. |100 |32 |n.a. |

|101 |61 |Frozen prepared potatoes, packs >=1.5 kg, not retail |2004.10.00 ex |n.a. |n.a. |100 |100 |n.a. |

|102 |62 |Potatoes, preserved, not in vinegar, not frozen |2005.20.00 |n.a. |n.a. |100 |100 |n.a. |

|103 |63 |Other vegetables and mixtures of vegetables |2005.90.00 |n.a. |n.a. |100 |100 |n.a. |

|104 |64 |Jams, jellies - homogenized preparations |2007.10.00 |n.a. |n.a. |100 |85 |n.a. |

|105 |65 |Jams, jellies - other |2007.99.00 |n.a. |n.a. |100 |100 |n.a. |

|106 |66 |Tomato ketchup |2103.20.00 |n.a. |n.a. |0 |3 |n.a. |

|107 |67 |Distilling grape wine or grape marc spirits |2208.20.00 |n.a. |n.a. |0 |0 |n.a. |

|108 |68 |Rum and tafia |2208.40.00 |n.a. |n.a. |0 |0 |n.a. |

|109 |69 |Gin and Geneva |2208.50.00 |n.a. |n.a. |0 |0 |n.a. |

|110 |70 |Tequila and mescal |2208.90.00 ex |n.a. |n.a. |0 |0 |n.a. |

|111 |71 |Other distilled spirits, exc. vodka |2208.90.00 ex |n.a. |n.a. |0 |10 |n.a. |

|112 |72 |Flue cured Virginia/Kentucky tobacco, not stemmed... |2401.10.10/20 |n.a. |n.a. |0 |0 |n.a. |

|113 |73 |Stemmed/stripped Virginia/Kentucky flue cured tobacco… |2401.20.10/20 |n.a. |n.a. |100 |87 |n.a. |

|Canada |

|114 |1 |Broiler hatching eggs and chicks |0105.11.21, 0407.00.11 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|115 |2 |Chicken, live, meat and products |0105.92.91/93.91; 0207.11.91/12.91/13.91/14.21/14.91; |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

| | | |0209.00.21; 0210.90.11; 1601.00.22; 1602.20.22/32.13/32.94 | | | | | |

|116 |3 |Turkey, live, meat and products |0105.99.11; 0207.24.11/24.91/26.11/25.91/26.10/27.11/27.91; |100 |99 |100 |100 |n.a. |

| | | |0209.00.23; 0210.90.14; 1601.00.31; 1602.20.32/31.12/31.93 | | | | | |

|117 |4 |Beef and veal |0201.10.10/20.10/30.10; 0202.10.10/20.10/30.10 |100 |97 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|118 |5 |Fluid milk |0401.10.10/20.10 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|119 |6 |Cream |0401.30.10 |77 |80 |63 |83 |n.a. |

|120 |7 |Concentrated/condensed milk/cream |0402.91.10/99.10 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|121 |8 |Yogurt |0403.10.10 |72 |86 |88 |100 |n.a. |

|122 |9 |Powdered buttermilk |0403.90.11 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|123 |10 |Dry whey |0404.10.21 |66 |100 |83 |100 |n.a. |

|124 |11 |Other products of milk constituents |0404.90.10 |46 |67 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|125 |12 |Butter and dairy spreads |0405.10.10/20.10/90.10 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|126 |13 |Cheese |0406.10.10/20.11/20.91/30.10/40.10/90.11/90.21/90.31/90.41/90.5|100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

| | | |1/90.61/90.71/90.81/90.91/90.93/90.95/90.98 | | | | | |

|127 |14 |Other dairy |1901.90.33 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|128 |15 |Ice cream |2105.00.91 |89 |99 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|129 |16 |Eggs and egg products |0407.00.18; 0408.11.10/19.10/91.10/99.10; 2106.90.71; |98 |95 |100 |100 |n.a. |

| | | |3502.11.10/19.10 | | | | | |

|130 |17 |Wheat |1001.10.10/90.10 |18 |74 |27 |33 |n.a. |

|131 |18 |Barley |1003.00.11/00.91 |5 |7 |12 |18 |n.a. |

|132 |19 |Wheat products |1101.00.10; 1103.11.1021.10; 1104.19.11/29.11/30.11; |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

| | | |1108.11.10; 1109.00.10; 1901.20.13/20.23; | | | | | |

| | | |1902.11.11/19.11/19.91/30.11; | | | | | |

| | | |1904.10.11/20.11/20.21/90.11/90.21; | | | | | |

| | | |1905.10.11/10.21/10.31/30.11/30.91/40.11/40.91/90.13/90.15/ | | | | | |

| | | |90.21/90.23/90.41; 2302.30.10 | | | | | |

|133 |20 |Barley products |1102.90.11; 1103.19.21/29.11; 1104.11.10/21.10; |75 |70 |58 |60 |n.a. |

| | | |1107.10.11/10.91/20.11/20.91; 1108.19.11; 1901.90.11; | | | | | |

| | | |1904.10.21/20.13/20.23/90.13/90.23; 2302.40.11 | | | | | |

|134 |21 |Margarine |1517.10.10/90.21 |2 |1 |2 |6 |n.a. |

|Colombia |

|135 |1 |Carne de bovino fresca |0201 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|136 |2 |Carne de bovino congelada |0202 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|137 |3 |Carne de porcino |0203 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|138 |4 |Carnes de aves sin trocear |0207 (a) |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|139 |5 |Carne de aves en trozos |0207 (b) |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|140 |6 |Carne y despojos comestibles |0210 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|141 |7 |Leche y nata (crema), sin concentrar … |0401 |100 |100 |8 |100 |n.a. |

|142 |8 |Leche y nata (crema), concentradas … |0402 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|143 |9 |Lactosueros |0404 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|144 |10 |Mantequilla |0405 |55 |30 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|145 |11 |Quesos |0406 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|146 |12 |Frijol seco |0713.31 |32 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|147 |13 |Trigo y morcajo y tranquillón |1001 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|148 |14 |Cebada |1003 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|149 |15 |Maiz |1005 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|150 |16 |Arroz |1006 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|151 |17 |Sorgo para grano |1007 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|152 |18 |Harina de trigo o morcajo |1101.00.00 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|153 |19 |Harina de cereales, excepto de trigo/morcajo |1102 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|154 |20 |Grañones y semolas de cereales |1103 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|155 |21 |Malta, incluso tostada |1107 |58 |67 |73 |31 |n.a. |

|156 |22 |Almidón y fécula; inulina |1108 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|157 |23 |Habas (porotos, frijoles, fréjoles) de soja (soya) |1201 |88 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|158 |24 |Maníes (cacahuetes, cacahuates) sin tostar ni cocer de otro modo |1202 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|159 |25 |Semilla de lino |1204 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|160 |26 |Semilla de nabo y colza |1205 |8 |8 |11 |11 |n.a. |

|161 |27 |Semillas de girasol |1206 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|162 |28 |Las demás semillas y frutos oleaginosos |1207 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|163 |29 |Harina de semillas o de frutos oleaginosos, excepto la de mostaza |1208 (c) |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|164 |30 |Grasa/manteca de cerdo/ave, excepto de partidas 0209 ó 1503 |1501 |100 |29 |57 |27 |n.a. |

|165 |31 |Grasa de animales de las especies bovina, ovina o caprina … |1502 |33 |95 |68 |100 |n.a. |

|166 |32 |Estearina solar, aceite de manteca de cerdo, oleoestearina, ... |1503.00.00 |11 |6 |0 |11 |n.a. |

|167 |33 |Grasa y aceite de pescado o de mamíferos marinos … |1504 |61 |19 |28 |2 |n.a. |

|168 |34 |Las demás grasas y aceites de animales |1506 |100 |67 |87 |24 |n.a. |

|169 |35 |Aceite de soya y sus fracciones, … |1507 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|170 |36 |Aceite de maní (cacahuete, cacahuate) y sus fracciones … |1508 |2 |2 |5 |77 |n.a. |

|171 |37 |Aceite de palma y sus fracciones … |1511 |100 |100 |36 |34 |n.a. |

|172 |38 |Aceites de girasol, cártamo o algodón, y sus fracciones … |1512 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|173 |39 |Aceites de coco (copra), palmiste o de babasú y sus fracciones … |1513 |0 |1 |9 |0 |n.a. |

|174 |40 |Aceites de nabo (de nabina), colza o mostaza, y sus fracciones … |1514 (c) |100 |0 |7 |0 |n.a. |

|175 |41 |Las demás grasas y aceites vegetales fijos, … |1515 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|176 |42 |Grasas y aceites, animales o vegetales, … |1516 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|177 |43 |Margarina, mezclas o preparaciones alimenticias … |1517 (c) |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|178 |44 |Las demás grasas y aceites animales o vegetales |1518 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|179 |45 |Acidos grasos monocarboxílicos industriales … |3823 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|180 |46 |Azúcar de caña o remolacha y sacarosa …sólido |1701 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|181 |47 |Los demas azucares, incl. Lactosa, maltosa, glucosa, … |1702 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|182 |48 |Melazas de la extracción o del refinado del azúcar |1703 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|183 |49 |Jugo de naranja |2009 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|184 |50 |Harina, polvo y pellets de carne, … |2301 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|185 |51 |Salvados y moyuelos de maiz y trigo |2302 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|186 |52 |Tortas y demás residuos solidos de extraccion de aceite de soya, … |2304.00.00 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|187 |53 |Tortas y demás residuos solidos de grasas o aceites vegetales |2306 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|188 |54 |Materias vegetales, desperdicios … de grasas/aceites vegetales, … |2308 |100 |0 |21 |15 |n.a. |

|189 |55 |Preparaciones … para alimentación de los animales |2309 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|190 |56 |Dextrina y demás almidones y feculas modificadas, … |3505 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|191 |57 |Algodon sin cardar ni peinar |5201 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|192 |58 |Carne de animales de la especie bovina, fresca o refrigerada. |0201 |2 |9 |10 |12 |n.a. |

|193 |59 |Carne de animales de la especie porcina |0203 |100 |95 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|194 |60 |Carne y despojos comestibles, de aves de la partida 0105 ... |0207.11.00 |100 |100 |98 |18 |n.a. |

|195 |61 |Frijoles (fréjoles, porotos, alubias, judías) especies Vigna mungo … |0713.31 |n.a. |n.a. |100 |100 |n.a. |

|196 |62 |Maiz |1005 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|197 |63 |Arroz |1006 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|198 |64 |Sorgo para grano |1007 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|199 |65 |Las demás semillas y frutos oleaginosos |1207 |2 |9 |7 |10 |n.a. |

|200 |66 |Azúcar de caña o de remolacha y sacarosa químicamente pura, sólido |1701 |100 |9 |22 |12 |n.a. |

|201 |67 |Algodón sin cardar ni peinar |5201 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|Costa Rica |

|202 |1 |Carne de cerdo |0203.11.00/12.00 ... |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|203 |2 |Aves y sus productos, … trozos … |0207.39.00/41.00 |0 |0 |37 |n.a. |n.a. |

|204 |3 |Aves sin trocear y grsa de ave |0207.10.00/21.00 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|205 |4 |Leche y crema sin concentrar, … |0401 |0 |0 |0 |n.a. |n.a. |

|206 |5 |Leche y crema concentrada, … |0402 ex |0 |30 |2 |n.a. |n.a. |

|207 |6 |Leche evaporada |0402.91.10 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|208 |7 |Leche condensada |0402.99.10 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|209 |8 |Suero de mantequilla, ..., cuajada, ..., fermentada … |0403 |0 |0 |0 |n.a. |n.a. |

|210 |9 |Lactosuero, incl. concentrado, ... |0404 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|211 |10 |Mantequilla y demás materias grasas de la leche |0405 |100 |0 |0 |n.a. |n.a. |

|212 |11 |Quesos y requesón, excl. … |0406 ex. |0 |11 |2 |n.a. |n.a. |

|213 |12 |Quesos tipo cheddar, deshidratado |0406.20.10 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|214 |13 |Otros quesos |0406.20.90 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|215 |14 |Queso de pasta verde o azulada |0406.40.00 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|216 |15 |Los demás quesos |0406.90.00 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|217 |16 |Huevos |0407.00.10/20 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|218 |17 |Frijoles comunes … |0713.33.00 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|219 |18 |Maiz amarillo |1005.90.20 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|220 |19 |Maiz blanco |1005.90.30 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|221 |20 |Arroz |1006.10.10/90... |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|222 |21 |Manteca de cerdo |1501.00.00, 1503.00.10... |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|223 |22 |Embutidos y productos similares, … |1601 0020/1020/39.00 |0 |0 |0 |n.a. |n.a. |

|224 |23 |Preparaciones, … |1601.00.30, 1602.10.30... |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|225 |24 |Azúcar |1701.11.00, 1701.12.00... |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|226 |25 |Helados |2105.00.00 |11 |0 |0 |n.a. |n.a. |

|227 |26 |Tabaco |2401.10.00/20.00... |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|228 |27 |Tejidos de yute y demás fibras textiles … |5310 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|Czech Republic |

|229 |1 |Live bovine animals, meat of bovine animals |0102.90, 0201... |19 |52 |11 |61 |n.a. |

|230 |2 |Live swine, meat of swine |0103.92, 0203 |29 |34 |9 |11 |n.a. |

|231 |3 |Live sheep, meat of sheep |0104.10, 0204 ex |43 |93 |33 |63 |n.a. |

|232 |4 |Meat of poultry |0207.10/21... ex |83 |85 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|233 |5 |Meat offal, salted, in brine, dried |0210.20, 0210.90 ex |1 |0 |88 |1 |n.a. |

|234 |6 |Milk and cream |0402.10, 0402.21 |2 |3 |100 |0 |n.a. |

|235 |7 |Yogurt |0403.10 |50 |52 |50 |98 |n.a. |

|236 |8 |Butter |0405.00 |11 |16 |27 |9 |n.a. |

|237 |9 |Potatoes |0701.90.10, 0701.90.90 |100 |100 |0 |29 |n.a. |

|238 |10 |Grapes, fresh |0806.10.91, 0806.10.99 |2 |4 |20 |19 |n.a. |

|239 |11 |Wheat starch, corn starch, potato starch |1108.11/12... |97 |5 |8 |7 |n.a. |

|240 |12 |Rape seeds |1205.00.90 |15 |0 |17 |0 |n.a. |

|241 |13 |Sunflower seeds |1206.00.91, 1206.00.99 |20 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|242 |14 |Sunflower oil |1512.11, 1512.19 |42 |76 |62 |68 |n.a. |

|243 |15 |Rape oil |1514.10, 1514.90.10 |13 |1 |0 |1 |n.a. |

|244 |16 |Margarine, edible mixtures of fats or oils |1517.10, 1517.90 |16 |15 |16 |13 |n.a. |

|245 |17 |Glucose and glucose syrup |1702.30, 1702.40 |100 |100 |82 |63 |n.a. |

|246 |18 |Pasta |1902.11, 1902.19... |100 |100 |74 |95 |n.a. |

|247 |19 |Ice cream |2105.11 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|248 |20 |Waters containing added sweetening matters |2202.10 |26 |13 |6 |7 |n.a. |

|249 |21 |Wine of grapes |2204 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|250 |22 |Undenatured ethyl alcohol (>=80% vol) |2207.10 |0 |0 |0 |0 |n.a. |

|251 |23 |Undenatured ethyl alcohol (15.5% protein... |2309.90.31/41 ex |70 |39 |61 |12 |n.a. |

|320 |43 |Preparation ... mixture of malt sprouts... >12.5% protein... |2309.90.31/41 ex |0 |28 |47 |0 |n.a. |

|321 |44 |Preparation ... animal feeding...other: containing no milk... |2309.90.31/41/51 |n.a. |27 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|322 |45 |Potatoes, fresh or chilled: new: (1.1 to 15.5) |0701.90.51 |n.a. |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|323 |46 |Carrots and turnips, fresh or chilled |0706.10.00 |n.a. |32 |67 |100 |n.a. |

|324 |47 |Other vegetables,... sweet peppers |0709.60.10 |n.a. |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|325 |48 |Dried onions |0712.20.00 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|326 |49 |Almonds, other than bitter |0802.11/12 ex |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|327 |50 |Orange juice |2009.11.99 ex |34 |30 |31 |27 |n.a. |

|328 |51 |Boneless meat, bovine, fresh "Special or good-quality cuts" |0201.30.00, 0206.10.95 ex |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|329 |52 |"High quality beef"...Boneless meat, fresh or chilled... |0201.30.00, 0202.30.90... ex |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|330 |53 |Boneless meat, bovine, fresh... "High quality"... |0201../0202../0206.. ex |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|331 |54 |Boneless meat, bovine, fresh..."High quality".. 325 kg |0201../0202../0206.. ex |96 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|332 |55 |Meat of swine, ... (carcases and half carcases) |0203.11.10/21.10 |n.a. |0 |0 |n.a. |n.a. |

|333 |56 |Cuts of domestic swine, fresh, (...excluding tenderloin...) |0203.12.11/19... |n.a. |22 |14 |n.a. |n.a. |

|334 |57 |Meat of swine, ... loins and cuts and bellies |0203.19.13, 0203.29.15 |37 |91 |72 |47 |n.a. |

|335 |58 |Boneless loins and hams, fresh or... |0203.19.57, 0203.29.57 ex |41 |39 |31 |n.a. |n.a. |

|336 |59 |Tenderloins, fresh or chilled |0203.19.57, 0203.29.57 ex |100 |100 |31 |n.a. |n.a. |

|337 |60 |Sausages, dry or for spreading, uncooked |1601.00.91, 1601.00.99 |n.a. |13 |21 |n.a. |n.a. |

|338 |61 |Preserved meat of domestic swine |1602.41.10, 1602.42.10 |n.a. |5 |7 |n.a. |n.a. |

|339 |62 |Chicken carcass, fresh, chilled or frozen |0207.10.11, 0207.10.15... |n.a. |75 |5 |n.a. |n.a. |

|340 |63 |Chicken cuts, fresh, chilled or frozen |0207.39.11/13... |n.a. |100 |75 |n.a. |n.a. |

|341 |64 |Poultry cuts and offal other than...bone in |0207.41.10/41... |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|342 |65 |Poultry cuts and offal other than...bone out |0207.14.10 |n.a. |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|343 |66 |Turkey meat, fresh, chilled or frozen |0207.10.31/39... |n.a. |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|344 |67 |Poultry cuts and offal other than...Turkeys |0207.42.10/11... |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|345 |68 |Poultry eggs for consumption, in shell |0407.00.30 |0 |1 |0 |n.a. |n.a. |

|346 |69 |Eggs yolks |0408.11../19../91../99.. |100 |100 |89 |n.a. |n.a. |

|347 |70 |Egg albumin |3502.10.91/99 |32 |46 |40 |n.a. |n.a. |

|348 |71 |Skimmed milk powder |0402.10.19 |100 |99 |99 |n.a. |n.a. |

|349 |72 |Butter |0405.00.10/90 |n.a. |100 |99 |n.a. |n.a. |

|350 |73 |Emmental, including processed |0406.30.10/90.14 ex |100 |100 |99 |n.a. |n.a. |

|351 |74 |Gruyere, Sbrinz, including processed |0406.30.10/90.14 ex |99 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|352 |75 |Cheddar |0406.90.21 |100 |99 |99 |n.a. |n.a. |

|353 |76 |Cheese for processing |0406.90.11 |100 |100 |99 |n.a. |n.a. |

|354 |77 |Fresh cheese (unripened or uncured),...(Pizza) |0406.10.20 ex/10.80 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|355 |78 |Other cheeses |0406.10.20, 0406.10.80... |100 |99 |99 |n.a. |n.a. |

|356 |79 |Wheat |1001.10.50, 1001.90.95 ex |100 |100 |21 |100 |n.a. |

|357 |80 |Durum wheat |1001.10.50 ex |n.a. |86 |0 |n.a. |n.a. |

|358 |81 |Oats |1004.00.50 ex |n.a. |5 |10 |n.a. |n.a. |

|359 |82 |Maize |1005.90 |100 |100 |98 |n.a. |n.a. |

|360 |83 |Husked (brown) rice |1006.20 |n.a. |62 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|361 |84 |Semi-milled or wholly milled rice |1006.30 |n.a. |39 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|362 |85 |Worked oats, other than kibbled |1104.22.90 ex |n.a. |18 |26 |n.a. |n.a. |

|363 |86 |Grape juice (including grape must) |2009.60.11/19/51/90 |n.a. |n.a. |12 |4 |n.a. |

|364 |87 |Rum and taffia |2208.40.11/31/39/51/91/99 |n.a. |n.a. |4 |2 |n.a. |

|Guatemala |

|365 |1 |Carne ... bovina, fresca o refrigerada |0201, 0202 |35 |63 |34 |100 |100 |

|366 |2 |Carne ... porcina, fresca, refrigerada, congelada |0203 |100 |88 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|367 |3 |Carne y despojos comestibles de aves … |0207 |77 |53 |100 |100 |100 |

|368 |4 |Leche y crema (nata), sin concentrar, … |0401, 0402... |100 |26 |13 |65 |n.a. |

|369 |5 |Legumbres secas desvainadas |0713 |57 |86 |65 |80 |n.a. |

|370 |6 |Uvas y pasas |0806 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|371 |7 |Manzanas, peras y membrillos, frescos |0808 |100 |100 |100 |100 |100 |

|372 |8 |Trigo y mocajo o tranquillón |1001, 1001.90.00 |0 |36 |100 |100 |100 |

|373 |9 |Los demás, trigo … |1001.90.00 |100 |100 |100 |100 |100 |

|374 |10 |Maiz |1005 |100 |100 |100 |100 |100 |

|375 |11 |Arroz |1006 |100 |100 |100 |100 |100 |

|376 |12 |Sorgo para grano |1007 |3 |3 |3 |5 |n.a. |

|377 |13 |Harina de trigo y morcajo o tranquillón |1101.00.00 |1 |4 |24 |0 |29 |

|378 |14 |Habas de soya, incluso quebrantadas |1201 |22 |20 |7 |100 |n.a. |

|379 |15 |Harina de semilla o frutos oleaginosos, … |1208 |13 |3 |2 |100 |n.a. |

|380 |16 |Aceite de soja y fracciones, … |1507 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|381 |17 |Aceite de palma y sus fracciones, … |1511 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|382 |18 |Aceite de girasol, cartamo, girasol, … |1512, 1512.2 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|383 |19 |Aceite de maiz |1515.2 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|384 |20 |Azucar de caña o remolacha, saccarosa ... |1701 |0 |0 |0 |0 |n.a. |

|385 |21 |Tortas y demás residuos solidos … aceite de soja, … pellets |2304 |100 |100 |1 |100 |n.a. |

|386 |22 |Tabaco en rama o sin elaborar, desperdicios … |2401 to 2403 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|Hungary |

|387 |1 |Live horses, asses, mules and hinnies |0101 |0 |3 |50 |16 |56 |

|388 |2 |Bovine animals and meat |0102, 0201, 0202, 0210.20 |100 |13 |93 |86 |23 |

|389 |3 |Swine |0103, 0203, 0210.11/12 |7 |40 |100 |100 |54 |

|390 |4 |Sheep and goats |0104, 0204 |0 |100 |94 |100 |100 |

|391 |5 |Poultry |0105, 0207 |4 |6 |17 |54 |8 |

|392 |6 |Edible offal of bovine animals, swine |0206 |100 |93 |99 |100 |100 |

|393 |7 |Milk and cream |0401, 0402 |5 |20 |2 |3 |3 |

|394 |8 |Sour cream, yogurt, kephir |0403 |50 |50 |0 |5 |29 |

|395 |9 |Butter |0405 |50 |25 |84 |72 |99 |

|396 |10 |Cheese and curd |0406 |50 |51 |18 |14 |74 |

|397 |11 |Eggs not in shell |0408 |50 |0 |0 |0 |0 |

|398 |12 |Honey |0409 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |

|399 |13 |Potatoes, fresh or chilled |0701 |100 |39 |19 |43 |11 |

|400 |14 |Tomatoes |0702 |100 |91 |46 |96 |100 |

|401 |15 |Onions |0703 |47 |15 |99 |92 |16 |

|402 |16 |Cabbages |0704 |100 |95 |75 |85 |71 |

|403 |17 |Lettuce and chicory |0705 |100 |85 |58 |63 |57 |

|404 |18 |Carrots, celeriac |0706 |100 |93 |100 |48 |48 |

|405 |19 |Cucumbers |0707 |100 |92 |100 |96 |96 |

|406 |20 |Leguminous vegetables |0708 |10 |1 |4 |0 |2 |

|407 |21 |Other vegetable, fresh or chilled |0709 |100 |98 |96 |78 |n.a. |

|408 |22 |Vegetables, preserved |0711 |5 |0 |0 |4 |2 |

|409 |23 |Dried vegetables |0712 |41 |31 |43 |37 |35 |

|410 |24 |Dried leguminous vegetables |0713 |61 |68 |31 |13 |12 |

|411 |25 |Coconuts, cashew nuts |0801 |52 |56 |14 |17 |7 |

|412 |26 |Almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, chestnuts |0802 |50 |58 |47 |2 |15 |

|413 |27 |Bananas |0803 |95 |95 |100 |100 |97 |

|414 |28 |Dates, figs, pineappels |0804 |78 |89 |68 |32 |21 |

|415 |29 |Citrus fruit |0805 |65 |93 |6 |5 |4 |

|416 |30 |Grapes |0806 |100 |98 |50 |46 |85 |

|417 |31 |Melons |0807 |69 |58 |87 |63 |89 |

|418 |32 |Apples, pears |0808 |93 |98 |75 |66 |75 |

|419 |33 |Peaches, cherries |0809 |100 |95 |58 |47 |49 |

|420 |34 |Berries |0810 |100 |97 |89 |75 |83 |

|421 |35 |Fruits, provisionally preserved |0812 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |

|422 |36 |Fruit, dried |0813 |74 |19 |40 |55 |71 |

|423 |37 |Pepper |0904 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|424 |38 |Wheat |1001, 1101 |0 |29 |13 |0 |0 |

|425 |39 |Rye |1002 |0 |26 |2 |0 |0 |

|426 |40 |Barley |1003 |0 |47 |13 |0 |6 |

|427 |41 |Maize (corn) |1005 |2 |17 |6 |2 |0 |

|428 |42 |Rice |1006 |50 |96 |98 |99 |99 |

|429 |43 |Cereal grains |1104 |2 |2 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|430 |44 |Malt |1107 |49 |14 |41 |18 |2 |

|431 |45 |Locust beans, seaweeds ..., sugar beet and sugar cane, … |1212.91/92 |n.a. |0 |0 |0 |0 |

|432 |46 |Sunflower-seed oil |1512 |100 |29 |28 |29 |100 |

|433 |47 |Rape and mustard oil |1514 |52 |51 |47 |51 |100 |

|434 |48 |Animal or vegetable fats and oils |1516 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|435 |49 |Margarine |1517 |41 |41 |19 |26 |28 |

|436 |50 |Sausages and similar products |1601 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |

|437 |51 |Prepared or preserved meat, liver, ham |1602 |40 |11 |38 |27 |26 |

|438 |52 |Other sugars |1702 |54 |76 |37 |100 |93 |

|439 |53 |Sugar confectionery |1704 |100 |15 |2 |6 |n.a. |

|440 |54 |Chocolate |1806 |100 |92 |57 |13 |58 |

|441 |55 |Paste |1902 |100 |97 |90 |100 |77 |

|442 |56 |Vegetables preserved by vinegar |2001 |n.a. |100 |100 |95 |31 |

|443 |57 |Tomatoes, preserved (tomato purée) |2002 |100 |98 |97 |100 |100 |

|444 |58 |Mushrooms, preserved |2003 |53 |78 |65 |26 |23 |

|445 |59 |Vegetables, frozen |2004 |93 |72 |59 |100 |100 |

|446 |60 |Other preserved vegetables |2005 |71 |69 |50 |34 |46 |

|447 |61 |Fruit preserved by sugar |2006 |13 |3 |1 |8 |9 |

|448 |62 |Jams, fruit jellies |2007 |52 |88 |19 |30 |9 |

|449 |63 |Other preserved fruits |2008 |92 |93 |62 |47 |50 |

|450 |64 |Fruit juices |2009 |32 |26 |48 |80 |30 |

|451 |65 |Extracts, essences and concentrates of coffee, tea |2101 |46 |31 |36 |37 |28 |

|452 |66 |Mineral water |2201 |47 |98 |53 |19 |5 |

|453 |67 |Beer |2203 |16 |0 |1 |1 |1 |

|454 |68 |Wine, champagne |2204 |9 |7 |2 |0 |2 |

|455 |69 |Vermouth |2205 |100 |83 |0 |100 |0 |

|456 |70 |Unmanufactured tobacco |2401 |62 |50 |44 |45 |26 |

|Iceland |

|457 |1 |Bones and horn-cones, unworked, … powder and waste |0506.9 |0 |0 |0 |n.a. |n.a. |

|458 |2 |Bulbs, tubers, tuberous roots, corms, crowns ... |0601.2002, 09 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|459 |3 |Other live plants (incl. their roots), ...; mushroom... |0602.1000/2000... |90 |76 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|460 |4 |Cut flowers and flower buds of kind suitable for ... |0603.1000/9000 |70 |71 |82 |n.a. |n.a. |

|461 |5 |Foliage, branches and other parts of plants, ... |0604.1000/9101 |97 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|462 |6 |Potatoes, fresh or chilled |0701.1000/9000 |79 |52 |51 |n.a. |n.a. |

|463 |7 |Tomatoes, fresh or chilled |0702 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|464 |8 |Onions, shallots, garlic, leeks and other allaceous ... |0703.9 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|465 |9 |Cabbages, cauliflower, kohlrabi, kale and similar … |0704.1000/2000... |94 |85 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|466 |10 |Lettuce (Lactuca satuva) and chicory (Chicroium spp.), ... |0705.1100/1900 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|467 |11 |Carrots, turnips, salad beetroot, salsify, celeriac, … |0706.1000/9000 |79 |51 |81 |n.a. |n.a. |

|468 |12 |Cucumbers and gherkins, fresh or chilled |0707 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|469 |13 |Other vegetables, fresh or chilled |0709.3000/4000... |45 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|470 |14 |Vegetables, uncooked or cooked by steaming or ... |0710.1000/4000... |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|471 |15 |Vegetables, provisionally preserved .. |0711.4000/9009 |14 |0 |14 |n.a. |n.a. |

|472 |16 |Dried vegetables, whole, cut, sliced, broken or ... |0712.1000/3000.... |86 |64 |83 |n.a. |n.a. |

|473 |17 |Wheat and meslin |1001.1000/9000 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|474 |18 |Rye |1002 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|475 |19 |Barley |1003 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|476 |20 |Oats |1004 |100 |22 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|477 |21 |Maize |1005.1000/9000 |0 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|478 |22 |Rice |1006.1001/1009... |94 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|479 |23 |Buckweat, millet and |1008.1000/2000... |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|480 |24 |Wheat or meslin flower |1101.0001/ 09 |100 |71 |59 |n.a. |n.a. |

|481 |25 |Cereal flours, other than of wheat or meslin |1102.1001/09 |49 |46 |54 |n.a. |n.a. |

|482 |26 |Cereal groats. meal and pellets groats and meal |1103.1100/1200 |7 |11 |24 |n.a. |n.a. |

|483 |27 |Cereal grains otherwise worked, .... |1104.1100/1201.. |69 |8 |7 |n.a. |n.a. |

|484 |28 |Flour, flake, granules and pellets |1105.1001/09... |69 |74 |44 |n.a. |n.a. |

|485 |29 |Flour and meal of dried leguminous vegetables .... |1106.1000/2009... |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|486 |30 |Starches; inulin |1108.1109, ... |21 |23 |20 |n.a. |n.a. |

|487 |31 |Soya beans, whether or not broken |1201 |3 |46 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|488 |32 |Ground-nuts, not roasted or otherwise cooked, ... |1202.1000/2000 |38 |33 |24 |n.a. |n.a. |

|489 |33 |Linseed, whether or not broken |1204 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|490 |34 |Sunflower seeds, whether or not broken |1206 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|491 |35 |Other oil seeds and oleaginous fruits, … |1207.4000/5000/... |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|492 |36 |Flours and meals of oil seeds or oleaginous fruits, ... |1208.1000/9000 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|493 |37 |Locust beans, seaweeds ..., sugar beet and sugar... |1212.2009/9900 |50 |25 |50 |n.a. |n.a. |

|494 |38 |Lard; other than pig fat and poultry fat, rendered, ... |1501.0009 |36 |0 |0 |n.a. |n.a. |

|495 |39 |Fats of bovine animals, sheep or goats, raw or .... |1502.0009 |0 |0 |0 |n.a. |n.a. |

|496 |40 |Wool grease and fatty substances .... |1505.1000/9000 |50 |50 |38 |n.a. |n.a. |

|497 |41 |Other animal fats and oils and their fractions, ... |1506.0009 |0 |0 |0 |n.a. |n.a. |

|498 |42 |Soya-bean oil and its fractions, ... |1507.1000/9000 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|499 |43 |Ground-nut oil and its fractions, ... |1508.1000/9000 |0 |45 |48 |n.a. |n.a. |

|500 |44 |Olive oil and its fractions, ... |1509.1000, 1508.9000 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|501 |45 |Other oils and their fractions, ... solely from olives etc. |1510 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|502 |46 |Palm oil and its fractions, .... |1511.90 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|503 |47 |Sunflower-seed, safflower or cotton-seed oil and fractions ... |1512.1100/1900... |56 |48 |35 |n.a. |n.a. |

|504 |48 |Coconut (cobra), palm kernel or babassu oil and fractions ... |1513.1100, 1513.1900... |61 |53 |52 |n.a. |n.a. |

|505 |49 |Rape, colza or mustard oil and fraction thereof, ... |1514.1000/9000 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|506 |50 |Other fixed vegetable fats and oils, ... jojoba oil ... |1515.1100/1900... |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|507 |51 |Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their fractions, ... |1516.1002/1009... |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|508 |52 |Margarine; edible mixtures or preparations … |1517.1000/9001... |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|509 |53 |Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their fractions, ... |1518.0000 ex |92 |86 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|510 |54 |Industrial monocarboxylic fatty acids; ... |1519.1100/1200... |13 |0 |0 |n.a. |n.a. |

|511 |55 |Glycerol (glycerine), whether or not pure glycerol waters ... |1520.1000/9000 |47 |99 |83 |n.a. |n.a. |

|512 |56 |Vegetable waxes …, besswax,... |1521.1000/9000 |33 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|513 |57 |Other prepared or preserved meat, meat offal or blood |1602.2000, 1602.3900... |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|514 |58 |Cane or beet sugar and chemically pure sucrose, solid |1701.11.00/12.00... |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|515 |59 |Other sugars, ... chemically pure lactose, maltose, glucose... |1702.1000/2000... |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|516 |60 |Molasses resulting from extraction or refining of sugar |1703.1009/9009 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|517 |61 |Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa |1806.20.02, 1806.20.09 ex ... |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|518 |62 |Pasta, whether or not cooked or stuffed (with meat or other ... |1902.20.09 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|519 |63 |Prepared foods ... swelling or roasting of cereals ... |1904.90.00 ex |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|520 |64 |Vegetables, fruits, nuts and other edible parts of plants, ... |2001.10.00/90.09 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|521 |65 |Tomatoes prepared or preserved ... |2002.10.00/90.01... |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|522 |66 |Mushrooms and truffles, prepared or preserved ... |2003.10 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|523 |67 |Other vegetables prepared or preserved otherwise ... |2004.90.00 ex |62 |49 |32 |n.a. |n.a. |

|524 |68 |Other vegetables prepared or preserved otherwise ... |2005.1000/8000... |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|525 |69 |Yeasts (active or inactive); other single-cell micro-organisms..., |2102.20.01/2002... |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|526 |70 |Sauces and preparations; mixed condiments ... |2103.90.09 ex |0 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|527 |71 |Soups and broths and preparations ... homogenised... |2104.10.04/10.09... |63 |41 |56 |n.a. |n.a. |

|528 |72 |Food preparations, nes or included |2106.90.29/32 |52 |37 |80 |n.a. |n.a. |

|529 |73 |Waters, including mineral waters and aerated waters, ... |2202.90.01/09 |34 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|530 |74 |Flours, meals and pellets, of meat or meat offal, of fish or ... |2301.20.23 |0 |0 |0 |n.a. |n.a. |

|531 |75 |Bran, sharps and other residues, ... |2302.10.00/30.00... |6 |2 |0 |n.a. |n.a. |

|532 |76 |Oil-cake and other solid residues, ... |2304 |100 |0 |0 |n.a. |n.a. |

|533 |77 |Oil-cake and other solid residues, ... |2306.90 |0 |0 |0 |n.a. |n.a. |

|534 |78 |Preparations of a kind used in animal feeding |2309.10.00/90.03... |40 |37 |31 |n.a. |n.a. |

|535 |79 |Casein, caseinates ... derivatives ... glues |3501.9 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|536 |80 |Meat and edible offal of bovine animals |0201, 0202... |0 |0 |0 |n.a. |n.a. |

|537 |81 |Meat and edible offal of swine |0203, 0206... |0 |3 |4 |n.a. |n.a. |

|538 |82 |Meat and edible offal of sheep: (Ch 2) |0204, 0206... |13 |0 |0 |n.a. |n.a. |

|539 |83 |Meat and edible offal of sheep: (Ch 15 and 16) |1502, 1602 |32 |100 |86 |n.a. |n.a. |

|540 |84 |Meat and edible offal of poultry: |0207, 0210 |1 |8 |61 |n.a. |n.a. |

|541 |85 |Meat and edible offal of horses |02 |0 |0 |0 |n.a. |n.a. |

|542 |86 |Meat and edible offal of horses: (Ch 15-23) |15-23 |0 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|543 |87 |Eggs |0407, 0408 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|544 |88 |Butter |0405 |0 |0 |0 |n.a. |n.a. |

|545 |89 |Cheese |0406 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|546 |90 |Cheese 1905 |1905 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|Indonesia |

|547 |1 |Milk and cream of fat and its products |0402.1010/2119/2900; 0403.9010; 0405.90.100 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|548 |2 |Rice |1006 ex |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|Israel |

|549 |1 |Sheep and goats, fresh, chilled or frozen |0204 |100 |100 |100 |100 |100 |

|550 |2 |Milk and cream concentrated … , fat < 1.5% |0402.10.00 |100 |35 |100 |100 |100 |

|551 |3 |Milk and cream concentrated ..., fat > 1.5% |0402.20.00 |100 |100 |100 |100 |100 |

|552 |4 |Processed cheese |0406.30.006 |100 |100 |100 |100 |100 |

|553 |5 |Other cheeses |0406.90.00 |34 |37 |67 |55 |97 |

|554 |6 |Prunes |0813.20.00 |100 |100 |100 |100 |100 |

|555 |7 |Walnuts |0802.30.00 |100 |100 |100 |100 |100 |

|556 |8 |Wheat and meslin |1001 |100 |100 |100 |100 |100 |

|557 |9 |Edible fats and oils |1516.11.100 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |

|558 |10 |Sweet corn |2005.80.009 |100 |68 |100 |100 |100 |

|559 |11 |Citrus juices, concentrated |2009.10.00/20.00 |100 |100 |100 |100 |100 |

|560 |12 |Total bovine (live, meat, offals, etc.) |0102.10.00, 0102.90.00 |100 |100 |100 |100 |100 |

|Japan |

|561 |1 |Skimmed milk powder (school lunch) |0402.10 ex, 0402.21 ex |58 |64 |56 |52 |n.a. |

|562 |2 |Skimmed milk powder (other purposes) |0402.10 ex, 0402.21 ex, 0402.29 ex |49 |40 |44 |38 |n.a. |

|563 |3 |Milk powder |0402.21, 0402.29 ex |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|564 |4 |Evaporated milk |0402.91 ex |42 |49 |52 |90 |n.a. |

|565 |5 |Condensed milk |0402.99 ex |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|566 |6 |Whey and modified whey (feeding purposes) |0404.10 ex |45 |50 |54 |46 |n.a. |

|567 |7 |Prepared whey (infant formula) |0404.10 ex, 0404.90 ex |29 |35 |40 |34 |n.a. |

|568 |8 |Butter and butteroil |0405.10 ex; 0405.90 ex |27 |20 |23 |20 |n.a. |

|569 |9 |Mineral concentrated whey |0404.10 ex |14 |10 |11 |16 |n.a. |

|570 |10 |Prepared edible fat |2106.90 ex |100 |99 |99 |98 |n.a. |

|571 |11 |Other dairy products for general use |0401.10 ex/20 ex/30 ex; 0402.91 ex; 0403.10 ex/90 ex; 0404.90 |92 |93 |99 |93 |n.a. |

| | | |ex; 1806.20 ex/90 ex; 1901.10 ex/20 ex/90 ex; 2101.12 ex/20 ex;| | | | | |

| | | |2106.10 ex/90 ex | | | | | |

|572 |12 |Designated dairy products for general use |0402.10 ex/21 ex/29 ex/99 ex; 0403.90 ex; 0404.10 ex; 0405.10 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

| | | |ex/20/90 ex | | | | | |

|573 |13 |Dried leguminous vegetables |0713.10 ex/32/33 ex/39 ex/50 ex/90 ex |96 |95 |87 |94 |n.a. |

|574 |14 |Wheat, meslin, triticale and their processed products |1001.10/90 ex; 1008.90 ex; 1101.00 ex; 1102.90 ex; 1103.11/19 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

| | | |ex/21/29 ex; 1104.19 ex/29 ex; 1108.11; 1901.20 ex/90 ex; | | | | | |

| | | |1904.10 ex/20 ex/90 ex; 2106.90 ex | | | | | |

|575 |15 |Barley and its processed products |1003.00, 1102.90 ex, 1103.19 ex/29 ex, 1104.11/21, 1901.20 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

| | | |ex/90 ex, 1904.10 ex/20 ex/90 ex, 2106.90 ex | | | | | |

|576 |16 |Rice and its worked/prepared products - ST Annex 5 |1006.10/20/30/40; 1102.30; 1103.14; 1103.29 ex; 1104.19 ex/29 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

| | | |ex; 1901.20 ex/90 ex; 1904.10 ex/20 ex/90 ex; 2106.90 ex | | | | | |

|577 |17 |Starches, inulin, and their preparations |1108.12/13/14/19/20; 1901.20 ex/90 ex |70 |78 |76 |69 |n.a. |

|578 |18 |Groundnuts |1202.10 ex/20 ex |55 |55 |57 |57 |n.a. |

|579 |19 |Tubers of konnyaku |1212.99 ex |73 |99 |88 |58 |n.a. |

|580 |20 |Silk-worm cocoons and Raw silk |5001.00, 5002.00 ex |100 |100 |67 |45 |n.a. |

|Republic of Korea |

|581 |1 |Milk cows (Pure-bred breeding) |0102.10.1000/2000... |69 |98 |7 |0 |n.a. |

|582 |2 |Swine (Pure-bred breeding) |0103.10.0000 |100 |100 |100 |24 |n.a. |

|583 |3 |Fowls of the species Gallus domesticus … |0105.11.1000/91.000 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|584 |4 |Meat of bovine animals ...Carcasses and half-carcasses |0201.10.00/20.000... |100 |100 |91 |47 |n.a. |

|585 |5 |Meat of swine, frozen, … Carcasses and half-carcasses |0203.21.0000, 0203.22.000 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|586 |6 |Meat of fowls ... gallus domesticus, not cut, frozen |0207.21.0000/41.1000 |75 |95 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|587 |7 |Skim milk powder ... fat content not exceeding 1.5% |0402.10.1010/1090... |100 |97 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|588 |8 |Whole milk powder ... fat content exceeding 1.5% |0402.21.1000/9000... |100 |4 |100 |19 |n.a. |

|589 |9 |Other milk and cream, (Evaporated ...) |0402.91.1000/9000... |100 |60 |0 |0 |n.a. |

|590 |10 |Whey powder |0404.10.1000/9000 |97 |87 |78 |71 |n.a. |

|591 |11 |Butter |0405.00.1000/9000 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|592 |12 |Birds' eggs (Not in shell/Not dried) |0408.99.0000 |0 |0 |0 |0 |n.a. |

|593 |13 |Natural honey |0409.00.0000 |100 |98 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|594 |14 |Powder of bones |0506.90.2000 |60 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|595 |15 |Silkworm eggs |0511.99.9010 |0 |0 |0 |0 |n.a. |

|596 |16 |Apple trees, pear trees, peach tees, citrus trees |0602.20.1000/2000 |0 |7 |9 |0 |n.a. |

|597 |17 |Mulberry trees |0602.99.9030 |0 |0 |0 |0 |n.a. |

|598 |18 |Seed potatoes |0701.10.0000 |9 |15 |17 |0 |n.a. |

|599 |19 |Potatoes (Excluding seed potatoes) |0701.90.0000 |0 |6 |37 |39 |n.a. |

|600 |20 |Onions (Fresh or chilled)... |0703.10.1000, 0712.20.0000 |100 |100 |97 |100 |n.a. |

|601 |21 |Garlic (Fresh or chilled)... |0703.20; 0711.90.1000... |77 |82 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|602 |22 |Fruits of the genus capsicum (Fresh or chilled)... |0709.60…; 0711.90.... |99 |97 |76 |99 |n.a. |

|603 |23 |Beans (Dried /Seeds)... |0713.31.1000/9000... |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|604 |24 |Manioc (Fresh)... |0714.10.1000/2010 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|605 |25 |Manioc pellets (Dried) |0714.10.2020 |0 |43 |38 |22 |n.a. |

|606 |26 |Sweet potatoes (Fresh)... |0714.20.1000/2000... |79 |77 |25 |0 |n.a. |

|607 |27 |Roots and tubers (Excl. manioc, sweet potatoes, and arrowroots) |0714.90.9000 |52 |24 |64 |19 |n.a. |

|608 |28 |Chestnuts (In shell /Fresh or dried)... |0802.40.1000/2000 |7 |5 |8 |13 |n.a. |

|609 |29 |Pine-nuts (In shell /Fresh or dried)... |0802.90.1010/1020 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|610 |30 |Oranges (Fresh or dried) |0805.10.0000 |100 |100 |97 |94 |n.a. |

|611 |31 |Korean citrus (Fresh or dried)... |0805.20.1000/9000... |99 |98 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|612 |32 |Jujubes (Fresh or dried) |0810.90.3000, 0813.40.2000 |98 |100 |59 |100 |n.a. |

|613 |33 |Green tea, not fermented … packings < 3 Kg |0902.10.0000/20.9999 |100 |100 |81 |88 |n.a. |

|614 |34 |Ginger |0910.10.0000 |96 |36 |100 |90 |n.a. |

|615 |35 |Rye (For seed) |1002.00.0000 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|616 |36 |Malting barley |1003.00.1000 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|617 |37 |Unhulled barley... |1003.00.9010/9020... |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|618 |38 |Oats (For seed) |1004.00.0000 |100 |100 |96 |100 |n.a. |

|619 |39 |Maize (Corn /For seed)... |1005.10.0000, 0712.90.2090 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|620 |40 |Maize (Corn /For feeding)... |1005.90.1000/2000... |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|621 |41 |Rice in the husk - ST-Annex 5 |1006.10.0000/20.1000.. |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|622 |42 |Grain sorghum (For seeds) |1007.00.0000 |100 |100 |16 |100 |n.a. |

|623 |43 |Buckwheat... |1008.10.0000/90.000 |100 |99 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|624 |44 |Foxtail millet (For seed) |1008.20.1000 |0 |0 |0 |0 |n.a. |

|625 |45 |Other cereal flours (Excl. rice, rye, maize, wheat, and meslin flour)... |1102.90.9000, 1103.11.0000... |100 |100 |100 |95 |n.a. |

|626 |46 |Potatoes (Flour and meal)... |1105.10.0000/20.0000 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|627 |47 |Malt (Not roasted)... |1107.10.0000/20.1000 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|628 |48 |Wheat Starch... |1108.11.0000/19.90000... |15 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|629 |49 |Potato Starch... |1108.13.0000, 3505.10.3000... |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|630 |50 |Manioc (Cassava ) starch |1108.14.0000 |100 |100 |100 |99 |n.a. |

|631 |51 |Sweet potatoes starch |1108.19.1000 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|632 |52 |Soya beans (Whether or not broken) |1201.00.0000 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|633 |53 |Groundnuts ... |1202.10.0000/20.0000... |100 |99 |95 |98 |n.a. |

|634 |54 |Sesamum seeds |1207.40.0000 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|635 |55 |Raw ginseng... |1211.20.1100/1210...... |100 |1 |100 |43 |n.a. |

|636 |56 |Forage products (Fodder roots)... |1214.90.1000/9000... |92 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|637 |57 |Sesame oil and its fractions |1515.50.0000 |100 |100 |100 |38 |n.a. |

|638 |58 |Lactose |1702.10.1000 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|639 |59 |Artificial honey |1702.90.1000 |0 |0 |0 |0 |n.a. |

|640 |60 |Orange juice (Frozen /Concentrated)... |2009.11.1000/9000... |99 |76 |99 |n.a. |n.a. |

|641 |61 |Undenatured ethyl alcohol, excl. … |2207.10.90.00 |100 |98 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|642 |62 |Flours, meals, and pellets, of meat or meat offal (Not edible) |2301.10.1000 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|643 |63 |Oil-cake and other solid residues of sesamum seeds |2306.90.1000 |0 |0 |0 |0 |n.a. |

|644 |64 |Other mixed feeds (Milk substitute ...or more dairy product) |2309.90.1090 |72 |88 |84 |99 |n.a. |

|645 |65 |Supplementary feeds (... inorganic substances or minerals) ... |2309.90.2010/2020... |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|646 |66 |Silk-worm cocoons suitable for reeling |5001.00.0000 |60 |34 |16 |14 |n.a. |

|647 |67 |White silk |5002.00.1020/1030/1040/1050 |100 |100 |97 |49 |n.a. |

|Latvia |

|648 |1 |Wheat and meslin, other |1001.90 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|649 |2 |Barley |1003 00 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|650 |3 |Oats |1004 00 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|651 |4 |Raw cane sugar for further processing |1701.11.101 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|Malaysia |

|652 |1 |Live swine, … |0103.91.000, 0103.92.000 |0 |1 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|653 |2 |Meat of swine, fresh, chilled or frozen |0203.11.000, 0203.12.000... |0 |0 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|654 |3 |Meat and edible offal, salted, dried or smoked |0210.11.100, 0210.11.900 |0 |2 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|655 |4 |Meat and edible offal, salted, dried or smoked |0210.12.000, 0210.19.100... |0 |0 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|656 |5 |Live poultry the species Gallus domesticus,... |0105.11.100 |95 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|657 |6 |Live poultry the species Gallus domesticus,... |0105.11.900, 0105.19.100... |9 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|658 |7 |Meat and edible offal of poultry, of... |0207.10.100, 0207.10.200... |52 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|659 |8 |Meat and edible offal of poultry, of... |0207.31.000, 0207.39.210... |0 |0 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|660 |9 |Meat and edible offal of poultry, of… |0207.39.111/41.110 |46 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|661 |10 |Meat and edible offal of poultry, of… |0207.39.119/190... |0 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|662 |11 |Milk and cream not concentrated nor... |0401.10.920/20.920... |10 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|663 |12 |Milk and cream not concentrated nor… |0401.30.292 |0 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|664 |13 |Birds' eggs, in shell, fresh, preserved... |0407.00.111, 0407.00.112... |0 |0 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|665 |14 |Hens eggs |0407.00.191 |4 |0 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|666 |15 |Round cabbages |0704.90.110 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|667 |16 |Coffee beans, unroasted |0901.11.000 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|668 |17 |Wheat or meslin flour |1101.00.000 |19 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|669 |18 |Cane or beet sugar, in solid form |1701.91.910, 1701.91.920... |0 |13 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|670 |19 |Unmanufactured tobacco; tobacco refuse |2401.10.100/900 |100 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|Mexico |

|671 |1 |Carnes y despojos comestibles de ave |0207.10.01... |100 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|672 |2 |Grasas animales … |0209.00.01, 1501.00.01... |100 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|673 |3 |Leche en polvo |0402, 0402.10.01... |100 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|674 |4 |Quesos duros y semi-duros … |0406, 0406.10.01... |35 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|675 |5 | Los demás (papa excepto para siembra) |0701.90.99 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|676 |6 |Frijoles, excepto para siembra |0713.33.02 |44 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|677 |7 |Trigo … |1001, 1001.10.01... |100 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|678 |8 |Cebada … |1003, 1003.00.02... |100 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|679 |9 |Maíz, excepto palomero y para siembra |1005.90.99 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|680 |10 |Café tostado sin descafeinar... |0901.21.01, 0901.22.01... |16 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|681 |11 |Azúcar y productos con alto contenido de azúcar |1701.11.01, 1701.11.99... |82 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|Morocco |

|682 |1 |Viande bovine |0201 à 0202 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|683 |2 |Viande ovine |0204 |9 |26 |86 |43 |n.a. |

|684 |3 |Viande blanche |0207 |24 |18 |48 |68 |n.a. |

|685 |4 |Lait |0401.20 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|686 |5 |Blé |1001 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|687 |6 |Orge |1003 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|688 |7 |Mais |1005 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|689 |8 |Riz |1006 |100 |100 |25 |25 |n.a. |

|690 |9 |Sorgho |1007 |0 |100 |0 |100 |n.a. |

|691 |10 |Graine de soja |1201 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|692 |11 |Graine de colza |1205 |100 |100 |0 |100 |n.a. |

|693 |12 |Huile |1507-10; 1512-18 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|694 |13 |Sucre |1701 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|695 |14 |Tourteau de colza |2306.40 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|696 |15 |Tourteau de coton |2306.10 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|697 |16 |Tourteau de tournesol |2306.30 |100 |92 |95 |94 |n.a. |

|New Zealand |

|698 |1 |Fresh apples |0808.10.00 |8 |8 |3 |4 |3 |

|699 |2 |Fresh pears |0808.20.00 |100 |100 |95 |57 |100 |

|700 |3 |Hop cones |1210.10.00/20.01 |79 |11 |0 |19 |47 |

|Nicaragua |

|701 |1 |Maíz |1005.90.20/30 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|702 |2 |Carne bovina |0201 y 0202 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|703 |3 |Pollo |0207.10.00/31.00 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|704 |4 |Leche |0401; 0402; 0403 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|705 |5 |Frijol |0713.3 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|706 |6 |Arroz |1006.10.90, 1006.30.00 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|707 |7 |Sorgo |1007.00.90 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|708 |8 |Aceite |1507, 1511 y 1512.2 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|709 |9 |Azúcar |1701 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|Norway |

|710 |1 |Horses: purebred breeding animals |0101.11.00 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|711 |2 |Horses: geldings, more than 6 months |0101.19.11 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|712 |3 |Horses: other, more than 6 months |0101.19.19 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|713 |4 |Horses: other |0101.19.90 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|714 |5 |Reindeer |0106.00.10 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|715 |6 |Meat of bovine animals, frozen... |0202.20.00 |100 |100 |6 |21 |n.a. |

|716 |7 |Meat for promotional fairs quota |02; 16 |23 |10 |40 |98 |n.a. |

|717 |8 |Meat of swine, fresh, chilled or frozen... |0203.29.00 |100 |43 |40 |52 |n.a. |

|718 |9 |Sheepmeat quota (incl. bones) |0204.30../41../42../43.. |0 |13 |18 |38 |n.a. |

|719 |10 |Edible offal of bovine animals, swine, etc. ...tongues |0206.21.00 |15 |0 |3 |3 |n.a. |

|720 |11 |Edible swine livers, frozen |0206.41.00 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|721 |12 |Meat/edible offal of poultry ...not cut in pieces..., frozen … |0207.10.00 |100 |1 |0 |1 |n.a. |

|722 |13 |Meat and edible offal... not cut, frozen... turkeys |0207.22.00 |68 |45 |25 |25 |n.a. |

|723 |14 |Meat and edible offal... not cut, frozen... guinea fowls |0207.23.00 |10 |11 |11 |13 |n.a. |

|724 |15 |Other meat and edible meat offal,... of deer |0208.90.91 |100 |100 |96 |100 |n.a. |

|725 |16 |Other meat and edible meat offal,... of elk |0208.90.92 |100 |100 |98 |100 |n.a. |

|726 |17 |Game quota except elk and deer (including bones) |0208.10../90.. |90 |84 |92 |90 |n.a. |

|727 |18 |Pig fat free of lean meat and poultry fat (not melted out), … |0209.00.00 |100 |86 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|728 |19 |Meat and edible meat offal ... flours of meat ... bovine animals |0210.20.00 |100 |0 |0 |0 |n.a. |

|729 |20 |Milk and cream, ...fat by weight fat > 1%) |0401.20.00 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|731 |22 |Milk and cream, … (fat > 6%) |0401.30.00 |100 |100 |100 |75 |n.a. |

|732 |23 |Milk and cream, concentrated ... (fat content < =1.5 %) |0402.10.00 |10 |17 |5 |5 |n.a. |

|733 |24 |Milk and cream, concentrated... (fat > 1.5 %) … |0402.21.00 |100 |100 |0 |0 |n.a. |

|734 |25 |Other milk and cream, concentrated... (fat > 1.5%) |0402.29.00 |33 |33 |0 |0 |n.a. |

|735 |26 |Milk and cream, concentrated... in powder, … |0402.91.00 |82 |9 |27 |36 |n.a. |

|736 |27 |Other milk and cream concentrated... in powder ... - Other |0402.99.00 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|737 |28 |Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, yogurt etc., ... |0403.90.09 |100 |0 |0 |33 |n.a. |

|738 |29 |Whey, … |0404.10.00 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|739 |30 |Whey...other |0404.90.00 |75 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|740 |31 |Butter and other fats and oils derived from milk |0405.00.00 |15 |9 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|741 |32 |Total cheese quota |0406 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|742 |33 |Birds' eggs - hens' eggs |0407.00.10 |30 |78 |0 |100 |n.a. |

|743 |34 |Birds' eggs - other |0407.00.90 |10 |0 |0 |10 |n.a. |

|744 |35 |Natural honey |0409.00.00 |100 |97 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|745 |36 |Other live plants- for horticultural purposes |0602.10.01 |23 |21 |44 |37 |n.a. |

|746 |37 |Other live plants - azalea indica |0602.30.01 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|747 |38 |Other live plants - roses, grafted or not |0602.40.00 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|748 |39 |Other live plants - other |0602.99.06 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|749 |40 |Potatoes - seed |0701.10.00 |1 |0 |7 |0 |n.a. |

|750 |41 |Potatoes - other |0701.90.00 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|751 |42 |Onions |0703.10.10 |57 |96 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|752 |43 |Shallots |0703.10.20 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|753 |44 |Leeks |0703.90.01 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|754 |45 |Other alliaceous vegetables |0703.90.09 |60 |36 |88 |67 |n.a. |

|755 |46 |Cabbages, cauliflowers, ... and similar ... - other |0704.90.99 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|756 |47 |Lettuce... cabbage lettuce... iceberg lettuce |0705.11.10 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|757 |48 |Lettuce... cabbage lettuce...other |0705.11.20 |67 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|758 |49 |Lettuce...other... from 1 April to 30 November |0705.19.10 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|759 |50 |Lettuce...other ...from 1 December to 31 March |0705.19.90 |100 |100 |100 |60 |n.a. |

|760 |51 |Chicory except witloaf chikory 1.4-30.11 |0705.29.10 |34 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|761 |52 |Chikory except witloaf chikory - chicory - 1.12 to 31.3 |0705.29.20 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|762 |53 |Chikory except witloaf chikory - other - 1.12 to 31.3 |0705.29.90 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|763 |54 |Carrots, turnips, salad beetroot, salsify, … and similar … |0706.10.10 |100 |100 |100 |85 |n.a. |

|764 |55 |Turnips |0706.10.20 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|765 |56 |Celeriac |0706.90.10 |100 |100 |100 |69 |n.a. |

|766 |57 |Radishes 1.4-30.11 |0706.90.20 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|767 |58 |Radishes 1.10-31.3 |0706.90.30 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|768 |59 |Salad beetroot |0706.90.91 |100 |39 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|769 |60 |Carrots, turnips, ..., fresh or chilled - Other |0706.90.99 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|770 |61 |Cucumbers and gherkins, ... - 1.4-30.11 |0707.00.19 |100 |100 |64 |100 |n.a. |

|771 |62 |Cucumbers and gherkins, ... - 1.12-31.3 |0707.00.99 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|772 |63 |Peas (Pisum sativum) |0708.10.00 |43 |60 |79 |100 |n.a. |

|773 |64 |Beans (Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp.) |0708.20.00 |77 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|774 |65 |Celery other than celeriac |0709.40.00 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|775 |66 |Curled parsley |0709.90.30 |55 |85 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|776 |67 |Other vegetables, fresh or chilled - Other |0709.90.90 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|777 |68 |Potatoes ..., frozen |0710.10.00 |100 |100 |58 |5 |n.a. |

|778 |69 |Peas, frozen |0710.21.00 |100 |100 |35 |99 |n.a. |

|779 |70 |Beans, frozen |0710.22.00 |32 |79 |16 |100 |n.a. |

|780 |71 |Spinach, frozen |0710.30.00 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|781 |72 |Cauliflowers, frozen |0710.80.20 |100 |23 |3 |3 |n.a. |

|782 |73 |Carrots, frozen |0710.80.91 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|783 |74 |Onions, frozen |0710.80.92 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|784 |75 |Celery, frozen |0710.80.93 |100 |48 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|785 |76 |Vegetables ..., frozen: - Other |0710.80.99 |32 |26 |96 |20 |n.a. |

|786 |77 |Mixtures of vegetables ..., frozen |0710.90.00 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|787 |78 |Vegetables provisionally preserved ... - Onions |0711.10.00 |100 |100 |100 |0 |n.a. |

|788 |79 |Vegetables provisionally preserved ... - Other |0711.90.90 |15 |3 |6 |49 |n.a. |

|789 |80 |Dried potatoes |0712.10.00 |100 |100 |63 |100 |n.a. |

|790 |81 |Dried onions |0712.20.00 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|791 |82 |Dried vegetables, ...- Potatoes, broken or in powder |0712.90.10 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|792 |83 |Dried vegetables, ...- Other |0712.90.90 |74 |93 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|793 |84 |Dried peas |0713.10.00 |100 |90 |99 |91 |n.a. |

|794 |85 |Dried beans |0713.31.00 |81 |94 |79 |85 |n.a. |

|795 |86 |Dried, small red, beans |0713.32.00 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|796 |87 |Dried kidney beans |0713.33.00 |8 |52 |49 |53 |n.a. |

|797 |88 |Other dried beans |0713.39.00 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|798 |89 |Other dried vegetables |0713.90.00 |73 |100 |100 |62 |n.a. |

|799 |90 |Manioc, arrowroot, salep, Jerusalem artichokes, ... - Other |0714.90.00 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|800 |91 |Apples, pears and quinces, fresh: - 1.8-30.11 |0808.10.10 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|801 |92 |Apples, pears and quinces, fresh: - 1.11-30.11 |0808.10.10 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|802 |93 |Apples, pears and quinces, fresh: - 1.5-31.7 |0808.10.90 |100 |92 |96 |90 |n.a. |

|803 |94 | Pears - 11.8-30.11 |0808.20.10 |100 |86 |94 |85 |n.a. |

|804 |95 | Cherries - from 15 April to 30 June |0809.20.10 |90 |100 |100 |99 |n.a. |

|805 |96 | Cherries - from 1 July to 31 October |0809.20.20 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|806 |97 | Cherries - from 1 November to 14 April |0809.20.90 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|807 |98 | Strawberries - from 1 July to 31 October |0810.10.20 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|808 |99 | Raspberries |0810.20.10 |35 |41 |41 |53 |n.a. |

|809 |100 | Blackcurrants |0810.30.01 |0 |0 |0 |0 |n.a. |

|810 |101 | White or red currants |0810.30.02 |71 |57 |57 |71 |n.a. |

|811 |102 |Strawberries with sugar |0811.10.10 |44 |58 |28 |0 |n.a. |

|812 |103 |Strawberries - other |0811.10.90 |96 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|813 |104 |Raspberries... with sugar |0811.20.10 |18 |13 |58 |76 |n.a. |

|814 |105 |Raspberries... other |0811.20.90 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|815 |106 |Cranberries with sugar |0811.90.11 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|816 |107 |Cloudberries with sugar |0811.90.12 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|817 |108 |Cranberries and cloudberries - other |0811.90.20 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|818 |109 |Other fruit and nuts... frozen, ... with sugar |0811.90.30 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|819 |110 |Other fruit and nuts... frozen, ... - Other |0811.90.90 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|820 |111 |Cherries, provisionally preserved … |0812.10.00 |29 |0 |0 |0 |n.a. |

|821 |112 |Strawberries, provisionally preserved... |0812.20.00 |0 |0 |0 |0 |n.a. |

|822 |113 |Other fruits and nuts, provisionally preserved… |0812.90.90 |6 |3 |0 |3 |n.a. |

|823 |114 |Fruits, dried, ... - apples |0813.30.00 |100 |100 |75 |75 |n.a. |

|824 |115 |Fruits, dried, ... - other |0813.40.90 |64 |93 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|825 |116 |Fruits, dried, ... - mixtures - other |0813.50.90 |63 |100 |71 |63 |n.a. |

|826 |117 |Wheat and meslin - durum wheat |1001.10.00 |100 |100 |100 |92 |n.a. |

|827 |118 |Wheat and meslin - other |1001.90.00 |41 |51 |84 |66 |n.a. |

|828 |119 |Rye |1002.00.00 |69 |50 |55 |77 |n.a. |

|829 |120 |Barley |1003.00.00 |100 |100 |48 |100 |n.a. |

|830 |121 |Oats |1004.00.00 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|831 |122 |Maize - seed |1005.10.00 |0 |0 |0 |0 |n.a. |

|832 |123 |Maize - other |1005.90.00 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|833 |124 |Grain sorghum |1007.00.00 |69 |94 |32 |100 |n.a. |

|834 |125 |Other cereals |1008.90.000 |1 |56 |94 |15 |n.a. |

|835 |126 |Wheat or meslin flour |1101.00.00 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|836 |127 |Cereal flours, ... - rye |1102.10.00 |71 |55 |65 |67 |n.a. |

|837 |128 |Cereal flours, ... - maize |1102.20.00 |12 |16 |11 |13 |n.a. |

|838 |129 |Cereal flours, ... -other |1102.90.00 |52 |39 |6 |11 |n.a. |

|839 |130 |Cereal groats ... - wheat |1103.11.00 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|840 |131 |Cereal groats ... - oats |1103.12.00 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|841 |132 |Cereal groats ... - maize |1103.13.00 |8 |53 |19 |16 |n.a. |

|842 |133 |Cereal groats ... - other |1103.19.00 |25 |22 |22 |28 |n.a. |

|843 |134 |Cereal pellets ... - wheat |1103.21.00 |0 |0 |0 |0 |n.a. |

|844 |135 |Cereal pellets ... - other |1103.29.00 |1 |6 |1 |100 |n.a. |

|845 |136 |Cereal grains ..., rolled, flaked,... - barley |1104.11.00 |0 |0 |0 |0 |n.a. |

|846 |137 |Cereal grains ..., rolled, flaked,... - oats |1104.12.00 |55 |100 |28 |17 |n.a. |

|847 |138 |Cereal grains ..., rolled, flaked,... - other |1104.19.00 |1 |1 |1 |1 |n.a. |

|848 |139 |Cereal grains otherwise worked ... - barley |1104.21.00 |0 |0 |0 |50 |n.a. |

|849 |140 |Cereal grains otherwise worked ... - oats |1104.22.00 |100 |60 |7 |13 |n.a. |

|850 |141 |Cereal grains otherwise worked ... - other |1104.29.00 |100 |68 |56 |56 |n.a. |

|851 |142 |Germ of cereals, whole, rolled, flaked or ground |1104.30.00 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|852 |143 |Flour, flake, granules and pellets - flours |1105.10.00 |1 |3 |3 |4 |n.a. |

|853 |144 |Flour, flake, granules and pellets - flakes, granules... |1105.20 |27 |1 |1 |0 |n.a. |

|854 |145 |Flour/meal of sago, roots or tubers of heading 0714 |1106.20.00 |100 |0 |0 |0 |n.a. |

|855 |146 |Malt - not roasted |1107.10.00 |88 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|856 |147 |Malt - roasted |1107.20.00 |83 |72 |81 |100 |n.a. |

|857 |148 |Wheat starch - cont. potato starch |1108.11.01 |0 |8 |1 |0 |n.a. |

|858 |149 |Potato starch |1108.13.00 |100 |81 |67 |9 |n.a. |

|859 |150 |Other starches - cont. potato starch |1108.19.91 |20 |0 |0 |0 |n.a. |

|860 |151 |Rape or colza seeds, whether or not broken |1205.00.00 |0 |0 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|861 |152 |Seeds- turnips and Sweedish turnips |1209.19.10 |0 |0 |0 |0 |n.a. |

|862 |153 |Seeds - fodder beet seed |1209.19.20 |100 |0 |100 |0 |n.a. |

|863 |154 |Seeds - other |1209.19.90 |0 |0 |0 |0 |n.a. |

|864 |155 |Seeds - lucerne (alfalfa) seed |1209.21.00 |22 |44 |22 |22 |n.a. |

|865 |156 |Seeds - red clover seed |1209.22.10 |100 |75 |0 |0 |n.a. |

|866 |157 |Seeds - other clover |1209.22.90 |100 |37 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|867 |158 |Seeds - fescue seed |1209.23.00 |100 |75 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|868 |159 |Seeds - kentucky blue grass (Poa pratensis) seed |1209.24.00 |100 |64 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|869 |160 |Rye grass ... seed |1209.25.00 |100 |81 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|870 |161 |Timothy grass seed |1209.26.00 |100 |100 |100 |80 |n.a. |

|871 |162 |Bent grass (agrostis) seed |1209.29.10 |100 |9 |64 |14 |n.a. |

|872 |163 |Orchard grass, .. meadow/foxtail grass seed |1209.29.20 |100 |7 |0 |0 |n.a. |

|873 |164 |Seeds - other seeds of foliage plants |1209.29.90 |100 |44 |93 |35 |n.a. |

|874 |165 |Cereal straw and husks, … or in the for of pellets |1213 |16 |4 |52 |20 |n.a. |

|875 |166 |Lucerne (alfalfa),meal and pellets |1214.10.00 |34 |4 |6 |100 |n.a. |

|876 |167 |Swedes |1214.90.10 |100 |100 |50 |53 |n.a. |

|877 |168 |Hay |1214.90.91 |67 |62 |66 |61 |n.a. |

|878 |169 |Swedes, mangolds, fodder roots, hay,... other |1214.90.99 |100 |100 |100 |17 |n.a. |

|879 |170 |Lard; other than pig fat and poultry fat,... - lard |1501.00.10 |38 |41 |9 |0 |n.a. |

|880 |171 |Lard; other than pig fat and poultry fat...,- other |1501.00.90 |39 |9 |25 |20 |n.a. |

|881 |172 |Sausages and similar products, of meat, ... preparations … |1601.00.00 |60 |54 |49 |32 |n.a. |

|882 |173 |Other preserved meat - of turkeys |1602.31.00 |3 |73 |0 |32 |n.a. |

|883 |174 |Other preserved meat - of bovine animals |1602.50.00 |54 |54 |62 |68 |n.a. |

|884 |175 |Extracts and juices of meat, ... - other |1603.00.99 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|885 |176 |Glucose and glucose syrup, … |1702.30.00 |100 |100 |100 |94 |n.a. |

|886 |177 |Glucose and syrup, ... at least 20% but less than 50 % fructose |1702.40.00 |100 |100 |75 |100 |n.a. |

|887 |178 |Malt extract |1901.90.10 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|888 |179 |Stuffed pasta, … |1902.20.10 |100 |33 |33 |100 |n.a. |

|889 |180 |Cucumbers in airtight containers..., prepared |2001.10.10 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|890 |181 |Other cucumbers, ... prepared or preserved |2001.10.90 |5 |5 |0 |47 |n.a. |

|891 |182 |Onions in airtight containers..., prepared |2001.20.10 |0 |0 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|892 |183 |Other onions, ... prepared or preserved |2001.20.90 |100 |100 |0 |0 |n.a. |

|893 |184 |Other vegetables,... prepared or preserved |2001.90.40 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|894 |185 |Other vegetables,... prepared or preserved - Other |2001.90.90 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|895 |186 |Tomatoes, whole or in pieces - in airtight containers |2002.10.10 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|896 |187 |Tomatoes, whole or in pieces - other |2002.10.90 |7 |43 |86 |64 |n.a. |

|897 |188 |Tomatoes, other - in airtight containers |2002.90.20 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|898 |189 |Tomatoes, other - other |2002.90.90 |9 |0 |19 |3 |n.a. |

|899 |190 | Potatoes proepared or preserved - other than … |2004.10.09 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|900 |191 |Other vegetables and mixtures prepared |2004.90.90 |100 |78 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|901 |192 |Homogenised vegetables |2005.10.00 |8 |6 |3 |3 |n.a. |

|902 |193 |Other vegetables, composed of flour, meal or potatoe flakes … |2005.20.09 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|903 |194 |Sauerkraut - Prepared or preserved otherwise... |2005.30.00 |100 |0 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|904 |195 |Peas - Prepared or preserved otherwise... |2005.40.00 |23 |13 |16 |16 |n.a. |

|905 |196 |Shelled beans, prepared or preserved otherwise ... |2005.51.00 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|906 |197 |Other beans, prepared or preserved otherwise ... |2005.59.00 |69 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|907 |198 |Other vegetables and mixes prepared or preserved |2005.90.00 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|908 |199 |Fruit, nuts, fruitpeel ..., preserved by sugar |2006.00.00 |97 |100 |50 |64 |n.a. |

|909 |200 |Jams, fruit jellies, marmalades,... - with sugar |2007.10.10 |53 |12 |6 |0 |n.a. |

|910 |201 |Jams, fruit jellies, marmalades,... - other |2007.10.90 |33 |67 |67 |33 |n.a. |

|911 |202 |Jams, fruit jellies, marmalades,... - other than citrus, with sugar |2007.99.10 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|912 |203 |Jams, fruit jellies, marmalades,... - other than citrus - other |2007.99.90 |100 |99 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|913 |204 |Fruit, nuts ... otherwise prepared or preserved...- nuts and mixtures |2008.19.00 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|914 |205 |Fruit, nuts ... otherwise prepared or preserved...- pears |2008.40.00 |80 |81 |82 |69 |n.a. |

|915 |206 |Fruit, nuts ... otherwise prepared or preserved... - cherries |2008.60.00 |83 |65 |57 |59 |n.a. |

|916 |207 |Fruit, nuts ... otherwise prepared or preserved...- strwberries |2008.80.00 |56 |0 |0 |11 |n.a. |

|917 |208 |Fruit, nuts ... otherwise prepared or preserved... - other mixtures |2008.92.00 |63 |100 |68 |77 |n.a. |

|918 |209 |Fruit, nuts ... otherwise prepared or preserved...- other |2008.99.00 |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|919 |210 |Apple juice |2009.70.00 |68 |75 |99 |100 |n.a. |

|920 |211 |Blackberry juice ... added sugar or sweetening matter |2009.80.10 |50 |0 |0 |20 |n.a. |

|921 |212 |Blackberry juice - other |2009.80.20 |65 |62 |78 |48 |n.a. |

|922 |213 |Other juices |2009.80.90 |100 |100 |84 |90 |n.a. |

|923 |214 |Mixtures of juices |2009.90.00 |100 |76 |91 |100 |n.a. |

|924 |215 |Homogenised composite food preparations |2104.20.00 |29 |57 |71 |57 |n.a. |

|925 |216 |Other preparations for the manufacture of beverages |2106.90.30 |96 |43 |67 |58 |n.a. |

|926 |217 |Undenatured ethyl alcohol (vol. Alc >= 80%) Imports in litres |2207.10.00 |100 |100 |3 |100 |n.a. |

|927 |218 |Flours, meals and pellets, of meat or meat offal; greaves |2301.10.00 |100 |16 |26 |10 |n.a. |

|928 |219 |Bran, sharps and other residues, ... - of maize |2302.10.00 |11 |51 |0 |0 |n.a. |

|929 |220 |Bran, sharps and other residues, ... - of wheat |2302.30.00 |0 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|930 |221 |Bran, sharps and other residues, ... - of other cereals |2302.40.00 |23 |5 |5 |100 |n.a. |

|931 |222 |Protein feeds for feed purposes (total quota) |1201.00.00/1000 |46 |100 |100 |96 |n.a. |

|932 |223 |Meat and edible offal of bovine animals, frozen:... |0202 |46 |56 |80 |81 |n.a. |

|933 |224 |Meat and edible offal of swine, frozen |0203 |15 |0 |11 |95 |n.a. |

|934 |225 |Meat and edible offal of sheep and goats... |0204 |0 |90 |2 |93 |n.a. |

|935 |226 |Meat and edible offal of .. fowls |0207.21.00 |0 |0 |0 |2 |n.a. |

|936 |227 |Meat and edible offal of ... turkeys |0207.22.00 |0 |0 |0 |0 |n.a. |

|937 |228 |Meat and edible offal of ducks, geese and guinea fowls |0207.23.00 |0 |1 |4 |5 |n.a. |

|938 |229 |Butter and other fats and oils derived from milk |0405.00.00 |0 |1 |14 |13 |n.a. |

|939 |230 |Hens' eggs |0407.00.10 |0 |13 |20 |91 |n.a. |

|940 |231 |White cabbages |0704.90.11 |0 |0 |7 |34 |n.a. |

|941 |232 |Red cabbages |0704.90.12 |0 |0 |7 |25 |n.a. |

|Panama |

|942 |1 |Carne de cerdo |0203.11.10, 0203.11.20... |n.a. |n.a. |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|943 |2 |Carne de gallo o gallinas |0207.39.11, 0207.41.30 |n.a. |n.a. |0 |n.a. |n.a. |

|944 |3 |LECHE...- Materias grasas 6 %) |0401.30.05, 0403.9004, 2103.. |4 |6 |33 |41 |100 |

|1260 |4 |Ch 4.4 - Butter (butterfat > 45 %) |0401.30.50, 0403.90.74, 0405.00.20 |6 |88 |97 |99 |98 |

|1261 |5 |Ch 4.4 - (Mexico) Butter, fresh or sour cream (butterfat > 45 %) |0401…/0403…/0405…/0402../2106.90… |0 |0 |0 |100 |100 |

|1262 |6 |Ch 4.5 - Dried milk, … |0402.1010; 0402.2105 |27 |94 |77 |96 |98 |

|1263 |7 |Ch 4.5 - (Mexico aggregate) Dried milk |0402.10.10/21.05; 2309.90.24/44 |4 |31 |55 |58 |70 |

|1264 |8 |Ch 4.6 - Dried milk ("Dried whole milk") |0402.21.30 or 0403.90.51 |22 |75 |100 |98 |98 |

|1265 |9 |Ch 4.7 - Dried cream |0402.21.75 or 0403.90.61 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |

|1266 |10 |Ch 4.9 - Dairy mixtures (Add N8/Ch 4) |0402../0403/0404../1517../1704../1806… |26 |53 |68 |68 |85 |

|1267 |11 |Ch 4.9 - (Mexico) Dairy products (Add N8/Ch 4) |0402…/0403…/0404…/1517…/1704…/1806.20… |100 |100 |100 |100 |100 |

|1268 |12 |Ch 4.10 - Evaporated, condensed milk and cream |0402.91.10/30; 0402.99.10/30... |19 |36 |46 |71 |86 |

|1269 |13 |Ch 4.11 - Dried whey/buttermilk |0403.90.41, 0404.10.50 |20 |99 |43 |39 |39 |

|1270 |14 |Ch 4.12 - Butter oil substitutes (butterfat > 45 %) |0405.0060, 2106.90 .. |0 |90 |100 |98 |99 |

|1271 |15 |Ch4.13 - (Mexico) Cheese |0406 |0 |1 |1 |11 |29 |

|1272 |16 |Ch 4.14 - NES cheeses and substitutes for cheese |0406.10…/20…/30../90 |90 |94 |75 |86 |98 |

|1273 |17 |Ch 4.15 - Blue-mold cheese (except Stilton produced in UK) |0406.10../20../30../40…/61../90… |91 |93 |93 |94 |97 |

|1274 |18 |Ch 4.16 - Cheddar cheese |0406.10../20…/30../90… |91 |96 |87 |98 |96 |

|1275 |19 |Ch 4.17 - American-type cheese |0406.10../20…/30../90… |84 |94 |87 |92 |96 |

|1276 |20 |Ch 4.18 - Edam and Gouda cheeses |0406.10.44/20.44/20.73/30.44... |95 |88 |77 |86 |96 |

|1277 |21 |Ch 4.19 - Italian-type cheeses (from cow's milk) |0406.10…/20../30../90.. |85 |85 |94 |96 |98 |

|1278 |22 |Ch 4.20 - Swiss Gruyere process cheese |0406.10.64/20.81/30.51/30.81/90.90 |89 |82 |71 |87 |90 |

|1279 |23 |Ch 4.21 - Lowfat Cheese (butterfat 65% dry weight of sugars) |1701.91..; 1702.90..; 1704.90., 1806.. |0 |0 |77 |100 |100 |

|1286 |30 |Ch 17.6 - Articles (> 10% dry weight of sugars) ... |1701.91.54, 1704.90.74; 1806.20…/90... |100 |100 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|1287 |31 |Ch 17.6 - (Mexico) Articles (> 10% dry weight of sugars) … |1701.91.54, 1704.90.74; 1806.20…/90... |23 |23 |100 |100 |100 |

|1288 |32 |Ch 17.7 - (Mexico) Blended syrups, w/ sugars … |1702.20../30../40…/60... |0 |0 |8 |100 |0 |

|1289 |33 |Ch 17 - Raw cane sugar |1701.11.10 |100 |100 |100 |98 |n.a. |

|1290 |34 |Ch 18.1 - Cocoa powder > 10% dry weight of sugars … |1806.10.10/34/65 |98 |98 |58 |6 |n.a. |

|1291 |35 |Ch 18.2 - "Chocolate crumb" (butterfat > 5.5%) |1806.20/24; 1806.32.04/90.15 |26 |26 |78 |77 |78 |

|1292 |36 |Ch 18.3 - Lowfat "Chocolate crumb" (5.5% or less) |1806.20…/32…/90.. |22 |0 |0 |0 |0 |

|1293 |37 |Ch 19.1 - Infant formula containing oligosaccharides, ... |1901.10.15 or 1901.10.60 |0 |6 |3 |100 |100 |

|1294 |38 |Ch 19.3 - Mixes and doughs |1901.20.30 or 1901.20.65 |72 |62 |100 |100 |n.a. |

|1295 |39 |Ch 20.5 - Peanut butter and paste |2008.11.05 |74 |94 |98 |92 |87 |

|1296 |40 |Ch 20 a - Green olives, not pitted, ripe |2005.70.11 |n.a. |0 |0 |0 |0 |

|1297 |41 |Ch 20 b - Green olives, place-packed, stuffed |2005.70.16/21 |n.a. |30 |37 |43 |37 |

|1298 |42 |Ch 20 c - Green olives, other |2005.70.81 |n.a. |49 |82 |52 |42 |

|1299 |43 |Ch 20 d - Satsumas in airtight containers |2008.30.52 |n.a. |100 |100 |100 |100 |

|1300 |44 |Ch 21.4 - Mixed condiments or mixed seasonings ... |2103.90.74 |39 |24 |25 |32 |n.a. |

|1301 |45 |Ch 21.5 - Ice cream |2105.00.10 |1 |1 |1 |1 |69 |

|1302 |46 |Ch 23.2 - Animal feed containing milk/milk derivatives |2309.90.24/44 |65 |18 |21 |14 |8 |

|1303 |47 |Ch 24.4 - Tobacco |2401 to 2403 |n.a. |77 |52 |49 |n.a. |

|1304 |48 |Ch 52.5 - (Mexico) Cotton |52 |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |n.a. |

|1305 |49 |Ch 52.6 - "Short Staple" cotton, ..., under 28.575 mm |5201.00.14 |2 |0 |0 |78 |n.a. |

|1306 |50 |Ch 52.7 - Harsh or rough cotton, ..., staple length 29.36875 mm... |5201.00.24 |0 |0 |0 |0 |n.a. |

|1307 |51 |Ch 52.8 - "Medium Staple" cotton, ..., length 28.575 mm |5201.00.34 |0 |n.a. |0 |17 |n.a. |

|1308 |52 |Ch 52.9 - "Long Staple" cotton, ..., length 34.925 mm |5201.00.60 |0 |0 |0 |10 |n.a. |

|1309 |53 |Ch 52.10 - "Cotton waste" - Card strips, length < 30.1625 mm |5202.99.10 |1 |1 |0 |0 |n.a. |

|1310 |54 |Ch 52.11 - Fibers of cotton processed but not spun |5203.00.10 |80 |9 |0 |95 |n.a. |

|Venezuela |

|1311 |1 |Carne de porcino |0203 |32 |23 |100 |n.a. |n.a. |

|1312 |2 |Despojos comestibles |0206 |41 |28 |32 |n.a. |n.a. |

|1313 |3 |Carnes de aves sin trocear |0207 |8 |0 |6 |n.a. |n.a. |

|1314 |4 |Carne y despojos |0210 |0 |0 |1 |n.a. |n.a. |

|1315 |5 |Leche y nata (crema) sin concentrar |0401 |8 |9 |10 |n.a. |n.a. |

|1316 |6 |Leche en polvo (grasa ................

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