Unit 3 Lesson 1 Vocabulario

Nombre: __________________________LEVEL 1 Unit 3 Lesson 1: Vocabulario

A. Talk about Foods and Beverages

el almuerzo…………………………………………..lunch

la bebida………………………………………….. beverage, drink

la botana………………………………………….. snack

la cena………………………………………….. dinner

compartir………………………………………….. to share

la comida …………………………………………..food; meal

el desayuno………………………………………….. breakfast

el postre…………………………………………..dessert

vender …………………………………………..to sell

vivir …………………………………………..to live

B. For Breakfast

el café………………………………………….. coffee

el cereal …………………………………………..cereal

el huevo………………………………………….. egg

el jugo de naranja…………………….. orange juice

la leche …………………………………………..milk

el pan …………………………………………..bread

el yogur …………………………………………..yogurt

C. For Lunch

la hamburguesa………………………………………….. hamburger

el pastel ……………………………………………….……..cake

el sándwich de jamón y queso…………………….. ham and cheese sandwich

la sopa ……………………………………………….……..soup

la torta ……………………………………………….……..sandwich on a roll (Mex), cake (Spain)

D. Fruit

la banana …………………………………………..banana

la manzana …………………………………………..apple

las uvas …………………………………………..grapes

E. Describing feelings using TENER

tener ganas de... …………………………………………..to feel like . . .(doing activity)

tener hambre………………………………………….. to be hungry (to have hunger)

tener sed …………………………………………..to be thirsty (to have thirst)

F. Asking questions

¿Cómo? ………………………………………….. How?

¿Cuál(es)? …………………………………………..Which?; What?

¿Por qué? …………………………………………..Why?

¿Qué? …………………………………………..What?

¿Quién(es)? …………………………………………..Who?

G. Other Words and Phrases

ahora …………………………………………..now

Es importante. …………………………………………..It’s important.

horrible …………………………………………..horrible

nutritivo(a) …………………………………………..nutritious

otro(a) …………………………………………..other

para …………………………………………..for; in order to

rico(a) …………………………………………..tasty, delicious


Question words: Song to help you remember: (to the tune of Jingle Bells)

¿Por qué? Why,

¿Cuándo? When,

¿Qué? What , ¿Dónde? Where,

¿Cuánto? How much,

¿Cómo? How,

y ¿Quién? means who,

is there ¿HAY?

All of the question words EXCEPT HAY (is there? or are there?) get an accent so that you know that they are being used as a question.

¿Dónde vives tú? Where DO you live?

Rather than “The house where Jake lives is pretty.” “La casa, donde vive Jake, es bonita.”

(donde, no accent)

Let’s make sure you know what these mean, THEN let’s come up with possible answers.

1. ¿ Cómo está Ricardo?

Meaning: ____________________________Answer:_________________________________

2. ¿ Cómo es Ricardo?

Meaning: ____________________________Answer:_________________________________

3. ¿ Cuál es el libro que necesitas?

Meaning: ____________________________Answer:_________________________________

4. ¿ Cuándo estudia Ricardo?

Meaning: ____________________________Answer:_________________________________

5. ¿A qué hora es la clase?

Meaning: ____________________________Answer:_________________________________

6. ¿ Por qué va Ricardo a casa?

Meaning: ____________________________Answer:_________________________________

7. ¿ Qué es?

Meaning: ____________________________Answer:_________________________________

8. ¿ Quién es tu mejor amigo?

Meaning: ____________________________Answer:_________________________________

9¿ Quiénes hablan con el profesor?

Meaning: ____________________________Answer:_________________________________

10. ¿Cuántas plumas tienes en tu mochila?

Meaning: ____________________________Answer:_________________________________

11. ¿Hay tarea?

Meaning: ____________________________Answer:_________________________________

12. ¿Dónde está el director?

Meaning: ____________________________Answer:_________________________________

13. ¿Adónde van los chicos?

Meaning: ____________________________Answer:_________________________________

Try these!

1. ¿ _____________ está usted? - bien, gracias.

2. ¿ ______________ estás? - en la biblioteca.

3. ¿ ______________ es? - es inteligente.

4. ¿________________ son los chicos? - de Miami.

5. ¿ __________________ estudias mucho? --para sacar buenas notas.

6. ¿ _________________ tienes que hacer? - tengo que practicar la guitarra.

7. ¿ ___________________ es el chico? - es el estudiante nuevo.

8. ¿ _______________ libros hay en la clase? - hay cinco.

9. ¿ ____________________ es el examen? - el viernes.

10. ¿ ______________________ es la clase? - a las dos.

11. ¿ _____________________ es la clase? - difícil.

12. ¿ ___________________ están ustedes? -en la cafetería.

13. ¿ ___________________ vas? -al auditorio.

14. ¿ _________________ necesitas? - una pluma.

15. ¿ _________________ de los cuadernos usas? -el grande.

Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

More with GUSTAR:

You have already used GUSTAR with infinitives (not-conjugated verbs) to say what people like to do.

Now, you are going to use GUSTAR to talk about things that people like (not activities).

GUSTA: a review

| _____ gusta (I like) |______ gusta (we like) |

|_____ gusta (you like) |x |

|______ gusta (he/she/you(f) like ) |________ gusta (they/all of you like) |

If the item that the person likes is singular, you are going to use the same form of gusta that you always have, then the item. You need to use el or la before the item when you use gusta.


Me gusta la fruta = I like fruit (in general).

Le gusta el helado = He likes ice cream.

Complete the chart for liking one item (singular):

|Me gusta la sopa = I like soup. | |

| |x |

| | |

If the item that the person likes is plural, you are going to add an “N” to gusta to make “GUSTAN,” then the item. You need to use los or las before the item when you use gustan.


Me gustan las galletas = I like cookies (in general).

Le gustan los sándwiches= He likes sandwiches.

Complete the chart for liking more than one item (plurals):

|Me gustan los tostones= I like fried plantains. | |

| |x |

| | |

• The forms of GUSTA match the item that is being liked, NOT the person.

1.A Juan y a María ______ gusta la sopa.

2.A Juan y a María ______ gustan las sopas.

3.A mi amigo _____ ________ el helado.

4.A mi amigo _____ __________ las galletas.

1. A mí _____ _________ los helados.

2. A José ____ __________ las galletas.

3. A ti ______ _________ el jugo.

4. A mis amigos ______ _________ las frutas.

5. A mi amigo y a mí ______ _________ la pizza.

6. A tu madre ______ _________ las uvas.

7. A usted no ______ _________ el cereal.

8. A ustedes ______ _________ el pan.

1. The students like cake. ______________________________________________________

2. Do you like coffee? ______________________________________________________

3. My friends and I like soups. ______________________________________________________

4. Does he like apples? ______________________________________________________

5. Your friend does not like milk. _____________________________________

6. I don’t like bananas! _____________________________________

7. All of you like bread for your sandwiches.


8. The children like eggs for breakfast. I don’t like eggs!



9. ¿Te gustan las galletas o te gusta el pastel? _________________________________________________________

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-ER and –IR verbs~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

You already know how to conjugate verbs that end with an –ar.

You are now going to learn how to conjugate verbs that end with an –er or and –ir.

-ER Verb endings COMER = _________________

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-ER Verbs

1.You eat a hamburger.____________________________________

2. We eat at twelve o’clock.___________________________________________________

3. I eat fruit.__________________________________________

4. Juan Pablo and Alejandro eat sandwiches. _________________________________________________

5.Why do you learn math?


6. My mom reads a book.


7. Your grandparents sell pizza.


-IR Verbs (note, this is verbs that end in –ir, NOT the verb “to go!”

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| | |

Vivir= __________

IR Verbs

1.They live in a house.


2.I live in an apartment.


3. Paco writes the homework.


4. Carlota and Juan share a snack.


5. We write a lot/often.


6. You write in your notebook.


7. We share grapes. __________________________________________

8. I don’t like to share! __________________________________________

9. The men sell fruit. __________________________________________

The verb HACER = to make or to do

Hacer is only strange in the YO form. Every other form follows the rules for –ER verbs.

See if you can figure out the other forms!

|Yo hago | |

|(I do/make) | |

| | |

| | |

1. I do my homework. _______________________________________________

2. We make sandwiches. ____________________________________________

3. You do homework. ________________________________________

4. Do you do homework? ____________________________________

5. All of you make soup. _________________________________________

6. The students and I make a cake. ____________________________________

7. Does your friend do homework? ____________________________________

Notes: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

~~~~~Tener hambre, Tener sed, tener ganas de…~~~~~~

Hambre and Sed = Hunger and Thirst.

To say you are hungry or thirsty in Spanish, you really say that you HAVE hunger or HAVE thirst.

Conjugate TENER for your subject, then add “hambre” for hunger, or “sed” for thirst.


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To be hungry (literally, to HAVE HUNGER)

1. Tengo hambre = I am hungry.

2. We are hungry=_________________________________

3. Are you hungry? =_________________________________

To be thirsty (literally, to HAVE THIRST)

Tengo sed = I am thirsty.

1.Are you thirsty? _________________________

2. We are thirsty =_________________________________

3.He is thirsty. =_____________________________

1.I am hungry ______________________________________

2.We are thirsty ____________________________________

3.Are you hungry? __________________________________

4.The girls are hungry! ________________________________________________

Tener Ganas De = to feel like doing something.

Use “tener ganas de” when you want to say what someone feels like doing. To say, “I don’t feel like studying” you would use the “yo” form of “tener” = tengo, then ganas de, then the infinitive “to study” No tengo ganas de estudiar. = I don’t feel like studying.

I feel like eating= Tengo ganas de comer

1. You feel like dancing. = ______________________________

2. We don’t feel like running. = _________________________________

3. I don’t feel like doing my homework. __________________________________________________________________

4. The students feel like watching TV in class.


Notes: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


ER Verbs

1.You eat a hamburger.________________________

2. We eat at twelve o’clock._____________________________

3. I eat fruit.________________________________

4. Juan Pablo and Alejandro eat sandwiches. ______________________________________

1.Why do you learn math?


2. My mom reads her book.


3. Your grandparents sell pizza.



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