


1. Look at the pictures of different types of transport.

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[pic] [pic]

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[pic] [pic]

Look at the definitions below and match them with the different types of transport.

A car is a motor vehicle with room for a small number of passengers.

A bus is a large motor vehicle which carries passengers from one place to another.

A motorbike is a two wheeled vehicle with an engine.

A lorry is a large motor vehicle which is used to transport goods by road.

A submarine is a naval vessel that can travel below the surface of the sea.

A helicopter is an aircraft with no wings, but with large blades which rotate above it.

An aeroplane is a vehicle with wings and engines that can fly through the air.

A ship is a large boat which carries passengers or cargo.

A cable car is a vehicle for taking people up mountains.

A train is a number of carriages or trucks pulled by an engine along a railway line.

A ferry is a boat that carries passengers or vehicles across a river or a narrow bit of sea.

A boat is a small vehicle that is used for travelling across water.

A van is a vehicle like a large car or small lorry that is used for carrying goods.

A hot air balloon is a large balloon with a basket hanging from it in which people can travel.

A bicycle is a vehicle with two wheels which you ride by sitting on it and pushing two pedals with your feet.

A yacht is a boat with sails or a motor, used for racing or for pleasure trips.

2. Find a vehicle which travels: in the air, on land and on water. List them in the table below.

|On land |In the air |On water |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

3. LISTENING: Understanding Descriptions

Your teacher will tell you about five kinds of transport. Write the numbers 1-5 on the correct lines.




4. Read the tapescript below straight through, pausing briefly after each item. The students can either write in the numbers as they listen, or wait for a second hearing.

You will hear about five kinds of transport. Write the numbers 1 – 5 on the correct lines. Leave the other line blank.

|Number 1 |It has two wheels and a small seat. |

| |Children can ride it. |

| |People also use it for exercise. |

|Number 2 |It has an engine at the back and moves through the water. |

| |Many people use it in the water village. |

| |They pay $1 or 50 cents. |

|Number 3 |It flies, but it is not a bird and it has no wings. |

| |It can move forwards, straight up and even backwards. |

|Number 4 |It is big and carries about 40 passengers. |

| |Some people use it to go to work or school. |

| |It has a driver, and you must buy a ticket. |

|Number 5 |It has four wheels and comes in many shapes and colours. |

| |Many families have one or more, and they use them every day. |


1. Sufri travels to school by bus. After school, he walks back to the bus station. Look at the map on the next page. Then complete the blanks in the paragraph below with these words.


Sufri comes (1)__________________ the school gate. He walks (2)_______________ the road to the car park. He goes (3)_______________ the car park and walks (4)_______________ the food stalls. Then he walks (5)_______________ Jalan Timah until he reaches the overhead bridge. He goes (6)_______________ the bridge and down the steps to the bus station.


2. On the map there are 10 things which Sufri sees when he is walking around the town. Write the numbers 1-10 in the correct boxes below.

|a road | |a no entry sign | |

|a highway | |a zebra crossing | |

|a T-junction | |a bridge | |

|traffic lights | |a petrol station | |

|a roundabout | |a jetty | |


3. Choose the correct word from the box and complete the following sentences. Cross out each word after you have used it.

1. The police officer drove the ______________ ______ at high speed in order to catch the thief.

2. In Australia and Canada, ________________________ are used to help fight bushfires by dumping enormous buckets of water from the sky.

3. If an _____________________ has its lights and siren on, other drivers should pull over and allow it to pass.

4. Racing cars ____________________ around the ___________________ at very high speeds.

5. If I want to catch a ____________________ into Bandar Seri Begawan, I need to wait at the _________________ _____________________ .

6. ____________________ are capable of travelling thousands of metres below sea level.

7. If there is a fire in Kampung Ayer, it is difficult for _____________ _____________ to help put it out.

8. If you have a ______________ when you are riding a bike, you need to repair the _________________, and use the _______________ to inflate it.

9. In order to visit many of the longhouses, it would be necessary to ________________ up the river by _____________________ .

10. Royal Brunei Airlines employs many _________________ to fly ________________________ .

4. WORDSEARCH. The word search below contains 38 words related to transport. Find the words and circle them.

|U |N |I |C |Y |C |

|bicycle |bus |submarine |horse |tram |taxi |

|scooter |boat |motorcycle |yacht |lorry |train |

|aeroplane |ship |hovercraft |camel |car |foot |

|skates |truck |rollerskates |moped |skis |tank |

|elephant |underground |fire-engine |ambulance |

|skateboard |rollerblades |helicopter |wheelchair |





Nabil was waiting for his father. His father was taking him to school in the car. “Don’t worry, you won’t be late for school,” said his father. Nabil sat in the front-passenger seat. He fastened his seatbelt. His father drove the car.

Nabil noticed his father did not wear his seatbelt. Soon they were on Jalan Gadong. Nabil saw a Police check in front of them. He tried to tell his father about the seatbelt law. His father did not hear him. He was listening to the radio news. The final item on the news was a reminder to wear your seatbelt.

“If you do not wear your seatbelt you will be fined $2,000 or be sent to prison for six months.”

At that moment a policeman stopped the car and spoke to Nabil’s father. “Sir, you’re not wearing your seatbelt. You must go to the police station immediately.”

Nabil was angry. He was late for school.

(A) Now underline the correct answers. The first one has been done for you.

1. Who drove Nabil to school?

(a) his brother (b) his father (c) his teacher

2. Where was Nabil going to?

(a) school (b) the airport (c) the office

3. Where did Nabil sit?

(a) in the back seat (b) in the driver’s seat (c) in the front passenger seat

4. Which road did they drive along?

(a) Jalan Sultan (b) Jalan Gadong (c) Jalan Tutong

5. What was Nabil’s father listening to on the radio?

(a) pop music (b) the news (c) the call for prayer

(B) Write full sentences.

6. Did Nabil’s father wear his seatbelt?


7. What did Nabil see ahead of them?


8. What did the police officer say to Nabil’s father?


9. Where did the police officer tell them to go?


10. Why must you wear a seatbelt?



2. SPEAKING: Look at the road signs below and talk about them.

| | [pic] |7. | [pic] |

|1. | | | |

|2. | [pic] |8. | [pic] |

|3. | [pic] |9. | [pic] |

|4. | [pic] |10. | [pic] |

|5. | [pic] |11. | [pic] |

|6. | [pic] |12. | [pic] |

[pic] [pic] [pic]

[pic] [pic] [pic]

[pic] [pic]


3. The pictures show some things you should (√) or should not (X) do on the road. Look at the examples and then write five more sentences.

example 1 _________________________

(use, signal lights)

You should use your signal lights.

example 2 _________________________

(carry, baby, lap)

You should not carry a baby on

your lap.

(a) ______________________________


(look, left, right)

(b) ______________________________


(play, football, road)

(c) ______________________________


(wear, seatbelt)

(d) ______________________________


(drive, too fast)

e) _________________________________


(use, mobile phone)



Next week, Haji Ali will be 30 years old. His wife, Hajah Azizah, is going to buy him a car for his birthday. She is looking at the advertisements in the newspaper...


(A) Complete this table with information about the five cars. If the advertisements don’t tell you, put a dash (—) in the space.

| |Type of car |Age |Colour |Price |

|1 |Nissan Sunny |3 years | | |

|2 |Mitsubishi Lancer | | | |

|3 |Hyundai Accent | |green | |

|4 |Mazda 323 | | | |

|5 |Toyota Corolla | | |$9,500 |

(B) Hajah Azizah is interested in two of these cars. Tick the correct numbers.

|1 | |

|B: |Mu’alaikumsalam, can I speak to Aidah, please? |

|A: |I’m sorry. Aidah is out at the moment. |

|B: |Can I leave a message? |

|A: |Certainly. I’ll write it down. Who’s calling? |

|B: |Bahrin. |

|A: |What’s your number? |

|B: |Two – four – four – six – nine – one – five. |

|A: |And what’s the message? |

|B: |It’s about our trip to Tasek Merimbun next week. Can Aidah ring me around eight o’clock this evening? |

|A: |Is that all the message? |

|B: |Yes, that’s all. Thank you. |

|A: |Thank you. |






These pictures below tell you what words to write in the numbered spaces across (

and down ( in the picture crossword on the following page.

| | | |

|1( |2( |3( |

| | | |

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

| | | |

|4( |5( |6( |

| | |[pic] |

|[pic] | | |

| | | |

|7( |8( |9( |

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

| | | |

|10( |11( |12( |

| |[pic] |[pic] |

|[pic] | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |1 | |

|Price |$488 | |

|Casing colour(s) | |Range of colours |

|Screen size |2.3 inches | |

|Weight | |96 grams |

|Height | |102mm |

|Width |59mm | |

|Depth |13mm | |

|Camera resolution | |2 megapixel |

|Built-in memory |110 MB | |

|Memory card capacity | |256 MB |

(B). First choose the correct answer by underlining the correct word. Then fill in the blank with the correct comparative form of the word.

1. The Nokia E63 is (cheap/expensive) ___________________ than the HTC Touch 3G.

2. The Nokia E63 comes in (many/few) ____________________ colours than the HTC Touch 3G.

3. The Nokia E63 has a (big/small)__________________ screen than the HTC Touch 3G.

4. The Nokia E63 is (heavy/light) ___________________ than the HTC Touch 3G.

5. The Nokia E63 is (tall/short) ______________________than the HTC Touch 3G.

6. The Nokia E63 is (wide/narrow) _____________________than the HTC Touch 3G.

7. The Nokia E63 is (big/small) ______________________ than the HTC Touch 3G.

8. The Nokia E63’s camera is (good/bad) ___________________ than the HTC Touch 3G.

9. The Nokia E63 has (many/little) ______________________ in-built memory than the HTC

Touch 3G.

10. The Nokia E63 has a (great/small) _____________________ memory card capacity than the

HTC Touch 3G.

(C). DISCUSSION. Which mobile phone would you choose for yourself and



Different types of transport in Brunei

i) In groups of 3 or 4, collect as many pictures as you can find of the different

types of transport found in Brunei.

ii) Make a scrap book of the different types of transport by sticking the pictures

onto coloured papers.

(iii)Write short descriptions of one paragraph each of the different types of

transport. Write about who uses them and why. Also compare the cost of using the different types of transport by using $ signs; a $ to show which is the cheapest and five $$$$$ as the most expensive.

(iii)Ask the students to rate which means of transport do they think is the most

popular by giving star ratings, with five (stars) as being the

most popular and one as being the least popular.


Schedule of assessment tasks to be completed for Module 4

|Section |Task & |Description of Task |Mode |Marks Allocated |

| |Page No. | | | |

| |Task 1 |Fill in the blanks with the correct |Individual work |3 marks |

|A |Preposition |preposition. | | |

| |Pg. 7 | | | |

| |Task 1(A) & Task 1(B) |Answering comprehension questions after |Individual work |7 marks |

|B |Comprehension: |reading the passage. | | |

| |Don’t Forget to Wear a | | | |

| |Seatbelt | | | |

| |Pp. 12 - 13 | | | |

| |Task 3 |Write sentences using the structures |Individual work |5 marks |

|C |‘should’ or ‘should not’ |‘should’ or ‘should not’ based on picture| | |

| |Pg. 16 |stimulus. | | |

| |Task 7(B) |Write sentences using the comparative |Individual work |5 marks |

|C |Mobile phone trivia |forms to describe two models of mobile | | |

| |Pg. 31 |phones. | | |

| |Project work |Create a scrap book of different types of|Pair work |10 marks |

|E |Pg.32 |transport in Brunei. | | |

| | | |Total |30 marks |

Important note: Enter the total marks obtained by the student from the six tasks above (max. = 30 marks) to the column M4 (Module 4) on the LC2 assessment form.

Guidelines for award of marks

|Quality of work |If out of 5 marks |If out of 10 |

|Excellent |5 |9-10 |

|Good |4 |7-8 |

|Pass/Satisfactory |3 |5-6 |

|Incomplete/Less than satisfactory |1-2 |1-4 |

|Work not submitted |0 |0 |


Section B, Task 1 (3 marks – Individual work):

Students fill in the blanks with the correct preposition.

Assessment criteria

Students will be assessed on the following criteria:

• Answers are written neatly and with correct spellings as the words provided.

• Award marks for 6 accurate answers (1/2 marks each).


1.out of 2.across 3.through

4.round 5.along 6.over

Section C, Task 1(A) & 1(B) (7 marks – Individual work):

Students underline the correct answers for Task 1(A) and write full sentence answers for Task 1(B).

Assessment criteria

Students will be assessed on the following criteria:

• Award ½ mark for each correct answer for Task 1(A).

• Award ½ marks for answers that are correct but not error free for Task 1(B).

Award 1 mark for answers that are both correct and error free.


Task 1(A)

2.a 3.c 4.b 5.b

Task 1(B)

6. No, Nabil’s father did not wear his seatbelt.

7. Nabil saw a police check ahead of them.

8. The policeman said, “Sir, you are not wearing your seatbelt”.

9. The policeman told them to go to the police station.

10. I must wear a seatbelt because……………….. (award 1 mark for any sensible answer)

Section C, Task 3 (5 marks – Individual work):

Students individually write sentences using picture stimulus using the structures ‘should’ and ‘should not’.

Assessment criteria

Students will be assessed on the following criteria:

• Answers are written neatly and with correct spellings as the words provided.

• Award ½ marks for answers that are correct but not error free.

Award 1 mark for answers that are both correct and error free.

• Accept contractions e.g. shouldn’t


a) You should look left and right. (before you cross the road)

b) You shouldn’t play football on the road.

c) You should wear a seatbelt.

d) You shouldn’t drive too fast.

e) You shouldn’t use a mobile phone. (while driving)

Note: Award full marks for the shorter answers but encourage full answers.

Section E, Task 7(B) (5 marks – Individual work):

Students individually write sentences using the comparative forms to describe two models of mobile phones.

Assessment criteria

Students will be assessed on the following criteria:

• Award ½ mark for each correct answer.


1. cheaper 2.fewer 3.smaller 4.heavier 5.taller

6. wider 7.bigger 8.better 9.less 10.greater

Section F, Project work (10 marks – Pair work):

Students work in pairs to create a scrap book of different types of transport in Brunei.

Assessment criteria

Students will be assessed on the following criteria:

• Content: The information given is relevant and appropriate.

• Quantity: Students should collect at least five pictures of different types of transport.

For each type, they have to write one descriptive paragraph of at least two sentences.

• Accuracy: The paragraphs are grammatically correct and error free.

• Presentation: Information is clearly and creatively presented, neat and attractive.

• Team-work: Students in the pair have contributed equally and co-operatively towards

the completion of the project.


along over through out of round across

[pic]Nokia E63 $488

• Attractive 3G Smartphone

• Comes in either an ultramarine blue or a ruby red coloured casing

• Large QVGA screen which measures 2.3 inches, high resolution display

• Highly useable QWERTY keyboard

• Weighs 126 grams; 113mm X 59mm X 13mm

• Camera resolution 3.2 megapixel

• 110 megabytes of built in memory

• Memory card slot for up to eight gigabytes in size

• Built in GPS navigation feature

police car pilots drive fire engines bus boat

aeroplanes bus stop race submarines travel

puncture tyre ambulance helicopters track

Brunei National Insurance Company Sdn. Bhd.


Name of driver ............................................................... Age ..........................

Date of accident ........................................... Time of accident ........................

Place of accident ...................................................................................................

Type of car .............................................................................................................

Colour of car ......................................... Registration number .........................

Registration number of other vehicle ..................................................................

Number of people in car ...........................

Was anyone injured? “ð Yes “ð No

Were the police called? “ð Yes “ð No

_____________________________________Number of people in car ...........................

Was anyone injured? • Yes • No

Were the police called? • Yes • No


Where were the vehicles at the time of the accident? Draw a simple diagram to show this.

Nissan Sunny, 3 years old, grey. Very good condition. $12,000. Call 2490826.

Mitsubishi Lancer, BQ 9091, white. 5 years, 1 owner. $9,000. Interested, ring 8145903.

Hyundai Accent, green, 1994, BN 7453. Good condition, 80,000 km. $7,000. Tel. 3521433.

Mazda 323, 4 years old, 2 owners, 67,000 km. Very good condition. $10,000. Ring 4308577.

Toyota Corolla, BP 8101, 5 years, blue, v. good condition. Owner leaving, only $9,500. Tel. 2513988.


Haji Ali’s Birthday Present

Hajah Azizah decided to buy the Toyota Corolla for her husband. She gave it to him on his birthday, 2nd May. Haji Ali said, “Oh, thank you, ‘lai! That’s a great car. And it’s my favourite colour. Thank you so much.”

The next day, Haji Ali took his wife and four children to Gadong in the car. His wife wanted to buy some fish from the market. They walked around the market for a long time. The children were bored and hungry. “We’re hungry, Pa,” they said. “Can we go to Pizza Hut?” Haji Ali drove to Pizza Hut and parked outside.

The family went into Pizza Hut at half past two. They ate their food and left after thirty minutes. They all got into the car and Haji Ali drove down the street to the T-junction. He stopped at the Stop sign. Bang! A big red lorry crashed into the back of Haji Ali’s car.


Hajah Azizah called the police on her mobile phone.

“Is anybody injured?” asked the policeman.

“No, thank goodness,” said Hajah Azizah.

“What is the registration number of the lorry?”

“It’s BF 6687.”

“All right,” said the policeman. “Stay by your car. We’ll be there in five minutes.”

[pic] HTC TOUCH 3G $725

• Finger tip control of the HTC Touch Screen 3G

• 2.8 inch razor sharp flat touch-sensitive screen

• Powered by Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional

• Small, lightweight design available in a range of vibrant colours

• Weighs 96 grams, 102 mm (high) X 53.6 mm (wide) X 14.5 mm (deep)

• 2 megapixel camera for quality stills and video

• 192 megabytes of built in memory

• Memory card slot 256 MB ROM

• Built in GPS navigation feature


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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