Taxonomy/Classification Study GuideDefine classification. The grouping of organisms based on similar characteristics.Define taxonomy. The study of how living things are classified according to similar characteristics.Why do scientists classify living things into groups? Scientists classify living things to make them easier to studyThe two part naming system that scientists use to classify living things is called __________________ _______________. Binomial NomenclatureList 4 ways that way living things are grouped. Body Plan, Motility, How they obtain their food sources, cellular structureIn the name Felis Concolor, the first term of the name refers to the ________________ & the second term refers to the ________________. Genus and speciesA kingdom is a broad taxonomic category composed of similar domain; A Phylum is a taxonomic category that is composed of similar kingdoms; A Class is a taxonomic category that consists of similar phyla; An Order is a taxonomic category made up of similar classes; A Family is a taxonomic category that is made up of similar orders; A Genus is made up of an organism; And species - is the most specific category that refers to organisms that can produce fertile offspring.________________ considers the characteristics that have arisen as lineages have evolved over time. CladogramList the six kingdoms of life. Animalia, Plantae, Archaebacteria, Eubacteria, Protista, and FungiScientists assign each kind of organisms a universally accepted name in the system known as ________________ ________________.Binomial NomenclatureIn taxonomy, a group at any level of organization is referred to as a ________________. TaxonIn the scientific version of a species name, which of the terms is capitalized? GenusHow do binomial, or two-part, names compare with early versions of scientific names? Earlier Versions were long detailed descriptions of the organismOften the second part of a scientific name is a Latinized ________________ of a particular trait. descriptionLinnaeus’s system of classification contained ________________ taxonomic categories. 7Which 2 kingdoms did Aristotle recognize? Plants and Animals________________ - is the most general & largest category in Linnaeus’s system. DomainSimilar genes are evidence of common ________________. AncestryAll organisms in the kingdoms Protista, Plantae, Fungi, & Animalia are ________________. Eukayotes (cells with a nucleus)________________ is the domain that corresponds to the Kingdom Eubacteria. ProkaryaWhat does a cladogram show about organisms? Evolutionary relationships and common ancestry________________ - the domain that contains unicellular organisms that live in extreme environments.Prokarya________________ & ________________ are the only domains that are composed of only unicellular organisms. Prokarya or Eubacteria and ArchaebacteriaList the 7 taxonomic levels from largest to smallest. Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, SpeciesThe six Kingdoms of living things are: Archaebacteria (Monera), Eubacteria (Monera), Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia. Answer the following questions about these kingdoms:An organism that is both heterotrophic and multicellular. Which two kingdoms could this organism belong to? Animals and Fungi_____________________ and/or _________________________An organism is single-celled, lacks a nucleus, and lives in a hot geyser in Yellowstone National Park. It must belong to which kingdom? ArchaebacteriaAn organism is in a kingdom that has members that are all multicellular and autotrophic. To which kingdom does it belong? PlantaeBacteria living in you intestines belong to which kingdom? EubacteriaWhat is one thing that makes fungi very different from plants? They are Heterotrophic 26. The level of organization (taxonomic group) between class and family isa. speciesb. genusc. orderd. phylumWhat is a dichotomous key used for? A tool that allows the user to determine the identity of an organism. The keys consist of a series of choices that lead the user to the correct name of a given organism.Which is a member of the Fungi Kingdom?a. grasshopperb. bread moldc. flowerd. EuglenaWhich kingdom has some single-celled members?a. Animaliab. Protistac. Fungid. PlantaeComplete the following table.5 kingdom classification scheme General Characteristics for Each KingdomCharacteristicCell Type (Prokaryote or Eukaryote)Unicellular or MulticellularFeedingHetero/AutoTrophicCell Wall Present or Not PresentMotilityReproduction-Sexual or AsexualBacteriaPUH and some are APresentMove AsexualProtistaEU and MBothSome present some absentMotileAsexual FungiEM; yeast is unicellularHPresentSessileAsexualPlantaeEMAPresentSessileSexualAnimaliaEMHAbsentMotileSexualName and describe the three types of body plans of animals. Bilateral, Asymmetrical, RadialBe able to answer questions from a cladogram. Be able to answer questions from a diagram that shows the taxonomic categories for a specific organism. Study your Kingdom Notes on characteristics of all kingdoms. ................

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