
Welcome to 6th Grade! Our goal is to make it a smooth transition into your new grade level as well as prepare you for 7th grade. We would like to take the opportunity to review some of our rules and expectations for 6th grade. For us to have a high quality and effective working environment, you must value and follow these expectations.

• Students must come to class prepared with their required materials and willingness to learn.

• Students are respectful to themselves, peers, and teachers.

6th grade provides new and exciting opportunities as well as some changes. Below some of those opportunities and changes are explained.

• Discipline Grid- 6th grade follows the discipline grid as outlined in the 6-8 student handbook. The violation, consequences and/or resolutions are annotated in Campus. Parent contact will be made when necessary.

• Detention- 6th grade lunch detentions may be assigned and will be served during the student’s lunch period. 6th graders may be required to serve 7:30 detentions as a consequence. Morning detentions are served on Tuesday’s. 6th grade also has Thursday detentions which will be served on Thursday evenings from 3:15-5:45. Arrangements for transportation need to be made prior to the detention being served. Bad behavior for a substitute teacher will result in a Thursday Detention per student handbook.

• Late work and redo policy is in each teacher’s syllabus, which can be found online.

• Recess- There is no recess for 6th grade.

• Identification Badges/ID’s are a way to ensure safety for everyone at our school. Therefore, students are required to wear badges at all times during the school day (except in classes where they are a safety concern, i.e. industrial tech, PE etc.). Students are encouraged to report to staff anyone seen on campus without a proper identification badge.

o A student must wear only his/her own school-issued badge.

o Students must have the badge attached to a lanyard worn around the neck or clipped to the shirt.

o Defacing badges in any way is not permitted. Defaced badges will be confiscated by staff.

o Each student will be given two ID badges, with one being kept in the office as a backup. Replacement badges or lanyards must be purchased (through the office) at the student’s expense. Any additional badges will be $5 each.

o Any staff member can check for name badges and lanyards at any time during the school day.

o Violations of this policy will result in a Class One (separate from tardies) on the Discipline Grid.

• Chromebooks will be checked out during their first period and retuned at the end of the day. No Chromebooks will be allowed to go home. Students will only be able to email their teachers.

• End of the Year Celebration- In lieu of a field trip, students are eligible for end of the year movie. Below are the qualifying criteria per the 6-8 handbook.

o Any student given ISS/OSS or who receives three or more Thursday detentions during the year will not be eligible to go on the field trip.

o Any student who earns 30 or more late assignments throughout the year will not be eligible to go on the field trip.

• Parent/Student Portal- Please use the portal to check students’ grades. If you have specific questions, please contact the respective teacher.

We look forward to a great year! If you have any questions, please let us know. Go TITANS!

6th Grade Team

Mrs. Bain, Mrs. Dancler, Ms. Gilbertson, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Miles, Mr. Brue, Mr. Foresman

I have read the 6th grade welcome letter and understand the rules and expectations. Please have your child return this signed document to their study hall teacher August 23rd.

Student name (First/Last—please print clearly) _____________________________________________________

__________________________________________ ____________________________________________

(Parent signature) (Student signature)


Tea Area School District No. 41-5


P.O. Box 488 • Tea, South Dakota 57064-0488

605-498-2700 opt 3 • Fax: 605-498-1161

Chris Fechner, M.A. Principal

David Preheim, M.A. Assistant Principal


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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