Instructional Film Consent FormDear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),During the course of the 2018-2019 school year, I plan to show G, PG or PG-13 rated movies in full or as excerpts to enhance our class curriculum. Our school requires parental permission for your son/daughter to view movies that used in our curriculum.This is a permission slip to allow your child to view all of the films/clips assigned via the teacher’sdiscretion in reference to curriculum correlation.____ Yes, I give my son/daughter permission to view curriculum and school appropriate full length movies/excerpts rated G, PG or PG-13.____ No, I do not give my son/daughter permission to view curriculum and school appropriate full length movies/excerpts. I understand an alternate learning experience/assignment will be provided for my child while the movie is being watched.Name of Student: _______________________________________________Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________________________Period: __________________ Date: ___________________Sincerely,Professoressa Giordano ................

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