Mrs. Metzner's School Counseling Website - Home

|[pic] | River-Towne Elementary |

|August 2013 |Welcome Back Students, Teachers, & Staff! |

|Sun |Mon |Tue |Wed |Thu |Fri |Sat |

|4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |

|11 |12 |13 Staff Development Day |14 Staff Development Day |15 Staff Development Day |16 Staff Development Day |17 |

| |Staff Development Day |Best Guidance Time |Meet w/ Principal determine |Meet the Teacher Night |Teacher Work Day | |

| | | |AYP | | | |

|18 |19 |20 |21 |22 Schedule “Welcome - |23 |24 |

| |*First Day of School* | | |Classroom Guidance Lesson” | | |

|25 |26 “Welcome - Classroom |27“Welcome - Classroom |28“Welcome - Classroom |29“Welcome - Classroom |30“Welcome - Classroom |31 |

| |Guidance Lesson” Grade BK |Guidance Lesson” Grade K |Guidance Lesson” Grade 1 |Guidance Lesson” Grade 2 |Guidance Lesson” Grade 3 | |

| | | | | | | |

|[pic] | River-Towne Elementary |

|September 2013 |Our Olweus Bullying Prevention Kick-off is Friday Sept. 20th! |

|Sun |Mon |Tue |Wed |Thu |Fri |Sat |

|8 |9 Lunch |10 LB |11(WW) |12 LB |13 Get Fit Friday |14 |

| |Bunch (LB) |3rd Guidance Lesson – each | | | | |

| |2nd Guidance Lesson–ea. |class | | | | |

| |class | | | | | |

|15 |16 LB |17 LB |18 Sort Groups by Excel |19 LB & |20 Olweus Bullying KickOff |21 |

| | | |Spreadsheet (WW) |Pre-Test on Bullying for 2nd|Get Fit Friday | |

| | | | |& 3rd grade | | |

|22 |23 LB |24 LB |25 (WW) |26 Area Counselor Meeting @ |27 Get Fit Friday |28 |

| |BK (’Hands are not for |K (’Hands are not for |1st (’Hands are not for |12 | | |

| |hitting’ |hitting’ |hitting’ | | | |

|29 Susan G. Komen Walk for A|30 LB | | | | | |

|Cure – Staff Development |K( Begin Feelings Game | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|[pic] | River-Towne Elementary |

|October 2013 |Red Ribbon Week will be the week of October 28th – November 1st, 2013! |

|Sun |Mon |Tue |Wed |Thu |Fri |Sat |

|6 |7 LB & Student Advisory Brd |8 LB |9(WW) |10 LB |11 Get Fit Friday |12 |

| |Set up |F.A.S.T. #2 | |Anger Group | | |

|13 |14 LB |15 LB |16(WW) |17 LB |18 Get Fit Friday |19 |

| |Columbus Day |F.A.S.T. #3 | |Anger Group | | |

| | |RtI Meeting | | | | |

|20 |21 Red Ribbon Intro - K– |22 LB F.A.S.T. #4 & 2nd |23(WW) & 3rd Guidance |24 LB |25 Get Fit Friday & |26 |

| |Puppet Show |Guidance Lesson–ea. class |Lesson–ea. class |Self-Esteem Grps |Self-Esteem Grps | |

| | | | |Anger Group | | |

|27 |28 Red Ribbon |29 Red Ribbon |30 Red Ribbon |31 Red Ribbon | | |

| | |F.A.S.T. #5 | |Halloween | | |

| | | | |Self-Esteem Grps & Anger | | |

| | | | |Group | | |

| | | | | | | |

|[pic] | River-Towne Elementary |

|November 2013 |F.A.S.T. Graduation is on November 19th! If you have a student who went through the program it would be wonderful if you planned to make it! |

|Sun |Mon |Tue |Wed |Thu |Fri |Sat |

|3 |4 LB |5 Vote |6 District Counselor Meeting|7 All OHIO |8 All OHIO |9 |

| |‘Tattle Tongue’ BK, K, & 1st|F.A.S.T. #6 |8-10 | | | |

| | |‘Tattle Tongue’ BK, K, & 1st|(WW) | | | |

|10 |11 LB |12 F.A.S.T. #7 |13(WW) |14 LB |15 Parent Teacher Con. |16 |

| |Veterans Day |RtI Meetings | |Self-Esteem Grps |NO School 4 Students | |

|17 |18 LB |19 F.A.S.T. #8 |20 |21 LB |22 Get Fit Friday |23 |

| |‘Who do you tell’ Program – |Graduation–8pm |Area Counselor Meeting at 12|Self-Esteem Grps |Self-Esteem Grps | |

| |3rd |‘Who do you tell’ Program – | | | | |

| |3 classes |3rd | | | | |

|24 |25 LB |26 |27 No School |28 No School |29 No School |30 |

| |RtI Meetings | | |Thanksgiving Day | | |

| | | | | | | |

|[pic] | River-Towne Elementary |

|December 2013 |Career Day is scheduled for Dec. 18th – 2 hour delay schedule (alternative date Dec. 19th). Bullying guidance lesson will be on December 9th & December 11th! |

|Sun |Mon |Tue |Wed |Thu |Fri |Sat |

|8 |9 LB |10 RtI Meetings |11(WW) |12 Pre Career Day ppt - 2nd|13 Pre Career Day ppt - 2nd |14 |

| |2nd Guidance Lesson–ea. | |2nd Guidance Lesson–ea. |Self-Esteem Grp | | |

| |class | |class | | | |

|15 |16 LB |17 Post-Test on Bullying for|18 Career Day for 2nd & 3rd |19 Career Day (snow day) |20 Get Organized! |21 |

| | |2nd & 3rd grade – End of 1st| |Self-Esteem Grp | | |

| | |half | | | | |

|22 |23 No School |24 No School |25 No School |26 No School |27 No School |28 |

| | | |Christmas Day | | | |

|29 |30 No School |31 No School | | | | |

| | |New Year’s Eve | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|[pic] | River-Towne Elementary |

|January 2014 |Groups starting up for 2nd half of school year! Don’t forget if you have a student referral please visit my website for referral info! |

|Sun |Mon |Tue |Wed |Thu |Fri |Sat |

|5 |6 First Day Back from Break |7 |8 District Counselor Meeting|9 LB |10 Get Fit Friday |11 |

| |LB | |8-10 | | | |

| | | |(WW) | | | |

|12 |13 LB Sch Study Skills Grp |14 RtI Meetings & Blyng |15(WW) |16 LB |17 No School End of 2nd 9 |18 |

| |& Blyng Clsrm Gdnce Les 1st |Clsrm Gdnce Les 2nd |Blyng Clsrm Gdnce Les. 3rd | |weeks | |

|19 |20 No School |212nd Guidance Lesson–ea. |22(WW) |23 LB StudySkills Groups |24 AngerMng Groups |25 |

| |M L King Day |class |3rd Guidance Lesson–ea. | |Get Fit Friday | |

| | | |class | |Potluck | |

|26 |27 LB & Self-Esteem Quilt |28 Self-Esteem Quilt |29 Self-Esteem Quilt |30 LB StudySkills Groups |31 AngerMng Groups | |

| |Classroom Lesson 2nd/3rd |Classroom Lesson 2nd/3rd |Classroom Lesson 2nd/3rd | |Get Fit Friday | |

| |RtI Meetings | |(WW) | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|[pic] | River-Towne Elementary |

|February 2014 |School Wide Bullying Prevention program will be on February 18th! Bullying Guidance Lesson will be on February 3rd & 4th! |

|Sun |Mon |Tue |Wed |Thu |Fri |Sat |

|2 |3 LB |4 3rd Guidance Lesson–ea. |5 District Counselor Meeting|6 LB StudySkills Groups |7 AngerMng Groups |8 |

| |2nd Guidance Lesson–ea. |class |8-10 | |Get Fit Friday | |

| |class | | | | | |

|9 |10 LB |11 RtI Meetings |12 Pre-test on Bullying |13 LB StudySkills Groups |14 AngerMng Groups |15 |

| |Implement Schoolwide Bully | | | |Valentine’s Day | |

| |Prevention Prgm | | | |Get Fit Friday | |

|16 |17 No School |18 Assembly SchoolWide Bully|19 Area Counselor Meeting at|20 LB StudySkills Groups |21 AngerMng Groups |22 |

| |Presidents' Day |Prevention Prgm |12 | |Get Fit Friday | |

|23 |24 LB |25 |26 |27 LB StudySkills Groups |28 AngerMng Groups | |

| |RtI Meetings | | | |Get Fit Friday | |

| | | | | | | |

|[pic] | River-Towne Elementary |

|March 2014 |Good luck to all students taking the OGT! Bullying Guidance Lesson will be on March 3rd & 4th! |

|Sun |Mon |Tue |Wed |Thu |Fri |Sat |

|2 |3 LB |4 |5 District Counselor Meeting|6 LB |7 Get Fit Friday |8 |

| |2nd Guidance Lesson–ea. |3rd Guidance Lesson–ea. |8-10 | | | |

| |class |class |(WW) | | | |

|9 |10 LB |11 RtI Meetings |12(WW) |13 LB |14 Get Fit Friday |15 |

| |OGT |OGT |OGT |OGT |OGT | |

|16 |17 LB |18 OGT |19(WW) |20 LB |21 Potluck & Get Fit Friday |22 |

| |OGT | |OGT |OGT |OGT/end 3rd 9wk | |

|23 |24 LB |25 OGT |26(WW) |27 LB |28 Get Fit Friday |29 |

| |OGT | |OGT |OGT |OGT | |

|30 |31LB & RtI Meetings | | | | | |

|[pic] | River-Towne Elementary |

|April |Good Luck to students taking the OAA. Test Anxiety Guidance Lesson will be on April 7th & 8th! |

|2014 | |

|Sun |Mon |Tue |Wed |Thu |Fri |Sat |

|6 |7 LB |8 3rd Guidance Lesson–ea. |9(WW) |10 LB |11 Get Fit Friday |12 |

| |2nd Guidance Lesson–ea. |class | | | | |

| |class | | | | | |

|13 |14 LB |15 RtI Meetings |16(WW) |17 LB |18 No School |19 |

| | | | | |Good Friday | |

|20 |21 No School |22 OAA |23(WW) |24 LB |25 Get Fit Friday |26 |

|Easter Sunday | | |OAA |OAA |OAA | |

|27 |28 LB & RtI Meetings |29 OAA |30(WW) | | | |

| |OAA | |OAA | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|[pic] | River-Towne Elementary |

|May |Good Luck to all taking the OAA!! Final Guidance lesson on Bullying will be May 12th & 13th! |

|2014 | |

|Sun |Mon |Tue |Wed |Thu |Fri |Sat |

|4 |5 LB |6 OAA |7 District Counselor Meeting|8 LB |9 Get Fit Friday |10 |

| |OAA | |8-10 |OAA |OAA | |

| | | |(WW) & OAA | | | |

|11 |12 LB |13 RtI Meetings & 3rd |14(WW) |15 LB |16 Get Fit Friday |17 |

|Mother’s Day |2nd Guidance Lesson–ea. |Guidance Lesson–ea. class |Post-test on Bullying | | | |

| |class | | | | | |

|18 |19 LB |20 |21 Area Counselor Meeting at|22 |23 Potluck |24 |

| | | |12 | |Student Last Day | |

|25 |26 No School |27 Teacher Work Day |28 Gather Data & Measure AYP|29 |30 |31 |

| |Memorial Day | |Goals | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|[pic] | River-Towne Elementary |


|2014 |Collect Data & Measure |

|Sun |Mon |Tue |Wed |Thu |Fri |Sat |

|8 |9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |

|15 |16 |17 |18 Create Integrated Lesson |19 |20 |21 |

|Father’s Day | | |Plan #3 | | | |

|22 |23 |24 |25 |26 |27 |28 |

|29 |30 | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|[pic] | River-Towne Elementary |


|2014 | |

|Sun |Mon |Tue |Wed |Thu |Fri |Sat |

|6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |11 |12 |

|13 |14 |15 |16 |17 |18 |19 |

|20 |21 |22 |23 |24 |25 |26 |

|27 |28 |29 |30 |31 | | |

| | | | | | | |

|[pic] | River-Towne Elementary |


|Sun |Mon |Tue |Wed |Thu |Fri |Sat |

|3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |

|10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |15 |16 |

|17 |18 |19 |20 |21 |22 |23 |

|24 |25 |26 |27 |28 |29 |30 |

|31 | | | | | | |

|[pic] | River-Towne Elementary |

|September 2014 |Important Information |

|Sun |Mon |Tue |Wed |Thu |Fri |Sat |

|7 |8 |9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |

|14 |15 |16 |17 |18 |19 |20 |

|21 |22 |23 |24 |25 |26 |27 |

|28 |29 |30 | | | | |

| | | | | | | |



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