Comparative essay.Tamura, Kansanen and Cook.Names: Constanza Molina??José Palma S.Teachers’ name: Amardeep Dhillon Carolina RojasCourse: EFL MethodologyAugust 26, 2016Over the last years, methodology and didactics have been under the focus of many educational researches, what to teach? How to teach? What is the aim of teaching? There are many questions about the learning process and the methodology used in classes by teachers; however, most of the studies have different points of view, as well as different definitions of what methodology is. It is well known that there are a huge number of challenges related with the teaching process at the moment of studying a second language, and there are not only issues about context, content or the curriculum, but also teachers should have in mind the students’ needs such as level of proficiency, learning styles and cultural backgrounds. This In the present comparative essay is going to be exposed and compared different methods of teaching according to different authors, moreover, as well as some assumptions like the use of mother tongue (L1) in the classroom, the use of the four skills in classes, the use of explicit grammar discussions with students, and the role of the teacher.To begin with, the first assumption to be discussed is the use of L1 in the classroom. There are teachers that believe that the L1 should not be used in a second language classroom, from this viewpoint according to Tamura (2006) in the Direct method the use of L1 is completely excluded at the moment of teaching English. Besides, the meaning of words is explained by direct intuition, such as through drawings, mimics, or pictures that are associated with an unknown word. This method does not use translation as it is commonly seen in the Grammar Translation method, here the student is exposed to English without a translation word by word or the meaning written/spoken in L1. If the students do not understand the meaning of a word or an instruction, the teacher must be prepared to explain in other ways until they finally achieve the knowledge correctly. However, there are authors like Cook (2013) who argues that the use of L1 is still seen as undesirable and he points out that authors (Harmer, 1998: 129), (MEXT,2003) still believe that L1 should taught separately from an English class. Nevertheless, he exposes that Second language acquisition research does not follow this idea of avoiding the use of L1 in classroom; otherwise, he states many English classes justifiably avoid the L1 for practical reasons, whether because of the mixed languages of the students or because of the teacher’s ignorance of the student’s first language. (Cook, p.4, 2013) In the specific case of Chile, in most of the public schools English as a foreign language is taught through L1 because of the lack of knowledge that students have about the language. One of the biggest reasons because English as a foreign is not as productive as English as a Second language is the context. If students do not feel a sense of necessity they do not get involved in the content. Why English is important if I do not use it? At this point is where the teacher has the principal role, the didactic triangle according to Kansanen (1999) shows the relation between student, content and teacher. What to teach? How to teach? To whom? These are the principal questions, in this triangle teachers play the role of a guide, and the content that is given them has to be adapted to the class context, and also to the different learning styles that the students have. Thus, the results achieved from both methodologies (Use and non-use of L1 in class) will highly depend in the context of the class and the level of proficiency that students have.Secondly, another important point is how English is taught. Cook argues that “the basis of teaching is the spoken, not the written language” (2013, p.2) Besides, as in the old methods, such as audio-lingual and audio-visual methods the main focus is the spoken language. Likewise, as communication in the Communicative Method English is usually through speech than writing. Nonetheless, there is a different perspective about these assumptions. According to Tamura (2006,p.181), teaching English should not be focused on just speaking or writing; otherwise, it must integrate productive and receptive skills. A lesson plan should incorporate the four skills at the moment of teaching English. e.g: In a Lesson Plan an aim can be as this SWBAT describe their own dream’s house, orally. The receptive skills are going to be used as an input for the students; besides, writing will be used for practice and speaking for practicing and for the production. Hence, skills cannot be developed without active training, and the knowledge must be put into practice. It is an important part of the learning process, students should be given time to practice what they have learned, as a way of make the new knowledge acquired significant.Thirdly, even if speaking is the basis of the language, there must be also grammar to acquire the language properly; however, should teachers teach the explicit use of grammar? The discussion of the explicit use of grammar in classes has been the focus of many researches. Long time ago these studies started with the use of the Grammar translation method, where students were supposed to learn words, grammatical rules and construct sentences based on these, moreover, the words and the rules were memorized in a strict order. Under these circumstances, Cook claims in one of his assumptions of language teaching that “teachers should avoid explicit discussion of grammar” (2013,p.5). He exposes that the explicit teaching of grammar to students form part of the old-style methods. Further, understanding and knowing some aspect of language consciously is no guarantee that you can use it in speech; also, using all the grammatical rules means that each sentence will take several minutes to be produced and the goal of communication will be not completed. On the other hand, Tamura agrees with Cook because, learning in this way students were not being able to embrace the variety and richness of the spoken language. Therefore, if students continue working with this method as translate everything at the moment that they will be faced with the real spoken language, they will be at a complete loss. Notwithstanding, in the case of Chilean public school some teachers still used the grammar translation method in their English classes, because of students’ level of English, also it is easier for the students to understand by translation than definitions in English.Apart from that is needed to expose the teacher’s role as one of the most important points of teaching English. Tamura’s point is about the process of teaching English and the pedagogical view must be centred on the students; because, teachers should encourage and offers an attractive atmosphere for them to diminish students’ anxiety, shyness, among others. Moreover, Tamura (2006) expresses that not all students share the same desire for studying a foreign language so it becomes a little bit harder for teachers teach a class. Thus, Kansanen (1999) explains that each teacher has a direct relation with didactic and methodology. Furthermore, every teacher is supposed to think and make his own decision about how to cope it, teachers are the ones who are connected with didactics, and the practical theories that are used in teaching English, also they have the responsibility in making educational decisions that involved their students. Another point that is important to refer is that teachers are which should engage and develop the potentiality and ability of students for studying, inspire a kind of interest in English, and teachers should know how to go from easy stages to more difficult ones.To conclude, teachers who are the responsible of teaching must be aware of everything that happens inside the classroom. They should know their students’ background, and their needs. Teaching English has been changed through the years and teachers have to be adapted to the new methods, new technologies either students’ new behaviours. Old Chilean teachers has been using the same traditional methods, such as grammar translation with many worksheets where students were not able to communicate among each other. Nowadays, the relation between the teacher and the student is a little bit closer, due to teacher’s focus is centred on the students. And they as teachers take the role of a guide. Moreover, it helps students to overcome their fears, do not be panic at the moment of speak. However, no matter how much studies about strategies, methodology or didactic are; because, Chilean context is so far different from the reality where the three researches that we have been discussing took place. ?Therefore, as teachers in agreement with all that we have learnt, searching for the best ways to teach according to the reality, and differences of our students. Not only being focused on one of the skills but also, in the mixture of the four skills as a whole, thus as a way to prepare our students not only in the academic aspects also in their communicative abilities to achieve the different goals that they have in their life. This desire to share can inspire the teacher to make himself/herself the best method of teaching in class. Tamura (2006).Bibliography Cook, V. (2013). Common assumptions of language teaching. Second language Learning and Teaching. Taylor and Francis, London.Kansanen, P. Meri, (1999). The didactic relation in the teaching-studying-learning process. TNTEE Publications. FinlandTamura, E. (2006). Concepts on The Methodology of Teaching English. The Economic Journal of Takasaki City University of Economics. ?pp.169-188.1-23-45-67-89-10LanguageLanguage on the whole not comprehensible: high proportions of grammatical errors.Limited and inaccurate use of vocabulary.Language not always comprehensible and lacks fluency:Frequent errors in simple grammatical structures.Basic and repetitive vocabularyThe language on the whole is comprehensible:Fairly correct use of basic grammar.Generally appropriate vocabularyThe language is mostly fluent:Reasonable degree of grammatical accuracyVariety in the choice and use of vocabulary8The language is fluent:Accuracy and variety of appropriate grammatical structures,Varied and interesting use of vocabulary.References References are not presentReferences are not according to APA References reflects incomplete knowledge of APA format References are according to APA with minor violations.References complete and according to APA10Argument/comparison.Ideas/comparisons are not supported, elaborated or integrated.There is little attempt to support and elaborate and integrate comparisons /ideasSome ideas/comparisons are supported, elaborated and integrated effectivelyMost ideas/comparisons are supported, elaborated and integrated effectivelyIdeas/comparisons are supported, elaborated, and integrated effectively10Task CompletionEssay structure/ideas and concepts are not developed Essay structure/ ideas and concepts are not enough developed.Essay structure/ideas and concepts are developed but not in a balanced wayEssay structure/ideas and concepts are developed in a balanced wayEssay structure/ideas and concepts are fully developed in a balanced way10DimensionyesnoN? of words ( 1500/-2000)10Essay structureIntroductory PBody ParagraphsConcluding paragraph111000TOTAL SCORE4Total: 42/44Mark: 6,7 ................

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