[Pages:50]Steve Dionisio Superintendent

School Board

Wendy Atkinson, Chairman Bob Segur, Vice-Chairman

Kim Amontree Cara Reynolds

Ian Vincent



Division of Learning Cheryl LaPorta Edwards Assistant Superintendent

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While we hope that extended school closings are never necessary, on rare occasions, the District may be required to close a school(s) due to situations of emergency. Contingency plans to support our students away from school are a wise investment. The Instructional Continuity Plan is a contingency plan. In response to the guidance and recommendations of local emergency health officials, the Center of Disease Control, and the Florida Department of Education stemming from the escalating concerns of the coronavirus (COVID-19), Charlotte County Public Schools have temporarily closed and shifted to district-wide online learning. As a tool for minimizing disruption and maintaining a learning environment during an extended break from brick and mortar instruction delivery, E-Learning (virtual or "online" learning) is an educational platform that requires a commitment of student interaction with content in a meaningful way. It will serve as a tool to ensure our students are provided every opportunity to reinforce and continue their education while at home.

Charlotte County Public Schools will make every effort to uphold its vision of "Student Success!" during this time of absence from sustained classroom instruction. Throughout the years, the district has compiled a comprehensive collection of online content and digital resources. The Instructional Continuity Plan defined herein identifies the most effective means of standards-based & evidence-based learning that, if necessary, can be implemented quickly in times of emergency. However, the partnership between the district, the school, and the home to reinforce the importance of independent student study is crucial to its success.


Designed to minimize disruption to teaching and learning, the Instructional Continuity Plan (ICP) is organized in a manner to provide flexibility and adaptability for various learners. The online learning platform and digital resources were selected with our student and parents' needs in mind; therefore, it is customized according to the grade level bands of elementary learning (Grades K-5) and secondary learning (grades 6-8 and grades 912). Within each grade-level band, the following components reside:

Core Content Delivery via an E-Learning Experience Supplemental & Enrichment Digital Resources Student & Parent/Guardian Support

Core Content Delivery via an Online Instruction Experience explains the online platform students will encounter when launching the program.

Supplemental & Enrichment Digital Resources explains and provides the roadmap to access materials students may use to enhance core instruction.

Student & Parent/Guardian Support explains the steps the District is taking to ensure that any student who needs a mobile device to access the content and resources of the ICP will receive one for the duration of the schools' closure. In addition, direction regarding tech support is presented as well as quick reference guides and "how to" documents for both the student and parent to utilize in the absence of immediate support with a district, school, and/or online program "live" contact.

Note: Charter Schools are not bound by this ICP. Each charter school will implement an ICP that best suits that school's specific needs. Each charter school was directed to submit its ICP to the district for review and approval. Parents of charter school students should contact their children's school for further information.

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Core Content Delivery via an

E-Learning Experience

General Guidelines

Students will have access to core content via an online learning experience to remain engaged in learning during the time schools remain closed. Although campuses are closed, school is still in session. Students will be assessed and earn grades while engaged in the E-Learning experience. Core content via an online learning experience is for all students in the designated grade-level bands. When applicable, students on IEP/504 and Access

points receive accommodations as necessary. Teachers will provide clear communication regarding where/how students should ask questions and seek clarification. School-based personnel will actively monitor email for questions and communications from students and families. Teachers will avoid requiring printing. All tasks must be completed on a device or uploaded as an attachment. School Board Policy 7540.03, STUDENT TECHNOLOGY ACCEPTABLE USE AND SAFETY and NETWORK and INTERNET RULES, SAFETY and USE AGREEMENT

remain in effect and are part of the Instructional Continuity Plan. Language regarding plagiarism and cheating as stated in the District's Code of Student Conduct remains active and enforceable under this Instructional

Continuity Plan. Teachers will provide students with ample time to complete assignments and will make sure all directions for tasks are clear and detailed. Teachers will strictly follow the guidelines of the Instructional Continuity Plan and will not engage in E-Learning platforms or vendors to work with

students without prior authorization from the District. Only District-supported on-line platforms are to be used. Chromebooks borrowed from the school district are to be utilized by students only. All activity on Chromebooks will be content filtered regardless of who

is logged in. To the fullest extent possible, it is the District's intent to provide the opportunity for all Charlotte County Public Schools students to experience a successful ELearning environment conducive to continued instructional support and learning. To that end, all teachers will maintain "office hours."

It is expected that teachers will provide "office hours" that are no fewer than four (4) hours per day during their regular work hours. Teachers are expected to return parent and student contact within one workday. This will provide students with teacher interaction via email, telephone,

and/or through the online learning management systems. All teachers are strongly encouraged to utilize their District issued devices to facilitate teaching and communication needs, and use the Remind

communication system for all student and parent contact (including texting and voice calls) outside of the learning management systems, and must abide by School Board Policy 7540.04 available here. Employees who utilize their personal communication devices during this time will not be eligible for reimbursement. Teachers are to declare their "office hours" to the School Principal by Wednesday, March 25. Principals will submit a final faculty list of "office hours" to the Assistant Superintendent of Learning by close of business, ThursdDaOy,LM/CaEr/c3h.2216..2020 3 Principals will post faculty "office hours," including the teacher's email or phone number/phone extension, on the school's website before Monday, March 30.



Role and Responsibility

To the fullest extent possible, assist teachers in understanding their roles and responsibilities within the Instructional Continuity Plan and monitor the implementation of it.

Support faculty, students, and families as they transition to an E-Learning experience Evaluate the readiness of teachers to know and be able to use the E-Learning platform identified per their teaching assignment and ensure all

teachers have participated in available training opportunities. Ensure the successful implementation of teacher "contact hours" Monitor often student engagement and progress in E-Learning and intervene when necessary to offer additional supports and interventions Provide and encourage ongoing collaboration among faculty when possible Develop and institute a plan for ongoing student and Certified Student Counselor contact

Teachers are expected to identify and participate in relevant and appropriate online training to establish a level of professional competency with the online learning management systems.


TEACHER: Roles and Responsibilities


Core Content (English, Math, and Science,

Participate in i-Ready refresher webinars Participate in the i-Ready training webinar (new teachers)


TEACHER: Roles and Responsibilities

Principals will communicate to teachers the course code #s of their teaching assignment associated with Edgenuity.

Core Content (English, Math, Science, Social Studies) curriculum, excluding Advance Placement, Dual Enrollment, AICE, ESOL, and electives.

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Ensure all students completed the i-Ready online diagnostic for both reading and mathematics

Ensure all students have reading and mathematics learning paths assigned

Monitor students' online instruction in order to support their learning and progress in the online lesson path

Monitor students' lesson alerts Turn Domains on if students are struggling with lessons and the

domain has been turned off automatically Create teacher-assigned lessons for individual or groups of

students as necessary Communicate with parents weekly about their child's progress on

the "My Lessons Path" for Reading and Mathematics Monitor their homeroom class if they departmentalize or team

teach Communicate with parents via email, teacher web pages, phone

calls or Remind


All 3-5 students will use USATestPrep as core content for Science All 3-5 students have access to video lessons and comprehension

checks for all standards All comprehension checks are graded and may only be taken one

time Videos may be viewed multiple times All students will have a final EOY assessment that may be taken as

many times as necessary. The window for the assessment will open May 1st and students should be expected to score at 80% Teachers will be responsible for monitoring student progress

Participate in the CCPS Edgenuity Training webinar - Week of March 23-27

Confirm Edgenuity courses for all students on class roster(s) Week of March 23-27

Maintain student progress records/grades and submit to the School Principal upon request

Monitor daily student usage and lesson performance Communicate lack of student usage time to School Principal upon

request Collaborate with other members of the core team/department to

network and support one another in the facilitation of the Instructional Continuity Plan Communicate with students and provide timely feedback Communicate with parents via email, teacher web pages, phone calls or Remind In the event that schools remain closed for the duration of the school year, teachers will post Quarter 4 grades issued through Edgenuity

Principals will communicate to teachers the course code #s of their teaching

assignment associated with Google Classroom

All CCPS elective course offerings including CTC dualenrolled vocational electives, Advanced Placement, AICE, ESOL

CCPS Electives Curriculum

Develop lesson plans and assess learning through Google Classroom

Participate in Google Classroom training sessions offered by their school or district during the week of March 23-27

Access training tutorials located on the CCPS District website or utilize a "Virtual Training Room" through Microsoft Teams

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monitor and encourage your students to read and pass their accelerated reader tests.

communicate with parents via email, teacher web pages, phone calls or Remind

Maintain student progress records/grades and submit to the School Principal upon request

Monitor daily student usage and lesson performance Communicate lack of student usage time to School Principal upon

request Collaborate with other members of the department to network

and support one another in the facilitation of the Instructional Continuity Plan Communicate with students and provide timely feedback Communicate with parents via email, teacher web pages, phone calls or Remind Supplement instruction with digital enrichment resources identified in the Instructional Continuity Plan

College Board guidance promotes the use of Google Classroom to engage all Advanced Placement students in an E-Learning platform

To the greatest extent possible, AP Course Syllabi will be facilitated Develop lesson plans and assess learning through Google

Classroom Communicate with parents via email, teacher web pages, phone

calls or Remind College Board guidance strongly recommends the integration of

"AP Classroom" resources within the Google Classroom Teachers are encouraged to monitor the AP Central website for

current information provided by College Board: The College Board is also developing tools to mitigate the impact of school closures on students in the Advanced Placement Program. All AP students and teachers will be able to draw on the free online resources that were provided to every AP classroom this fall. Additional resources will be made easily accessible to AP

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students and teachers through mobile phones and other devices. These include free online AP lessons and review sessions from some of the top AP teachers in the country The AP program is finalizing streamlined AP exam options that would allow students to test at home, depending on the situation, in May. AP teachers are strongly encouraged to incorporate this one-page overview of how AP teachers can use the free, daily online practice in AP Classroom to check student understanding of each topic and skill in the AP course and ensure that students are well prepared for exam day AP teachers can access these additional resources to help them get set up with AP Classroom: Foundations. Learn how AP Classroom complements the new AP course and exam descriptions and offers students opportunities for practice and feedback throughout the year AP Classroom Demo. See a click-through demonstration of AP Classroom, which highlights how to assign, score, and interpret results from Topic Questions, Personal Progress Checks, and teacher-created assignments and quizzes from the AP Question Bank AP Quick Start Videos. Watch short tutorials on the recent features added to AP Classroom Beginning on Wednesday, March 25, students and schools will have access to free, live AP review lessons, delivered by AP teachers from across the country. The lessons will focus on reviewing the skills and concepts from the first 75% of the course. These mobile-friendly classes are designed to be used alongside the work that may be given by schools, recorded and available ondemand so teachers and students can access them any time, and not dependent on current AP teachers continuing instruction. Click Here to access these free, live AP review lessons.

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Develop lesson plans and assess learning through Google Classroom

Communicate with parents via email, teacher web pages, phone calls or Remind

AICE guidance strongly recommends the use of "Resource Plus" to support E-Learning. Resource Plus includes high-quality videos, ready-made lesson plans and teaching materials for a limited number of English, Math, and Science syllabi. These materials are accessed by clicking HERE

For additional information, teachers and school leaders are encourage to access the Frequently Asked Questions webpage

Currently, Cambridge intends to continue with all planned exams, but will continue to monitor the ever-changing situation and are planning for the possibility that it may not be possible for all candidates to take all exams

All CCPS/FSW Dual Enrollment Courses


Check FSW emails and the FSW website for continued updates. Click Here

CCPS teachers who serve as FSW Concurrent teachers on our schools' campuses are to adhere to the guidance of FSW to facilitate learning in an E-Learning environment - All instruction is to continue using Canvas

Spring 2020 classes will continue online delivery through the end of the spring term utilizing the Canvas Learning Management

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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