
|Department of Education | | | |

| | | | |

| |POSITION AND COMPETENCY PROFILE |PCP No. ______ |Revision Code: 00 |

| | | | |

|Position Title |Guidance Counselor I |Salary Grade |11 |

|Parenthetical Title | | | |

|Office Unit |Division Office, Secondary School |Effectivity Date | |

|Reports to |Principal. ASDS, SDS |Page/s | |

|Position Supervised | | | |


|Provides and implements guidance and counseling services |


|CSC Prescribed Qualifications |

|Education | |

|Experience | |

|Eligibility | |

|Trainings | |

|Preferred Qualifications |

|Education |AB/BS Psychology graduate |

|Experience |3 years designated guidance teacher |

|Eligibility | |

|Trainings | |

|Department of Education | | | |

| | | | |

| |POSITION AND COMPETENCY PROFILE |PCP No. ______ |Revision Code: 00 |

| | | | |

|Position Title |Guidance Counselor II |Salary Grade |12 |

|Parenthetical Title | | | |

|Office Unit |Division Office, Secondary School |Effectivity Date | |

|Reports to |Principal. ASDS, SDS |Page/s | |

|Position Supervised | | | |


|Provides and implements guidance and counseling services |


|CSC Prescribed Qualifications |

|Education | |

|Experience | |

|Eligibility | |

|Trainings | |

|Preferred Qualifications |

|Education |AB/BS Psychology with 21 units in MA in Guidance |

|Experience |5 years experience |

|Eligibility |Licensed/Registered Guidance Counselor |

|Trainings | |

|Department of Education | | | |

| | | | |

| |POSITION AND COMPETENCY PROFILE |PCP No. ______ |Revision Code: 00 |

| | | | |

|Position Title |Guidance Counselor III |Salary Grade |13 |

|Parenthetical Title | | | |

|Office Unit |Division Office, Secondary School |Effectivity Date | |

|Reports to |Principal. ASDS, SDS |Page/s | |

|Position Supervised | | | |


|Provides and implements guidance and counseling services |


|CSC Prescribed Qualifications |

|Education | |

|Experience | |

|Eligibility | |

|Trainings | |

|Preferred Qualifications |

|Education |AB/BS Psychology, MA in Guidance |

|Experience |7 years experience |

|Eligibility |Registered Guidance Counselor |

|Trainings | |

|Department of Education | | | |

| | | | |

| |POSITION AND COMPETENCY PROFILE |PCP No. ______ |Revision Code: 00 |

| | | | |

|Position Title |Guidance Coordinator I |Salary Grade |13 |

|Parenthetical Title | | | |

|Office Unit |Division Office, Secondary School |Effectivity Date | |

|Reports to |Principal. ASDS, SDS |Page/s | |

|Position Supervised | | | |


|Provides and implements guidance and counseling services. |


|CSC Prescribed Qualifications |

|Education | |

|Experience | |

|Eligibility | |

|Trainings | |

|Preferred Qualifications |

|Education |AB/BS Psychology, MA in Guidance |

|Experience |10 years experience |

|Eligibility |Registered Guidance Counselor |

|Trainings | |

|Department of Education | | | |

| | | | |

| |POSITION AND COMPETENCY PROFILE |PCP No. ______ |Revision Code: 00 |

| | | | |

|Position Title |Guidance Coordinator II |Salary Grade |14 |

|Parenthetical Title | | | |

|Office Unit |Division Office, Secondary School |Effectivity Date | |

|Reports to |Principal. ASDS, SDS |Page/s | |

|Position Supervised | | | |


|Provides and implements guidance and counseling services |


|CSC Prescribed Qualifications |

|Education | |

|Experience | |

|Eligibility | |

|Trainings | |

|Preferred Qualifications |

|Education |AB/BS Psychology, with Doctoral units |

|Experience |10 years experience |

|Eligibility |Registered Guidance Coordinator |

|Trainings | |

|Department of Education | | | |

| | | | |

| |POSITION AND COMPETENCY PROFILE |PCP No. ______ |Revision Code: 00 |

| | | | |

|Position Title |Guidance Coordinator III |Salary Grade |15 |

|Parenthetical Title | | | |

|Office Unit |Division Office, Secondary School |Effectivity Date | |

|Reports to |Principal. ASDS, SDS |Page/s | |

|Position Supervised | | | |


|Provides and implements guidance and counseling services. |


|CSC Prescribed Qualifications |

|Education | |

|Experience | |

|Eligibility | |

|Trainings | |

|Preferred Qualifications |

|Education |AB/BS Psychology, Masters in Guidance and Counseling |

|Experience |At least 5 years experience |

|Eligibility |Licensed Guidance Counselor |

|Trainings |At least 24 hours of relevant training |


|Guidance Counselor I |

|Organizes functional and suitable guidance and counseling program |

|Provides effective individual and group counseling |

|Identifies students’ needs and problems |

|Provides career counseling to students |

|Provides scholarship programs to students |

|Guidance Counselor II |

|Provides orientation to students in all year levels |

|Formulates guidance and counseling forms including individual inventory, agreement forms |

|Administers and interprets individual and groups psychological and projective tests |

|Provides effective individual and group counseling |

|Identifies students’ needs and problems |

|Makes an action research based on the results of the identified of students’ needs and problems |

|Makes referrals to different government agencies |

|Coordinates with the community, NGOs or Gos for program support |

|Provides career counseling to students |

|Provides scholarship programs to students |

|Guidance Counselor III |

|Organizes functional and suitable guidance and counseling program |

|Provides orientation to students in all year levels |

|Implements guidelines and school policies |

|Formulates guidance and counseling forms including individual inventory, agreement forms |

|Administers and interprets individual and group psychological and projective tests |

|Holds parent-teacher conferences |

|Designs and manages teachers’ training on guidance-related topics enhancing their skills in effective pupil management |

|Provides effectiveindividual and group counseling |

|Identifies student’s needs and problems |

|Makes an action research based on the result of the identification of students’ needs and problems |

|Makes referrals to other government agencies |

|Coordinates with the community, NGOs and Gos for program support |

|Provides career counseling to students |

|Provides scholarship programs to students |

|Guidance Coordinators I-III |

|1. Supervises the guidance programs of the district/division |

|2. Formulates guidance policies in the district/division |

|3. Provides guidance seminars on stress management |

|4. Acts as consultant to parents, out of school youths and community |

| | | | |

|Major Final Outputs (MFOs) |Key Result Areas (KRAs) |Objectives |Outputs |

| |Guidance and Counseling Program |Formulated annual Guidance and Counseling Program on |a.Annual Guidance and Counseling Program |

| | |target date |b. Guidance and counseling program implented |

| | |Implemented an effective all year round guidance and | |

| | |counseling program | |

| |Administration of Psychological and IQ Tests |Administered and interpreted test results within target |a. Analysis Reports |

| | |dates |b. Counseling sessions |

| | |Provided solution-focused/counseling sessions based on the | |

| | |test results within target dates | |

| |Counseling – Personal and Academic |Provided individual and group counseling within the target |a. Individual and group counseling |

| | |dates |b. Counseling sessions |

| | |Provided counseling sessions based on students’ counseling | |

| | |needs | |

| |Consultant/Resource Speaker |a. Acted as consultant in school and community all year |a. Counseling sessions |

| | |round | |

| | |b. Provided trainings to teachers on guidance related |b. Trainings initiated |

| | |works | |

| |Career Counseling |a. Provided career/vocational counseling – twice a year |a. Career and vocational counseling |

| | |b. Provided career planning once a year |b. Career Planning conference |

| |Research and Evaluation |a. Formulated survey needs, problem identification of |a. Survey |

| | |students annually |b. Action research |

| | |b. Evaluated action research twice a year |c. Intervention program |

| | |c. Formulated intervention programs twice a year | |

| |Prevention and Wellness |a. Made an action research on students and teachers needs|a. Action research |

| | |twice a year |b. Prevention and Wellness program for teachers |

| | |b. Provided programs for students and teachers prevention|and students |

| | |and wellness twice a year | |

| |Linkages to Gos, NGOs, LGUs and Other Agencies |a. Linked with different government agencies all year |a. Linkage with government agencies |

| | |round |b. Referrals |

| | |b. Referred students with special needs to specialists | |

| | |concerned | |

| |Performance Indicators |

|Objectives |Outstanding |More than acceptable (4) |Acceptable or minimum standard |Less than acceptable (2) |Poor |

| |(5) | |(3) | |(1) |

|Administered and interpreted results | 100% |90% |85% |70% |Below 70% |

|from diagnostic tests within target |of the tests administered and |of the tests administered and |of the tests administered and |of the tests administered and |of the tests administered and |

|dates |interpreted (with analysis |interpreted (with analysis |interpreted (with analysis |interpreted (with analysis |interpreted (with analysis report)|

| |report) |report) |report) |report) | |

|Provided solution-focused/ counseling |Covered 100% of students for |Covered 90% students for |Covered 85% students for |Covered 70% students for |Below 70% covereage for |

|sessions based on test results |solution-focused/ counseling |solution-focused/ counseling |solution-focused/ counseling |solution-focused/ counseling |solution-focused/ counseling |

| |sessions based on the test |sessions based on the test |sessions based on the test |sessions based on the test |sessions based on the test results|

| |results |results |results |results | |

|Provided individual and group |100% |90% accomplishment based on group| 85% accomplishment based on |70% accomplishment based on group|Below 70% |

|counseling |individual and group counseling |counseling plan/program |group counseling plan/program |counseling plan/program |accomplishment |

| |provided based on group | | | | |

| |counseling plan/program | | | | |

|Provided trainings/orientation among |100% audience reach | 90% audience reach |85% audience reach |70% audience reach | Below 70% audience reach |

|teachers on current learning trends/ | | | | | |

|issues and child protection | | | | | |

|policy/practices | | | | | |

|Provided career counseling and career |100% of students provided with |90% of students provided with |85% of students provided with | 70% of students provided with |Below 70% students provided with |

|planning programs |career counseling and |career counseling and |career counseling and |career counseling and |career counseling and |

|(based on NCAE and other references) |planning/placement |planning/placement |planning/placement |planning/placement |planning/placement |

|Conducted action researches in |5 action researches conducted |4 action researches conducted |3 action researches conducted |2 action researches conducted |1 action research conducted |

|academic and non-academic factors |following prescribed format and |following prescribed format with |following prescribed and with |with results adopted and utilized|adopted and utilized for decisions|

|affecting learning progress and |feasible/substantive |very good results and |results adopted and utilized for |for decisions | |

|achievements |recommendations, with results |adopted/utilized for decisions |decisions | | |

| |adopted for decisions | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Provided Prevention and Wellness | 5 |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Programs for students and teachers |programs for prevention and |programs for prevention and |programs for prevention and |programs for prevention and |programs for prevention and |

| |Wellness for teachers and |Wellness for teachers and |Wellness for teachers and |Wellness for teachers and |Wellness for teachers and students|

| |students provided |students provided |students provided |students provided |provided |

| |(with training design and report)|(with training design and report)|(with training design and report)|(with training design and report)|(with training design and report) |


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