Literary Circle 2: Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension, and ...

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|Literary Circle 2: Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension, and Writing |

|Investigator |

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| Lindsey Davis |

|7/27/2013 |

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Chapter 4: Vocabulary

o Strategies to Build Student Vocabulary in Grades 4-12: Provides multiple strategies that can be used in the classroom to facilitate learning vocabulary.

▪ Strategies Include:

• Star Webs

• KWL Chart

• Semantic Feature Maps

• Vocab Jeopardy

• Talk Fast

• Pictionary

• Pyramid Game

o Website provides a game structure called “The Challenge” that asks questions designed to help you learn words.

o They also provide an online dictionary and a section for word lists that include SAT words, you can create your own lists, or view lists that have been made by others.

o Lists can be accessed by topic or age group.

o Website offers a free subscription for learning a new word every day.

o The word of the day includes the word, pronunciation, etymology, usage, and a link for finding that word in a thesaurus.

Chapter 5: Reading Comprehension

o Reading Comprehension Strategies: This is a one page handout published by Scholastic that can be given to students as a tool for helping their reading comprehension. It is broken down into 6 parts.

▪ Making Connections

▪ Visualize

▪ Ask Questions

▪ Infer

▪ Determine Importance

▪ Synthesize

o Each topic has an explanation and questions or thoughts that the students can ask themselves while reading to help with their comprehension skills.

o Short three page article that gives teachers some practical ideas for helping their students with reading comprehension.

o The article provides 7 reading strategies and 6 best practices for teaching strategic reading.

o Webpage with strategies for helping students summarize material that they read.

o The page gives a list of what the strategy is and how it is used.

o Strategies Include:

▪ The Last Word

▪ 3-2-1 Countdown

▪ Word Splash

▪ Ticket out the Door

▪ Leaning Logs

▪ Anticipation Guides

Chapter 6: Reading and Writing Connections

o The Writing Process: A Writing Resource Guide

o The link begins by discussing how to build a community of writers, goes through each step of the writing process, and then ends with resources that can be used.

o The page provides activities that can be used for each step of the writing process and also provides ways to implement each stage of the writing process for different forms of writing such as poetry and autobiographies.

o Techniques for Creative Teaching

o The page is called Techniques for Creative Teaching but it really focuses on different activities or ways to help students begin the writing process.

▪ Brainstorming

▪ Reverse Brainstorming

▪ Concept Mapping

▪ Role Playing

▪ Storyboarding

▪ Random Input

▪ Slip Writing

▪ Fishbone

• (Full).pdf

o Information about Writer’s Workshop and how teachers can effectively implement a writer’s workshop in their own classroom.

▪ What is a Writer’s Workshop

▪ Mini Lessons for a Writers Workshop

▪ What should the teacher be doing during writing time?

▪ Managing sharing

▪ Tips for doing a Writers Workshop in secondary classes


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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