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Academy for Discovery at Lakewood

2017-2018 School Year

6TH Grade Application

NPS students must turn in their completed packet to their school counselor.


Non-NPS students can turn in their completed packet directly to the school or mail to:

Academy for Discovery at Lakewood

Attention: 6th Grade Application

1701 Alsace Avenue

Norfolk, Virginia 23509 

Applicants are encouraged to complete their application electronically and print before turning in.

Do you have additional questions?


or you can attend an information night Thursday, January 12, 2017 @ 5:30pm

(6th Grade Only)

Application Deadline:

Applications are due for rising 6th graders no later than January 27, 2017.

Late applications are not accepted.

Program Overview

Dear Prospective Parent/Guardian and Student,

Thank you for your interest in filling out an application for 6th Grade at Academy for Discovery at Lakewood (ADL) for the 2017-2018 school year. ADL is a city-wide 3rd through 8th grade school with a focus on the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (IB MYP). Our program challenges students through rigorous coursework, while teaching them skills to be successful in learning and life. Parents/guardians and students should have a complete understanding of academic expectations before applying. Listed below and throughout the application is information about our program so that you can make the best decision on whether or not to apply.

The IB MYP is recognized as a premier program of study around the world. The program focuses on a broad and balanced curriculum focused on eight subject groups. Interdisciplinary instruction is encouraged and is connected through key concepts and global contexts. The IB MYP recognizes that our students, as future leaders, need to develop strong skills for learning and post high school education. Skills fundamental to the program include global thinking, civic-mindedness, service learning, real-world problem solving and inquiry based learning. You can find additional information on the IB Web Site: .

ADL has earned the distinction of being a candidate school for the IB MYP, and is currently going through IB’s rigorous authorization process targeted for completion during the 2016-2017 school year. ADL completed the authorization application and will be visited by a verification team in early 2017. As a candidate school, our teachers have been trained in IB MYP concepts and are implementing the key components of the program. Even after authorization, IB encourages continuous reflection and development – so the work is never done.

In addition to the implementation of the IB MYP as a candidate school, ADL also emphasizes learning through Project-Based Learning. PBL is embedded in instruction for all grades. Our teachers received specific training in PBL and are implementing in a phased approach. Please review a video about PBL here: .

Those wishing to attend ADL will need to have an understanding that the classroom learning environment will include more inquiry-based instruction, collaborative based activities, infusion of real-world problem solving, and high levels of student engagement.

After you have reviewed all of this information, if you are excited about being part of ADL and feel that you can commit to our mission and philosophy, then please complete the components of the application. The application must be completed and returned no later than, January 27, 2017, by 3:30pm. Additional information (FAQ) can be found on our web site:


Thomas Smigiel


Academy for Discovery at Lakewood


Academy for Discovery at Lakewood Mission and Philosophy and Academic Program


In partnership with students, families, and community, Academy for Discovery at Lakewood will inspire in its students a lifelong passion for learning in a global society. With a commitment to academic excellence and personal integrity, students will demonstrate independent and reflective thinking, creativity, as well as a sense of social responsibility and intercultural understanding.


We believe in…

(E)xceptional teaching practices that enhance the experiences of our students. Professional learning communities support student growth by evaluating curriculum and unique instructional strategies.

(A)cademic excellence for all students. Students’ engagement with inquiry-based learning gives them the freedom to take risks in a nurturing environment.

(G)lobal awareness and understanding, to promote and prepare students for real world problem solving.

(L)earning environments that promote leadership, resilience, self-discovery, team building, and personal growth.

(E)xpectations that foster compassion, respect, fairness, responsibility, and ethical behavior. These attributes are the foundation for building character in all students.

(S)upportive relationships between staff, families, and community stakeholders. These relationships encourage civic-minded attitudes and an appreciation for diversity.

Approaches to Learning

Through Approaches to Learning (ATL) in IB programs, students develop skills that have relevance across the curriculum that help them “learn how to learn”. ATL skills can be learned and taught, improved with practice and developed incrementally. They provide a solid foundation for learning independently and with others. They provide a common language that students and teachers can use to reflect on, and articulate on, the process of learning. ADL’s focus on Approach to Learning skills helps to develop students who are able to:

|Exchange thoughts and information with others effectively |Reflect and self-assess |

|Read critically and write well for different purposes |Find, interpret, judge and create information |

|Work effectively with others |Interact with media to use and create ideas and information |

|Manage time and tasks effectively |Think critically |

|Persevere, self-motivate, focus, and overcome distractions |Analyze and evaluate issues and ideas |

|Bounce back after adversity, mistakes and failures |Consider ideas from multiple perspectives |

The focus of ATL in the MYP is on helping students to develop the self-knowledge and skills they need to enjoy a lifetime of learning. ATL skills empower students to succeed in meeting the challenging objectives of MYP subject groups and prepare them for further success in rigorous academic programs.

Developing students in the MYP

The MYP aims to develop students who are:

• Active learners

• Internationally minded

• Able to empathize with others

• Have the intellect and skills to pursue lives of purpose and meaning.

The MYP is designed to help students develop the characteristics of the IB learner profile. It offers students opportunities to:

• develop their potential

• explore their own learning preferences

• take appropriate risks

• reflect on, and develop, a strong sense of personal identity.

At a time when students are establishing their identity and building their self-esteem, the MYP can motivate students and help them to achieve success in school and in life beyond the classroom.



An Assessment Policy is one of the requirements for authorization. ADL’s plans for assessment, both formative and summative, focus on documenting student progress and providing feedback to learners and parents which clearly describes how progress can be improved even before a grade is final. Four criterion-related rubrics for each MYP subject group will be used. Synergy categories will be different. Grading is a sum of each of the 4 criterion areas. The highest consistent scores a student achieves over time in each of the four summative categories will be combined for a final score which is translated into a letter grade. Formative assessments will be scored and reported too, to inform students and parents, but as practice are not part of a final grade.



The Grade 8 Community Project is a major activity for students to complete during their 8th grade year at Academy for Discovery at Lakewood. The community project focuses on action and service and gives students an opportunity to develop an awareness of needs in various communities and address those needs through service learning. The community project engages students in a sustained, in-depth inquiry project to serve as action in the community. Participating students should plan to spend a minimum of 15 hours completing this service learning. The community project can be completed in groups of three students or less.


|IB MYP 8 Subject Groups: |6th Grade |7th Grade |8th Grade |

|Language Acquisition |Students take 60 days of each: |Chinese 1*, French 1* or Spanish 1* |Chinese 2*, French 2* or Spanish 2* |

| |Exploratory Chinese | | |

| |Exploratory French | | |

| |Exploratory Spanish | | |

|Language and Literature |Honors English 6 or |Honors English 7 or English 7 |Honors English 8 or English 8 |

| |English 6 | | |

|Individuals and Societies |Social Studies 6 |Honors Social Studies 7 |World Geography* |

| | |(Civics and Economics) | |

|Sciences |Honors Science 6 or Science 6 |Honors Life Science or |Earth Science* and Physical Science 8 |

| | |Science 7 (Life Science) | |

|Mathematics |Pre-Algebra 6, Honors Math 6 or Math |Algebra 1*, Math 7, or Honors Pre-Algebra|Geometry*, Algebra 1* or Pre-Algebra 8 |

| |6 |7 | |

|Arts |Exploratory Art, Beginning Band, |Digital Art 7, Intermediate Band, |Advanced Band, Advanced Chorus, |

| |Beginning Chorus, Beginning Orchestra|Intermediate Chorus, Intermediate |Advanced Orchestra, Introduction to |

| |or Exploratory Theater |Orchestra, or Theater 7 |Art*, or Theater 8 |

|Physical and Health Education |Health and Physical Education 6 |Health and Physical Education 7 |Health and Physical Education 8 |

|Design |Future Problem Solving or |Gateway to Technology 1 & 2 and |Technology Foundations* |

| |Introduction to Technology |Technology Systems | |

*High School Level Course All courses subject to change and district approval




Academy for Discovery at Lakewood

2017-2018 School Year

Application for 6TH Grade


All applicants should currently be in 5th Grade.


*Student Applicant’s Name (First, Middle and Last Name):      

*Student’s Current School:      

Student’s Zoned Middle School:      

The information listed below will be used for communication during the application and selection process only. It will be up to the applicant’s parent/guardian to update information with the student’s current school or with the Academy for Discovery at Lakewood upon enrollment.

*Student Applicant’s Address:      

City:       State:       Zip Code:      


*Parent/Guardian Name:      

*Parent/Guardian Email Address:      

*Parent/Guardian Primary Phone Number:      

Parent/Guardian Secondary Phone Number:      

Additional Parent/Guardian Name:      

Additional Parent/Guardian Email Address:      

Additional Parent/Guardian Primary Phone Number:      

Additional Parent/Guardian Secondary Phone Number:      


Writing Prompt Instructions

Below is a list of the ten attributes from the International Baccalaureate Learner Profile. IB believes these attributes can help individuals and groups become responsible members of local, national and global communities.

The essay should be an original work of the student. All essays will be monitored for plagiarism.

Writing Prompt Instructions (The essay must include all components listed below):

• Pick one of the 10 attributes listed below that you would most like to develop or grow in as you get older. Explain why you chose this attribute.

• Write about why you think it is important to develop this attribute for your future.

• Explain why you believe your chosen attribute will help you become a responsible member of a local, national or global community. Make sure you give examples.

Additional Guidelines for writing:

• Your essay should be at least 3 well developed paragraphs (introduction, body and conclusion).



The writing prompt I am submitting is my original work. IB and ADL are strong believers in Academic Honesty. If any portion of this writing prompt is found to have been plagiarized, the student’s application will not be accepted.

Student Applicant’s Name (First, Middle and Last Name):      

Student Signature:      



Please type your essay below. If using your own paper, please attached to this sheet and make sure the academic honesty statement above has a printed name and is signed.



Student Applicant’s Name (First, Middle and Last Name):      



Your essay will be scored based on the rubric below. Please hand-write or type the essay neatly and in the space provided. Print or write in cursive. Be sure that you have completed this writing assignment without assistance from anyone else.



|Focus/Organization |Comments: |

|Clearly states a main idea and shows clarity in writing. | |

|Elaborates with details, examples, descriptions, etc. | |

|Ideas, events, and/or details are effectively ordered. | |

|There is unified structure that includes a title, an introductory paragraph, | |

|three body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph. | |

| |Score _____ |

| |4 = Very Strong 3 = Strong 2 = Average 1 = Weak |

|Elaboration/Support |Comments: |

|All details are clearly related to the topic. | |

|Details are appropriate and sufficient. | |

|Word choice enhances the writing and presents the voice of a rising sixth | |

|grader. | |

|Vivid vocabulary and sentence variety give the essay a flow that avoids | |

|boredom. |Score _____ |

| |4 = Very Strong 3 = Strong 2 = Average 1 = Weak |

|Mechanics/Usage |Comments: |

|Standard English usage is employed. | |

|Rules for capitalization, punctuation, and grammar are applied. | |

|The paper is neat, legible, and presented in an appropriate format. | |

| | |

| |Score _____ |

| |4 = Very Strong 3 = Strong 2 = Average 1 = Weak |

| |The sum of the three categories equals the overall score. |

| |12 - 10 Very Strong 9 - 8 Strong |

| |6 - 7 Average 5 - 0 Weak |

| | |

| |Overall Score ________ |


Qualifications and Selection Process


Students accepted Academy for Discovery at Lakewood are expected to be in good standing at their

current school, including behavior and attendance. If the student is applying from a private or home

schooled environment, a current transcript or proof of progress must be submitted with the application.

Home schooled students must be registered with Norfolk Public Schools in order to apply. Because

promotion to sixth grade is required for all students, a final review of grades will take place before

students are transferred and/or enrolled.

A completed application must be submitted by the deadline of January 27, 2017, 3:30pm. Academy for

Discovery at Lakewood does not maintain a late application file and those applications cannot be considered for the wait list.

The student completes the writing prompt, answering all requirements. Student verifies that the work is

original and not plagiarized. Each essay is read and scored on completion of the requirements.

A teacher recommendation is submitted in a sealed and signed envelope.

Selection Process

Selection into ADL is completed through a lottery of qualified applicants. Notification of selection or placement on a wait list will be mailed on April 6, 2017. Once a student is selected in the lottery, the student and parent will be expected to attend a mandatory information and enrollment session at the school in the spring.

(Please check each box after reading the description)

By checking here, I am acknowledging that I have read the qualifications and selection process for ADL.

By checking here, I am acknowledging that I understand that if my student is selected in the lottery, both the student and parent/guardian will be required to attend a mandatory information and enrollment session at the school in the Spring.

By typing in your name, you are signing this agreement electronically. You agree your electronic signature is the legal equivalent of your manual signature on this agreement.

Print Parent/Guardian Name:      

Parent/Guardian Signature:      



| |

|Academy for Discovery at Lakewood |

|Teacher Recommendation Form |

|Confidential |

| | | | | |

|Student | | |School | |

| | | | | |

|Teacher | | |Subject | |

Directions to Student/Parent/Guardian: On the lines above, print or type your name and the name of the person who will recommend you. This recommendation form MUST be given to one of your current teachers. Please know that the recommendations are confidential, and the contents will not be revealed to you or your child.

Directions to teacher: The student whose name appears above is applying for admission to Academy for Discovery at Lakewood. Please use the following rating scale and rate the student according to the student’s typical degree of behavior and attitude. This student exhibits this trait:

4 = consistently 3 = often 2 = occasionally 1 = rarely

1. Demonstrates higher order thinking skills _________

2. Demonstrates initiative and intellectual curiosity _________

3. Demonstrates strong skills in my subject _________

4. Is punctual and consistent in fulfilling obligations (homework, class work, projects) _________

5. Follows directions _________

6. Works well as a member of a team _________

7. Applies problem-solving skills effectively to new situations _________

8. Demonstrates in-depth understanding of concepts _________

9. Demonstrates leadership skills _________

10. Demonstrates the ability to succeed in a rigorous academic program _________

11. Maintains 95% or better attendance and punctuality rates _________

12. Submits high quality work at deadlines _________

13. Works well independently without constant supervision and prompting _________

14. Exemplifies a high degree of academic and personal integrity (no disruptive _________

or discipline/behavior problems)

Total __________

| | | |

|Signature of Teacher | |Date |

|Please Note: The person completing this form must return completed recommendation form in a sealed envelope with name of student and school on the front of the|

|envelope to the student’s elementary school guidance office on or before January 27, 2017. Private/home schooled student recommendations should be mailed |

|directly to Academy for Discovery at Lakewood – 1701 Alsace Ave. Norfolk, VA 23509. |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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