Teacher - Houston Independent School District

Teacher: Adams Houston Independent School District Westside High School

Subject: English I-Prep Secondary Lesson Plan Sheet Week of: March 3-7, 2014

|Day |H.I.S.D. Objectives |Student Objectives |Teaching and Enrichment Activities |List Resources and Materials |Hm Wk |

| | |SWBAT: |Do First: Open book and read “The Education of Frank McCourt” |-McDougal Literature Book |-finish questions 5-11 |

| |Ⓡ ELA.9.Fig19B Make complex inferences about |- Identify author’s voice and make|Review: | |-Short Response: |

| |text and use textual evidence to support |inferences about author’s purpose |Lesson of the Day: Analyze author’s voice by identifying clues | |Write an Argument – gerund|

| |understanding. |in cultural, historical, and |within the literature as you read | |phrases |

| |Ⓢ ELA.9.5A Analyze and discuss the purpose of |contemporary context |Activity 1: Teacher reads literature book and identifies | | |

| |non-linear plot development (e.g., flashbacks,| |historical and cultural references that lead to author’s voice | | |

| |foreshadowing, subplots, | |Activity 2: Guided practice over identifying author’s voice in | | |

| |parallel plot structures) and compare it to | |“The Education of Frank McCourt” | | |

| |linear plot development. | |Activity 3: Independent practice answer literary analysis | | |

| |Ⓡ ELA.9.5B Analyze how authors develop | |questions from “Angela’s Ashes”. | | |

| |Ⓡ ELA.9.8A Explain the controlling idea and | | | | |

| |specific purpose of an expository text and | | | | |

| |distinguish the most important | | | | |

| |from the less important details that support | | | | |

| |the author’s purpose. | | | | |

| | |SWBAT: |Do First: Read Understand The TEKS on Revision projected on |- Measuring Up Packet w/ |None |

| |Ⓡ ELA.9.13C Revise drafts to improve style, |- Revise literary narratives for |ELMO and copy |prompts | |

| |word choice, figurative language, sentence |grammar mechanics and spelling |Lesson of the Day: STAAR Practice revision and SAR | | |

| |variety, and subtlety of |-STAAR Practice |Activity 1: Discuss revision assessment and expectations on | | |

| |meaning after rethinking how well questions of| |STAAR | | |

| |purpose, audience, and genre have been | |Activity 2: Answer guided questions from “Julia’s Bike” in | | |

| |addressed. | |Measuring Up. | | |

| |Ⓡ ELA.9.13D Edit drafts for grammar, | |Activity 3: Guided practice rereading the unedited selection | | |

| |mechanics, and spelling. | |revising to make stronger by adding and changing details. | | |

| |Ⓡ ELA.9.15A.i Write an analytical essay of | |Activity 4: Independent practice. Read the passage “A Memorable| | |

| |sufficient length that includes | |Ride” and answer multiple choice questions on revisions. | | |

| | |SWBAT: |Do First: Read graded SAR from “Angela’s Ashes” |-SAR scoring rubric | None |

| |Ⓡ ELA.9.Fig19B Make complex inferences about |- Write a minimum level 3 SAR |Lesson of the Day: Rewrite SAR to enhance argument for level 3 |-McDougal text book | |

| |text and use textual evidence to support |according to STAAR rubric |or 4 SAR |-SAR prompt | |

| |understanding. | |Activity 1: Review criteria for level 4 SAR | | |

| |Ⓡ ELA.9.13B Structure ideas in a sustained and| |Activity 2: Read and discuss student examples of level 4 SAR | | |

| |persuasive (logical) way (e.g., using | |Activity 3: Independently write SAR from and enhance to | | |

| |outlines, note taking, graphic | |strengthen argument. | | |

| |organizers, lists) and develop drafts in timed| | | | |

| |and open-ended situations that include | | | | |

| |transitions and the rhetorical | | | | |

| |devices used to convey meaning. | | | | |


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