
General information regarding the IOL courses:INTRODUCTIONIOL is proud to inform you that all its Academic and Business School courses are registered with the National Council for higher Education (NCHE) and the Namibian Training Authority (NTA) and are accredited by the Namibian Qualifications Authority (NQA).One of the advantages of studying through a distance educational institute is that you can register for any course at any given time.As the largest distance education institution in Namibia, one of our main objectives is to provide our students with service excellence in student support and beyond.COURSES OFFERED:SSF = Student Support Fee The CASH PRICES are indicated.?GRADE 12PriceGrade 12Subjects offered Grade 12 NSSC4116English Second Language – Core and Extended 4322Biology4323Physical Science4324Mathematics – Core and Extended 4331Development Studies4332Geography4333History4345Accounting4346Business Studies4347EconomicsNB!! Kindly note that examinations will run at the same time as that of the Ministry of EducationPrice per subject N$2900.00(Books and examination fees are included in the price per subject.)?TEACHING QUALIFICATIONS/ COURSESACPELevel 7Advanced Certificate Senior Primary EducationN$20 700.001 year certificateAdmission requirement: A recognized 3 year Primary teaching diplomaSem 1N$12 710Maximum 3 years to completeSem 2N$8 990Year 1:BESPBachelor in Education: Senior PrimaryN$15000.00Level 84 year degree courseSem 1N$10 000Admission requirements:Gr. 12/ Std 10 Eng C symbol + 4 subjects. Minimum score 25 points.Sem 2Two major subject passed in gr. 12 with C at leastN$6 000ORMature age: 23+ years; 3 years teaching experience in grades 5 – 7; letter ofYear 2:recommendation from current principal.N$17500.00Maximum 7 years to completeSem 1N$10 300Sem 2N$8 200Year 3N$17500.00Sem 1N$11 400Sem 2N$7 100Year 4:N$17500.00Sem 1N$10 300Sem 2N$8 200DJPELevel 7Diploma Junior Primary EducationYear 1: N$15200.003 year diploma courseSem 1N$8 700Admission requirements:Sem 2 N$7 500Gr. 12/ Std 10 22 points in 5 subjects. English C; Mathematics DORYear 2:Mature age: 23+ years; Grade 10 + 2 years teaching experience or Grade 12/ StdN$16000.0010 with 4 subjects passed.Sem 1Maximum 6 years to completeN$9 000Sem 2N$8 000Year 3:N$16000.00Sem 1N$10 000Sem 2N$7 000DPPELevel 7Diploma Pre-Primary Education (phasing out and replaced by DJPE). No new registrations possible.Year 2 : N$14500.00Year 3: N$15000.00BEDHONSBachelor of Education HonoursYear 1 :Level 8N$22 700.002 year degreeSem 1Admission requirements:N$19 300A recognized education qualification on NQF Level 7 ORBETD + ACSE / BETD + ACPESem 2N$4 400At least one year teaching experience and a letter of recommendation by theschool principal.Year 2:N$18 500.00Sem 1N$12 200Sem 2N$7 300DESDiploma in Education: Secondary 3 year DiplomaAdmission requirements:Grade 12 with a minimum of 22 points in 5 subjects;one subject must be English with a C for Ordinary level/ D for First Language.The TWO SCHOOL subjects selected must be part of the 5 subjects of Grade 12ORMature age entry: Minimum of 23 years old;NSSC with minimum of 19 points in 5 best subjects;Level 7Year 1N$17200.00Sem 1N$10 200Sem 2N$8 000Year 2N$18000.00English a D for 2nd language;TWO SCHOOL subjects selected, must be part of the 5 passed subjects of Gr.Sem 112 with at least a D symbolN$9 350At least 3 years relevant teaching experience (junior/ secondary)Letter of recommendation from a management member of the school he/sheSem 2was teachingN$9 650Personal statement why he/she wants to become a teacherPass oral and written tests about English proficiency on 50% levelYear 3N$18000.00Maximum 6 years to complete.Sem 1N$9 350Sem 2N$9 650DEDiploma in EducationN$29700.00Level 71 ? year DiplomaSem 1N$12 200Admission requirements: Be a holder of a recognized B. Degree worth 360credits. The degree should contain 2 school subjects, both up to level 6 – 4Sem 2semesters.N$9 500Maximum duration: 3 yearsSem 3N$9 500DSEDiploma in Secondary EducationLevel 7N$30200.001 ? year diplomaSem 1Admission requirements:N$13 100Be a holder of a three year secondary teacher qualification such as BETD with aspecialization in Junior Secondary OR any other recognized level 6 secondarySem 2diploma.N$9 200The two school subjects to be selected in the DSE must have been Grade 12 (D inSem 3ordinary level) OR in the three year Diploma as majors in the junior secondaryN$9 400specialization.Maximum 3 years to complete?POLICINGN$4700.00POLPLevel 41 year CertificatePre- Qualification Certificate PolicingAdmission requirements:Older than 16 years and have successfully passed grade 10.Maximum duration: 2 yearsN$9200.00POLCLevel 51 year certificateCertificate PolicingAdmission requirements:Older than 16 and have successfully passed grade 12 orPre-qualification in Policing (level 4).Sem 1 N$6 200Sem 2 N$4 000Maximum duration: 3 yearsYear 1POLDDiploma PolicingN$15200.00Level 6Admission requirements:Sem 12 yearCertificate in Policing (level 5).N$10 600diplomaMaximum duration 4 yearsSem 2N$5 600Year 2N$16000.00Sem 1N$11 900Sem 2N$5 100?RICHFIELD QUALIFICATIONS?Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSc IT) - 3 YearsYear 1(SAQA ID No. 35954 : NQF 7 : 380 Credits : 3 Years)Semester 1Council on Higher Education Accredited QualificationN$16200(available at selected Campuses or through Distance Learning)Semester 2Admission Requirements:N$12000A SA or African National Senior Certificate or equivalent with anendorsement for admission to a Degree, with a pass in Maths andTotal: N$27200oneScience Subject.Year 2Student who have passed RGIT HCIT / HCSE or an equivalent levelSemester 15 in the field of Information Technology. A Level Students Pass in 2N$13200subjectsO Level Students who have passed 12th class, or an equivalent ASemester 2level examination or Senior Secondary School Certificate or aN$12000technicaldiploma after Secondary School Certificate with English and MathsTotal: N$24200in of the Secondary Education system.Mature Age Exemption for students above the age of 23 as set outYear 3in the Higher Education Regulations. or ? Recognition of PriorSemester 1Learning (RPL)N$13200Today Information Technology goes beyond the design, anddevelopment of computer systems (hardware and software) andSemester 2networks, which were historically used for obtaining, processing, andN$12000distributing data. This field has been growing at a very rapid paceover the last few years, and this growth is expected to remain stable.Total: N$24200Thousands of new jobs are being created by IT as we move away fromthe Information Age and Knowledge Age to the Digital Age. Studentswill learn how to determine informationneeds by understanding user expectations and converting these todesign elements in addressing how to automate business processes,ensuring safeguards with regards to Cyber Security, CloudComputing, Internet of Things, Business Intelligence, MobileMomputing and Digital Applications Development. The BSc in ITallows students to choose cutting-edge technology electivesincluding artificial intelligence and programming or softwareengineering. Those seeking a more strategic direction in this spacemay choose IT Strategic Management.?Diploma in Information Technology (DIT) - 3 Years(SAQA ID No. 88322 : NQF 6 : 370 Credits : 3 Years) Council on Higher Education Accredited QualificationThe Diploma in Information Technology offers three Electives viz. Information Technology, Networks Engineering & Systems Development.The three year programme in Information Technology is designed to provide students with the technical, vocational & professional skills and knowledge to be effective practioners in various IT-related roles within businesses, government and community organizations.Students will learn how to determine client business expectations, needs, and how to automate business processes. Various approaches to systems development will be explored. On completion of this programme, students will also develop a broad understanding of the current use of IT in organisations. Students will also develop the ability to understand various types of IT communications in organisations. The programme allows students a work related opportunity.Career OpportunitiesBusiness Analyst ? Data Base and System Administrator ? Network Administrator ? Application programmer ? ICT ManagerAdmission Requirements:A National Senior Certificate with an endorsement for admissionto a Diploma and or Degree orA National Certificate Vocational (NCV) at NQF Level 4 with appropriate subject combination and levels of achievements. orMature Age Exemption for students above the age of 23 as set outin the Higher Education Regulations orRecognition of Prior Learning (RPL)Year 1Semester 1 N$15800Semester 2 N$11600Total: N$26400 Year 2Semester 1 N$12800Semester 2 N$11600Total: N$23400 Year 3Semester 1 N$12400Semester 2 N$12000Total: N$23400?Higher Certificate in Information Technology(SAQA ID No. 82926 : NQF 5 : 120 Credits : 1 Year) Council on Higher Education Accredited QualificationThis qualification provides students with a foundational knowledge base in the IT field andthe ability to apply their knowledge and skills in System Development or the Technical Supportfield.It also equips students to undertake more specialized learning in ensuing years. Career Focus- This qualification can lead to the following career opportunities:IT Technical Support ? Junior Web Developer ? Systems DeveloperYear 1Semester 1 N$12600Semester 2 N$8900Total: N$20500?Diploma in Computer Applications(SAQA ID No. 88904 : NQF 6 : 370 Credits : 3 Years) Council on Higher Education Accredited QualificationPervasive use of computers has resulted in an ongoing need for a wide range of highlyskilled human capacity in ICT disciplines. The field is subject to rapid technologicalchanges and therefore requires professionals who are well- educated, who keep upto-date with the latest developments in the field and who can engage future trends anddevelopments in the field. The purpose of this Diploma qualification is to provide a career-focused, professional qualification featuring industry-referenced knowledge and skills transfer, technological competencies, critical cross-field skills as well as attitudinal development. The programme deals with the conceptualisation, design, development, implementation and testing of computer software applications to meet the enormous commercial and social demand for such products. Students are prepared for careers in Computer Programming and Systems Analysis & Design Pervasive use of computers has resulted in an ongoing need for a wide range of highly skilled human capacity in ICT disciplines. The field is subject to rapid technological changes and therefore requires professionals who are well-educated, who keep upto-date with the latest developments in the field and who can engage future trends and developments in the field. The purpose of this Diploma qualification is to provide a career-focused, professional qualification featuring industry-referenced knowledge and skills transfer, technological competencies, critical cross-field skills as well as attitudinal development. A computer application specialist is a support position that focuses mainly on software systems for their clients. They may not modify existing software, install new software and troubleshoot any problems related to performance. The following key areas prepare students to work with the computer applications in typical business environments.Career OpportunitiesSoftware DeveloperWindows Based Application Developer Web Based Application Developer Database AdministratorNetworks Administrator System AnalystMicrocomputer applications qualifying students will therefore beproficient in the general discourse of ICT but have specialised knowledge and skills that are focused on Applications Development. The programme is designed to promote initiative and responsibilityYear 1Semester 1 N$15800Semester 2 N$11600Total: N$26400 Year 2Semester 1 N$12400Semester 2 N$11200Total: N$22600 Year 3Semester 1 N$12800Semester 2 N$12000Total: N$23800in an academic and/or professional context to respond to the local,regional and national, community and industry needs.?Higher Certificate in Systems Engineering(SAQA ID No. 84006 : NQF 5 : 120 Credits : 1 Year) Council on Higher Education Accredited QualificationThe qualification also places a strong emphasis on technical support skills for office applicationsby providing the student with skills needed to technically support IT applications as well as networking and end user computing support in the context of modern computer applications.Admission Requirements:A National Senior Certificate with an endorsement for admissionto a Higher Certificate and / or Diploma and / or Degree orA National Certificate Vocational (NCV) at NQF Level 4 within anassociated field and levels of achievements. orMature Age Exemption for students above the age of 23 as set out in the Higher Education Regulations. orRecognition of Prior Learning (RPL)Year 1Semester 1 N$11700Semester 2 N$9300Total: N$20000?Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)Year 1(SAQA ID No. 88921 : NQF 7 : 360 Credits : 3 Years) Council on HigherSemester 1Education Accredited QualificationN$16900The Bachelor of Business Administration promotes the development of knowledge Semester 2and skills that are required in all sub-sectors of business N$12700management, thus providing opportunities for students to move between the different sectors of Total: N$28600the economy. The Bachelor of Business Administration produces knowledgeable, intellectually skilled individuals who are able to Year 2contribute to improved productivity and efficiency within Semester 1organisations both in the Public & Private Sectors. Administrative N$13500skills and knowledge are developed. The Bachelor of BusinessAdministration has been designed to prepare students forSemester 2Administrative leadership roles in business and the community. OneN$12300of the programme objectives is to provide students with theperceptual and analytical skills necessary in making decisions andTotal: N$24800evaluating policy in business; another is to develop student understanding of the social, economic and regulatory environmentYear 3of business. The programme is designed for students with a varietySemester 1of career goals, including opportunities with financial institutions,N$13500manufacturing and retail firms, service industries and the public sector. This programme is accredited with Council on higherSemester 2Education and not aligned with professional bodies in South Africa.N$12700Students wishing to become professional accountants inpublic practice are requested to consider professional associationTotal: N$25200qualifications.Admission Requirements:A National Senior Certificate (NSC) with an endorsement to a Degree. ? A National Senior Certificate (NSC) with a pass in Higher Certificate with appropriate combinations of recognised subjects and levels of achievement. ? The National Certificate Vocational (NCV) at NQF Level 4 with appropriate combinations of recognised subjects and levels of achievement. ? Further Education andTraining (FET) NQF Level 4. ? Mature age exemption for people above the age of 23 years as set out in the Higher Education Regulations. ? Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).?Diploma in Business Administration (3yrs)Year 1(SAQA ID No. 88897 : NQF 6: 370 Credits : 3 Years) Council on HigherSemester 1Education Accredited QualificationN$16900The Diploma in Business Administration is a vocational and industry oriented qualification. The knowledge emphasises general principles, Semester 2application and technology in the commercial field. The Diploma in N$12700Business Administration provides students with a knowledge base and the ability to apply their knowledge and skills in Business Total: N$28600Management. It also equips them to undertake other more specialised and intensive learning. The programme is intended to Year 2provide students with access to the labour market. It will provide Semester 1students with the necessary skills to contribute to economic growth. N$13500Progression to higher levels of Business Administration & Management is possible. Semester 2This programme is designed for students to enhance theirN$12300employment prospects or to provide a qualification in BusinessAdministration with a view to perusing a vocational career inTotal: N$24800Economic, Public Management, Human Resource Management orSupply Chain Management. In the second and third years, studentsYear 3are introduced to more substantial topics and proceduresSemester 1associated with intermediate, vocational and theoretical knowledgeN$11600required at middle management level to support effective decisionmaking. Career opportunities include Small Business Unit Managers,Semester 2Entrepreneurs, Banking, Financial Services, Human Resource Co-N$12700ordinator, Procurement Officers and Supervisory Position’s.Admission Requirements:Total: N$23300A National Senior Certificate (NSC) with an endorsement foradmission to a Diploma ? The National Certificate Vocational (NCV)at NQF Level 4 with appropriate combinations of recognisedsubjects and levels of achievement? Further Education and Training(FET) NQF Level 4 ? Mature age exemption for people above theage of 23 years as set out in the Higher Education Regulations. ?Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).?Higher Certificate in Business Administration (HCBA)(SAQA ID No. 82046 / 90864 : NQF 5 : 125 Credits : 1 Year) Council on Higher Education Accredited QualificationThe Higher Certificate in Business Administration qualification is intended for students who want the basic administration and managerial knowledge. It will expose the student to the competencies, knowledge and skills needed to function more effectively in a variety of administrative and managerial roles through service organisations. This qualification is primarily vocational and industry oriented with Work Integrated Learning being a key component. The qualification provides students with the basic introductory knowledge, cognitive and conceptual tools to further their higher education studies in their chosen field of study. Students may also seek admission to degree or diploma programmes using this qualification as an entry requirement. Admission Requirements:A National Senior Certificate (NSC) with an endorsement for admission to a Higher Certificate ? The National CertificateVocational (NCV) at NQF Level 4 with appropriate combinations of recognised subjects and levels of achievement.? Further Education and Training (FET) NQF Level 4. ? Mature age exemption for people above the age of 23 years as set out in the Higher EducationRegulations.? Recognition of prior learning (RPL).Year 1Semester 1 N$12600Semester 2 N$10700Total: N$22300?Bachelor of Commerce ()(SAQA ID No. 84948 : NQF 7 : 373 Credits : 3 Years ) Council on Higher Education Accredited QualificationWith global business challenges becoming more demanding, the Bachelor of Commerce Degree offers students an updated and quality learning experience in the rapidly changing business and commercial environment. The qualification prepares students for the increasingly challenging and complex demands they are likely to be exposed to in the professional, business and commercial environments. Successful graduates can excel in the commercial environment resting assured that they have the necessary foundational and theoretical knowledge, supported by strong problem-solving, critical thinking, decision making, information technology and strategic skills. Key career possibilities include general management, entrepreneurship, marketing management, human resource management and financial management. This programme is accredited with the Council on higher Education and not aligned with professional bodies in South Africa. Students wishing to become professional accountants in public practice are requested to consider professional association qualifications.Admission Requirements:A National Senior Certificate (NSC) with an endorsement to a Degree coupled with appropriate combinations of recognisedYear 1Semester 1 N$16900Semester 2 N$12700Total: N$28600 Year 2Semester 1 N$11600Semester 2 N$10400Total: N$21000 Year 3Semester 1 N$11200Semester 2subjects and levels of achievement ? The National Certificate Vocational (NCV) at NQF Level 4 with appropriate combinations of recognised subjects and levels of achievement ? Further Education and Training (FET) NQF Level 4. Mature age exemption for people above the age of 23 years as set out in the HigherEducation Regulations ? Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).N$10400Total: N$20600?Bachelor of Public ManagementYear 1(SAQA ID No. 94580 : NQF 7: 360 Credits : 3 Years) Council on HigherSemester 1Education Accredited QualificationN$13100The main purpose of the Bachelor of Public Management is toprovide studentsSemester 2with the broad background knowledge and skills to secureN$9300appropriate employmentopportunities in the public sector and to engage in self-employmentTotal: N$21400opportunitiesas consultants and entrepreneurs. This qualification has beenYear 2designed to meet theSemester 1workplace needs, particularly in the fields of, but not limited to,N$10500Public Management,Local Government, Public Finance, Public Sector Economics andSemester 2Public Sector HumanN$9300Resources Management.Admission Requirements:Total: N$18800A National Senior Certificate (NSC) with an endorsement forAdmission to a DegreeYear 3The National Certificate Vocational (NCV) at NQF Level 4 withSemester 1appropriate combinations of recognised subjects and levels ofN$10500achievement.Further Education and Training (FET) NQF Level 4.Semester 2Mature age exemption for people above the age of 23 years as setN$9300out in the Higher Education Regulations.Recognition of prior learning (RPL).Total: N$18800?Diploma in Local Government ManagementYear 1(SAQA ID No. 99717 : NQF 6: 370 Credits : 3 Years ) Council on HigherSemester 1Education Accredited QualificationN$12300The Diploma in Local Government Management has been designed to meet the workplace Semester 2needs particularly in the fields of, but not limited to Local N$7700Government Management, the IDP, Service Delivery, the legislative and policy process, Local Total: N$19000Government Finance, performance management and HRM. This qualification has Year 2been developed for Semester 1the South African context of Public Management while drawing on N$10900themes from International Qualifications. The main purpose of the programme is to, inter aliaSemester 2create a new calibre of local government cadres who promoteN$10400developmental local government,promote equity by providing affordable access to publicTotal: N$20300management education to learners previously denied suchopportunities.Year 3Diploma in Local Government ManagementSemester 1(SAQA ID No. 99717 : NQF 6: 370 Credits : 3 Years ) Council on HigherN$12300Education Accredited QualificationAdmission Requirements:Semester 2The minimum entry requirement is the National Senior CertificateN$9700starting a Diploma or Degree or theNational Certificate (Vocational) with appropriate subjectTotal: N$21000combinations and level of achievementMature Age Exemption for students above the age of 23 years asset out in the Higher EducationRegulationsRecognition of Prior Learning (RPL)?Higher Certificate in Local Government Management (HCLGM) (SAQA ID No. 94600 : NQF 5: 120 Credits : 1 Year) Council on Higher Education Accredited QualificationThe Higher Certificate in Local Government Management is an entry level higher education qualification. The main purpose of the Higher Certificate in Local Government Management is to provide students with the broad background knowledge to be able to secure appropriate employment opportunities in local government supervisory or management positions and the public / governmental sector generally. This qualification provides formal entry point for persons already employed in local government, wishing to obtain formal qualificati on after one year of study. Admission Requirements:The minimum requirements are a National Senior Certificate. The new National Senior Certificate specifies whether a learner qualifies to study for Higher Certificate, Diploma or Bachelor’s Degree in terms of the Higher Education Qualifications Framework (HEQF).- Recognition of Prior Learning in appropriately related fieldYear 1Semester 1 N$12100Semester 2 N$10400Total: N$21500?Higher Certificate in Recognition of Prior Learning Activities (RPLA) (SAQA ID No. 93928 : NQF 5: 125 Credits : 1 Year ) Council on Higher Education Accredited QualificationThe Higher Certificate in Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Activities is a vocational qualification at NQF level 5. The qualification is meant for individuals who already Year 1Semester 1 N$13100Semester 2 N$9800possess a qualification in higher education and preferably have experience in higher education practice. The purpose of this Total: N$21900qualification is to develop practitioners who can demonstrate the ability to coordinate RPL activities. The Higher Certificate in RPL Activities includes Work Integrated Learning (WIL) component as a requirement for success. The WIL component of the syllabus will be a practical assessment of the learner’s involvement in conducting RPL facilitation and preparation of the portfolio preparation and compilation. This qualification is one of the first to be developed in this field. ?INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT) COURSES?N+ (Network)(Networking technician; Networking administrator; Network installing; Help desk technician; IT cable installer)Agent programme Duration 2 yearsN$10500.00?A+ (Computer Technician)(Technical support specialist; Field service technician; IT support technician; IT support administrator; IT support specialist)Required exams: COMPTIA A+ 220 – 801COMPTIA A+ 220 – 802Duration 2 yearsN$10500.00?ICDL (International Computer Driving License)Student Evaluation and Training plan. Pre-TestExaminationsN$11000.00?MET (Microsoft Electronic Training)N$11500.00?Graphic & Web Design courseCourse prerequisites: Basic Computer skills for PC/ MacCourse qualification: ACA (Adobe Certified Associate) Duration: 2 yearsN$10500.00?VOCATIONAL TRAINING COURSES?BRICKLAYING AND PLASTERINGN$12720?PLUMBING AND PIPEFITTINGN$14720REGISTRATIONRegistration takes place throughout the year.It is important to note that enrolment before 15 November, allows students to submit assignments on 15 January and write their first examination in April/ May (during the school holidays) of the next year.Enrolment before 15 April, allows students to submit assignments on 15 June and write their first examination in August/ September (during the school holidays) of that year.ASSIGNMENTSEach student has to submit a minimum required amount of assignments to qualify for exams.Assignments ensure a student admission to the examination. Once a student meets the minimum requirements for the examination, the student does not need to resubmit the assignment.Assignment due dates are the following: 15 January and 15 June.IOL requires of students to complete assignments within a stipulated period reasonable to the type of course, subject and assignment. Assignments are available on the Student Portal and at Regional Offices. All students are responsible of submitting their assignments in on time.All assignments must be sent through the registered mail or couriered to, or submitted and signed for at, any IOL regional office for distribution and assessment.Assessment policyAssessment per semester module consists of one assignment.A 50% semester assessment mark is required for admission to examinations.A final pass mark of 50% is required, calculated by 60% of the examination mark and 40% of the semester / continuous assessment mark.A sub-minimum of 50% must be obtained in the examination.The setting and marking of examination papers are moderatedClosing Dates for All Assignments: 15 January/ 15 JuneIn order to ensure that assignments reach the Institute for Open Learning safely, students should do one of the following:Mail the original assignment per registered mail (keep a copy) to: Institute for Open LearningP O Box 11363Windhoek NamibiaUse a courier service and courier the original to:Institute for Open Learningc/o Robert Mugabe & Dr. Kenneth David Kaunda Street Trustco (North) Building, 1st FloorWindhoekDeliver the assignment to any one of our regional offices:Gobabis; Katima Mulilo; Keetmanshoop; Ongwediva; Otjiwarongo; Rundu; Walvis Bay; Windhoek, MarientalWhen assignments are submitted at any one of the above-mentioned offices, please make sure that you get the acknowledgement slip to take home with you. This will be proof of your date of submission.EXAMINATIONSAssessment policyAssessment per semester module consists of one assignment.A 50% mark for the assignment is required for admission to examinations.A final pass mark of 50% is required, calculated by 60% of the examination mark and 40% of the semester / continuous assessment mark.A sub-minimum of 50% must be obtained in the examination.The setting and marking of examination papers are moderatedExamination venuesExamination venues are indicated on the application forms. Please see the list below for more information on this.Changing Examination venue, is requested in writing, a month before examinationExaminations are written in April/May (first semester), and August/September (second semester), every year.Contact: Tel. 061-270 9100, for more information regarding examinations and venues. Examination Venues are in the following towns:Gobabis (Gobabis TRC), Grootfontein (Friedrich Awaseb), Karasburg (Karasburg TRC),Katima Mulilo (Brendan Simbwaye P.S.), Keetmanshoop (IOL Office), Khorixas (Khorixas TRC), Luderitz (Luderitz Library), Mariental (Mariental S.S.), Okakarara (Okakarara S.S.), Omaruru(Omaruru Library), Ondangwa (heroes P.S.), Ongwediva (ELCIN Centre), Oshakati (David Sheehama), Otjiwarongo (paresis S.S.), Opuwo (Putuavanga S.S.), Rehoboth (Dr. Lemmer S.S.), Rundu (Noordgrens S.S.), Usakos (Usakos S.S.), Walvis Bay(Walvis Bay IOL Office), Windhoek (Orban P.S.)A student can write examination ONLY at the examination venue indicated on your Admission Permit. Please take careful note of the details given below regarding the examination procedures to know what is expected.Examination sessionsMorning Session 09:00 - 12:00 Afternoon Session14:00 - 17:00April/May Examination (during the school holidays):August/September Examination (during the school holidays):The student should take note of the dates and times as indicated on his/her examination timetable.TERMINATIONThe student should ensure the exact duration of the course studied (maximum duration) in order not to exceed the time allowed. If a student exceeds the time allowed, the studies will be terminated.GRADUATIONGraduation Ceremonies will be held once a year. Students will be notified in advance. STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICESAll teacher qualifications are accompanied by an Electronic Book, uploaded on the device is:Study GuidesTextbooks in e-format (very soon)AssignmentsStudents have access to the student portal which contains the following:WEB STUDIES: AssignmentsOld Exam question papersStudy guides (Kindle format and pdf) Exam scopesTutor listsContact classes presentations/Notes Contact classes recordings Welcoming letterSyllabus Course outlineWEB MAIL:Personal mail address created by IOL for studentsPROFILE:Personal detailsAcademic HistoryFINANCE:StatementACADEMIC RESULTSEXAM TIME TABLEThe IOL Mobile Office visits remote areas where there are no regional offices. The mobile bus (Office) schedule is published in the Informante Newspaper, the IOL website and on the IOL Facebook page.Frequent contact classes and vacation schools in all six regions are hosted on Saturdays. These are assignment based, exam based and focus is put on subjects where students struggle to perform. Contact class timetables are published in the Informante Newspaper.The Contact Class presentations will be available on YouTube the next week, as well as on the Student Portal.Students are allowed to contact tutors telephonically between 18h00 and 20h00 every evening.Access the Internet, access to the IOL website and a unique e-mail address is provided.Full access to the Student Support Centres Library containing all study guides, textbooks and recommended reference books. Students are welcome to make use of the resource centres to type and complete assignments. Free photocopy and fax facilities is available to all student.Regional Coordinators are available to assist students in the regionsStudent counseling is provided for students when their daily lives become too much and they need someone to confide in.Student Cards are provided.A monthly SCOPE is published in the Informante Newspaper. This platform is used to answer frequently asked questions, announce competition winners and provide more detailed information on IOL’s various course offerings.A study buddy system list is available for students to contact another student doing the same course or subject.All courses are accompanied with a free English Grammar Course.Face to face, DVD and radio induction sessions at all 7 regional offices.Free course information booklets.Access to the EBSCO Online Library via the IOL website.A Student Representative Council (SRC) was established to represent the students.Free Wi-Fi facilities available at all Regional Offices. ................

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