
-95885000The life of Jesus The ministry of Jesus 12The Samaritan woman.(Scripture Portion: John 4:1-42)Introduction:Jesus is into His ministry now and He is really busy as I said last Sunday evening preaching, teaching and healing many people among the Jews.Even though he is busy and preaching He always had time for those that were coming to Him.In this occasion this evening, He is the one looking for the opportunity.Let’s notice, that Jesus was preaching even if they come to Him or if he goes to them.__________________________ Came To Jacob’s WellWe have this beautiful record of the Lord’s interview with the Samaritan woman. The Lord Jesus had ____________________ passed through Samaria and had come as far as Jacob’s Well so that He might speak with the sinful Samaritan women whom He knew would be there drawing water. Although He was ________ ______ He was also man, and as man was subject to physical tiredness. Let’s Read John 4:1-6The significant phrase to underline in the incident at Sychar’s well which is so rich in spiritual instruction, is the announcement John gives at the beginning of the chapter, namely, “____ ________ __________ ____ _______________ __________________”Why the necessity? The origin of this hostility between these two peoples may be traced back to the ____________________ _______________________________ of the land of Israel (2 Kings 17:21).John 4:7-9He talked with her because _______ ______________ __________.Please invest this word “__________” with all the dignity and glory that it deserves. Think who ________ ________ the eternal Son of God, _____ ____________ ______ ______ _______________. He talked with her because ____ _____________ ______ _____________________This woman _____ _____________, and she _____________ ______ (Luke 19:10).Was she lost because she had broken the __________ _________________________? It was because she had never been saved by the Lord Jesus Christ, and this is the same for any of us. 1 Timothy 1:15.Jesus wanted to ________ _____ ________________ for sin in her life (Matthew 1:21; John 8:34-36)He talked with her because He longed ____ __________________ ______.This woman ___________ ______ ___________________, as John 4:13-15 assures us.Is there anyone, anywhere, who does not long for a deep-down heart satisfaction?He talked with her because He wanted _____ _________ ______.We see this in John 4:28,29,30,39.This is Jesus method ____ ________________ the gospel. He saves and satisfies men and women, and they go out to tell others about all that He has done for them. The woman preached ____ ____________, but she gave a testimony; she would have gone back to the very men with whom she had committed adultery and told them that the Lord loved her, had saved and satisfied her, and that He would do the same for them if they would trust Him.She became ____ __________________ in the Lord’s hands, a true ambassador for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20), ___ ________ ___________________ to Him (Acts 1:8); and she had the joy of seeing many people brought to Christ through _____ _________ __________________________Conclusion:What ____ ______________ interview Jesus had with this woman at Sychar’s Well! He is waiting and willing ___ _______ _____ in the same way and bring others to know of His saving grace through your witness. Would you be honest this evening with the Lord, like the Samaritan woman was, and receive all the blessing that Jesus wants to shower upon you?Lesson Notes:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ................

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