
Opinion Writing

|Grade 1 |Grade 2 |Grade 3 |Grade 4 |Grade 5 |

|Noticing the issues in our lives |Writing reviews in the form of persuasive |Writing persuasive reviews |Writing to share an opinion about |Taking precise, thoughtful |

|and writing lots of persuasive |letters |Living as “reviewers,” noticing and |something that matters to us |notes about a topic in |

|letters to make a change |Writing to convince and persuade |collecting details to support our opinions|Growing ideas about topics that matter |preparation for essay-writing |

|Writing letters to persuade people|Using specific details and reasons to |Using published reviews as mentor texts |Elaborating on ideas by pushing |Choosing the note-taking format|

|to do things |support an argument |Stating opinions and supporting them with |ourselves to think more with thought |that is efficient, effective |

|Writing letters to argue for |Using oral rehearsal to plan for a new |reasons |prompts on our own and with partners |and works best in a given |

|things that might make the world a|review |Using exact details and precise language |Selecting and organizing one idea from |situation (i.e. topic, text, |

|better place |Using details and precise language to help |of a critic to elaborate on the important |our notebooks that really matters to us|genre). |

|Planning for writing persuasive |readers envision our experiences |parts of the subject |Supporting a claim with “micro-stories”|Uncovering, recording and |

|letters |Reading other reviews as mentor texts |Persuading readers with specific |from ourselves and others |comparing different sides of a |

|Considering audience while |Making notes to indicate where we need to |information and small-moment mini stories |Writing an organized draft with |topic |

|planning to write |do a little research (e.g. name of an |Revising by taking away parts that don’t |supporting evidence |Determining one’s own stance |

|Using reasons and specific details|author, spelling of a character from a |support our claim |Writing introductions and conclusions |and position on a topic |

|to make an argument |book, price of an item) |Revising by selecting a strategy to make |that leave readers with an important |Finding a strong arguable claim|

|Including a small-moment (mini) |Including a small-moment (mini) story to |our reviews more persuasive |message |as the foundation for the essay|

|story to support an argument |illustrate an experience |Editing to present our argument clearly |Revising with different lenses |Structuring the essay around a |

|Offering possible solutions to |Using the introduction as a place to build |(Optional) |Writing to persuade an audience |claim or thesis statement |

|persuade the reader |credibility for ourselves as reviewers |Writing to persuade people to do, think or|Presenting the counterargument |Drawing from our notes for |

|Writers can persuade by writing |Revising by taking away parts that don’t |feel something about the world |Debating with a partner to develop |evidence (i.e. list of reasons |

|speeches as well as letters |support our claim |Writing persuasive letters and speeches |ideas and find holes in an argument |and examples) |

|Editing to make our writing more |Quoting experts, anticipating and including|Evaluating the strength of reasons to |Learning from powerful writing of |Refuting the opposite side’s |

|readable and to help readers |readers’ questions, revising endings |support an opinion |mentor texts |argument with evidence |

|understand our argument |Revising, editing and publishing our best |Considering the audience to revise our | |(discrediting the counterclaim)|

| |work and favorite reviews |argument | | |

| |Creating an anthology of different types of| | | |

| |reviews | | | |


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