
World History

9th Grade Syllabus


My name is Coach Bush, and I will be teaching 9th grade World History to your child this school year. World History is based on the study of different cultures, countries, and religions. It is a fascinating time period to study and I am confident that your child will enjoy this class. The period of time that we will study will begin during the Renaissance and Reformation and go through World War II.

Classroom Behavior/Rules

• Come to class prepared and on time

• Bring all required materials to class

• Respect your teacher and fellow students

• Follow all school rules and procedures

• In our class, we will engage in a variety of learning activities that will benefit your child and allow them to learn our course material in an enjoyable manner. Therefore, it is crucial that everyone follow the rules of classroom behavior.


We will have procedures for everything that we do! I will be teaching these to your child during the first few days of class. Here is a list of my main three:

• Entering the classroom— enter quietly and get out required materials for class and begin the bell activity listed on the board. They are to go into their notebook and will be checked each chapter for a chapter notebook grade.

• Tardy to class—enter class quietly, place pass on desk and begin bell work.

• Class behavior during class discussions—raise your hand to answer a question, ask a question or insert your opinion. Points will be deducted from weekly grades for students who habitually yell out.

Notebook Procedures

Students should bring their notebooks to class everyday! Every student should have a binder for their World History class. For some chapters, each student will receive a notebook packet. They will only be given one! If it is lost, they will have to take notes one their own paper. Your child should keep each assignment in their binder. I will conduct a notebook check the day before every test; this is a classwork grade worth 100 points.

Classroom Activities

Activities include: instruction through power point/class discussion, group work, skits, and video clips and full length movies. Movies, along with our hands-on activities such as reading, in-class discussion groups, and research projects, give students a well-rounded opportunity to discover the world of history. Movies go beyond dry facts and help bring events “alive.” Be assured that we will use proper discretion when showing videos/movies.

Supplies (required)

• Notebook/Binder

• Pencil or Pen (Blue or Black ink)


Tests 60%

Classwork/Homework 40%


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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