
Big Ideas community engagement modelIntroductionAt Big Ideas we are proud of our meaningful, creative and innovative engagement with community groups across the UK through our programmes. We define a community group as a group of eight or more people. This could be an organised group (for example a school class or football club) or an informal group of eight or more individuals coming together to participate in one of our programmes. big-. Community hubsIn 2018, we are introducing a new way of engaging with community groups: community hubs. These are organisations or networks that the engagement team work with as ‘hubs’ for community engagement in their area with Big Ideas programmes. They will use their existing community networks, as well as reaching out to new community groups locally. They can be awarded up to ?1,000 through our eligible expenses scheme.Big Ideas will work with community hubs across England for four of its programmes in 2018: Tull100: Football Remembers project/tull100/ Trailblazers: World War One’s Inspirational Women project/trailblazers/ The Unremembered Remember RAF100 project/remember-raf100/Hubs will be set targets to receive their hubs funding:Engaging with at least 10 community groups through your activity (we define a community group as eight or more people)Holding at least one dedicated large-scale public event with 300+ participants (this might be a public park day, an exhibition, a concert or commemorative service), and/or at least three dedicated medium-scale events with 50-100 participants (such as school assemblies / commemorative sports events etc) and/or up to ten smaller-small events with 10 people or more (for example workshops, lessons, community outings)At least 10 surveys completed for the hub’s activity by representatives of the community groups involved (at least one per community group involved).Criteria to becoming a community hubIn order to apply to become a hub, the potential hub must:Be an organisation (we cannot support individuals in becoming hubs - they must be part of an organisation)Have successfully applied for at least one grant in the past (this could be through previous applications to the Big Ideas community reimbursement scheme, or a different scheme such as HLF or Arts Council funding)In selecting a hub, the following weighted criteria are used to assess your application:CriteriaDescriptionWeightingStrong connections with local community groupsYou have strong connections with the local community, including connections to hard-to-reach community groups and schools. 20%Previous community engagement experienceYou show strong experience of leading previous, high quality initiatives and events which engage with local communities. 20%Meaningful engagementYou have devised a varied and interesting programme, which engages with a wide range of community groups in an impactful way, achieving the objectives of the programmes. Through the hubs scheme, Big Ideas will prioritise supporting a diverse range of community commemoration activities.20%AccessibilityYour programme includes engaging groups who have limited experience of involvement in community commemoration programmes.20%LocationBig Ideas will prioritise funding hubs in areas of high social deprivation in locations across England. 20%How to apply to become a community hubVisit hubs to read more about the hubs scheme and email the Big Ideas team to access the hubs application form. Please make it clear in the application form which Big Ideas programme(s) you want to become a hub for. The Big Ideas team can answer any questions you have. Email contact@big- or call 020 3011 5275 to get in touch. Funding and evaluation processBig Ideas provides funding for community groups to remove any financial barriers to getting involved in our programmes. The funding is provided through our eligible expenses scheme. Big Ideas offers 50% of the approved funding halfway through project completion, and the final 50% on completion of the projects. Costs are reimbursed once hubs have provided proof of their expenditure. This means hubs need to keep track of all costs incurred during the project. If you do not have the capacity to cover costs upfront, then we encourage you to connect with an umbrella organisation and work in partnership e.g. your local authority, a school, or a sports club. Please contact the Big Ideas team at contact@big- to discuss.Once all engagement activity has taken place, hubs need to provide the following to be reimbursed:Proof of costs (for example, receipts for food or workshop materials, an invoice from a musician or artist, petrol costs)At least ten completed surveys (at least one from each community group which took part in your activity)Photographs identifying at least ten different community groups taking part in activities (with at least eight people taking part in each activity - we define a community group as eight or more people)Evidence of media reach (for example, social media or news articles).The following costs are eligible for reimbursement through this scheme:Venue hireRefreshments for volunteers and programme participantsTravel costs (for example, coach hire for a group to visit a nearby cemetery)Materials for workshops (for example, felt and pins for making a wreath)Facilitator or performer fees (e.g. an artist to lead a creative workshop, or musicians)Staff costs - a maximum of 20% of your total spend can be on administration or project management fees for running the projects. For more information on this, please contact the Big Ideas team at contact@big-. Costs we do not cover through our eligible expenses scheme include:Creation of new memorials and plaquesExisting remembrance event costsSecondary costs such as childcare expensesDonations to other charities, for example purchasing Royal British Legion poppies/wreaths FAQsWhat is a community hub?A community hub is an organisation which connects lots of different community groups in their area with a Big Ideas programme/ programmes. Each hub will be awarded up to ?1,000 for their activities. To become a hub, an organisation must:Connect with at least 10 community groupsShare Big Ideas resources with groupsOrganise events (such as workshops, commemorative services, concerts, talks, museum trails) for groups to take part inManage the costs for the first 50% of the programme, until the first 50% is reimbursed mid-way through (after review with Big Ideas)How does the Big Ideas team work with the hubs?We work with hubs in a similar way to a community group; the focus is on developing a good relationship with hubs and helping them develop creative and meaningful ways to engage with their local community. The Big Ideas engagement team will support their local outreach work, connecting them with and the Big Ideas communications team will help them share their activity with media and online. Do hubs fill in a normal funding application form?No, there is a specific hubs application form that you need to fill in. This is different from the funding application form for individual groups. Visit hubs for more information. How will the hubs be evaluated?The hubs must fill in at least ten programme surveys - one for each group taking part. The Big Ideas external evaluator will attend a selected cross-section of the events organised by hubs. Big Ideas will contact the hub regarding any evaluation process in advance.What kind of organisations could apply to be a hub?It could vary from a school to a museum, a football club to a local town council. A hub cannot be an individual but must be an organisation that has successfully applied for funding at least once before (this could be a Big Ideas funding application from 2016 or 2017). Can we still get involved in Big Ideas programmes if we’re not a hub?Absolutely. You can still apply for small-scale funding through our eligible expenses scheme. Visit funding for more information. We are based outside England, can we be a hub?We are running the community hubs scheme for organisations based in England, however community groups and organisations across the UK can still get involved in our projects. We have free resources and a small-scale reimbursement scheme for eligible expenses (up to ?200 per group) for groups based across the UK. Find out more: current-projects/ ................

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