ESOL Late Field Experience Assessment

Intern’s Name: ___________________________ U- number ___________________________

Please Note: Interns must satisfactorily complete a minimum of multiple weeks planning, implementing, and evaluating instruction for one or more ELL pupils, supervised by a cooperating teacher who has obtained the ESOL endorsement(certification is not a substitute for this).

1. Ask your Cooperating teacher to initial the ESOL Performance Standards that were met.

2. Ask your USF Internship Supervisor to sign, verifying the information.

3. Scan the completed document and submit to Dr. Phil Smith via Chalk & Wire.


|ESOL Teacher Evaluation: |PS |Evaluation |Teacher |

| | | |Initials |

|Please indicate: Met (M) or Not Met (NM) | | | |

|The intern has taught in a classroom where there is at least one ESOL student for a |  |  |  |

|minimum of 2 weeks, 10 days, or 60 hours., and has met each of the 12 ESOL Standards AT | | | |

|LEAST once. | | | |

|The intern has demonstrated knowledge of various ESOL instructional support services and |1.1c. |  |  |

|resources as well as social services for ELL students and their families. |5.2.a | | |

|The intern has demonstrated effective strategies for ELL parent communication, including |1.1.e |  |  |

|modifying communications sent to the home. | | | |

|The intern has demonstrated effective strategies for teaching one or more ELL pupils in a|2.3.a |  |  |

|mainstreamed instructional setting. | | | |

|The intern has demonstrated appropriate modifications of communication for one or more |3.2.a |  |  |

|ELL pupils, in whole class, small group, and one-on-one interchanges, through simplifying| | | |

|language, repetition/paraphrasing, connecting form and meaning, asking questions at | | | |

|students’ level of proficiency, and rephrasing and expanding the ELL pupil’s linguistic | | | |

|output. | | | |

|The intern has demonstrated effective use of ESOL teaching methods such as TPR, the |3.2.j/k |  |  |

|Natural Approach, etc. | | | |

|The intern has structured appropriate modifications of student-to-student interaction for|4.1.b |  |  |

|one or more ELL pupils, including assigning the ELL pupils tasks and roles that are | | | |

|appropriate for their level of proficiency, and creating an environment in which they can| | | |

|negotiate meaning. | | | |

|The intern has applied knowledge of language structure and the second language |2.1.b 2.2.a |  |  |

|acquisition process in planning, implementing, and evaluating Language Arts and Literacy | | | |

|instruction for ELL pupils. | | | |

|The intern has demonstrated effective lesson planning for ELL pupils, including |3.2.i/j |  |  |

|modifications appropriate to multiple levels of ELL students (if present) evaluated by | | | |

|the instructor of ESOL III as well as the cooperating teacher, and, where necessary, an | | | |

|ESOL resource teacher and/or university supervisor. | | | |

|The intern has demonstrated appropriate modifications of curriculum for one or more ELL |4.1.c/e |  |  |

|students, including simplifying texts, providing support materials (e.g., bilingual and | | | |

|picture dictionaries), analyzing a task for the degree of contextual support and | | | |

|cognitive complexity and making necessary adjustments accordingly. | | | |

|The intern has demonstrated reflection on her/his effectiveness teaching ELL pupils and |  |  |  |

|has adjusted lesson plans and instruction accordingly. | | | |

|The intern has demonstrated appropriate modification of assessment for one or more ELL |5.1.c 5.3.c |  |  |

|students, including developing alternative assessments that assess content rather than | | | |

|linguistic knowledge and has used ELL pupils’ results on standardized English proficiency| | | |

|tests to make instructional decisions. | | | |

|The intern has demonstrated effective use of ESOL resources to teach and assess ELL |3.3.a/c |  |  |

|pupils, such as collaborating with bilingual aides and providing computer-based |4.2.a/b | | |

|enhancements. | | | |

|The intern has demonstrated culturally sensitive classroom management strategies as well |4.2.a |  |  |

|as cross-cultural competence in interactions with ELL pupils and their families. | | | |

|The intern has demonstrated appropriate modifications of instructional input for one or |3.1.b |  |  |

|more ELL pupils, including providing pictures, props, gestures, a high degree of context,|4.1.c | | |

|and other extra-linguistic cues. | | | |

Signature of USF Internship Supervisor: _________________________________________

Date: ________________ Location of Internship ________________________________

ESOL Late Field Experience Assignment

Description: Interns will teach in a classroom where there is at least one ESOL student for a minimum of 2 weeks, 10 days, or 60 hours, and will meet each of the 12 ESOL Standards AT LEAST once. Collaborating/Cooperating Teachers will complete this ESOL Late Field Experience Assignment for each intern. Interns will scan this form and submit to Dr. Phil Smith through C & W.

ESOL Standard 3.1b: ESL / ESOL Research and History

Interns will demonstrate knowledge of history, public policy, research and current practices in the field of ESL/ESOL teaching and apply this knowledge to improve teaching and learning for ELLs. AP 5c, ESOL 3.1b

ESOL Standard 4.2a: Instructional Resources and Technology

Interns will know, select, and adapt a wide range of standards-based materials, resources, and technologies that are appropriate for all ELL students and enhance language acquisition. AP 5a, ESOL 4.2a

ESOL Standard 5.1c & 5.3c: Assessment Issues for ELLs

Interns will understand and apply knowledge of assessment issues as they affect the learning of ELLs from diverse backgrounds and at varying English proficiency levels. AP 4b & 4c, ESOL 5.1c, 5.3c

| |1. ESL / ESOL Research and History | |2. Instructional Resources and Technology | |3. Assessment Issues for ELLs |

|Score | |Description |Score |Description |Score |Description |

|1=Poor | |There is no plan for promoting and enhancing |1=Poor |No use of resources and technologies are present in the|1=Poor |No assessment components are present in|

| | |second language acquisition and development | |teacher’s individualized instructional plan. | |the instructional plans. |

| | |related to the needs of the student. | | | | |

|2=Limited | |The plan for promoting and enhancing second |2=Limited |Resources and technologies infused in the teacher’s |2=Limited |The assessment components are poorly |

| | |language acquisition and development minimally | |individualized instructional plan are minimally | |constructed and do not assess English |

| | |relates to the needs of the student. | |relevant to the student’s needs. | |language learners. |

|3=Adequate | |The plan for promoting and enhancing second |3=Adequate |A few effective resources and technologies are infused |3=Adequate |The assessment components are well |

| | |language acquisition and development relates to | |in the teacher’s individualized instructional plan to | |constructed and adequately assess |

| | |the needs of the student. | |help the student understand the concepts being taught. | |English language learners. |

|4=Proficient | |The plan for promoting and enhancing second |4=Proficient |Many effective resources and technologies are infused |4=Proficient |The assessment components are very well|

| | |language acquisition and development relates well | |in the teacher’s individualized instructional plan to | |constructed and effectively assess |

| | |to the needs of the student, with details or | |help the student understand the concepts being taught, | |English language learners. |

| | |examples provided. | |with supporting details or examples provided. | | |

|5=Outstanding | |The plan for promoting and enhancing second |5=Outstanding |Many exceptional resources and technologies are infused|5=Outstanding |The assessment components are extremely|

| | |language acquisition and development relates | |in the teacher’s individualized instructional plan to | |well constructed and very effectively |

| | |exceptionally well to the needs of the student, | |help the student understand the concepts being taught, | |assess English language learners at |

| | |with numerous supporting details or examples | |with numerous supporting details or examples provided. | |various levels. |

| | |provided. | | | | |

CT Signature ____________________________________ Intern Signature ________________________________________ Date__________________________________


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