
How to keep focus on what we want. Our Why.One early?Sunday?morning I awoke at 5 thinking about Simon Sinek’s 2009 Ted Talk. You know… the one with 31 MILLION views.?I listened to it again on a recent trip to Florida and something kept poking at my brain.Simon talks about the “golden circle”. ?He teaches that we sell from the “outside in”. ? WHAT we do… and even HOW we do it… and rarely talk about WHY we do it, or it’s an afterthought.?Full talk? HYPERLINK "" \l "t-101952" \t "_blank" HERE.He has some great examples of why this kills some businesses.?It’s Grounded in Biology.What?- Homo sapien / Neo Cortex - Newest Brain Rational Analytical Thought, LanguageHow -?Limbic Brain -Feelings - Trust and Loyalty - All human behavior - All decision making. NO capacity for language.Why -?Behavior is controlled. Gut decisions. Body-Feel-Right/WrongBut something bothered me about this.?MOST of us are selling ourselves and homes primarily on What and How.Why? ?We’ll go into that more in a minute. Let’s cut to ?How do we keep our focus on our?dreams, goals, aspirations, resolutions, promises, intentions… ?As opposed to our concerns, issues, upsets, thoughts, feelings, distractions, etc.?The answer to keeping focus where we want it is toANCHOR IT ?(the dream, goal?aspiration, resolution, promise,?intention)?WITH AN ACTION.When uninformed about who we really are,?we tend to, instead, look at everything that could go wrong.When we shift our focus to our LI and our Standards of Integrity - ?to who we really are - we become “INFORMED".?What is informing our thoughts and feelings and runaway negativity bias? ?Or is it uninformed altogether because you don’t know...or have forgotten?Linking what you are DOING…. to WHO YOU ARE is how to make it STICK.Your FEELINGS & THOUGHTS then begin to associate with who you are willing to be… and who you ARE being. They become a reflection of an Ontological ModelReminder of the 4?“Ology’s"?Psychology- Thoughts and FeelingsOntology study of the Nature of BeingTheology study of various ways to see a Higher PowerCosmology study of the Nature of the Universe4 Boxes start with?Conclusion?and?Evidence?Those are the Survival mentality.Looking at?How I Behave and The Results I Produce?(how others show up around me) are the outcome of the first 2.?AM I WILLING TO FOCUS MORE UPON:Remember:?We become what we think about most of the time…?Earl Nightingale?Another way to say it:?We become what we focus our attention ON.Back to what woke me up early 2 Sundays ago about Simon’s talk:The fact is that SOME people buy What. Some buy How…. And SOME buy Why.What’s truly important that I think Simon may have missed a bit is that the WHY may be LESS important to the people we sell…?but is incredibly important to US.To our motivation. Our commitment. ?And yes, indeed…?to how and what WE do.WE must know our why beyond anything else.?Yes, it’s great to share it and attract people who believe what you believe to you… but it’s MOST important for YOU to know it… for YOU.?This is why some agents are still super successful when they are lousy at what and how.??They not only KNOW their why, they sell their why and why alone.And their followers are 100% following on the why too. Interesting, right?Here’s the kicker for me…. Who do YOU want for future repeat and referral business?The people who buy what you doThe people who buy how you do itOr… The people who buy WHY you do it.Quality clients are those that buy WHY and also love the what and how.THEY remember you and refer to you.But selling your WHY is PERSONAL… and this is just business, right?? ?Interesting again…?Here’s my conclusion.Yes, you can have a?good?business on what and how.And you can have a?GREAT and meaningful business on WHY. ?One that YOU are constantly inspired by. Because you are selling your why. ?Clear on your why 100% all the time. Everyone you do is for your why.?Your followers are PASSIONATE about you and your why.It’s like a cult in the good sense of the word…. Seth Godin calls it a “Tribe.” If you haven’t read his book on Tribes, it was the FIRST book I read of Seths and it converted me to follow him forever. ?Like to buy the book here: HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" are you MOST proud of in the last few months?What is an EXAMPLE of a time you shifted successfully?What are you WILLING to shift from/to right now? ................

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