Therapy & Treatment Practice Quiz: AP Psychology1. Gretchen has just been diagnosed with depression, and her therapist prescribed Elavil as an antidepressant. Gretchen's therapist is most likely aA)psychologist.B)clinical social worker.C)psychiatric nurse.D)counselor.E)psychiatrist.2. Sally goes to Lucy for psychotherapy. In Lucy's office, Sally relaxes and says whatever comes to her mind. She also describes her dreams, and Lucy offers interpretations. Lucy claims that these methods help Sally become more aware of her unconscious mind. Lucy is most likely a ______ psychotherapist.A)humanistB)GestaltC)behavioralD)cognitiveE)psychodynamic3. Umit is a therapist and notices that when he confronts and challenges his client, she is hostile to him. Umit hypothesizes that she is reacting to him as she would react to her father. Umit believes his patient is displayingA)transference.B)countertransference.C)free association.D)aversion conditioning.E)object relations; countertransference4. Betty is searching for a therapist who will treat her as an equal and give her support and acceptance. Betty also wants a therapist who will be nondirective and recognize that Betty is ultimately responsible for her own thoughts and actions. These criteria best describe a therapist with a _________ approach.A)psychodynamicB)cognitivebehavioralC)medicalD)humanisticE)biological5. If a client was extremely quiet during a session of client-centered therapy, the therapist would most likely say,A)"What was your relationship with your mother like?"B)"Perhaps you'd feel more comfortable if we tried social skills training?"C)"You can talk about whatever you'd like, whenever you are ready to do so."D)"Tell me exactly what thoughts are in your head right now."E)"I cannot help you unless you tell me something. What's on your mind?"6. Part of client-centered therapy consists of the therapist treating the client as a valued person, regardless of what they say or do. Approval is not necessary, but acceptance without judgment is. Which of the following therapist attitudes does this describe?A)empathyB)genuinenessC)congruenceD)unconditional positive regardE)conditions of worth7. Byron has a terrible fear of cows. Whenever he sees one, he breaks out in a cold sweat, starts to tremble, and runs in the other direction. His therapist believes that Byron's disorder is the result of his being kicked by a cow when he was eight years old. Byron's therapist most likely subscribes to the ______________ approach.A)biologicalB)humanistC)behavioralD)dispositionalE)Gestalt8. Pedro is afraid of crossing bridges. A psychologist helps Pedro by first letting him look at bridges, then has him imagine standing near a bridge while being in a safe, relaxing environment. Next, the psychologist has Pedro watch a video of a man crossing a bridge in a car, then imagine himself crossing that bridge. Eventually, Pedro is able to stay relaxed while he drives over a bridge. This process is calledA)systematic desensitization.B)imagining assertiveness.C)modeling.D)image therapy.E)flooding.9. A group home for teenage juvenile offenders requires each girl to participate in twice-weekly group sessions with a counselor, to perform a daily chore, and to set monthly goals for herself. The girls earn a specified number of points each day for accomplishing these activities. At the end of each week, the girls are allowed to trade their points for candy, television time, or a day trip into town. This type of setting is called aA)token economy.B)model economy.C)participant institution.D)reinforcement setting.E)constrained situation.10. Ryan tells his therapist that he feels awkward and anxious whenever he goes on dates. Ryan’s therapist arranges to have two people act out a “mock” date in front of Ryan. Ryan’s therapist believes that, by watching these two people interact on their mock date, Ryan will learn to become more comfortable on his own dates. Ryan’s therapist is usingA)virtual reality graded exposure.B)modeling.C)aversion conditioning.D)progressive relaxation training.E)shaping.11. Toi's parents are trying to get her to quit biting her toenails. They paint her toenails with an extremely foul-tasting substance. Now, when Toi attempts to bite a toenail, it tastes so awful that she stops immediately. This is an example ofA)punishment.B)flooding.C)aversion conditioning.D)desensitization.E)cognitive dissonance.12. During their therapy session, it is clear to Dr. Mork that Mindy has some illogical beliefs. Whenever she sees someone laughing, she's convinced they are laughing at her. She also harbors the notion that everyone dislikes her when they initially meet her. As a follower of Beck's therapy approach, Dr. Mork plans to help Mindy confront herA)latent content.B)cognitive distortions.C)incongruence.D)loose associations.E)unconscious fears.13. Alex and Tricia have been married for two years. Recently they felt like they have grown apart. Alex and Tricia plan to attend couples therapy because they know the main goal is toA)de-emphasize how they express their emotions.B)determine who is most responsible.C)improve their communication.D)boost each others’ self-confidence.E)discover they are not alone in having marital difficulties.14. Psychosurgery attempts to alleviate psychological disorders by ______________ brain tissue.A)stimulatingB)reroutingC)removingD)repairing damagedE)enhancing the performance of15. Gini has been diagnosed with major depression. Anti-depressant drugs have not been effective, and she has threatened to commit suicide on several occasions. Which of the following therapies would her psychiatrist most likely try next to help alleviate Gini's condition?A)A prefrontal lobotomyB)TrephiningC)FloodingD)ECTE)Transference ................

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