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Tempe’s Committee for Youth, Families and Community

(Tempe Coalition)

May 12, 2015 Meeting Minutes

MEMBERS Present:

Alberto Valenzuela, Tempe Youth Peer Leader

Christy Stover, Tempe Municipal Court

Corey Woods, Tempe City Council

Erika Barrios, Tempe Youth Peer Leader

Heather Brown, Mercy Maricopa Integrated Care

Hilary Cummings, Education Outside the Box

Isaiah Villalba, Corona Del Sol High School

John Rush, Tempe PD

Kim Bauman, City of Tempe

Lynette Stonefeld, Commitment to Schools in Tempe and Kyrene

Melody Elkin, Tempe Chamber of Commerce

Noah Johnson, Tempe PD

Sean Donovan, Tempe Chamber of Commerce

Sharon Weiss, ASU and Peer Leadership Intern


Adrianna Gonzales, Tempe Youth Coalition

Adrianna Rivera, Tempe Youth Coalition

Bernadette Coggins, Kyrene Governing Board

Charles Cobbs, Tempe PD

Craig Keller, Gust Rosenfeld Attorneys

Don Johnston, Donald Johnston, CPA

Eve Jakob, Parent

Frank Mirizio, Tempe Unions High School District

Issac Akapnitis, Terros Safe Out

Jason Vail Cruz, Terros Safe Out

Joe Dodds, Arizona Christian Church

John Carter, Edward Jones

Karen Moses, ASU

Kelly Alexander, Kyrene School District

Mikaela Hudson, Tempe St. Lukes Hospital

Norm Saba, Pediatrician MD

Rick Horvath, Tempe Elementary School District

Samer Naseredden, Muslim American Society

Shawn Peoples, Boys & Girls Club of the East Valley

Stephanie Siete, Community Bridges

Todd Elkin, Parent

William Lester, Aetna


Dara Gibson, Tempe Community Council

Mickie Berry, City of Tempe Community Services-Social Services

Nick LeFevre, Tempe Community Council

Tricia Gilman, City of Tempe Community Services-Social Services

Agenda Item 1 - Call Meeting to Order/ Introductions Melody Elkin, Coalition Chair called the meeting to order at 4:00pm and members introduced themselves.

Agenda Item 2 - Minutes from April 14, 2015 Meeting

The minutes from April 14, 2015 were reviewed.

To approve minutes:

MOTION: Kim Bauman

SECOND: Corey Woods


Agenda Item 3 – Motion to approve Rick Horvath as Incoming Chair 2015/16

To approve Rick Horvath

MOTION: Sean Donovan

SECOND: Lynette Stonefeld


Agenda Item 4 – Tempe PD Marijuana Report

Police Chief John Rush and Commander Noah Johnson both gave a presentation to the coalition on Medicinal Marijuana’s effect on the Tempe community. The presentation focused on the increased supply of illegal Marijuana entering Tempe due to the increased demand and inability for police to distinguish between legal and illegal Marijuana. The report also focused on crime that has happened in the Tempe community from illegal grow houses and Compassion Clinics. The police also reported the increase of smoke shops in the Tempe community. In conclusion, both discussed the need to prevent Marijuana from becoming legalized for recreational use.

Agenda Item 5 – Mercy Maricopa Integrated Care Strategic Plan

Dara Gibson gave an overview of the three month strategic plan that staff had been putting together for Mercy Maricopa. Some of the highlights are the addition of Marijuana and RX drugs to the plan.

Kim Bauman talked about the importance of broadening the prospective of the coalition to include both Marijuana and Rx drugs, to keep up with trends in the local community.

Dara Gibson continued by saying that while to coalition will be on break until August, the staff will be looking to identify a PR firm that can help with a new advertisement campaign focusing on Marijuana. In addition, Dara talked about the success had advertising on Pandora. The hope is that advertising can begin shifting over to the mobile app.

Agenda Item 6 – Status/Data

• Drop Boxes

o Coalition members and the Tempe Police Department continue to discuss the issue of putting drop boxes in the community.

• Hospital Data

o Recently, staff was able to secure data on Tempe youth admittance into valley hospitals for drugs and alcohol over the past year. The stats are as follows.

▪ Alcohol Related Visits: 17

▪ Marijuana Related Visits: 4

▪ RX Related Visits: 5

• CFI Findings

o Nick LeFevre reported on the recently released finding from the Coalition Functions Instrument. The CFI found that all five domains were Almost on Target and that the coalition found strength in how data and information resources are applies to help inform members of their decision making. In addition, the community education presentations were having a desired impact on participants with a statistically significant increase in knowledge among pre-and post-test. Synergy and communication were highlighted as areas that needed improvement. Specifically, there needs to be more communication with the community on collation activities and their importance.

Agenda Item 7 – E.V. Synthetic Task Force Update

Stephanie Siete was unable to attend, so Dara Gibson stepped in to provide an update. Representatives from the HIDTA training center came to talk with the task force on the different trainings that are provided to police officers. They are currently working to have an RX tool kit created specifically for law enforcement.

Agenda Item 8 – Coalition Updates

All Star Peer Leaders: Alberto Coalition Report: Middle School Peer Leaders is prepping to give their “Too many fun things to do instead of underage drinking” at the end of year celebration. The group has also been displaying artwork and posters in the school cafeteria. The middle school group went on a field trip to Sea Life Aquarium.

Erika Coalition Report: High School group has been preparing a PowerPoint presentation, along with a interactive jeopardy game that will be held at the school’s end of year celebration. The group invited the coalition to attend our end of year All Star Family-Celebration meeting next Monday, May 18 at the Pyle Center from 6-8p.m.

Corona Del Sol Youth Coalition had Isaiah Villalba come speak to the coalition about the new plan to work with and encourage freshmen. The plan encompasses having meetings during lunch to allow for more students to be able to participate. In addition, the current juniors in the group wanted to reach out to incoming freshman next year at the annual Camp Corona. The purpose of this outreach is to provide the freshmen with mentors and upperclassmen for them to look up and help steer away from drugs and alcohol. Life and will not meet until July 22nd at Kiwanis Recreation Center and Wave Pool.

Agenda Item 9 – Future Agenda Items

Coalition meeting will resume after the summer in August. Once meetings start, the coalition will have to begin another strategic planning session for the year.

Agenda Item 10 – Announcements

May 18-22 is SAMSHA’s “National Prevention Week”. The coalition looked at and approved the meeting dates for next year.

Next Meeting: Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Landings Credit Union

“2:00—5:00 p.m.”

Agenda Item 11 – adjourn

Meeting adjourned at 5:05 p.m.

Minutes Prepared by: Nick LeFevre


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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