Book review

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|Author[1], Author[2] & Author[3], | |

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Abstract text

Use the following structure aims of the study (1-2 sentences), short presentation of the background of the research (2-3 sentences), presentation of the research method (2-3 sentences); short summary of research results (2-3 sentences), conclusion (1-2 sentences). The abstract should be 150-200 words.

Keywords: three keywords should be retrieved from the ERIC keyword database, complimented by at least three of your own keywords

Length: The article should not exceed 7000 words.

Structure: Please structure the article according to these main sections: Introduction (literature review); Research questions; Methods; Results; Discussion; Conclusion; Acknowledgement; About the Author/s; References. Introduction should start on a new page.

Formatting: Use Cambria 12pt, double spaced for the main text. Use APA 6th format with some exceptions noted in this Template. Use “MainText” style of Microsoft Word as per this Template.

Heading Level 1

For “Heading1” go the style menu in Microsoft Word in this Template.

In empirical research articles use “Heading1” for Introduction (literature review), Research questions, Method, Results, Discussion, Conclusion.

Heading Level 2

For “Heading2” go the style menu in Microsoft Word in this Template.

Also use this “Heading2” for Acknowledgement, About the Author/s, and References headings.

Heading Level 3

For “Heading3” go the style menu in Microsoft Word in this Template.


Quotes that are longer than three lines or 40 words should appear as a separate indented paragraph.


In-text citations should use APA 6th citation format.


Tables should be placed in the text where they should be in the published paper. For formatting of tables use APA 6th style. Don’t split tables. Do not use longer tables than a page. Use page brakes in the draft version if needed.

Please follow our naming style: Table 1. and Table 2. etc. The table headings should look like the example below.

For “Table” title style go the style menu in Microsoft Word in this Template.


Table 1. Multivariate Analyses of Variance for DMQ Scales as a Function of Grade Level and Intellectual Disability

| | |Teachers’ rating |Students’ self-rating |

DMQ scale | | F | p | ɳ2 | F | p | ɳ2 | |MANOVA |Grade Level |3.87 | ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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